Manage route in yii by users - yii

I have one task and I really don't know how to do that.
So there is the table with all actions in Yii web application. All authorization's users can create their own link that indicate to particularly action, for example: There is action name's actionGetAllMovies, and user Sarah set her link 'favouriteMovie', Jack set like 'coolMovie',etc... and when they type their link, they redirect to action actionGetAllMovies.
How did "teach" YII realized properly reads this links?

in parent controller, in BeforeAction you can get:
1) Controller name: Yii::app()->controller->id
2) And action name: Yii::app()->controller->action->id
3) As you normally known user_id: Yii::app()->user->id
We can only make a request to the database is there for user, controller and action redirect.
Or maybe I misunderstood something?


All requests goes against the same action in Piranha

I've started using Piranha CMS and really enjoining it, but now I came into a bit of trouble.
One of my pages is a contact form where I want to post an extended page model with contact information to the controller.
I've created a page template Contact and in the manager gui and I've set the setting View to Contact
The correct view is loaded but the problem is that all the requests goes against the index action method and not the contact action method in PageController.
What am I doing wrong?
The view is used to signal the controller what view should be used to render the page, not which action should be called. This can be used when several pages has the same type of data and logic, but should be rendered differently.
The field route is used to rewrite a page to a controller/action. The default route for a page is Page which means that requests to that page is rewritten to ~/page, i.e the PageController and its Index action. If you wanted a certain type to be rewritten to the contact action of the PageController you set the route to Page/Contact which will rewrite the request to ~/page/contact.
If you have a complex structure you should add custom controllers, for examples a ProductController. The route could then be set to Product rewriting the request to ~/product.
I hope this clarifies things!

MVC4:Prevent the user to type and navigate any ControllerName/ActionName in the address bar

In my MVC application, I dont want any user to type in the address bar of the browser and navigate to any controller action directly.Can I enable this for the whole application?if yes ,How? Can you please let me know the concept name ?
Also I dont want to do that through Request.URLReferrer because it has its own security risks (per Avoiding user to navigate to a view by entering url in the browser)
Thanks in advance!
You need to use Custom Action Filter Attributes, See :
As Parsanna mentioned in comment,
You can use the [ChildActionOnly] attribute on your action method to make sure it's not called directly, or use the ControllerContext.IsChildAction property inside your action to determine if you want to redirect.
See mvc How to prevent browser from calling an action method?

Github like dynamic routes

What would be the best way to implement routes like github uses?
I'm guessing /about is a real controller, but the second and third probably load a user controller. What is the best way to do this?
Write a route like match '/:id/' => 'user#show' for a user like javan and have the show action in the user controller look up the user by username.
So in the user controller:
#user = User.find_by_username(params[:id])
You can learn more about routes here.

Yii widget: where to place an action? I need to access server from js

I am going to write a widget such as user could select country and city.
The widget will use geo db from, but I want to request from the server-side, internally. Currently I am doing so by actionSuggestCities().
browser <-- widget: js routine <-- site: actionSuggestCities() <-- api
How could I make a well-formed widget, such that someone could install it and do not add actionAutocomplete() in his controllers?
I think the best is to provide a an action with the widget as an extension, to be reused in every controller using the extension, an action class extends CAction can be configured can has it's own behavior etc, read the wiki and the api

Yii CAPTCHA url is broken

I want to create an AJAX-registration form on my Yii-project. So on every page I have a login-button, which shows a popup if the user isn't authorized. In that popup he can see registration form with email field, password field, and CAPTCHA (default Yii captcha).
So, my model for user's registration is User. There is a validation rule:
array('code', 'captcha', 'allowEmpty'=>!Yii::app()->user->isGuest),
My controller, where all user's actions are, is User (url: site.url/user/) and I added there captcha action:
In my next code:
$this->widget('CCaptcha', array(
'clickableImage' => true,
'showRefreshButton' => false,
And here is a problem:( Being inside a popup, which can be shown on every page (index page, for example, which belongs Main controller) captcha wants to load an image from that controller (from /main/captcha, not /user/captcha).
Adding captcha in every controller is bad idea, so I added
'captchaAction' => '/user/captcha',
But after that captcha wants to load from an url
User-friendly url's crashed captcha and I can't avoid it (as I think, not being a yii-expert, it's because of common path-config).
Is there an easy solution to solve this? Should I repair URL's or re-configure CAPTCHA?
So, while I was waiting for help, I solved the problem by myself :)
In my project i separated my controllers into the next hierarchy:
All controllers for common users are (of course) in Frontend section, including UserController and MainController.
Yes, I wrote some configs to hide /frontend/ in URL's like this:
'<c:\w+>/<a:\w+>' => 'frontend/<c>/<a>',
And i was sure, that string in my CAPTCHA config ('captchaAction' => '/user/captcha') knows where to go (and it was almost so!), but NO!
I should write FULL PATH to my controller and action like below:
'captchaAction' => '/frontend/main/captcha',
As I said in question, I placed my CAPTCHA action in UserController, but now you can see it is located in MainController (i deleted it from UserController)
And I got an error:
CCaptchaValidator.action "captcha" is invalid. Unable to find such an action in the current controller.
So, to solve this, I just had to use a property captchaAction of CCaptchaValidator in my User MODEL! Code:
array('code', 'captcha', 'captchaAction'=>'/frontend/main/captcha', 'allowEmpty'=>!Yii::app()->user->isGuest)
So, now my AJAX Captcha validation works correctly where I want.
Good luck with Yii's default CAPTCHA, dear community!