VBA powerpoint - Macro for formatting notes - vba

I'm trying to make a macro that can change all the text in all the notes of a powerpoint presentation to a specified font and fontsize (given through InputBoxes).
It seems to work but not in all the slides, some slides it just resets the fontsize to something way larger than what was given. anyone know what could go wrong?
Sub FormatNotes()
Dim intSlide As Integer
Dim strNotes As String
Dim nts As TextRange
Dim strFont, intSize
intSize = InputBox("Please enter font size", "fontsize", "12")
strFont = InputBox("Please enter font", "font type", "Calibri")
With ActivePresentation
For intSlide = 1 To .Slides.Count
Set nts = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSlide).NotesPage. _
With nts
If intSize = "" Then intSize = 12
.Paragraphs.Font.Size = intSize
.Paragraphs.Font.Name = strFont
End With
Next intSlide
End With
MsgBox ("FormatNotes uitgevoerd")
End Sub

Seems to work to me. I also tried it after deleting .Paragraphs as you don't need that if you want to set the whole text to the same type face and size. Do you have an example of it not working for investigation?
By the way, did you know that Notes formatting is not shown by default in PowerPoint and has to be turned on in the Outline view?

Original question is why code did not work for all slides. I think it has to do with fact the code used Placeholder(2) as hard value, so the code only works with TextRange in that Placeholder. If the NotesPage has more than one Placeholder, the code will not work for the other Placeholders.
My code shown here uses .HasTextFrame to determine if a Placeholder has text, and only attempts to set font size and type if this is true. (I used debug.print to see how far the code got, you can comment it out.)
Sub FormatNotes()
' Written 2020-08-29 P.Irving for myself
Dim mySlide As Integer, myPlace As Integer
Dim myNotes As String
Const mySize = "11", myFont = "Calibri"
With ActivePresentation ' qualify macro name
Debug.Print "Slide#", "LEN(Notes)", "LEFT(Notes,50)"
For mySlide = 1 To .Slides.Count
myNotes = ""
For myPlace = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides(mySlide). _
' code copied from learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/_
' vba/api/powerpoint.textrange.font
' this code does not attempt to SET nts
With ActivePresentation.Slides(mySlide). _
If .HasTextFrame Then
With .TextFrame.TextRange.Font
.Size = mySize
.Name = myFont
'.Bold = True
'.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 127, 255)
End With
myNotes = myNotes & _
ActivePresentation.Slides(mySlide). _
NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(myPlace). _
End If ' .HasText
End With
Next myPlace
Debug.Print mySlide, Len(myNotes), Left(myNotes, 50)
Next mySlide
End With
MsgBox "Applied to " & ActivePresentation.Slides.Count & " slides", _
vbOKOnly, "FormatNotes"
End Sub


