sqlite return subquery multi column - sql

I have a sqlite subquery with the following query which is calculating the hours and labour_rate. The only issue I now have is can I get the two columns from my subquery to output in the main query. I've tried to layout the query according to some of the web tutorials but need that little bit of help to get me over the finish line as I keep getting a syntax error
SELECT c.customerID, c.customer, sum( ifnull(il.line_price, 0 ) )/10000 AS net,
FROM customer AS c
LEFT JOIN invoice AS i
ON c.customerID = i.customerID
LEFT JOIN invoice_line AS il
ON i.invoiceID = il.invoiceID
(SELECT sum(( ifnull(tl.mon,0) + ifnull(tl.tues,0) + ifnull(tl.wed,0) + ifnull(tl.thurs,0) + ifnull(tl.fri,0) + ifnull(tl.sat,0) + ifnull(tl.sun,0) ) * s.cost_rate)/10000 AS labour_rate,
sum(( ifnull(tl.mon,0) + ifnull(tl.tues,0) + ifnull(tl.wed,0) + ifnull(tl.thurs,0) + ifnull(tl.fri,0) + ifnull(tl.sat,0) + ifnull(tl.sun,0) ))/10000 AS
FROM timesheet_line AS tl
LEFT JOIN timesheet AS t
ON tl.timesheetID = t.timesheetID
LEFT JOIN staff AS s
ON t.staffID = s.staffID
WHERE (c.customerID = tl.customerID) AND (t.date BETWEEN '2014-03-01' AND '2015-12-01')
GROUP BY tl.customerID) AS time1
WHERE (i.date BETWEEN '2014-03-01' AND '2015-12-01') AND (time1.customerID = tl.customerID)
GROUP BY c.customerID
ORDER BY c.customer ASC

There are a few syntax errors in here. The first (and possibly most important) is you have to JOIN your subquery to the rest of the result set. So after
LEFT JOIN invoice_line AS il
ON i.invoiceID = il.invoiceID
you will need to add another JOIN statement:
SUM(...) AS labour_rate,
SUM(...) AS hours,
...) AS time1
ON <your join condition>
You will have to select some sort of field in your sub query that you can join back to the the invoice on i.e. tl.customerID.
Also, in your subquery you cannot reference a field that is outside of it, so where you have WHERE (c.customerID = tl.customerID) in your subquery it will fail because you are trying to reference c.<fieldname>. It needs to be moved to the ON part of the JOIN clause. Once you get your JOIN working correctly then you can just change your outer-most SELECT to something like
SELECT c.customerID, c.customer, sum(ifnull(il.line_price,0))/10000 AS net, time1.labour_rate, time1.hours
Here's an example of how I would do it:
SELECT c.customerID, c.customer, sum( ifnull(il.line_price, 0 ) )/10000 AS net, time1.labour_rate, time1.[hours]
FROM customer AS c
LEFT JOIN invoice AS i
ON c.customerID = i.customerID
LEFT JOIN invoice_line AS il
ON i.invoiceID = il.invoiceID
sum(( ifnull(tl.mon,0) + ifnull(tl.tues,0) + ifnull(tl.wed,0) + ifnull(tl.thurs,0) + ifnull(tl.fri,0) + ifnull(tl.sat,0) + ifnull(tl.sun,0) ) * s.cost_rate)/10000 AS labour_rate,
sum(( ifnull(tl.mon,0) + ifnull(tl.tues,0) + ifnull(tl.wed,0) + ifnull(tl.thurs,0) + ifnull(tl.fri,0) + ifnull(tl.sat,0) + ifnull(tl.sun,0) ))/10000 AS [hours],
FROM timesheet_line AS tl
LEFT JOIN timesheet AS t
ON tl.timesheetID = t.timesheetID
LEFT JOIN staff AS s
ON t.staffID = s.staffID
WHERE (t.date BETWEEN '2014-03-01' AND '2015-12-01')
GROUP BY tl.customerID) AS time1
ON c.customerID = time1.customerID
WHERE (i.date BETWEEN '2014-03-01' AND '2015-12-01')
GROUP BY c.customerID
ORDER BY c.customer ASC


Probably subquerys and not joins

This big query below returns me 2860 records and its correct number. I'm getting. The thing is that I need to add to this query invoice lines and make the same thing as I did with sale_order_lines "sum(l.price_subtotal / COALESCE(cr.rate, 1.0)) AS price_subtotal". I need to get the sum of price_subtotal of invoice lines.
so my first thought was to join tables like this.
