Copy file from target folder of one module to another target folder module - apache

I have two modules A and B. After maven create the artifact of A, this one generate a a.conf file that I need in my integration test on B. I would like to copy this a.conf file from the A target folder to the B target folder, to be deleted from B after finish the process.
So far I make it works with Maven resource plugin. But only works if I move the conf file from resource A to resource B folders, and not from target to target folder.
The ant plugin seems like not offer me the possibility to copy files from module to another.
Can anybody please suggest me a way to do what I want to accomplish here?.


How to import external JARs from one project to another?

I have created a new IntelliJ Project, and I want it to have JAR dependencies like I have in another project.
Is there a way to Export-Import / Copy-Paste JAR dependencies from one IntelliJ project to another without using POM?
Optional Solution:
1. Open <old-project>/.idea/libraries folder and <new-project>/.idea/libraries folder.
2. Make sure to enable the displaying of hidden files (in Win7, go to control-panel--> Folder Options --> View, and select the 'Show hidden files...')
3. Copy all XML files exists in .idea/libraries from the old project to the new one.
4. Make sure that each xml points to the right location of Jar. (In case of relative link)
5. Open the <old-project>.iml and <new-project>.iml, and copy all <orderEntry type="library" name"..."/> elements.
6. Restart your new project.
I'm not aware of a way to do this from within IDEA, but under your project folder you can find a directory called .idea/libraries that has a series of XML files, one for each external dependency. You should be able to copy these between projects and thus "share" dependencies.

Something strange with Project Paths in IntelliJ 14.1.4

So, something has started to act weird in my intelliJ project. I even tried removing the iml and .idea data, to no avail.
I go to Project Structure. There, I have a content root. Withing, I have three folders - one for my jar (and jni lib), one for Samples and one for Tools (just tools written to use the jar). The jar, Samples and Tools are marked blue (sources).
In the jar folder, I have my source tree (com\company\projectname\XXX), a lib folder, a folder for my JNI lib and a folder I created call 'junit', which is the focus of this question. It is marked in Project Structure in green (Tests).
Within, I have a folder structure eerily similar to my code: com\company\projectname\junit.
When I open a file in junit\com\company\xxx\junit, I have a big red underline under my package; line which tells me: "Package name '' does not correspond to the file path ''.
I was under the impression that marking a folder as 'Tests' would instruct the IDE to use that as a "parent" folder, if you will, eliminating the need to prepend another folder name.
How can I separate the code from unit tests and in fact, create two junit test suites (one is for internal use, the other is a 'skeleton' for distribution), park them under one "umbrella" folder and NOT have to prepend the package names with that folder name?
Update: Project structure:
Based on your screen shot, the issue is that the junit directory is a subdirectory of another source directory, namely MyProvider. A source directory (whether a "production" source or a unit test source directory) cannot be a subdirectory of another source directory.
You need to either:
move the junit directory out of MyProvider so it is a sibling directory, or
unmark MyProvider as a source directory, create a main (or some such directory) in MyProvider, mark it as a source directory, and then move the com directory/package into main.
Option 2 would be the preferred way to deal with this as it follows a very common directory structure standard.
UPDATE (Following comment from OP)
Here's a couple of screenshot showing the configuration you desire:
I removed the .IdeaIC15 folder and started over. Working for now. Something must have gotten confused in the config, either as part of the update, or in the course of operation. I have taken a backup copy as it is now, so if this happens again, I will have something to check.

Dart packages problems with intellij IDEA

I'm actually trying to use Dart in IntelliJ IDEA, and I have successfully install the plugin for it, but I face numerous others problems.
But the problem I want to resolve the most, is the fact that for some packages, IntelliJ doesn't show the sources inside it and not with particular reason...
The whole project work in Dart Editor, and launch correctly, so the problem is not from pubspec.yaml.
To makes me more understandable, I will say that I "pub get" correctly the packages A and B, so they appear as folder link in IntelliJ :
But like you see, I cannot enter in the b package to see the files inside it. I have checked the structure of the two folders without noticing any difference.
The more ridiculous in that is, I can see some of the files inside the B package in the editor of IntelliJ via Ctrl+Click in the dart files that import the files inside the B package. And it doesn't work for all of them ...
'b' is a 'path package' in your project. That means that b original source code is located on your computer and you specified path to it in pubspec.yaml. IntelliJ IDEA excludes all copies and leaves only original files in project. Root 'packages' folder is not excluded, but all its copies (for example in web folder) are excluded. packages/b is a copy and it is excluded. To work normally with source files from b package you should add path to b as a separate content root: Project Structure | Modules | your Dart module | Add content root.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14 excluded folders are visible by default. Use cases when you need to see excluded folder contents are rare so you may safely hide them (the option is under the gear in the Project View tool window title). With it you will see empty node in packages/b with a hint that it is just a link to b/lib folder. And anyway you should have path to b configured as a content root.
You should not open files of projects currently open in IntelliJ from the package folder but instead directly from the project. The b/lib after the folder icon indicates that this package is part of your currently opened IntelliJ project (may added as a Resource Root)
When you navigate to a referenced file ctrl+click the file is not opened from the packages symlink but from the package in your IntelliJ project (as you should do it manually as well).
The solution is to update IntelliJ to the Early Access update (139.2).
So this question will be useless in the next update, I will delete her at that moment.

How do i navigate through folders in code behind?

I need to address a file in my code. this file isn't located in my main project, but in a library project. When i call AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, i end up in the start project's (let's call it mainproject) debug folder. What i want to to is call and go up 3 levels, so i leave debug, then bin and then mainproject. Then i would navigate to libraryproject and to folder where file is located.
What i've tried so far is do AD.CD.BD\..\.. or AD.CD.BD/../..
I thought i remembered those, but it's a no go.
Does anyone know how to do this.
Thanks in advance
It is concerning to see you wanting to codify paths based on project build paths. What happens when you release the project and these project directories don't exist.
I would recommend that if there is a file your project needs to execute is from a library project that doesn't get copied across during the build that you use a post build step to copy this file to the same location as your assembly. Alternatively you may be able to set the build action on the file in your project which might get this file to your main project build output directory.
Three levels up would be ../../../ wouldn't it?

How can I filter which files are included in a workspace using MSBuild?

It seems that MsBuild creates a folder called, "BuildType" on the build server and this folder is where the .proj file is copied. In source control I have several files that are in the same folder as the build project file. I have a workspace mapped to this location.
I would like to be able to specify explicitly which files from this workspace location should be copied to the build machine. Is this possible?
You cannot do this on file level but if you organize your build type folder with subfolders you can cloak the folders that you want to exclude.