F5 LTM on the same subnet - load-balancing

I am new to F5 BIG-IP, i can create the Virtual Server with pool and pool members to create a LTM for subnet A Virtual Server to subnet B servers.
But when i configure the Virtual Server to load balance the servers on the same subnet, it just not work, i can telnet the web server port 80 via the Virtual Server, but when i open it on web browser with the virtual ip, the page cannot be loaded.
The BIG-IP running at 9.3 version.
WORKING (Different Subnet)
Virtual Server:
Web Server A:
Web Server B:
NOT WORKING (Same Subnet)
Virtual Server:
Web Server A:
Web Server B:

I found the solution ! when create Virtual Server, i use the default settings, the configuration is Basic, so there is no SNAT settings. Switch to Advance Configuration, and select SNAT: Auto Map. then it works ! your server can keep their default gateway to the firewall or switch.


How to connect to odoo from distance

I'm setting up a new server 2012 R2, and want to be connected to it remotely using an IP address or a domain name.
Read your modem's/gateway's manual and learn how to forward ports
Forward ports 8069 and 8072 to your windows server
Visit https://www.whatismyip.com/ or any other service that tells you your public IP address
Open your browser and go to http://<your_public_IP_address>:8069

Cannot connect to Apache on Google Compute Engine

I have set up a Google Compute Engine and installed Apache on the server.
(The server is running Windows 2008 Server and Apache is running as a service.)
I can connect the server using Remote Desktop. However, I am not able to connect to the webserver. (I have also installed a FileZilla FTP server, but annot connect to ftp either.)
I have opened access to ports 80 and 443 on the Windows firewall, and I have also opened access to the same ports on the VPC Network Firewall:
IP ranges:
IP ranges:
Still, I am not able to connect to the webserver. I cannot connect to the webserver when I am logged on using Remote Desktop and then trying to connect to, either.
I have a similar setup on a virtual server on Rackspace. There everything works as expected. Any tips on what I might be doing wrong?

Can't connect despite port forwarding

I have a Ubuntu Server 16.04 running on a machine in my local network.
The machine has static assigned IP and running apache2. There is no problem in connecting to it from my local network.
I have port-forwarding for ports 22 and 80 setup on my router to the IP address of the machine.
When I check the ports with my public IP address on sites like http://www.canyouseeme.org/ the result is that the ports are open. When I try to connect using my public IP address and using those ports the connections are refused.
I tried disabling firewall in the router and also on the machine, no result.
What else should I try? It seems that the server is getting no incoming connection when I check with netstat.
Just for troubleshooting purposes:
Setup port forwarding on port 22 and try to ssh into your server using the public IP? If it works, it means apache is refusing the connections and not your router or ISP
On your router, setup the server on the DMZ temporarily and check if it works
Add another port forwarding rule on your router to redirect all http requests on port 8000,for example, to port 80 internally, then try to access your server with http://[public_ip]:8000
Have you changed anything on the apache2.conf file? Also, explain how you are testing the connection, internally using the public IP or from the Internet?

Apache home server connects to domain inside network and not out

Hello i have an old windows xp pc im trying to turn into a server for hobbyist purposes. I downloaded and installed the apache xampp 1.8 distribution. Once installed and tested that the localhost worked, I connected my domain to my servers ip. So my problem is when i tried to connect to my site on my pc on the same network, they all were able to load the domain/site inside the network successfully but when i have a pc thats outside the network try it fails. Any ideas?. thanks.
You have used a private IP instead of public IP so it does not get resolved to your server. You have to use a public IP (if you have a static IP from your provider you have to setup port forwarding on your router.) If you get the IP from DHCPD server you will need to use dynamic DNS and port forwarding.
More info on private networks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network

IBM Server configuration

i have an ibm server, a tp-link router with an static ip and DHCP activated, i want to configure one of the net boards in the ibm server.
I installed Ububntu server and access to the net board configuration using this command:
vi /etc/network/interfaces
I configure the server with this
address -> i put an ip that i resrve in the router
I have a subdomain from no ip i have entered in the server so i can do remote connection to the server throw this subdomain and ssh. I have put the subdomain in /etc/host.conf
The thing is i have access to the subdomain in the web and out of the LAN net. But when i try to connect to the server throw ssh it's gave me connection refused.
Using the command arp-scan -I eth0 -l i found that the IP of the server is asigned two times it's look like it's the same ethernet board with two MAC address thar are the same except the las number.
Ok, what's work for me was to reinstall openssh on the server and in my computer. After that I have access throw ssh.