JOIN sale_order_invoice_rel so_inv_rel on (so_inv_rel.order_id = s.id )
JOIN account_invoice inv on (inv.id = so_inv_rel.invoice_id and inv.state in ('open','paid'))
JOIN account_invoice_line ail on (inv.id = ail.invoice_id)
and then
sum(ail.price_subtotal / COALESCE(cr.rate, 1.0)) as price_subtotal
but after the first JOIN number of lines, I'm selecting is changing and even if I joins are done the numbers are way off basically I get 5x2860. So probably I need to make some subquery but at this point, I don't know how and asking for help.
WITH currency_rate AS (
SELECT r.currency_id,
COALESCE(r.company_id, c.id) AS company_id,
r.name AS date_start,
( SELECT r2.name
FROM res_currency_rate r2
WHERE r2.name > r.name AND r2.currency_id = r.currency_id AND (r2.company_id IS NULL OR r2.company_id = c.id)
ORDER BY r2.name
LIMIT 1) AS date_end
FROM res_currency_rate r
JOIN res_company c ON r.company_id IS NULL OR r.company_id = c.id
SELECT min(l.id) AS id,
t.uom_id AS product_uom,
sum(l.product_uom_qty / u.factor * u2.factor) AS product_uom_qty,
sum(l.qty_delivered / u.factor * u2.factor) AS qty_delivered,
sum(l.qty_invoiced / u.factor * u2.factor) AS qty_invoiced,
sum(l.qty_to_invoice / u.factor * u2.factor) AS qty_to_invoice,
sum(l.price_total / COALESCE(cr.rate, 1.0)) AS price_total,
l.price_unit / COALESCE(cr3.rate, 1.0) AS price_total_by_cmp_curr,
sum(l.price_subtotal / COALESCE(cr.rate, 1.0)) AS price_subtotal,
count(*) AS nbr,
s.date_order AS date,
date_part('epoch'::text, avg(date_trunc('day'::text, s.date_order) - date_trunc('day'::text, s.create_date))) / (24 * 60 * 60)::numeric(16,2)::double precision AS delay,
s.project_id AS analytic_account_id,
FROM sale_order_line l
JOIN sale_order s ON l.order_id = s.id
JOIN res_partner partner ON s.partner_id = partner.id
LEFT JOIN product_product p ON l.product_id = p.id
LEFT JOIN product_template t ON p.product_tmpl_id = t.id
LEFT JOIN product_uom u ON u.id = l.product_uom
LEFT JOIN product_uom u2 ON u2.id = t.uom_id
LEFT JOIN res_company rc ON rc.id = s.company_id
LEFT JOIN product_pricelist pp ON s.pricelist_id = pp.id
LEFT JOIN currency_rate cr ON cr.currency_id = pp.currency_id AND cr.company_id = s.company_id AND cr.date_start <= COALESCE(s.date_order::timestamp with time zone, now()) AND (cr.date_end IS NULL OR cr.date_end > COALESCE(s.date_order::timestamp with time zone, now()))
LEFT JOIN currency_rate cr3 ON cr.currency_id = rc.currency_id AND cr.company_id = s.company_id AND cr.date_start <= COALESCE(s.date_order::timestamp with time zone, now()) AND (cr.date_end IS NULL OR cr.date_end > COALESCE(s.date_order::timestamp with time zone, now()))
GROUP BY l.product_id, t.uom_id, t.categ_id, s.date_order, s.partner_id, s.user_id, s.state, s.company_id, s.pricelist_id, s.project_id, s.team_id, l.color_id, cr3.rate, l.price_unit, l.product_size_id, p.product_tmpl_id, partner.country_id, partner.commercial_partner_id;
You can add the part that could be in a subquery to the with statement you already have to avoid the increase in number of lines, like so:
WITH currency_rate AS (
SELECT r.currency_id,
COALESCE(r.company_id, c.id) AS company_id,
r.name AS date_start,
( SELECT r2.name
FROM res_currency_rate r2
WHERE r2.name > r.name AND r2.currency_id = r.currency_id AND (r2.company_id IS NULL OR r2.company_id = c.id)
ORDER BY r2.name
LIMIT 1) AS date_end
FROM res_currency_rate r
JOIN res_company c ON r.company_id IS NULL OR r.company_id = c.id
, order_line_subtotal AS(
SELECT so_inv_rel.order_id, sum(ail.price_subtotal) as price_subtotal
FROM sale_order_invoice_rel so_inv_rel
JOIN account_invoice inv on (inv.id = so_inv_rel.invoice_id and inv.state in ('open','paid'))
JOIN account_invoice_line ail on (inv.id = ail.invoice_id)
GROUP BY so_inv_rel.order_id )
SELECT min(l.id) AS id,
From there it should be straightforward to add to the query without increasing the number of rows (since from the joins you already have a row for each order before the aggregation / group by.

