generating DataFrames in for loop in Scala Spark cause out of memory - sql

I'm generating small dataFrames in for loop. At each round of for loop, I pass the generated dataFrame to a function which returns double. This simple process (which I thought could be easily taken care of by garbage collector) blow up my memory. When I look at Spark UI at each round of for loop it adds a new "SQL{1-500}" (my loop runs 500 times). My question is how to drop this sql object before generating a new one?
my code is something like this:
val data = (1 to 1000).map(_=>Random.nextInt(1000))
val dataframe = createDataFrame(data)
def myFunction(df: DataFrame)={
I tried to solve this problem by dataframe.unpersist() and sqlContext.clearCache() but neither of them worked.

You have two places where I suspect something fishy is happening:
in the definition of myFunction : you really need to put the = before the body of the definition. I had typos like that compile, but produce really weird errors (note I changed your myFunction for debugging purposes)
it is better to fill your Seq with something you know and then apply foreach or some such
(You also need to replace random.nexInt with Random.nextInt, and also, you can only create a DataFrame from a Seq of a type that is a subtype of Product, such as tuple, and need to use sqlContext to use createDataFrame)
This code works with no memory issues:
Seq.fill(500)(0).foreach{ i =>
val data = {1 to 1000}.map(_.toDouble).toList.zipWithIndex
val dataframe = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data)
def myFunction(df: DataFrame) = {
Edit: parallelizing the computation (across 10 cores) and returning the RDD of counts:
sc.parallelize(Seq.fill(500)(0), 10).map{ i =>
val data = {1 to 1000}.map(_.toDouble).toList.zipWithIndex
val dataframe = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data)
def myFunction(df: DataFrame) = {
Edit 2: the difference between declaring function myFunction with = and without = is that the first is (a usual) function definition, while the other is procedure definition and is only used for methods that return Unit. See explanation. Here is this point illustrated in Spark-shell:
scala> def myf(df:DataFrame) = df.count()
myf: (df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame)Long
scala> def myf2(df:DataFrame) { df.count() }
myf2: (df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame)Unit


How to get size of specfic value inside array Kotlin

here is example of the list. I want to make dynamic where maybe the the value will become more.
val list = arrayListOf("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "B") //Maybe they will be more
I want the output like:-
val result = list[i] + " size: " + list[i].size
So the output will display every String with the size.
A size: 3
B size: 2
C size: 1
If I add more value, so the result will increase also.
You can use groupBy in this way:
val result = list.groupBy { it }.map { it.key to it.value.size }.toMap()
Jeoffrey's way is better actually, since he is using .mapValues() directly, instead of an extra call to .toMap(). I'm just leaving this answer her since
I believe that the other info I put is relevant.
This will give a Map<String, Int>, where the Int is the count of the occurences.
This result will not change when you change the original list. That is not how the language works. If you want something like that, you'd need quite a bit of work, like overwriting the add function from your collection to refresh the result map.
Also, I see no reason for you to use an ArrayList, especially since you are expecting to increase the size of that collection, I'd stick with MutableList if I were you.
I think the terminology you're looking for is "frequency" here: the number of times an element appears in a list.
You can usually count elements in a list using the count method like this:
val numberOfAs = list.count { it == "A" }
This approach is pretty inefficient if you need to count all elements though, in which case you can create a map of frequencies the following way:
val freqs = list.groupBy { it }.mapValues { (_, g) -> g.size }
freqs here will be a Map where each key is a unique element from the original list, and the value is the corresponding frequency of that element in the list.
This works by first grouping elements that are equal to each other via groupBy, which returns a Map<String, List<String>> where each key is a unique element from the original list, and each value is the group of all elements in the list that were equal to the key.
Then mapValues will transform that map so that the values are the sizes of the groups instead of the groups themselves.
An improved approach, as suggested by #broot is to make use of Kotlin's Grouping class which has a built-in eachCount method:
val freqs = list.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()

