Millions of tables on Google BigQuery - google-bigquery

I'm using BigQuery for ~5 billion rows that can be partitioned on ~1 million keys.
Since our queries are usually by partition key, is it possible to create ~1 million tables (1 table / key) to limit the total number of bytes processed?
We also need to query all of the data together at times, which is easy to do by putting it all in one table, but I'm hoping to use the same platform for partitioned analysis as bulk analytics.

That might work, but partitioning your table this finely is highly discouraged. You might be better off partitioning your data into a smaller number of tables, say 10 or 100, and querying just the one(s) you need.
What do I mean by discouraged? First, each of those million tables will get charged a minimum of 10 MB for storage. So you'll get charged for 9 TB of storage, when you likely have a lot less data than that. Second, you'll likely hit rate limits when you try to create that many tables. Third, managing a million tables is very tricky; the BigQuery UI will likely not be much help. Fourth, you'll make engineers on the BigQuery exceedingly grumpy, and they'll start trying to figure out whether we need to raise the minimum size for tables.
Also, if you do want to sometimes query all of your data, partitioning this finely is likely going to make things difficult for you, unless you are willing to store your data multiple times. You can only reference 1000 tables in a query, and each one you reference causes you to take a performance hit.


Bigquery: Does huge amount of tables in a dataset impact performance?

I am currently using big query to store the user information to compute aggregate results against huge log data . But since modifying the data is not possible. In order to overcome this I am planning to store each user record in separate table. I understand bigquery supports querying from multiple tables using which i can get all information. My doubt over here are
as the number of users grows will the performance deteriorate as compared to storing all the users in a singe table.if there any limitations on number of tables per dataset in biq query
Thanks in advance
From what I know - there is no hard limit on number of tables in dataset.
At the same time - Native BQ UI has limit of first 10,000 tables in dataset to show.
Another limits to consider (just few to mention):
* Daily update limit: 1,000 updates per table per day;
* Query (including referenced views) can reference up to 1,000 tables and not more;
* Each additional table involved in a query (with hundreds and hundreds tables) makes considerable impact on performance.
* even if each table is small enough - it still will be charged at min price of 10MB (even if it is just few KB)
Not knowing your exact scenario doesnt allow making some recommendation, but at least you've got answer on those items in your question.
Overall, idea of having table per user doesn't sound good to me

AWS Redshift column limit?

I've been doing some load testing of AWS Redshift for a new application, and I noticed that it has a column limit of 1600 per table. Worse, queries slow down as the number of columns increases in a table.
What doesn't make any sense here is that Redshift is supposed to be a column-store database, and there shouldn't in theory be an I/O hit from columns that are not selected in a particular where clause.
More specifically, when TableName is 1600 columns, I found that the below query is substantially slower than if TableName were, say, 1000 columns and the same number of rows. As the number of columns decreases, performance improves.
WHERE ColumnName LIKE '%foo%'
My three questions are:
What's the deal? Why does Redshift have this limitation if it claims to be a column store?
Any suggestions for working around this limitation? Joins of multiple smaller tables seems to eventually approximate the performance of a single table. I haven't tried pivoting the data.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a fast, real-time performance, horizontally scalable column-store database that doesn't have the above limitations? All we're doing is count queries with simple where restrictions against approximately 10M (rows) x 2500 (columns) data.
I can't explain precisely why it slows down so much but I can verify that we've experienced the same thing.
I think part of the issue is that Redshift stores a minimum of 1MB per column per node. Having a lot of columns creates a lot of disk seek activity and I/O overhead.
1MB blocks are problematic because most of that will be empty space but it will still be read off of the disk
Having lots of blocks means that column data will not be located as close together so Redshift has to do a lot more work to find them.
Also, (just occurred to me) I suspect that Redshift's MVCC controls add a lot of overhead. It tries to ensure you get a consistent read while your query is executing and presumably that requires making a note of all the blocks for tables in your query, even blocks for columns that are not used. Why is an implicit table lock being released prior to end of transaction in RedShift?
FWIW, our columns were virtually all BOOLEAN and we've had very good results from compacting them (bit masking) into INT/BIGINTs and accessing the values using the bit-wise functions. One example table went from 1400 cols (~200GB) to ~60 cols (~25GB) and the query times improved more than 10x (30-40 down to 1-2 secs).