SQL - SUM TotalValue returning a null with LEFT JOIN Clause

I'd to like SUM a TotalValue column based on Vendor and logged in user. I completely returning a right value of other info in logged user and the connected vendor, the problem is the SUM of TotalValue column is returning a null value. am I missing something?
This is what I've already tried:
SELECT ,v.VendorName ,
u.Product ,
v.[Description] ,
v.Status ,
SUM(cpm.TotalValue) AS TotalValue
FROM Vendor v
LEFT JOIN [ProductContract] c ON v.VendorId = c.VendorId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.ProductContractId IN
(SELECT con.ProductContractId
FROM [ProductContract] con
INNER JOIN [ProductContractPermission] cp ON cp.ProductContractId = con.ProductContractId
WHERE cp.UserInfoId = #UserInfoId)
LEFT JOIN ProductContractPaymentMenu cpm ON c.ProductContractId = cpm.ProductContractId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.VendorId = #VendorId
LEFT JOIN VendorContact vc ON v.VendorId = vc.VendorId
AND vc.[Type] = 1
LEFT JOIN UserInfo u ON vc.UserInfoId = u.UserInfoId
WHERE v.VendorId IN
(SELECT VendorId
FROM ClientVendor
WHERE ClientId = #VendorId)
GROUP BY v.VendorName,
ORDER BY v.[Status],
Seems that you want to apply an aggregate filter, this is the famous HAVING clause:
GROUP BY v.VendorName,
SUM(cpm.TotalValue) > 0
ORDER BY v.[Status],
Hi i think you have to add ISNULL(value,defaultvalue) because cpm table was on left join and it can be null.
SELECT v.VendorName ,
u.Product ,
v.[Description] ,
v.Status ,
SUM(ISNULL(cpm.TotalValue,0)) AS TotalValue
FROM Vendor v
LEFT JOIN [ProductContract] c ON v.VendorId = c.VendorId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.ProductContractId IN
(SELECT con.ProductContractId
FROM [ProductContract] con
INNER JOIN [ProductContractPermission] cp ON cp.ProductContractId = con.ProductContractId
WHERE cp.UserInfoId = #UserInfoId)
LEFT JOIN ProductContractPaymentMenu cpm ON c.ProductContractId = cpm.ProductContractId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.VendorId = #VendorId
LEFT JOIN VendorContact vc ON v.VendorId = vc.VendorId
AND vc.[Type] = 1
LEFT JOIN UserInfo u ON vc.UserInfoId = u.UserInfoId
WHERE v.VendorId IN
(SELECT VendorId
FROM ClientVendor
WHERE ClientId = #VendorId)
GROUP BY v.VendorName,
ORDER BY v.[Status],
Edit: other point you have miss ',' in your query after the SELECT.
Your left join on ProductContractPaymentMenu may not always get an item, so cpm.TotalValue can be NULL sometimes. When you use SUM and when one value is NULL then the result will be NULL. You might rewrite that part as:
SUM(ISNULL(cpm.TotalValue, 0)) AS TotalValue
In that case, it will treat non-existing records as value 0.

Too many results in query

I'm fetching some data from our database in MSSQL. Out of this data I want to determine who created the client entry and who took the first payment from this client.