Powerpoint VBA to insert image and change size

I think this could solve problems for a lot of people doing tedious pasting of images from one directory into powerpoint then resizing them.
My problem is that I have 16 images all in one directory which need updating each month and it's very slow to do it one by one. The task is:
Open directory
Open first image
Paste image into powerpoint
Reposition image to top left
Resize image to height 550 by width 960 (fills A4 page)
Send image to back
Move to next slide
Repeat for second image
Continue until no more images in directory
Directory is (e.g.) "C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\Work\Procurement Project\Slides"
First image name is (e.g.) "01 Summary", second is "02 Client Contracts" etc etc
I think I need a str and a path and a table for the str to add to path to create each new path using i and i + 1 etc
I think I then need some code that's a bit like this:
Sub Picture_size_and_position()
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim oPresentation As Presentation
Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oSelection As Selection
ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide oSlide.SlideIndex
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Height = 550
.Width = 960
.Left = 0
.Top = 0
End With
End Sub
Then I'm sure I need a looping function to repeat this until there's nothing left in the directory using some combination of i and j...but the whole code is way beyond me, very frustratingly.
Could someone offer some tips, please? Much much appreciated!
Thank you!
Sub ImportABunch()
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oPic As Shape
' Edit these to suit:
strPath = "C:\Users\username\"
strFileSpec = "*.png"
strTemp = Dir(strPath & strFileSpec)
i = 1
Do While strTemp <> ""
Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides(i)
Set oPic = oSld.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=strPath & strTemp, _
LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
Left:=0, _
Top:=0, _
Width:=960, _
i = i + 1
With oPic
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
' Or (with thanks to David Marcovitz) make the picture as big as possible on the slide
' without changing the proportions
' Leave the above commented out, uncomment this instead:
' With oPic
' If 3 * .width > 4 * .height Then
' .width = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.Slidewidth
' .Top = 0.5 * (ActivePresentation.PageSetup.Slideheight - .height)
' Else
' .height = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.Slideheight
' .Left = 0.5 * (ActivePresentation.PageSetup.Slidewidth - .width)
' End If
' End With
' Optionally, add the full path of the picture to the image as a tag:
'With oPic
' .Tags.Add "OriginalPath", strPath & strTemp
'End With
' Get the next file that meets the spec and go round again
strTemp = Dir
End Sub
Credit to http://www.pptfaq.com/index.html - Great little site!
Have an idea to automate it/or upon manual launch of a new Macro Enabled PowerPoint Template file. To automate macro upon file open, add customUI: onLoad="ImagesToPowerPoint". Search "CustomUI Editor" for it.
Note I have not fully tested the automation part.
Option Explicit
Sub ImagesToPowerPoint()
Const FileType As String = "*.png"
Dim sSaveFilePath As String, sSaveFileName As String, sImagesFolder As String
Dim oLayout As CustomLayout, oSlide As Slide, i As Long, sFile As String
sImagesFolder = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Work\Procurement Project\Slides\"
' Prepare auto save PowerPoint file name
sSaveFilePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Work\PowerPoints\"
sSaveFileName = Format(Now, "yyyy_mmdd") & "_Procurement.pptx"
With ActivePresentation
' Use the first layout for all new slides
Set oLayout = .SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(1)
' Start processing all files in the folder
sFile = Dir(sImagesFolder & FileType)
Do Until sFile = ""
' Add new slide
Set oSlide = .Slides.AddSlide(.Slides.Count, oLayout)
' Delete all the shapes from that layout
For i = oSlide.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
' Add the image to slide
With oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(sImagesFolder & sFile, msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 0, oLayout.Width, oLayout.Height)
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.AlternativeText = Now & " | " & sImagesFolder & sFile
End With
sFile = Dir
.SaveAs sSaveFilePath & sSaveFileName
End With
If Presentations.Count = 0 Then Application.Quit
End Sub