Extract words from a string in spark hadoop with scala

I was using the code below to extract strings I needed in Spark SQL. But now I am working with more data in Spark Hadoop and I want to extract strings. I tried the same code, but it does not work.
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("myapp").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
import java.util.regex.Pattern
//User Defined function to extract
def toExtract(str: String) = {
val pattern = Pattern.compile("#\\w+")
val tmplst = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
val matcher = pattern.matcher(str)
while (matcher.find()) {
tmplst +=
val Extract = udf(toExtract _)
val values = List("#always_nidhi #YouTube no i dnt understand bt i loved the music nd their dance awesome all the song of this mve is rocking")
val df = sc.parallelize(values).toDF("words")"words"))).show()
How do I solve this problem?
First off, you're using Spark not the way its meant to. Your DataFrame isn't partitioned at all. Use:
val values = List("#always_nidhi", "#YouTube", "no", "i", "dnt", "understand" ...). That way, each bulk of words will be assigned to a different partition, different JVMs and/or clusters (depending on the total number of partitions and size of data). In your solution, the entire sentence is assigned to a specific partition and thus there's no parallelism nor distribution.
Second, you don't have to use a UDF (try to avoid those in general).
In order to find your regex, you can simply execute:
dataFrame.filter(col("words") rlike "#\\w+")
Hope it helps :-)

Spark Streaming + Spark SQL

I am trying to process logs via Spark Streaming and Spark SQL. The main idea is to have a "compacted" dataset with Parquet format for "old" data converted to DataFrame as needed for queries, the compacted dataset loading is done with:
SQLContext sqlContext = JavaSQLContextSingleton.getInstance(;
DataFrame compact = null;
compact = sqlContext.parquetFile("hdfs://auto-ha/tmp/data/logs");
As the uncompacted dataset (I compact the dataset daily) is composed of many files, I would like to have the data in the current day within a DStream in order to get those queries fast.
I have tried the DataFrame approach without results....
DataFrame df = JavaSQLContextSingleton.getInstance(, schema);
JavaDStream SumStream = inputStream.transform(new Function<JavaRDD<Row>, JavaRDD<Object>>() {
public JavaRDD<Object> call(JavaRDD<Row> v1) throws Exception {
DataFrame df = JavaSQLContextSingleton.getInstance(v1.context()).createDataFrame(v1, schema);
......drop old data from lastData table
Using this approach I do not get any results if I query the temp table in a different thread for example.
I have also tried to use the RDD transform method, more specifically I tried to follow the Spark Example where I create a empty RDD and then I union the DSStream RDD contents with the empty RDD:
JavaRDD<Row> lastData = sc.emptyRDD();
JavaDStream SumStream = inputStream.transform(new Function<JavaRDD<Row>, JavaRDD<Object>>() {
public JavaRDD<Object> call(JavaRDD<Row> v1) throws Exception {
lastData.union(v1).filter(let only recent data....);
This approach does not work too as I do not get any contents in the lastData
Could I use for this purpose Windowed computations or updateStateBy key?
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!
Well I finally got it.
I use updateState function and return 0 if the timestamp is older than 24 hour like this.
final static Function2<List<Long>, Optional<Long>, Optional<Long>> RETAIN_RECENT_DATA
= (List<Long> values, Optional<Long> state) -> {
Long newSum = state.or(0L);
for (Long value : values) {
newSum += value;
//current milis uses UTC
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - newSum > 86400000L) {
return Optional.absent();
} else {
return Optional.of(newSum);
Then on each batch I register the DataFrame as temp table:
finalsum.foreachRDD((JavaRDD<Row> rdd, Time time) -> {
if (!rdd.isEmpty()) {
HiveContext sqlContext1 = JavaSQLContextSingleton.getInstance(rdd.context());
if (sqlContext1.cacheManager().isCached("alarm_recent")) {
DataFrame wordsDataFrame = sqlContext1.createDataFrame(rdd, schema);
return null;
You could use mapwithState with Spark1.6.
The mapwithState function is much more efficient and easy to implement.
Take a look at this link.
mapwithState supports cool functionality like State time out and initialRDD which comes handy while maintaining a Stateful Dstream.

