Cannot run the macro - vba

I have encountered a problem in the macro below
Sub RefreshAction()
Application.Run "RefreshCurrentSelection"
Application.OnTime (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05")), "thisworkbook.Action"
End Sub
The cell refreshes when I run the macro the first time but I get the error message immediately after
Message: Cannot run the macro "C\Desktop\XYZ.xlsm'!thisworkbook.Action'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.
I have already gone through "Trust Center->Trust Center Settings->Macro Settings->Enable all macros and it didn't work.
The "Trust access to VBA project object model" box is also clicked.

First of all, here is a snapshot of the error you get when you attempt to run OnTime from a worksheet (not a module) as I will explain. I was getting this error too and trying to figure out why.
It looks like a security error, but in this case it isn't exactly a normal security error.
To run code on a timer you have to add it to a VBA module.
Go to the VisualBasic editor and right click the VBAProject (book).
In Excel it looks like the following:
Once the module is added you add your timer code there.
Since you want to call RefreshAction every 5 seconds you would do something like the following:
Sub StartProcess()
Debug.Print Now()
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "RefreshAction", Schedule = True
End Sub
Sub RefreshAction()
Application.EnableEvents = True
Debug.Print Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05")
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "RefreshAction", Schedule = True
End Sub
I'll let you add the code that you want it to do each time in the RefreshAction subroutine.
Here's what it will look like in the Module. Make sure yours shows that it is in a module as it does in the image:
Also, I found it to be quite flaky. If you have anything even slightly wrong in the OnTime call it will fail silently. Copy my code (I tested it) and try it first. Once it runs, just add your code to the RefreshAction sub.
Run the StartProcess to start the thing going.
Additionally Odd Thing
After I added that Module, I still had my code in the Worksheet and I went back and attempted to run it to see the error again and the odd thing is that once the code is in the Module you won't get the error from the Worksheet any more. It's probably referencing the code in the Module now.

See the absolute reference for more details : CPearson OnTime
First issue, you need to store the time that you'll input in your OnTime method to be able to stop it. (Here I declared a Public TimeToRun As Date)
Second Point To use the OnTime method continuously, you need to reset the timer at the end of your timed procedure (here RefreshAllStaticData).
So your whole code should look like this :
Public TimeToRun As Date 'so that TimeToRun can be used in both the functions
Sub RefreshAction()
Application.Run "RefreshCurrentSelection"
'Store the next date of execution in TimeToRun
TimeToRun = Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05")
'Launch the next OnTime
Application.OnTime TimeToRun, "RefreshAllStaticData"
End Sub
Sub RefreshAllStaticData()
'--++-- Place your code here, as it is now --++--
'----Call RefreshAction to reset the OnTime method
'---------to another 5 seconds and keep "looping"
End Sub
Sub Kill_OnTime()
'Launch this to stop the OnTime method
Application.OnTime _
earliesttime:=TimeToRun, _
procedure:="RefreshAllStaticData", _
End Sub

A different but related cause of this error can be the string-length limitation of the OnTime method's Procedure parameter's argument. See my post at: Getting around the Max String size in a vba function?