VBA how to copy images / inline shapes from Word to powerpoint

I am trying to write a macro to find and copy all the graphs/images inline in a word document and paste them into individual slides in a new powerpoint. However when I run into multiple runtime errors. Here's the entire code.
Sub wordtoppt()
'This macro copies all pictures out of a word document of your choice and into a new powerpoint presentation.
'Two reference libraries need to be open - Word and Powerpoint. Go Tools > References, and tick the relevant box.
Dim wdApp As Word.Application 'Set up word and powerpoint objects
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
Dim pptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim pptShw As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim pptChart As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim pptSld As PowerPoint.Slide
On Error GoTo 0
Dim wcount As Integer 'Number of open word documents
Dim doclist() As String 'Collects the names of open word documents
Dim desc As String 'inputbox text
Dim chosendoc As Integer 'stores the index number of your selected word document
Dim ccount As Integer 'number of shapes in the word document
Dim wellpasted As Integer 'Counts the number of shapes that have successfully been pasted into powerpoint.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Establishes link with word.
On Error Resume Next
Set wdApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
If wdApp Is Nothing Then 'Error message if Word is not open
MsgBox "Error: Word is not open." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Is word actually open? This is a bug."
Exit Sub
End If
'Counts the number of word documents open
wcount = CInt(wdApp.Documents.Count)
ReDim doclist(wcount) 'resizes string array of word documents
If wcount = 0 Then 'Error message if Word is open, but there are no documents open
MsgBox "There are no word documents open!" & Chr(10) & "Open a word document and try again"
Exit Sub
End If
'text for input box
desc = "Which document would you like to extract the graphs from?" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Type the number in the box (one number only)." & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
'input boxes for selection of word document
If wcount = 1 Then 'if only one document open
myinput = MsgBox("Do you want to paste graphs from " & wdApp.Documents(1).Name & "?", vbYesNo, "From Release Note to Powerpoint")
If myinput = vbYes Then
chosendoc = 1
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 1 To wcount 'multiple documents open
doclist(i) = wdApp.Documents(i).Name
desc = desc & i & ": " & doclist(i) & Chr(10)
myinput = InputBox(desc, "From Release Note to Powerpoint")
If IsNumeric(myinput) And myinput <= wcount Then 'Error handling - if cancel is clicked, or anything other than a number is typed into the input box.
chosendoc = CInt(myinput)
If myinput = "" Then 'clicking cancel, or leaving input box blank
MsgBox "You didn't enter anything!"
Exit Sub
Else 'if you type a short novel
MsgBox "You didn't enter a valid number!" & Chr(10) & "(Your response was " & myinput & ")"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
'Error handling, for chart-free word documents.
If wdApp.Documents(chosendoc).InlineShapes.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no charts in this Word Document!"
Exit Sub
End If
'Opens a new powerpoint presentation
Set pptApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
Set pptShw = pptApp.Presentations.Add
'Sets up slide dimensions
Dim sldwidth As Integer
Dim sldheight As Integer
sldwidth = pptShw.PageSetup.SlideWidth
sldheight = pptShw.PageSetup.SlideHeight
wellpasted = 0
Dim shapecount As Integer 'Number of shapes in the word document
shapecount = wdApp.Documents(chosendoc).InlineShapes.Count
For j = 1 To shapecount 'Adds in the correct number of slides into the powerpoint presentation
Set pptSld = pptShw.Slides.Add(pptShw.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
For j = 1 To shapecount 'loops through all shapes in the document
On Error GoTo Skiptheloop 'sometimes some objects don't paste. This is a way to skip over them.
'Application.Wait Now + (1 / 86400)
wdApp.Documents(chosendoc).InlineShapes(j).Range.Copy 'copies chart
Set pptSld = pptShw.Slides(j)
pptSld.Shapes.Paste 'pastes chart
'Application.CutCopyMode = False
With pptSld.Shapes(1) 'resizes and aligns shapes
.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue 'Currently sets charts to the height of the slide. Alternatively can scale to 100%
.Height = sldheight
.Left = (sldwidth / 2) - (.Width / 2)
.Top = (sldheight / 2) - (.Height / 2)
End With
wellpasted = wellpasted + 1 'if the chart was pasted successfully, increment by 1.
On Error GoTo 0
If (shapecount - wellpasted) <> 0 Then 'produces a message box if some shapes did not paste successfully.
MsgBox CStr(shapecount - wellpasted) & " (of " & CStr(shapecount) & ") shapes were not pasted. Best that you check all the graphs are in."
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
pptApp.Activate 'brings powerpoint to the front of the screen
Exit Sub
End Sub
On the line pptSld.shapes.paste I get the error clipboard empty or cannot paste.
Any ideas?
I am using Simple solution for my job devided in two pars
1) Extract all images from word file
This can be done in two ways.
a. save as html which will create the folder filenam_files which will hold all the images in .png formate. There may be duplicate images in diff formate but .png will be unique.
b. change filename of word from file.docx to file.docx.zip
You can get the images at file.docx\word\media
There will be no duplicate images in this method.
2) Import all images in powerpoint.
As you have already opened the document manually you can do one more step manually or record macro which will look like this.
Sub exportimages()
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "D:\temp\"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:="data.html", FileFormat:=wdFormatHTML, _
LockComments:=False, passWord:="", AddToRecentFiles:=True, WritePassword _
:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, _
SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, SaveAsAOCELetter:= _
False, CompatibilityMode:=0
End Sub
Close the word document.
Open Power point and paste this
Sub ImportABunch()
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oPic As Shape
strPath = "D:\temp\data_files\"
strFileSpec = "*.png" 'if you are using mehtod **a.** to extract the images.
'strFileSpec = "*.*" 'if you are using mehtod **b.** to extract the images.
strTemp = Dir(strPath & strFileSpec)
Do While strTemp <> ""
Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
Set oPic = oSld.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=strPath & strTemp, _
LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
Left:=0, _
Top:=0, _
Width:=-1, _
strTemp = Dir
End Sub
You can write vbscript to combine this two steps together. I have no idea how to do that. You can google it.