Programmatically adding several columns to Spark DataFrame

I'm using spark with scala.
I have a Dataframe with 3 columns: ID,Time,RawHexdata.
I have a user defined function which takes RawHexData and expands it into X more columns. It is important to state that for each row X is the same (the columns do not vary). However, before I receive the first data, I do not know what the columns are. But once I have the head, I can deduce it.
I would like a second Dataframe with said columns: Id,Time,RawHexData,NewCol1,...,NewCol3.
The "Easiest" method I can think of to do this is:
1. deserialize each row into json (every data tyoe is serializable here)
2. add my new columns,
3. deserialize a new dataframe from the altered json,
However, that seems like a waste, as it involves 2 costly and redundant json serialization steps. I am looking for a cleaner pattern.
Using case-classes, seems like a bad idea, because I don't know the number of columns, or the column names in advance.
What you can do to dynamically extend your DataFrame is to operate on the row RDD which you can obtain by calling dataFrame.rdd. Having a Row instance, you can access the RawHexdata column and parse the contained data. By adding the newly parsed columns to the resulting Row, you've almost solved your problem. The only thing necessary to convert a RDD[Row] back into a DataFrame is to generate the schema data for your new columns. You can do this by collecting a single RawHexdata value on your driver and then extracting the column types.
The following code illustrates this approach.
object App {
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Test").setMaster("local[4]")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val input = sc.parallelize(Seq(Person("a", 1), Person("b", 2)))
val dataFrame = input.df
// create the extended rows RDD
val rowRDD ={
row =>
val blob = row(1).asInstanceOf[Int]
val newColumns: Seq[Any] = Seq(blob, blob * 2, blob * 3)
Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq.init ++ newColumns)
val schema = dataFrame.schema
// we know that the new columns are all integers
val newColumns = StructType{
Seq(new StructField("1", IntegerType), new StructField("2", IntegerType), new StructField("3", IntegerType))
val newSchema = StructType(schema.init ++ newColumns)
val newDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, newSchema)
SELECT is your friend solving it without going back to RDD.
case class Entry(Id: String, Time: Long)
val entries = Seq(
Entry("x1", 100L),
Entry("x2", 200L)
val newColumns = Seq("NC1", "NC2", "NC3")
val df = spark.createDataFrame(entries)
.select(col("*") +: ( => lit(null).as(c))): _*)
|Id |Time|NC1 |NC2 |NC3 |
|x1 |100 |null|null|null|
|x2 |200 |null|null|null|

overriding a method in R, using NextMethod

how dows this work in R...
I am using a package (zoo 1.6-4) that defines a S3 class for time series sets.
I am writing a derived class where I want to override a few methods and can't get past this one:[.zoo!
in my derived class rows are indexed by timestamp, like in zoo, but differently from zoo, I allow only POSIXct values in the index. my users will be selecting columns all of the time, while slicing series only occasionally so I want to offer obj[name] instead of obj[, name].
my objects have class c("delftfews", "zoo").
how do I override a method?
I tried this:
"[.delftfews" <- function(x, i, j, drop=TRUE, ...) {
if (missing(i)) return(NextMethod())
if (all(class(i) == "character") && missing(j)) {
return(NextMethod('[', x=x, i=1:NROW(x), j=i, drop=drop, ...))
but I get this error: Error in rval[i, j, drop = drop., ...] : incorrect number of dimensions.
I have solved by editing the source from zoo: I removed those ..., but I don't get why that works. anybody can explain what is going on here?
The problem is that with the above definition of [.delftfews this code:
z <- structure(zoo(cbind(a = 1:3, b = 4:6)), class = c("delftfews", "zoo"))
# generates this call: `[.zoo`(x = 1:6, i = 1:3, j = "a", drop = TRUE, z, "a")
Your code does work as is if you write the call like this:
z[j = "a"]
# generates this call: `[.zoo`(x = z, j = "a")
I think what you want is to change the relevant line in [.delftfews to this:
return(NextMethod(.Generic, object = x, i = 1:NROW(x), drop = drop))
# z["a"] now generates this call: `[.zoo`(x = z, i = 1:3, j = "a", drop = TRUE)
A point of clarification: allowing only POSIXct index values does not allow indexing columns by name only. I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion.
You're overriding zoo correctly, but I think you misunderstand NextMethod. The error is caused by if (missing(i)) return(NextMethod()), which calls [.zoo if i is missing, but [.zoo requires i because zoo's internal data structure is a matrix. Something like this should work:
if (missing(i)) i <- 1:NROW(x)
though I'm not sure if you have to explicitly pass this new i to NextMethod...
You may be interested in the xts package, if you haven't already taken a look at it.