How to define a boolean field in MongoDB BSON document? - blob

I'm trying to add boolean status field to a document on MongoLabs but I get a syntax error on that particular field when I try to save.
The type specifier seems 8 sees good according to the docs, but I can't find any examples on defining a boolean field within a document.
I managed to pin down the error to the status field, as the document saves without this field added.
Can anyone advise on the correct BSON syntax for the boolean field?
This is the boolean field I've added:
"status": {
{"$type": 8 } : true
And the complete document for reference:
"_id": {
"$oid": "565c4a37e4b0ed4652848949"
"email": "",
"products": [
"productId": "0121",
"price": 12.5,
"description": "A generic muffin"
"productId": "0122",
"price": 13.5,
"description": "A generic coffee"
"productId": "0123",
"price": 14.5,
"description": "A generic tea"
"date": {
"$date": "2014-03-03T03:45:00.000Z"
"status": {
{"$type": 8 } : true

If you wondering how to define a Boolean in a model class of node.js. If you are using MongoDB.
shopOpenStatus: {
It took me 10 min to discover this.

In case anyone else had the same issue. The data stored on MongoLabs is JSON, which is then converted to BSON locally using the driver.
The correct format below is as follows:
"status": true


How to update the status on a Jira issue vis Jira Rest Api

I want to change the status of the project issue on Jira. The status is Open and I want to make it Fixed. My url is PUT
"update": {
"status": [
"set": "Fixed"
and the response is:
"errorMessages": ["Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of START_OBJECT token\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream#5de98556; line: 3, column: 9]
(through reference chain:[\"update\"])"]
There are two problems that you are encountering here.
The first problem is update or fields should be provided separately to Jira's edit issue API, not one inside of the other. They have equivalent functionality so normally only one is used. For example to update the summary field provide either update:
"update": {
"summary": [
"set": "Updated by update"
or fields:
"fields": {
"summary": "Summary set by fields"
However the status field is a special case and can't be updated directly, which is the second problem here. Changing a status in Jira is called a transition. You need to trigger the transition to move the issue into the status you want.
Start by identifying the available transitions by calling the get transitions API:
This tells you which transitions are currently available, something like this:
"expand": "transitions",
"transitions": [
"id": "21",
"name": "Fixed",
"to": {
"self": "",
"description": "",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Fixed",
"id": "10001",
"statusCategory": {
"self": "",
"id": 3,
"key": "done",
"colorName": "green",
"name": "Done"
Take the id of the transition you want, in this case 21, then post it to the issue transition API:
Use a request body like this:
"transition": {
"id": 21
You should get a 204 HTTP response from Jira which indicates the transition was successful.

Importing Data to Contentful programatically from a json file

I am trying to import some data programatically into contentful:
I am following the docs here
And running the command inside my integrated terminal
contentful space import --config config.json
Where the config file is
"spaceId": "abc123",
"managementToken": "112323132321adfWWExample",
"contentFile": "./dataToImport.json"
And the dataToImport.json file is
"data": [
"address": "11234 New York City"
"address": "1212 New York City"
The thing is I don't understand what format my dataToImport.json should be and what is missing inside this file or in my config file so that the array of addresses from the .json file get added as new entries to an already created content model inside the Contentful UI show in the screenshot below
I am not specifying the content model for the data to go into so I believe that is one issue, and I don't know how I do that. An example or repo would help me out greatly
The types of data you can import are listed : in their documentation
your json top level should say "entries" and not data, if new content of a content type is what you would like to import.
This is an example of a blog post as per content model of the tutorial they provide.
The only thing i didn't work out yet is where the user id is :D so i substituted for one of the content type 'person' also provided in their tutorial (I think it's called Gatsby Starter)
{"entries": [
"sys": {
"space": {
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Space",
"id": "theSpaceIdToReceiveYourImport"
"type": "Entry",
"createdAt": "2019-04-17T00:56:24.722Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-04-27T09:11:56.769Z",
"environment": {
"sys": {
"id": "master",
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Environment"
"publishedVersion": 149, -- these are not compulsory, you can skip
"publishedAt": "2019-04-27T09:11:56.769Z", -- you can skip
"firstPublishedAt": "2019-04-17T00:56:28.525Z", -- you can skip
"publishedCounter": 3, -- you can skip
"version": 150,
"publishedBy": { -- this is an example of a linked content
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "person",
"id": "personId"
"contentType": {
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "ContentType",
"id": "blogPost" -- here should be your content type 'RealtorProperties'
"fields": { -- here should go your content type fields, i can't see it in your post
"title": {
"en-US": "Test 1"
"slug": {
"en-US": "Test-1"
"description": {
"en-US": "some description"
"body": {
"en-US": "some body..."
"publishDate": {
"en-US": "2016-12-19"
"heroImage": { -- another example of a linked content
"en-US": {
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Asset",
"id": "idOfTHisImage"
--another entry, ...]}
Have a look at this repo. I am also trying to figure this out. Looks like there's quite a lot of fields that need to be included in the json file. I was hoping there'd be a simple solution but it seems you (me too actually) will need to create scripts to "convert" your json file to data contentful can read and import.
I'll let you know if I find anything better.

How to create a bug using zoho API via postman?

