Ruby Stomp Gem #publish seems to truncate messages to 256 characters? - activemq

I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, but
client ='user', 'pass', activemq_host, port)
client.publish('com.real.queue', some_really_large_object.to_json, { :persistent => true })
results in messages getting cut off after 256 characters... I have not been able to find any good documentation explaining where this limit comes from (doesn't seem to be a configuration option in the stomp ruby gem), and apparently other people who use different clients can post to the queue and not see messages get truncated...
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

Apparently using the following for headers solved the problem:
{ 'persistent' => true,
'suppress_content_length' => true,
'content-type' => 'application/json' }


Getting 401 unauthorized for Laravel sanctum

I am using Laravel Sanctum with Vuejs SPA. Both reside on same top level domain
Laravel backend : app.demo.localhost
Vue SPA : app-spa.demo.localhost
Login and logout (endpoints) are working correctly when called from VueJS SPA using axios and XSRF-TOKEN is succesfully set, but when I call other api end points it gives me 401 unauthorized.
In axios this is being set
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
I have the below configurations
In Laravel .env
In Routes/Api.php
Route::middleware('auth:sanctum')->get('api/user', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();
In cors.php
'paths' => ['api/*', 'sanctum/csrf-cookie', 'login', 'logout'],
'allowed_methods' => ['*'],
'allowed_origins' => ['*'],
'allowed_origins_patterns' => [],
'allowed_headers' => ['*'],
'exposed_headers' => [],
'max_age' => 0,
'supports_credentials' => true,
Could someone help me out please?
If you are using php artisan serve add the port number to SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS. So if your port number is 8000:
Your SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS must match the url in your browser. The port number should not be on the SESSION_DOMAIN.
Following are the 8 steps that I follow while setting up Laravel sanctum check if you missed anything
Step1 composer require laravel/sanctum
Step2 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Sanctum\SanctumServiceProvider
Step3 php artisan migrate (you can ignore this if you're using spa)
Step4 uncomment this line from app/http/kernel.php \Laravel\Sanctum\Http\Middleware\EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful::class,
Step5 In config/cors.php update 'supports_credentials' => true,
Step6 In .env file update SESSION_DRIVER=cookie & add new line of SESSION_DOMAIN=localhost (even if your using any port like 8080 just mention localhost in session_domain)
Step7 In config/sanctum.php add your client domain along with port(if local) in stateful as follows, in my case for vue CLI it's usually localhost:8080 & for nuxt its localhost:3000 , code is as follows
'stateful' => explode(',', env('SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS', sprintf(
env('APP_URL') ? ','.parse_url(env('APP_URL'), PHP_URL_HOST) : ''
Mostly if your stateful (step7) is not setup properly you will get 401 unauthorized or it will try to redirect you to the home page along with cors policy error
Step8 Do not forget to await until sanctum/csrf-cookie promise is resolved
async login() {
await axios.get("http://localhost:8000/sanctum/csrf-cookie");
await"http://localhost:8000/login", {
email: "",
password: "password",
let response = await axios.get("http://localhost:8000/api/user");
For anyone dealing with localhost:
SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS=localhost:8080(port number you use)
I just encountered the same problem. I configured all the options according to the official documentation, but I couldn't get the authorization.
Then I use routes/web.php instead of routes/api.php, so I can use sanctum middleware very well.
Now the problem seems obvious,Axios withCredentials maybe need to place in the correct way.
const http = axios.create({
withCredentials: true
maybe not work. So I add {withCredentials: true} like
http.get('/api/whoami', {withCredentials: true})
.then(res => {
Then it works.
But the very strange thing is that it is normal now, no matter whether I clear the browser cache, cookies or Laravel's various caches, there is no previous situation
For me i just had to place the host with port number:
and it started working.
Maybe this helps someone.
My problema was.... (no read with attention)
If your SPA needs to authenticate with private / presence broadcast channels, you should place the Broadcast::routes method call within your routes/api.php file:
Hi i found a solution.
My SPA is Vue v3 working on 3000 port.
Also my backend is working on 80 port. (laravel 8.1)
Make Stateful Domains in config/sanctum.php like that
'stateful' => explode(',', env('SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS', sprintf(
env('APP_URL') ? ','.parse_url(env('APP_URL'), PHP_URL_HOST) : ''
Adding only one and correct domain on their, worked for me magically. I wrote before there whole possible variant of ports, it made me crazy and cost a couple days and nights.
My issue was I setup the domain in the wrong place.
I thought was an array of domains, in config/sanctum.php, but not, needs to be placed within the string:
'stateful' => explode(',', env('SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS', sprintf(
'localhost,localhost:3000,,,::1,myownlocaldomain.test,myownlocaldomain.test:8080', <-------- OK
env('APP_URL') ? ','.parse_url(env('APP_URL'), PHP_URL_HOST) : ''
'stateful' => explode(',', env('SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS', sprintf(
env('APP_URL') ? ','.parse_url(env('APP_URL'), PHP_URL_HOST) : '',
'myownlocaldomain.test', <----- BAD
'myownlocaldomain.test:8080', <---- BAD
I hope I save days of work to someone else...

