Rally API: where can I find DETAILS on EXACTLY what is available? - rally

I have been tasked with creating an internal app that interfaces the Rally API to do various 'legwork' for a speedier day around the office.
I am frustrated because I cannot find documentation on exactly what is available and how to use it. I am scraping and scraping away on different sites, google, etc just to find stuff like 'hierarchicalrequirement' is actually UserStory. so, it seems to me that Rally really doesn't WANT anyone to use their API... quite frustrating.
Their documentation says things like toCreate["Workspace"] = ('1234567')
where it's actually toCreate["Workspace"] = /workspace/1234567
I need an enumeration of what's available and what they're actually named.

It looks like you are trying to use one of their SDKs. Their documentation for their REST API can be found here.
Also, here is the link to their app API,
And their lookback API
And if you want documentation to a specific language SDK, you can look at Github.


Is there any way to post updates in a business location using google's business api?

As the title says, I'm trying to find a way to post these updates (see picture below) using google's API, I can't find anything about it. I have checked google's business API documentation and most of it's endpoints are deprecated.
At the top of the page there is a deprecation schedule: https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/sunset-dates
There you can find the new API-Endpoint. I'm also looking for a solution to update opening hours, but it's not that easy to find any information. Even bing is better documented.

Flowdock: how to get mentions/notifications

I am trying to build a bot for answering (only) my mentions and it seems I can't easily do that.
Is it possible to get something like application's own https://www.flowdock.com/rest/notifications/mentions call using the official REST API of Flowdock?
I couldn't find any easy way, just going through all my flows and searching for mentions via tags (tag being my username), which is pretty unoptimal and hard to do.
I've handled this as follows via UNOFFICIAL APIs:
mentions via https://www.flowdock.com/rest/notifications/mentions?limit=%d
private messages via https://www.flowdock.com/rest/notifications/unreads

REST API for Whiskerboard

I need some help with implementing a status board with a REST API. I've already found the two best options (in my opinion): Stashboard and Whiskerboard.
I have already tried Whiskerboard and I find it easy to install and deploy because it does not need Google App Engine's SDK to be used locally. However, I need something like Stashboard's REST API: http://readthedocs.org/docs/stashboard/en/latest/restapi.html
I know that Whiskerboard is based on Stashboard so probably they have the same REST API. But I cannot seem to find any documentation on Whiskerboard's REST API. Moreover, I looked into each status board's models and there are lots of differences, with Whiskerboard's being largely simpler compared with that of Stashboard's, so they must not have the same REST API.
I will appreciate it if anyone can provide me a link to Whiskerboard's REST API which should be much like Stashboard's. If there really is none, some other solutions could still be suggested. Thank you in advance!
No, it doesn't have the same REST API. You could find this out by reading the code. If you want a similar REST API you have the following options:
Code the feature yourself.
Ask the developer of Whiskerboard for the feature.
Ask someone else at your organization to code and contribute the feature.
Good luck.
You can check out this solution forked by sijis and myself, jvasallo, that we have been working on. He forked the repo for whiskerboard and added an API to it. Still uses Django, and recently I did some work porting it to 1.5.1. Initially, Whiskerboard is a 1.3 Django app.

Replacement for Google AJAX search for Local

Since Google has deprecated their old web search API as of recently, what are people using to do customized local search? (i.e. search for "donut shop" near this latitude and longitude) Sticking with the deprecated API? Using another Google API? Another provider entirely?
Their suggestion to use their new Custom Search API doesn't seem useful for local. Maybe i'm missing something under my nose?
Google Places API is in developer preview.
I personally used Yahoo! Local Search
The Yelp API is pretty slick as well -- it'll give you local search capabilities and you can also get ratings information.
I've found this Quora link quite useful:

How to interact with the Panoramio API using services?

I'm writing a location base client and would love to integrate Panoramio with my client, now the problem is that I can't find a way to interact with the Panoramio using a ~REST-like service.
I know they do have an API but it's mostly for embedding the content into a website and not as to interact thru me code (at least from documentation)
Have any of you hacked a way thru this?
I am writing the clients natively for android and iphone in case you are wondering.
well it seems like the answer came a bit fast... and although this is easily accessible thru their website it is discussed in their forum and even google has posted about it in their geo developer blog
a sample request to get images from a bounding box will go along the lines of the following example:
Update: I have found also the official page to their data api.
hope it helps!