Bigquery: Does huge amount of tables in a dataset impact performance? - google-bigquery

I am currently using big query to store the user information to compute aggregate results against huge log data . But since modifying the data is not possible. In order to overcome this I am planning to store each user record in separate table. I understand bigquery supports querying from multiple tables using which i can get all information. My doubt over here are
as the number of users grows will the performance deteriorate as compared to storing all the users in a singe table.if there any limitations on number of tables per dataset in biq query
Thanks in advance

From what I know - there is no hard limit on number of tables in dataset.
At the same time - Native BQ UI has limit of first 10,000 tables in dataset to show.
Another limits to consider (just few to mention):
* Daily update limit: 1,000 updates per table per day;
* Query (including referenced views) can reference up to 1,000 tables and not more;
* Each additional table involved in a query (with hundreds and hundreds tables) makes considerable impact on performance.
* even if each table is small enough - it still will be charged at min price of 10MB (even if it is just few KB)
Not knowing your exact scenario doesnt allow making some recommendation, but at least you've got answer on those items in your question.
Overall, idea of having table per user doesn't sound good to me


GCP BigQuery - LIMIT but full table read - How to limit queried data to a minimum

It looks like LIMIT would have no effect on the amount of processed/queried data (if you trust the UI).
* --count(*)
-- LIMIT 20
How to limit the amount of queried data to a minimum (even though one whole partition would probably always be needed)
without to use "preview" or similar
without to know the partition / clustering of the data
How to check the real approximate amount before a query execution?
In the execution details is stated that only 163514 rows has been queried as input (not 244928379 rows)
If you want to limit the amount of data BQ uses for a query you have this two options:
Table Partitioning
Big query can partition data using either a Date/Datetime/Timemestamp column you provide or by insert date (which is good if you have regular updates on a table).
In order to do this, you must specify the partition strategy in the DDL:
CREATE TABLE mydataset.mytable (foo: int64, txdate:date)
Wildcard tables (like Sharding - splitting the data into multiple tables
This works when your data holds information about different domains (geographical, customer type, etc.) or sources.
Instead of having one big table, you can create 'subtables' or 'shards' like this with a similar schema (usually people use the same). For instance,dateset.tablename.eur for european data and ```dataset.tablename.jap`` for data from Japan.
You can query one of those tables directll select col1,col2... from dataset.tablename.custromer_eur; or from all tables select col1,col2 from 'dataset.tablename.*'
Wildcard tables can be also partitioned by date.
You pay for the volume of data loaded in the workers. Of course, you do nothing in your request and you ask for the 20 first result, the query stop earlier, and all the data aren't processed, but at least loaded. And you will pay for this!
Have a look to this. I have a similar request
Now, let's go to the logs
The total byte billed is ~800Mb
So you, have to think differently when you work with BigQuery, it's analytics database and not designed to perform small requests (too slow to start, the latency is at least 500ms due to worker warm up).
My table contain 3M+ of rows, and only 10% have been processed
And you pay for the reservation and the load cost (moving data have a cost and reserving slots has also a cost).
That's why, there is a lot of tip to save money on Google BigQuery. Some examples by a former BigQuery Dev Advocate
as of december 2021, I notice select * from Limit, will not scan the whole table and you pay only for a small number of rows, obviously if you add order by, it will scan everything.

Bigquery Tier 1 exceeded for partitioned table but not for by day tables

We have two tables in bigquery: one is large (a couple billion rows) and on a 'table-per-day' basis, the other is date partitioned, has the exact same schema but a small subset of the rows (~100 million rows).
I wanted to run a (standard-sql) query with a subselect in form of a join (same when subselect is in the where clause) on the small partitioned dataset. I was not able to run it because tier 1 was exceeded.
If I run the same query on the big dataset (that contains the data I need and a lot of other data) it runs fine.
I do not understand the reason for this.
Is it because:
Partitioned tables need more resources to query
Bigquery has some internal rules that the ratio of data processed to resources needed must meet a certain threshold, i.e. I was not paying enough when I queried the small dataset given the amount of resources I needed.
If 1. is true, we could simply make the small dataset also be on a 'table-per-day' basis in order to solve the issue. But before we do that though we would like to know if it is really going to solve our problem.
Details on the queries:
Big datset
queries 11 GB, runs 50 secs, Job Id remilon-study:bquijob_2adced71_15bf9a59b0a
Small dataset
Job Id remilon-study:bquijob_5b09f646_15bf9acd941
I'm an engineer on BigQuery and I just took a look at your jobs but it looks like your second query has an additional filter with a nested clause that your first query does not. It is likely that that extra processing is making your query exceed your tier. I would recommend running the queries in the BigQuery UI and looking at the Explanation tab to see how the queries differ in the query plan.
If you try running the exact same query (modifying only the partition syntax) for both tables and still get the same error I would recommend filing a bug.