I am working on Zoho API. Using postman I want to create/issue a bug in the system. For this, I am looking into Zoho Bug API. For creating a bug below are the request parameters list in the link.
Create a Bug
POST /portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
Creates a bug.
Request Parameters
title* String Name of the bug.
description String Description of the bug.
assignee Long Assignee for the bug.
flag String Bug flag must be Internal or External.
classification_id Long Classification ID of the project.
milestone_id Long Milestone ID of the project.
due_date String [MM-DD-YYYY] Due date of the bug.
module_id Long Module ID of the project.
severity_id Long Severity ID of the project.
reproducible_id Long Reproducible ID of the project.
affectedmile_id Long Milestone ID of the project.
bug_followers Long Follower ID of the user.
uploaddoc File The maximum size to upload a file is 128 MB.
Custom Fields
CHAR1 - CHAR12 String Any text type of custom fields with string or picklist values.
LONG1 - LONG4 Long Numeric type of custom field.
DATE1 - DATE4 String [MM -DD-YYYY] Bug custom field in date format.
Sample Response
Status: 201 Created
Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"bugs": [{
"id": 170876000001851001,
"key": "543",
"project": {
"id": 170876000000147021
"flag": "Internal",
"title": "UI issue in Status text box",
"reporter_id": "2060758",
"reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
"created_time": "05-27-2014 08:38 AM",
"created_time_long": 1401188920000,
"assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
"classification": {
"id": 170876000000133041,
"type": "Feature(New)"
"severity": {
"id": 170876000000065005,
"type": "Major"
"status": {
"id": 170876000001077429,
"type": "known limitation"
"closed": false,
"reproducible": {
"id": 170876000000133005,
"type": "Always"
"module": {
"id": 170876000000494013,
"name": "ERP Phase I"
"link": {
"self": {
"url": "
"timesheet": {
"url": "
What I am doing
My request param[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
`Authorization: myKey`
`Content Type: application/json`
In body
"title": "My First Bug",
"description" :"This is my first bug",
"assignee" : "engr.usman" ,
"flag": "internal",
"classification_id": "1139168000000297069",
"milestone_id": "",
"due_date": "02-15-2018",
"module_id" : "1139168000000019372",
"severity_id" : "1139168000000007003",
"reproducible_id" : "1139168000000017069",
"status_id" :"1139168000000007045",
"resolution": "",
"affectedmile_id" : "",
"customfields": [
"column_name": "LONG1",
"label_name": "MSN#",
"value": "2999000190"
"column_name": "CHAR1",
"label_name": "Circle-Division-SubDivision",
"value": "Hyderabad - Latifabad - Tando Jam"
"column_name": "CHAR3",
"label_name": "LCD Indication",
"value": "S7"
"column_name": "CHAR2",
"label_name": "Reference #",
"value": "28371430034961U"
"uploaddoc" : [""]
"error": {
"code": 6831,
"message": "Input Parameter Missing"
Update 1
So just for testing it again. I have tried to send only mandatory and by default fields.
"title": "My First Bug",
"flag": "internal",
"classification_id": "1139168000000297069",
"module_id" : "1139168000000019372",
"severity_id" : "1139168000000007003",
"customfields": [
"column_name": "CHAR2",
"label_name": "Reference #",
"value": "28371430034961U"
But again I am getting same error Input Parameter Missing
I don't know why this error is generating. As there is no method of sending a request in the link.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Using the advanced query api and get all pages back

I can successfully call into an advanced query method and get the first page of data back (using the post option) refernced in
Anyone have an idea how to page after that? I get 20 out of 190 results. My query looks like:
var query = {
"input": { "last_name": name },
"additionalInput": {
"8d817939-my-api-key-9502ed72": cookie
"returnPaginationSuggestions": true
Where param name and cookie are known vars.
The results do not return a pagination block either as in the model result:
"connectorVersionGuid": "string",
"pagination": {
"pattern": "string",
"next": "string",
"currentPageNum": 0,
"previous": "string"
"connectorGuid": "string",
"totalResults": 0,
"errorType": "TimeoutException",
"outputProperties": [
"type": "STRING",
"name": "string"
"cookies": [
"results": [
"pageUrl": "string",
"error": "string",
"data": {}
If the response is not returning the "Pagination" block, it means that the system was not able to identify pagination on a given page.
As far as I remember pagination is flaky for Extractor APIs, while it works quite well for Magic APIs. I would recommend trying to get a Magic extractor, and getting pagination suggestions for it. Than you should be able to get the "Pagination" block in your response, and use "next" value to get the URL of the next page.

Dredd (gavel) : Begin a Json Schema with an array (bug ?)

I am using Markdown for Generate documentation (aglio), generate mocks (api-mock) and check the integrity constraints (dredd).
With Dredd, no problem for check an object, no problem for PUT or POST, but I have a problem with lists.
My lists are arrays, but when I write this schema :
"title": "Videos List",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"required": true
I get same error all the time: body: JSON schema is not valid! invalid type: object (expected [object Object]/array) at path "/items"
I've tried, again and again, 3 hours, but I failed.
Please help!
PS : sorry for my English, I'm french.
Yes, your data is correct again that schema.
It might be a specific problem of the validator your are using (you did not mention which). You can try to enclose your data with {}. I guess it is expecting allways a JSON like this:
"id": "ninon-retrouve-rudy",
"title": "Ninon retrouve Rudy edited"
"id": "ninon-retrouve-rudy-1",
"title": "Ninon retrouve Rudy"
Be aware also that your are using Draft03 of Json-schema. I suggest you to use Draft04 (your validator might be obsolete).