There can be many payment entries for a client on a single booking/enquiry and at the moment, my query shows results for each payment. How can I limit the output to only show the first payment entry?
My query:
DATEDIFF(day, c.DateOfCreation, p.DateOfCreation) AS DaysToPayment,
CONCAT(u.FirstName, ' ', u.LastName) AS CreateUser,
(SELECT CONCAT(u.FirstName, ' ', u.LastName)
WHERE u.UserID = p.UserID ) AS PaymentUser
FROM tblBookings b
INNER JOIN tblPayments p
ON b.BookingID = p.BookingID
INNER JOIN tblEnquiries e
ON e.EnquiryID = b.EnquiryID
INNER JOIN tblCustomers c
ON c.CustomerID = e.CustomerID
INNER JOIN tblOrigins o
ON o.OriginID = e.OriginID
INNER JOIN tblSuperOrigins s
ON s.SuperOriginID = o.SuperOriginID
INNER JOIN tblBookingPackages bp
ON bp.bookingID = p.BookingID
INNER JOIN tblPackages pc
ON pc.PackageID = bp.packageID
INNER JOIN tblUsers u
ON u.UserID = c.UserID
WHERE c.DateOfCreation >= '2016-06-01' AND c.DateOfCreation < '2016-06-30'
AND p.PaymentStatusID IN (1,2)
AND e.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
AND p.DeleteMark != 1
AND c.DeleteMark != 1
AND b.DeleteMark != 1
I tried adding a "TOP 1" to the nested select statement for PaymentUser, but it made no difference.
you can use cross apply with top 1:
FROM tblBookings b
cross apply
(select top 1 * from tblPayments p where b.BookingID = p.BookingID) as p
Instead of table tblPayments specify sub-query like this:
(SELECT TOP 1 BookingID, UserID, DateOfCreation
FROM tblPayments
WHERE DeleteMark != 1
AND PaymentStatusID IN (1,2)
ORDER BY DateOfCreation) as p
I'm assuming that tblPayments has a primary key column ID. If it is true, you can use this statment:
FROM tblBookings b
INNER JOIN tblPayments p ON p.ID = (
FROM tblPayments
WHERE BookingID = b.BookingID
AND DeleteMark != 1
AND PaymentStatusID IN (1,2)
ORDER BY DateOfCreation)

Return rows where a customer bought things on same day

Can someone help me with the rest of my Query.
This query gives me Customer, AdressNr, Date, Employee, Article, ActivityNr
from all the sales in my Company.
SELECT ad.Name + ' ' + ad.Vorname AS Customer,
pa.Kunde AS CustomerNr,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),p.datum,126) AS Date,
(SELECT a.name + ' ' + a.Vorname AS Name FROM PRO_Mitarbeiter m LEFT JOIN ADR_Adressen a ON a.AdressNrADR=m.AdressNrADR WHERE m.MitNrPRO = l.MitNrPRO) as Employee,
p.Artikel_1 AS Article,
l.AufgabenNrCRM AS OrderNr
FROM ZUS_Therapie_Positionen p
INNER JOIN CRM_AufgabenLink l ON l.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN CRM_Aufgaben ab ON ab.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN PRO_Auftraege pa ON pa.AuftragNrPRO = ab.AuftragNrPRO
INNER JOIN ADR_Adressen ad ON ad.AdressNrADR = pa.Kunde
INNER JOIN ADR_GruppenLink gl ON gl.AdressNrADR = ad.AdressNrADR
INNER JOIN ADR_Gruppen g ON g.GruppeADR = gl.GruppeADR
WHERE l.MitNrPRO != 0
GROUP BY l.AufgabenNrCRM,ad.Name,ad.Vorname,pa.Kunde,p.datum,p.Artikel_1,l.MitNrPRO
ORDER BY pa.Kunde,p.datum,l.AufgabenNrCRM
My goal is to filter this so i get only rows back where the customer has bought more then 1 Thing on the same day. It doesn't matter if a customer bought the same Article twice on the same day. I want too see this also.
It's to complicated to write some SQL Fiddle for you but in this Picture you can see what my goal is. I want to take away all rows with an X on the left side and thoose with a Circle i want to Keep.
As I don't speak German, I won't target this specifically to your SQL. But see the following quasi-code for a similar example that you should be able to apply to your own script.