Millions of tables on Google BigQuery

I'm using BigQuery for ~5 billion rows that can be partitioned on ~1 million keys.
Since our queries are usually by partition key, is it possible to create ~1 million tables (1 table / key) to limit the total number of bytes processed?
We also need to query all of the data together at times, which is easy to do by putting it all in one table, but I'm hoping to use the same platform for partitioned analysis as bulk analytics.
That might work, but partitioning your table this finely is highly discouraged. You might be better off partitioning your data into a smaller number of tables, say 10 or 100, and querying just the one(s) you need.
What do I mean by discouraged? First, each of those million tables will get charged a minimum of 10 MB for storage. So you'll get charged for 9 TB of storage, when you likely have a lot less data than that. Second, you'll likely hit rate limits when you try to create that many tables. Third, managing a million tables is very tricky; the BigQuery UI will likely not be much help. Fourth, you'll make engineers on the BigQuery exceedingly grumpy, and they'll start trying to figure out whether we need to raise the minimum size for tables.
Also, if you do want to sometimes query all of your data, partitioning this finely is likely going to make things difficult for you, unless you are willing to store your data multiple times. You can only reference 1000 tables in a query, and each one you reference causes you to take a performance hit.

Hard limit on number of tables in a BQ project

I've got some highly partitionable data that I'd like to store in BigQuery, where each partition would get its own table. My question is if BQ will support the number of tables I'll need.
With my data set, I'd be creating approximately 2,000 new tables daily. All tables would have a 390 day (13 month) expiration, so eventually there'd be a constant count of ~ 2,000 tables * 390 days = ~780,000 tables in this particular project.
I'd test this myself, but BQ only supports a max of 10,000 load jobs per project per day.
Does anyone have experience with this sort of table count? Is there any official table limit provided by Google?
There are projects with that number of distinct tables today. There is not currently a hard cap on the number of distinct tables.
Some related considerations that come to mind when you're contemplating representations that use that many tables:
A query (including referenced views) can currently only reference 1000 tables.
Datasets with large numbers of tables may exhibit problematic behavior when using table wildcard functions.
You may be oversharding. Rather than lots of individual tables, you may simply want to use a wider schema and fewer tables.
If you're heavily dependent on time intervals as a sharding consideration, you may also want to look at table decorators as a way of limiting the scope of data scans.
You may also want to collapse data over time into fewer, larger tables as they age and are less frequently accessed. For example, copy jobs can append multiple source tables into a single destination table.
Most limits can be raised in BigQuery, as long as you are using BigQuery right - the limits are there to prevent abuse and misuse.
A critical question here - how much data will each table handle? Having 780,000 tables with 10 rows isn't a good idea.
How many tables do you want to handle per query? There's a hard limit of 1,000 tables per query.
If you have an interesting use case that requires higher limits, getting a support contract and their advice is the best way of having default limits raised.

Partitioning by date?

We are experimenting with BigQuery to analyze user data generated by our software application.
Our working table consists hundreds of millions of rows, each representing a unique user "session". Each containing a timestamp, UUID, and other fields describing the user's interaction with our product during that session. We currently generate about 2GB of data (~10M rows) per day.
Every so often we may run queries against the entire dataset (about 2 months worth right now, and growing), However typical queries will span just a single day, week, or month. We're finding out that as our table grows, our single-day query becomes more and more expensive (as we would expect given BigQuery architecture)
What isthe best way to query subsets of of our data more efficiently? One approach I can think of is to "partition" the data into separate tables by day (or week, month, etc.) then query them together in a union:
SELECT foo from
Is there a better way than this???
BigQuery now supports table partitions by date:
Hi David: The best way to handle this is to shard your data across many tables and run queries as you suggest in your example.
To be more clear, BigQuery does not have a concept of indexes (by design), so sharding data into separate tables is a useful strategy for keeping queries as economically efficient as possible.
On the flip side, another useful feature for people worried about having too many tables is to set an expirationTime for tables, after which tables will be deleted and their storage reclaimed - otherwise they will persist indefinitely.