Copy and paste rows from Excel to Powerpoint

Ok, here is what I am looking for (Im new, so be gentle):
Copy and paste (default format) from excel to powerpoint (from just the one sheet)
I can only fit so many rows in ppt - so after a slide fills, I want ppt to create a new slide
Same title for each slide is fine!
I only need columns B:K copied over
That's it, however I am stuck :( I know the below code is NOT the best way to write this and it contains errors in which I am sure will be easy to spot. I cannot find how to do this anywhere on the net.
This is what I have so far:
Sub ExcelRangeToPowerPoint()
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Dim PowerPointApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim myPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim mySlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim myShapeRange As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim i As Integer
'Create an Instance of PowerPoint
On Error Resume Next
'Is PowerPoint already opened?
Set PowerPointApp = GetObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application")
'Clear the error between errors
'If PowerPoint is not already open then open PowerPoint
If PowerPointApp Is Nothing Then Set PowerPointApp = CreateObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application")
'Make PowerPoint Visible and Active
PowerPointApp.Visible = True
'Create a New Presentation
Set myPresentation = PowerPointApp.Presentations.Add
'Add a slide to the Presentation
Set mySlide = myPresentation.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutTitleOnly)
For i = 1 To 6
'need to set focus to slde 1
PowerPointApp.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide (1)
'Deletes Title
'builds new title
mySlide.Shapes.AddShape Type:=msoShapeRectangle, left:=9, Top:=6, Width:=702, Height:=30
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Line.Visible = msoTrue
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Current Full Initiative Details – Branded Book as of " & Date
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Name = "I am TITLE"
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Line.Weight = 1
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Fill.Visible = msoTrue
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'Copy Range from Excel
Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RAW").Range("B1:K23")
'Copy Excel Range
'Paste to PowerPoint and position
PowerPointApp.ActiveWindow.View.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteDefault
Set myShapeRange = mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count)
'Set position:
myShapeRange.left = 10
myShapeRange.Top = 42
myShapeRange.Height = 492
myShapeRange.Width = 702
Call myPresentation.Slides.Add(1, PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutTitleOnly)
'Clear The Clipboard
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next i
End Sub
As requested in comments, here is the code I use to copy a slide from a master PPT template to the report PPT.
There is some extraneous code in there to provide status updates on the form we use to drive the process, as well as a debugging flag that I can toggle on/off at run time - these can both be removed.
This will serve as a starting point to finding the proper solution for your situation, and is not a complete answer to the question as asked.
'I've chosen to declare these globally, though it's probably not the best way:
Dim PPTObj As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPTMaster As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PPTClinic As PowerPoint.Presentation
Private Sub InsertPPT(ByVal SlideName As String, ByVal StatusText As String)
Dim Shp As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim Top As Single
Dim Left As Single
Dim Height As Single
Dim width As Single
Form_Master.ProcessStatus.Value = StatusText & " InsertPPT"
With PPTClinic.Slides(PPTClinic.Slides.count)
If Debugging Then
End If
.Design = PPTMaster.Slides(SlideName).Design 'this ensures we get all the right formatting - only seems to be necessary 1 time, but we'll just do it on all
.ColorScheme = PPTMaster.Slides(SlideName).ColorScheme
.FollowMasterBackground = PPTMaster.Slides(SlideName).FollowMasterBackground
For Each Shp In .Shapes 'loop through all the shapes on the slide
If Debugging Then
' .Select
End If
Form_Master.ProcessStatus.Value = StatusText & " InsertPPT-" & Shp.Name
If Shp.Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then 'when we find a linked one
ReLinkShape Shp, TempVars!NewXLName
'need to store off top, left, width, height
Top = Shp.Top
Left = Shp.Left
Height = Shp.Height
width = Shp.width
Shp.LinkFormat.Update 'and force the link to refresh
MySleep 2, "S" 'hopefully, the 2 second pause will allow everything to update properly before moving on.
'then reset them here - they seem to change shape when I update them
Shp.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
Shp.Top = Top
Shp.Left = Left
Shp.width = width
Shp.Height = Height
ElseIf Shp.Name = "SlideName" And Not Debugging Then 'if it's the "SlideName" tag
Shp.Delete 'delete it (unless we're debugging)
End If
End With
Form_Master.ProcessStatus.Value = StatusText
End Sub
Private Sub ReLinkShape(ByRef Shp As PowerPoint.Shape, ByVal NewDestination As String)
Dim Link() As String
Dim link2() As String
If Shp.Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then 'when we find a linked one
Link = Split(Shp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName, "!") 'update the link to point to the new clinic spreadsheet instead of the master
If InStr(1, Link(2), "]") > 0 Then
link2 = Split(Link(2), "]")
Link(2) = "[" & TempVars!ClinicName & ".xlsx]" & link2(1)
End If
Shp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = NewDestination & "!" & Link(1) & "!" & Link(2)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub MySleep(ByRef Unit As Double, ByRef UOM As String)
Dim Pause As Date
Pause = DateAdd(UOM, Unit, Now())
While Now < Pause
End Sub