Bigquery partitioning table performance

I've got a question about BQ performance in various scenarios, especially revolving around parallelization "under the hood".
I am saving 100M records on a daily basis. At the moment, I am rotating tables every 5 days to avoid high charges due to full table scans.
If I were to run a query with a date range of "last 30 days" (for example), I would be scanning between 6 (if I am at the last day of the partition) and 7 tables.
I could, as an alternative, partition my data into a new table daily. In this case, I will optimize my expenses - as I'm never querying more data than I have too. The question is, will be suffering a performance penalty in terms of getting the results back to the client, because I am now querying potentially 30 or 90 or 365 tables in parallel (Union).
To summarize:
More tables = less data scanned
Less tables =(?) longer response time to the client
Can anyone shed some light on how to find the balance between cost and performance?
A lot depends how you write your queries and how much development costs, but that amount of data doesn't seam like a barrier, and thus you are trying to optimize too early.
When you JOIN tables larger than 8MB, you need to use the EACH modifier, and that query is internally paralleled.
This partitioning means that you can get higher effective read bandwidth because you can read from many of these disks in parallel. Dremel takes advantage of this; when you run a query, it can read your data from thousands of disks at once.
Internally, BigQuery stores tables in
shards; these are discrete chunks of data that can be processed in parallel. If
you have a 100 GB table, it might be stored in 5000 shards, which allows it to be
processed by up to 5000 workers in parallel. You shouldn’t make any assumptions
about the size of number of shards in a table. BigQuery will repartition
data periodically to optimize the storage and query behavior.
Go ahead and create tables for every day, one recommendation is that write your create/patch script that creates tables for far in the future when it runs eg: I create the next 12 months of tables for every day now. This is better than having a script that creates tables each day. And make it part of your deploy/provisioning script.
To read more check out Chapter 11 ■ Managing Data Stored in BigQuery from the book.

Hard limit on number of tables in a BQ project

I've got some highly partitionable data that I'd like to store in BigQuery, where each partition would get its own table. My question is if BQ will support the number of tables I'll need.
With my data set, I'd be creating approximately 2,000 new tables daily. All tables would have a 390 day (13 month) expiration, so eventually there'd be a constant count of ~ 2,000 tables * 390 days = ~780,000 tables in this particular project.
I'd test this myself, but BQ only supports a max of 10,000 load jobs per project per day.
Does anyone have experience with this sort of table count? Is there any official table limit provided by Google?
There are projects with that number of distinct tables today. There is not currently a hard cap on the number of distinct tables.
Some related considerations that come to mind when you're contemplating representations that use that many tables:
A query (including referenced views) can currently only reference 1000 tables.
Datasets with large numbers of tables may exhibit problematic behavior when using table wildcard functions.
You may be oversharding. Rather than lots of individual tables, you may simply want to use a wider schema and fewer tables.
If you're heavily dependent on time intervals as a sharding consideration, you may also want to look at table decorators as a way of limiting the scope of data scans.
You may also want to collapse data over time into fewer, larger tables as they age and are less frequently accessed. For example, copy jobs can append multiple source tables into a single destination table.
Most limits can be raised in BigQuery, as long as you are using BigQuery right - the limits are there to prevent abuse and misuse.
A critical question here - how much data will each table handle? Having 780,000 tables with 10 rows isn't a good idea.
How many tables do you want to handle per query? There's a hard limit of 1,000 tables per query.
If you have an interesting use case that requires higher limits, getting a support contract and their advice is the best way of having default limits raised.

What is the maximum recommended number of rows that a SQL 2008 R2 standalone server should store in a single table?

I'm designing my DB for functionality and performance for realtime AJAX web applications, and I don't currently have the resources to add DB server redundancy or load-balancing.
Unfortunately, I have a table in my DB that could potentially end up storing hundreds of millions of rows, and will need to read and write quickly to prevent lagging the web-interface.
Most, if not all, of the columns in this table are individually indexed, and I'd love to know if there are other ways to ease the burden on the server when running querys on large tables. But is there eventually a cap for the size (in rows or GB) of a table before a single unclustered SQL server starts to choke?
My DB only has a dozen tables, with maybe a couple dozen foriegn key relationships. None of my tables have more than 8 or so columns, and only one or two of these tables will end up storing a large number of rows. Hopefully the simplicity of my DB will make up for the massive amounts of data in these couple tables ...
Rows are limited strictly by the amount of disk space you have available. We have SQL Servers with hundreds of millions of rows of data in them. Of course, those servers are rather large.
In order to keep the web interface snappy you will need to think about how you access that data.
One example is to stay away from any type of aggregate queries which require processing large swaths of data. Things like SUM() can be a killer depending on how much data it's trying to process. In these situations you are much better off calculating any summary or grouped data ahead of time and letting your site query these analytic tables.
Next you'll need to partition the data. Split those partitions across different drive arrays. When SQL needs to go to disk it makes it easier to parallelize the reads. (#Simon touched on this).
Basically, the problem boils down to how much data you need to access at any one time. This is the main problem regardless of the amount of data you have on disk. Even small databases can be choked if the drives are slow and the amount of available RAM in the DB server isn't enough to keep enough of the DB in memory.
Usually for systems like this large amounts of data are basically inert, meaning that it's rarely accessed. For example, a PO system might maintain a history of all invoices ever created, but they really only deal with any active ones.
If your system has similar requirements, then you might have a table that is for active records and simply archive them to another table as part of a nightly process. You could even have statistics like monthly averages (as an example) recomputed as part of that archival.
Just some thoughts.
The only limit is the size of your primary key. Is it an INT or a BIGINT?
SQL will happily store the data without a problem. However, with 100 millions of rows, your best off partitioning the data. There are many good articles on this such as this article.
With partitions, you can have 1 thread per partition working at the same time to parallelise the query even more than is possible without paritioning.
My gut tells me that you will probably be okay, but you'll have to deal with performance. It's going to depend on the acceptable time-to-retrieve results from queries.
For your table with the "hundreds of millions of rows", what percentage of the data is accessed regularly? Is some of the data, rarely accessed? Do some users access selected data and other users select different data? You may benefit from data partitioning.