SELECT C.CustomerName, O.OrderDate, O.OrderNumber
JOIN ORDERS O ON O.Customer_ID = C.Customer_ID
(SELECT Customer_ID, OrderDate
GROUP BY Customer_ID, OrderDate
ON SRC.Customer_ID = O.Customer_ID AND SRC.OrderDate = O.OrderDate
In the script above, the last query (a subquery) would only return results where a customer had more than one order in a given day. By joining that to your main query, you would effectively produce the result asked in the OP.
Edit 1:
Regarding your comment below, I really recommend just going over your datamodel, trying to understand what's happening here, and fixing it on your own. But there is an easy - albeit hardly optimal solution to this by just using your own script above. Note, while this is not disastrous performance-wise, it's obviously not the cleanest, most effective method either. But it should work:
;WITH CTE AS (SELECT ad.Name + ' ' + ad.Vorname AS Customer,
pa.Kunde AS CustomerNr,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),p.datum,126) AS [Date],
(SELECT a.name + ' ' + a.Vorname AS Name FROM PRO_Mitarbeiter m LEFT JOIN ADR_Adressen a ON a.AdressNrADR=m.AdressNrADR WHERE m.MitNrPRO = l.MitNrPRO) as Employee,
p.Artikel_1 AS Article,
l.AufgabenNrCRM AS OrderNr
FROM ZUS_Therapie_Positionen p
INNER JOIN CRM_AufgabenLink l ON l.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN CRM_Aufgaben ab ON ab.AufgabenNrCRM = p.Id_Aktivitaet
INNER JOIN PRO_Auftraege pa ON pa.AuftragNrPRO = ab.AuftragNrPRO
INNER JOIN ADR_Adressen ad ON ad.AdressNrADR = pa.Kunde
INNER JOIN ADR_GruppenLink gl ON gl.AdressNrADR = ad.AdressNrADR
INNER JOIN ADR_Gruppen g ON g.GruppeADR = gl.GruppeADR
WHERE l.MitNrPRO != 0
GROUP BY l.AufgabenNrCRM,ad.Name,ad.Vorname,pa.Kunde,p.datum,p.Artikel_1,l.MitNrPRO
ORDER BY pa.Kunde,p.datum,l.AufgabenNrCRM)
JOIN (Select CustomerNr, [Date]
GROUP BY CustomerNr, [Date]
ON SRC.CustomerNr = C.CustomerNr AND SRC.[Date] = C.[Date]
This should work directly. But as I said, this is an ugly workaround where we're basically all but fetching the whole set twice, as opposed to just limiting the sub query to just the bare minimum of necessary tables. Your choice. :)
Tried that also and it didnt work. I also made a new query trying to Keep it so simple as possible and it doesnt work either. It still give me Single values back..
SELECT p.Datum,a.AufgabenNrCRM,auf.Kunde FROM CRM_Aufgaben a
LEFT JOIN ZUS_Therapie_Positionen p ON p.Id_Aktivitaet = a.AufgabenNrCRM
LEFT JOIN PRO_Auftraege auf ON auf.AuftragNrPRO = a.AuftragNrPRO
(SELECT pa.Datum,au.Kunde FROM CRM_Aufgaben aa
LEFT JOIN ZUS_Therapie_Positionen pa ON pa.Id_Aktivitaet = aa.AufgabenNrCRM
LEFT JOIN PRO_Auftraege au ON au.AuftragNrPRO = aa.AuftragNrPRO
GROUP BY pa.Datum,au.Kunde
ON SRC.Kunde = auf.Kunde
GROUP BY p.Datum,a.AufgabenNrCRM,auf.Kunde
ORDER BY auf.Kunde,p.Datum

Query takes forever to output info - tips on optimization

I have a query that works awesomely - but - it takes about 10 minutes to load up. Which is insane. And I would like for it to run faster than it currently does now.