Implement For Loop with Counter

I have a Word Userform where I add text boxes dynamically. The code then puts information from the textboxes to bookmarks which are picture filenames. It is all dynamic in that you enter how many textboxes you need and it then adds them to the userform and the text in the document. I left this last part of code out because its very long and not needed at this point.
I am attempting to put this first part of my code into a "For Loop" but I have been having a lot of difficulty doing so. The second part of my code I am providing has a textbox counter I trying to tie into it.
Right now my code works if I enter 10 into a textbox called "Amount" which you see throughout the code. I need to be able to enter any number.
If you think the entire code will help let me know and I will add it instead. I have been able to get everything else to work but for some reason this has had me stumped for days.
Need "For loop" implemented
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Textbox As Object
Dim Textbox1 As Object
Dim Textbox2 As Object
Dim Textbox3 As Object
Dim Textbox4 As Object
Dim Textbox5 As Object
Dim Textbox6 As Object
Dim Textbox7 As Object
Dim Textbox8 As Object
Dim Textbox9 As Object
Dim Textbox10 As Object
Dim TBs(9) As Object
Set TBs(0) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_1"): Set TBs(1) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_2"): Set TBs(2) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_3")
Set TBs(3) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_4"): Set TBs(4) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_5"): Set TBs(5) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_6")
Set TBs(6) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_7"): Set TBs(7) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_8"): Set TBs(8) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_9")
Set TBs(9) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_10"):
Dim i
For i = 0 To Amount - 1
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks("href" & i + 1).Range = ".jpg" Then
.Bookmarks("href" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
.Bookmarks("src" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
.Bookmarks("alt" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
End If
End With
End Sub
TextBox Counter
Private Sub AddLine_Click()
Dim theTextbox As Object
Dim textboxCounter As Long
For textboxCounter = 1 To Amount
Set theTextbox = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Test" & textboxCounter, True)
With theTextbox
.Name = "TextBox_" & textboxCounter
.Width = 200
.Left = 70
.Top = 30 * textboxCounter
End With
End Sub

PowerPoint Shape Export Constant Image Dimensions

I am trying to export a PPT Shape into an image file, however, PowerPoint is re-sizing the shape to the text length.
I know there is an Autosize feature in VBA, however I cannot get the msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape feature working in PowerPoint 2013.
My code is as follows
Sub RunMe()
Dim MyShape As Shape
Dim i As Integer
Dim S(0 To 2) As String
Set MyShape = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 50, 50, 100, 40)
S(0) = "short text"
S(1) = "Medium length text"
S(2) = "Really Really Long and descriptive Text"
For i = 0 To 2
With MyShape
'.TextFrame.AutoSize = PowerPoint.ppAutoSizeMixed
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = S(i)
.Export "C:\temp\" & "\" & S(i) & ".png", ppShapeFormatPNG
End With
Next i
End Sub
As you will see, the generated image dimensions are different. Is there a way to create images of the same size?
You could either adjust the text size to make sure it fits within the shape or adjust the shape to fit the text size. My guess is that you'd want the former, so have a shot with this:
Sub RunMe()
Dim MyShape As Shape
Dim i As Integer
Dim S(0 To 2) As String
Dim sngOriginalSize As Single
Set MyShape = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 50, 50, 100, 40)
S(0) = "short text"
S(1) = "Medium length text"
S(2) = "Really Really Long and descriptive Text"
For i = 0 To 2
With MyShape
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = S(i)
' store original text size
sngOriginalSize = .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
' decrement font size until the text fits
' within the shape:
Do While .TextFrame.TextRange.BoundHeight > MyShape.Height
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size - 1
.Export "C:\temp\" & "\" & S(i) & ".png", ppShapeFormatPNG
' reset the text to original size
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = sngOriginalSize
End With
Next i
End Sub
I have version 2003 installed on my current PC so the following is NOT TESTED.
According to some websites, TextFrame2 is a new property from 2007 onwards.
You may try msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape on TextFrame2 instead.
I tried this in my home PC with version 2010 and it looks okay. Give it a try.
Replace TextFrame in your code by TextFrame2