How to update Puppet ini_setting or ini_subsetting resource without section header in conf file?

I wonder if someone can help me with my conf file problem. I need to get the output like below but I get problems in using the inifile. I have put below my code and testing output. My service won't start because of the '[]'. Your comments and ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks!
Expected output
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
without section header
ini_setting {'setx':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/service.conf',
key_val_separator => '=',
setting => 'setting1',
value => 'value1',
output of testscript1.pp
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
$defaults = {
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/service.conf',
key_val_separator => '=',
$settings = {
' ' => {
'setting1' => 'value1',
output of testscript2.pp
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
[ ]
Since I really wanted to delete the [] character because it's causing error during service restart, I used section_prefix => '#',. The first puppet agent run is smooth and working. Problem now is if puppet agent runs on its frequency time (like let's say every hour), it will auto-append details in conf file due to lack of section header. I decided to use ini_subsetting but I'm getting errors with it.
ini_subsetting {'subset':
ensure => present,
section => '',
key_val_separator => '=',
path => '/etc/service.conf',
setting => 'setting1',
subsetting => '',
value => 'value1',
output of testscript3.pp
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter path failed on Ini_subsetting[subset]: File paths must be fully qualified, not '/etc/service.conf'.
Any suggestions or advises are highly appreciated.
Thank you.
If the file you are managing does not have section markers of some kind, then it is not an INI file, not even in the generalized sense that the puppetlabs/inifile module supports. To the best of my knowledge, you'll need to choose a different approach to managing the file.
You could consider templating the whole file, or writing a custom type and provider for it, but before going to so much trouble, you should consider whether a good old file_line resource from puppetlabs/stdlib would be adequate for your needs.
Have you tried your testscript1.pp with section => ''?
It would look like this:
ini_setting {'setx':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/service.conf',
key_val_separator => '=',
section => '',
setting => 'setting1',
value => 'value1',
And the output would be:
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
Or you could try to use force_new_section_creation => false, as it is true by default and forces the creation of a section, as stated in the module’s reference.
As for your 3rd example, it probably fails because of the blank subsetting parameter. The ini_subsetting resource type requires both setting and subsetting parameters to work.

