How to have one row multiple columns instead of multiple rows - sql

I have the following data:
In SQL Server How can I have group by weekdate so I have only one row for each weekdate, example for the weekdate 2015-11-14:
Any clue?

Use conditional aggregation.
select cast(weekdate as date),
sum(case when permittype = 0 then total else 0 end) as permittype0,
sum(case when permittype = 1 then total else 0 end) as permittype1
from tablename
group by cast(weekdate as date)

I would do this using conditional aggregation:
select weekdate,
sum(case when permittype = 0 then total else 0 end) as permitttype0,
sum(case when permittype = 1 then total else 0 end) as permitttype1
from followingdata t
group by weekdate
order by weekdate;
You can also use pivot syntax, if you prefer.


tsql - pivot sum of employee

I have here a sample table data which i want to use pivot and make my DedCode data into column.
the AMount example is already computed to its total but how can i count the number of employee if it is same with branch,deptcode and emptype.
my sample table data.
expected output:
You can use conditional aggregation:
select branch, deptcode, emptype, sum(empcount) as empcount,
sum(case when dedcode = 'PHIC' then amount else 0 end) as phic,
sum(case when dedcode = 'SLOAN' then amount else 0 end) as sloan,
sum(case when dedcode = 'VLOAN' then amount else 0 end) as vloan
from t
group by branch, deptcode, emptype;

SUM value when another column value is DISTINCT

I was wondering how I can SUM the values of a column based on another column's values being distinct like below. I tried the following two ways, each giving errors due to the aggregate function. I am trying to get NonDistinctTotals with the queries below.
SELECT SUM(InvoiceSaleAmt) AS NonDistinctTotals, SUM(case when count(*) over (partition by InvoiceNo) = 1 then InvoiceSaleAmt else 0 END) as DistinctTotals, SUM(CASE WHEN PaymentType= 'CASH' THEN CashTotal ELSE 0 END) AS CashTotal
FROM #InvoiceTable a
group by LocationId, InvoiceNo
Error: Windowed functions cannot be used in the context of another windowed function or aggregate.
SELECT SUM(InvoiceSaleAmt) AS NonDistinctTotals, SUM(CASE WHEN InvoiceNoin (SELECT DISTINCT InvoiceNofrom #InvoiceTable) THEN InvoiceSaleAmt else 0 END) as DistinctTotals, SUM(CASE WHEN PaymentType= 'CASH' THEN CashTotal ELSE 0 END) AS CashTotal
FROM #InvoiceTable a
group by LocationId, InvoiceNo
Error: Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
Use a subquery:
SELECT SUM(InvoiceSaleAmt) AS NonDistinctTotals,
SUM(case when cnt = 1 then InvoiceSaleAmt else 0 END) as DistinctTotals,
SUM(CASE WHEN PaymentType = 'CASH' THEN CashTotal ELSE 0 END) AS CashTotal
FROM (SELECT it.*, COUNT(*) over (partition by InvoiceNo) as cnt
FROM #InvoiceTable it
) it
GROUP BY LocationId, InvoiceNo

91/5000 How to show dates between a range and show the number of records in that range using SQLServer

I'm trying to generate a report and it must look like this:
My inicial data is 2019/08/01 and my final data is Today.
I have to show every date between this two dates, and then the amount of records. If there is no record, it must show zero.
So I tried:
SELECT M2.[Date], COUNT(1) AS 'qtd'
FROM [RM].[Mov] AS [m2]
WHERE [m2].[TipMovId] = 1
AND ([m2].[DataExercicio] BETWEEN '2019-07-31' AND GETDATE())
GROUP BY [m2].[DataPosse]
SELECT m2.[Date], COUNT(1) AS 'qtd2'
FROM [RM].[Mov] AS [m2]
WHERE [m2].[TipMovId] = 4
AND ([m2].[DataExercicio] BETWEEN '2019-07-31' AND GETDATE())
GROUP BY [m2].[DataExercicio]
And SQL returns me something like this:
How can I join the results and show all the dates in my period??
You can do something like this
SELECT M2.[Date],
sum(case when [m2].[TipMovId] = 1 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'qtd'
sum(case when [m2].[TipMovId] = 2 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'qtd2'
sum(case when [m2].[TipMovId] = 3 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'qtd3'
sum(case when [m2].[TipMovId] = 4 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'qtd4'
FROM [RM].[Mov] AS [m2]
([m2].[DataExercicio] BETWEEN '2019-07-31' AND GETDATE()) GROUP BY [m2].[Date]

SQL CASE WHEN THEN logics of calculating the types of a column

Have a tableA like this:
I wanna receive a tableИ like this (group by startTime and endTime, count of Severity in cnt column and count of every type of Severity in a distinct column):
The simple count (cnt column) works fine. But with the other I tired CASE WHEN THEN logics and it seems not working (line 10 for example). Can you please assist me with SQL query in this case.
You need conditional aggregation :
select starttime, endtime, count(*),
sum(case when severity = 'low' then 1 else 0 end),
sum(case when severity = 'med' then 1 else 0 end),
sum(case when severity = 'high' then 1 else 0 end)
from table t
group by starttime, endtime;
Try below query: with case when
select starttime, endtime, count(severity) as cnt, count(case when severity='LOW' then 1 end) cnt_low,count(case when severity='MED' then 1 end) cnt_med,count(case when severity='HIGH' then 1 end) as cnt_high
from tablename
group by starttime, endtime
use case when and aggregate function sum
select startTime , endTime,count(*) as Cnt,
sum( case when Severity='MED' then 1 else 0 end) as cntMed,
sum( case when Severity='LOW' then 1 else 0 end) as cntLow,
sum( case when Severity='HIGH' then 1 else 0 end) as cntHIGH from yourtable
group by startTime , endTime

SQL percentage with rows same table with different where condition

I want to do a query like:
count(asterisk) where acción='a'/count(asterisk) where acción='b' * 100
grouped by day
but I don't want use subquery, is it possible with joins?
I`m not sure the syntax is correct, but you can use something like this:
SUM(CASE WHEN "acción" = 'a' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SUM_A,
SUM(CASE WHEN "acción" = 'b' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SUM_B,
SUM(CASE WHEN "acción" = 'a' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SUM_A / SUM(CASE WHEN "acción" = 'b' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 AS result
FROM your_table
The concept is to actually sum the the values that you need, instead of count.