I was wondering if there were any tips I could take to optimize my query to make it run faster?
u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname as Name,
cast(c.AssignedDate as DATE) [AssignedDate],
cast(ev.EventCompletionDate as DATE) [CompletionDate],
from tbl_Papers c
left outer join (select cd.PaperId, count(*) as CodesF
from tbl_PaperCodes cd group by cd.PaperId) cdd
on cdd.PaperId = c.PaperId
left outer join
CONVERT(varchar,wfce.ActionDate,101) CompletionDate,
u.firstname+' '+u.lastname [Editor]
dbo.tbl_WFPaperEventActions wfce
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_Papers c ON wfce.PaperId = c.PaperId
INNER JOIN tbl_Providers p ON p.ProviderID = c.ProviderID
INNER JOIN tbl_Sites s ON s.SiteID = p.SiteID
INNER JOIN tbl_Projects pr ON s.ProjectId=pr.ProjectId
INNER JOIN tbl_Users u ON wfce.ActionUserId=u.UserId
wfce.EventId = 204
AND c.Papersource =0
u.firstname+' '+u.lastname
)a ON a.PaperId=c.PaperId,
tbl_Providers p, tbl_Sites s,
tbl_Projects prr, tbl_WFPaperEvents ev,
tbl_Users u, tbl_WFPaperEventTypes ett,
tbl_WFPaperEventActions arr, tbl_WFPaperEventActionResults ar
where s.SiteId = p.SiteId
and p.ProviderId = c.ProviderId
and s.ProjectId = prr.ProjectId
and ev.PaperId = c.PaperId
and ev.EventCreateUserId = u.UserId
and ev.EventCompletionDate >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)
and ev.EventCompletionDate < dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)
and ev.EventStatusId = 3
and ev.EventId in (201, 203)
and c.Papersource =0--Offshore
and ev.EventId=ett.EventID
and arr.PaperId=c.PaperId
and arr.EventId=ev.EventId
and arr.EventId=ar.EventID
and arr.ActionResultId=ar.ResultID
and arr.ActionResultId in (1,2,3,4)
order by paperid, u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName
You need to re-look carefully at every piece of this query and ask yourself, is that needed?
Take the subquery with alias a.
It joins 6 tables, but if you trace up to your final select clause only [Editor] is supplied from that alias. So do you need 6 tables to arrive at editor? No you don't in fact you only need 2 tbl_WFPaperEventActions and tbl_Users. Furthermore, this subquery is grouping by 6 items including a date, but 3 of those items are not used anywhere else in the overall query - so why go include these in the grouping? This allows us to drop 3 of the joined tables.
Of the remaining 3 grouping items a further 1 can be substituted to avoid the join between tbl_WFPaperEventActions and tbl_Papers because the join condition is "wfce.PaperId = c.PaperId", all we need then is to group by wfce.PaperId instead of c.PaperId
Finally we are then interested in the field wfce.PaperEventActionNum this is supplied by the subquery but isn't used in the larger query? Why provide that field is it isn't used? Well it turns out that it should be used to complete a join. The subquery aliased as a needs joining into the outer query on both PaperEventActionNum and PaperId. This by the way also requires that the whole subquery needs to be pushed down the joining structure to comply with ANSI join syntax rules.
Never "mix" ANSI join syntax with joins done "the old fashioned way"
This really is a recipe for a disaster.
Below I have "started" some amendments to your query, but I cannot really complete it as I have no way to test any part of it; and I don't know your data model at all.
Personally, I would re-start this query from scratch, starting lean and adding item by item to ensure it remains lean.
SELECT DISTINCT /* distinct isn't a good solution here */
, cdd.CodesF
, c.PageCount
, prr.projectname
, u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname AS Name
, ett.EventName
, CAST(c.AssignedDate AS date) [AssignedDate]
, CAST(ev.EventCompletionDate AS date) [CompletionDate]
, ar.ResultDescription
, a.Editor
FROM tbl_Papers c
LEFT OUTER JOIN ( -- can this be an inner join instead?