Paypal REST API invalid credentials

I use the REST api in my nodejs application.
All is working good with sandbox but when i update with live credentials i get:
{ [Error: Response Status : 401]
{ error: 'invalid_client',
error_description: 'The client credentials are invalid',
httpStatusCode: 401 },
httpStatusCode: 401 }
I updated my account to buisness but still not working, i use the live endpoint and Live credentials.
What should i do in order to make this work?
I had the same issue using PayPalSDK/rest-sdk-nodejs and solved passing with the configuration parameters (host, client_id, client_secret, ...) also the parameter 'mode' set to 'live'. Otherwise the default mode used by the library is 'sandbox' and hence the impossibility to use the live credentials.
As matteo said, if you switch from dev to live environment, only updateing the client id and secret isn't enough. You need to set the ApiContext-Mode to "live".
PayPals PHP REST-API-SDK comes with some great samples. Take a look at the bootstrap.php in /vendor/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/sample/ in line 84. There are some configurations happening, after getting the api context.
$apiContext = new ApiContext(
new OAuthTokenCredential(
// Comment this line out and uncomment the PP_CONFIG_PATH
// 'define' block if you want to use static file
// based configuration
'mode' => 'sandbox',
'log.LogEnabled' => true,
'log.FileName' => '../PayPal.log',
'cache.enabled' => true,
// 'http.headers.PayPal-Partner-Attribution-Id' => '123123123'
//'log.AdapterFactory' => '\PayPal\Log\DefaultLogFactory' // Factory class implementing \PayPal\Log\PayPalLogFactory

activeMQ with logstash

can activeMQ work with logstash?
I was switching from rabbitMQ to activeMQ, and trying to make logstash to work with activeMQ..
In my previous rabbitMQ, I have something like:
input {
rabbitmq {
host => "hostname"
queue => "queue1"
key => "key1"
exchange => "ex1"
type => "all"
durable => true
auto_delete => false
exclusive => false
format => "json_event"
debug => false
filter {....}
on logstash webpage -> doc, it does not show activeMQ supported as input...
any suggestions?
You can probably use (not tried it myself) the STOMP input. ActiveMQ supports stomp.

How do I test my JSON API with Sinatra + rspec

I have a post method that accepts JSON:
post '/channel/create' do
content_type :json
#data = JSON.parse(env['rack.input'].gets)
if #data.nil? or !#data.has_key?('api_key')
status 400
body({ :error => "JSON corrupt" }.to_json)
status 200
body({ :error => "Channel created" }.to_json)
As a newbie to rspec I am bewildered trying to figure out how to write a test against that POST with an acceptable JSON payload. The closest I got to is this which is woefully inaccurate but I don't seem to be asking the Google god the right questions to help me out here.
it "accepts create channel" do
h = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
body = { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json
post '/channel/create', body, h
last_response.should be_ok
Any best practice guidance for testing APIs in Sinatra will be most appreciated also.
The code you've used is fine, although I would structure it slightly differently as I don't like to use it blocks the way you normally see them, I think it encourages testing of more than one aspect of a system at a time:
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
I've used let because it's better than an instance variable in a before block (kudos to you for not doing that). The post is in a before block because it's not really part of the spec, but a side effect that occurs prior to what you're speccing. The subject is the response and that makes the it a simple call.
Because checking the response is ok is needed so often I put it in a shared example:
shared_examples_for "Any route" do
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
and then call it as such:
describe "Creating a new channel" do
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
it_should_behave_like "Any route"
# now spec some other, more complicated stuff…
subject { JSON.parse(last_response.body) }
it { should == "" }
and because the content type changes so often, I put that in a helper:
module Helpers
def env( *methods )
methods.each_with_object({}) do |meth, obj|
obj.merge! __send__(meth)
def accepts_html
{"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "text/html" }
def accepts_json
{"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" }
def via_xhr
It's easy to add this in where it's needed by including it via the RSpec config:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Helpers, :type => :request
describe "Creating a new channel", :type => :request do
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, env(:accepts_json)
Having said all that, personally, I wouldn't post using JSON. HTTP POST is simple to handle, and every form and javascript library does it easily and well. Respond with JSON by all means, but don't post JSON, HTTP is a lot easier.
Edit: after writing out the Helpers bit above I realised it would be more helpful as a gem.
Looks like the ability to do post :update, '{"some": "json"}' was added to the internal ActionPack test_case.rb used by rspec in this commit:
Since you're using Sinatra I'm not sure the best way to get those changes—you might be able to upgrade ActionPack directly, or patch from the above commit.
If you want to look at last_response as JSON, you could try rack-test-json which makes this trivial:
expect(last_response).to be_json
expect(last_response.as_json['key']).to be == 'value'