Replacement for Google AJAX search for Local - api

Since Google has deprecated their old web search API as of recently, what are people using to do customized local search? (i.e. search for "donut shop" near this latitude and longitude) Sticking with the deprecated API? Using another Google API? Another provider entirely?
Their suggestion to use their new Custom Search API doesn't seem useful for local. Maybe i'm missing something under my nose?

Google Places API is in developer preview.
I personally used Yahoo! Local Search

The Yelp API is pretty slick as well -- it'll give you local search capabilities and you can also get ratings information.

I've found this Quora link quite useful:


Is there any way to post updates in a business location using google's business api?

As the title says, I'm trying to find a way to post these updates (see picture below) using google's API, I can't find anything about it. I have checked google's business API documentation and most of it's endpoints are deprecated.
At the top of the page there is a deprecation schedule:
There you can find the new API-Endpoint. I'm also looking for a solution to update opening hours, but it's not that easy to find any information. Even bing is better documented.

Custom Search API for deprecated Patent Search API

Google just announced the retirement of some deprecated but pretty useful search API's, like Google Patent Search API, Google News Search API, Google Blog Search API, Google Video Search API and Google Image Search API
and forwarded to the Custom Search API as the recommended alternative.
What would now be the syntax for a patent search with the custom search API?
e.g. for
the patent-search uri will be gone.
The javascript API is the class, which I assume will also be removed.
And I don't see anything like Patent, Video or Images in the
The answer at Python module for searching patent databases, ie USPTO or EPO looks like it would be helpful to you. It gives a Python example of doing a Google patent search using the custom search API.
You could also switch over to using The provide a RESTful API endpoint for basic keyword searching of patents as well as advanced semantic search algorithm (Latent Semantic Indexing).

Rally API: where can I find DETAILS on EXACTLY what is available?

I have been tasked with creating an internal app that interfaces the Rally API to do various 'legwork' for a speedier day around the office.
I am frustrated because I cannot find documentation on exactly what is available and how to use it. I am scraping and scraping away on different sites, google, etc just to find stuff like 'hierarchicalrequirement' is actually UserStory. so, it seems to me that Rally really doesn't WANT anyone to use their API... quite frustrating.
Their documentation says things like toCreate["Workspace"] = ('1234567')
where it's actually toCreate["Workspace"] = /workspace/1234567
I need an enumeration of what's available and what they're actually named.
It looks like you are trying to use one of their SDKs. Their documentation for their REST API can be found here.
Also, here is the link to their app API,
And their lookback API
And if you want documentation to a specific language SDK, you can look at Github.

What is the best way to get an image URL from a certain query?

I have a book recommendation project for school, and I want to add a picture for each book. I was thinking I could use a search engine API to return the first result, but I'm having trouble with them:
The Google .NET Api seems to be unsupported
The Bing API
The Flickr Api is well documented and it actually works, but the images on there aren't what I'm looking for
Have you tried ?

Google custom search engine for Google News

I'm trying to use the Google custom search engine API to query Google News. The API is working great otherwise - but I want to get News results instead of web results.
I can't find a way to either restrict the CSE to use Google News, or to ensure that my API query hits Google News rather than the web search. Does anyone know a way to achieve this?
You can use schemas from to specify if you're only looking for articles/ blog posts.
To specify the Schema, go to Advanced settings on the Control Panel and select the required schema from here.
There was a News Search API but it's deprecated:
Important: The Google News Search API has been officially deprecated
as of May 26, 2011. It will continue to work as per our deprecation
policy, but the number of requests you may make per day may be
You can see some alternatives SO users recommended on this question.