, COUNT(*) AS CodesF
FROM tbl_PaperCodes cd
) cdd
ON cdd.PaperId = c.PaperId
INNER JOIN tbl_Providers p ON c.ProviderId = p.ProviderId
INNER JOIN tbl_Sites s ON p.SiteId = s.SiteId
INNER JOIN tbl_Projects prr ON s.ProjectId = prr.ProjectId
INNER JOIN tbl_WFPaperEvents ev ON c.PaperId = ev.PaperId
INNER JOIN tbl_Users u ON ev.EventCreateUserId = u.UserId
INNER JOIN tbl_WFPaperEventTypes ett ON ev.EventId = ett.EventID
INNER JOIN tbl_WFPaperEventActions arr ON c.PaperId = arr.PaperId
AND ev.EventId = arr.EventId
INNER JOIN tbl_WFPaperEventActionResults ar ON arr.EventId = ar.EventID
AND arr.ActionResultId = ar.ResultID
AND arr.ActionResultId IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
, wfce.PaperId
--, c.PaperId
--, CONVERT(varchar, wfce.ActionDate, 101) CompletionDate -- cast to date here
--, pr.ProjectName
--, wfce.ActionUserId
, u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname [Editor]
FROM dbo.tbl_WFPaperEventActions wfce
--INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_Papers c ON wfce.PaperId = c.PaperId
--INNER JOIN tbl_Providers p ON p.ProviderID = c.ProviderID
--INNER JOIN tbl_Sites s ON s.SiteID = p.SiteID
--INNER JOIN tbl_Projects pr ON s.ProjectId = pr.ProjectId
tbl_Users INNER JOIN u ON wfce.ActionUserId = u.UserId
WHERE wfce.EventId = 204
AND c.Papersource = 0
, wfce.PaperId
--, c.PaperId
--, CONVERT(varchar, wfce.ActionDate, 101)
--, pr.ProjectName
--, wfce.ActionUserId
, u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname
) a
ON c.PaperId = a.PaperId AND arr.PaperEventActionNum = a.PaperEventActionNum
WHERE ev.EventCompletionDate >= DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 1, GETDATE()), 0)
AND ev.EventCompletionDate < DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
AND ev.EventStatusId = 3
AND ev.EventId IN (201, 203)
AND c.Papersource = 0--Offshore
paperid, u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName
I really do hate DISTINCT. It is nasty. It does not solve problems, it just hides them; AND slows down everything to do the hiding.
Use distinct in inverse proportion to query complexity:
if a query is really simple you can use distinct
If a query is complex do not use distinct
Check how many of fields on which you have join, where and group by clauses, have indexes. Every non-indexed field can negatively affect performance.
Calculated fields in GROUP BY are probably a pain, as well as DISTINCT (especially if they are not indexed). E.g. grouping on something like u.ID instead of u.firstname+' '+u.lastname or pr.ProjectId i/o pr.ProjectName should make things faster (you can sort the output according to the other criteria if needed).
Do you really need left join where you use it? I.e. do you want to keep the tables from the other side of the join even when there is no match on the other side? If not, replace it with inner join.
Various small improvements here, e.g.:
(assuming Papersource and EventId are indexes):
(SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_WFPaperEventActions WHERE EventId = 204) wfce
(SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_Papers WHERE Papersource = 0) c
ON wfce.PaperId = c.PaperId
INNER JOIN tbl_Providers p ON p.ProviderID = c.ProviderID
INNER JOIN tbl_Sites s ON s.SiteID = p.SiteID
INNER JOIN tbl_Projects pr ON s.ProjectId=pr.ProjectId
INNER JOIN tbl_Users u ON wfce.ActionUserId=u.UserId
instead of
dbo.tbl_WFPaperEventActions wfce
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_Papers c ON wfce.PaperId = c.PaperId
INNER JOIN tbl_Providers p ON p.ProviderID = c.ProviderID
INNER JOIN tbl_Sites s ON s.SiteID = p.SiteID
INNER JOIN tbl_Projects pr ON s.ProjectId=pr.ProjectId
INNER JOIN tbl_Users u ON wfce.ActionUserId=u.UserId
wfce.EventId = 204
AND c.Papersource =0
or (if I understood the idea correctly):
and ev.EventCompletionDate BETWEEN (
dateadd(day, -1, GETDATE()) and dateadd(ns, -1, GETDATE())
instead of:
and ev.EventCompletionDate >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)
and ev.EventCompletionDate < dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)
In general: ask yourself what exactly you want to achieve with this query, which parts of the data are relevant for it, how many of your source tables can be replaced with snippets from them (this can make JOINs work faster), and try to be consistent regarding the usage of JOIN and WHERE clauses.