issue with concatenated subs

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a developer, just an average guy trying to use VBA on his own project. First time I post on stackoverflow so forgive me if I'm violating any unwritten community rule..
Hi all, I'm trying to have a bunch of subs running in sequence, so the next one starts only when the previous one has finished.
The problem is that excel keep on crashing during the execution, while if I run each sub manually they have no issue at all.
So far I have been using this method: First I have a mini sub that assigns value=1 to the global variable "oneclick", and then calls the first macro of the chain
then, in each sub there is a tiny piece just before the end:
sub macro1()
...macro code...
if oneclick=1 then
call macro2
end if
end sub
and so on for all the subs until the final sub resets the oneclick variable to zero.
I have no idea why this keeps on crashing. I can see that actually none of these subs is really closing until the very end of the last one, would this hit any sort of code limitation? I would be actually happier to have a single master sub that directs the process instead of relying on a kludge like this! any suggestion?
oh wow already so many answers.. now I'm gonna try some of those. Answering some of your questions:
1) the crash is really something sudden, not even an error message, simply excel quits and reopens, in the same state as it was when the macro chain first started.
2) I agree with you guys that there should be a master sub calling the smaller ones, however last time I tried I got a series of problems because one macro needs to work on the results of the previous one and so on. How do you tell to vba to wait until the previous sub has ended?
It is best if you don't chain the macros, but instead call them from another sub. This way you will have a clear way of understanding what you are doing, in what order.
Sub AllOfIt()
End Sub
Sub macro1
End Sub
Sub macro2
End Sub
Sub macro3
End Sub
There is generally no need to worry about if something starts before the previous macro ended. That does not happen unless you do something like using Application.OnTime
What probably is happening is that oneclick is not defined with a Dim statement, so by default its defined at procedure level, meaning if you set oneclick it to 0 in another Sub, your setting another local/procedure level variable, and your variable in macro1 is unchanged, so your chain of macros never stops, which leads to a stack overflow/crash as stated in one of the comments above.
So either define oneclick as public variable (I recommend to define it as Boolean as it seems to basically be a switch .... True/False) or you pass the variable as argument down your chain of macros ( Sub Macro2(ByRef oneclick as Boolean) ).
All that said, as one of comments above stated, you can have all your chained subs in the main sub ( macro1 ) as they will only get executed one after the other, e.g.
Sub macro1()
Dim oneclick As Boolean
oneclick = True 'Need to get set to true to start
If oneclick Then Call macro2(oneclick)
If oneclick Then Call macro3(oneclick)
End Sub
Sub macro2(ByRef oneclick As Boolean)
oneclick = False 'One of your macros has to set oneclick to false to stop the chain/execution, probably under acondition
End Sub

Excel 2016 crash on API timer initiated Workbook.close

I have a workbook that crashes Excel on close when the close is triggered by an API timer.
Edit: The workbook in link below has nothing but the timer and exit modules and it has the same behavior so it's not an issue with the content.
A few seconds after the workbook closes Excel crashes. I have tried turning the timer off, unhiding all sheets, unloading forms...all the objects are set to Nothing.
All I am doing is Workbooks(ThisWorkbook.Name).Close SaveChanges:=True??!!
The same sub is called from a UserForm with no problem. The workbook closes without Excel crashing.
How to fix this?
Sub ApplicationExit()
' Call UnloadAllForms
' DoEvents
' Sleep 1000
' Call StopCloseTimer
'If Application.Workbooks.Count = 1 Then
' Workbooks(ThisWorkbook.Name).Save
' Application.Quit
Workbooks(ThisWorkbook.Name).Close SaveChanges:=True
'End If
End Sub
The code triggered by the timer is;
Sub TimerCalled()
If CloseTimerValue = "" Then Call Reset_CloseTimerValue
If basTimers.CloseTimerValue <= Now() And Not Unlocked Then Call ApplicationExit
On Error Resume Next 'In case sheet is protected
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("JobIndex").Range("CloseCount").Value = Format(Now() - CloseTimerValue, "hh:m:s")
End Sub
The userform says;
i = MsgBox("Close Project Register?", vbYesNo, MsgBoxTitle)
Select Case i
Case vbYes
Call ApplicationExit
Case vbNo
End Select
Timer in excel vba is done by using the Application.OnTime command or windows timer, as you are using.
Notice that, to schedule the call for a function (using the upper-mentioned command), it's used APPLICATION, which means it tells EXCEL to execute the call, not your workbook. So, in your case, the workbook is closed, BUT the to-be-called procedure is still scheduled to go off at some time in the future. The error that you get is that the excel doesn't find the procedure and then throws an error.
The reason it crashes in your case is that you are using windows timer to do it. When you close your workbook, your instance of the lib32 is lost and when time comes, Windows can't reach in the memory and then crashes the whole application.
In both cases, it seems that your scheduled procedure is still running.
I suggest that you look into that and consider using application.ontime.

How to get VBA Macro to run continuously in the background?

I want to monitor a value and get an email notifications when certain conditions are met. I have a macro like so:
Do While True
If Value > 10 Then
End If
Sleep 60*CLng(1000)
However, when I run this, it clogs up the entire program and will turn unresponsive if I try to do anything.
Is there anyway to accomplish this but have it run in the background or at least not crash the program?
What I was doing before was using VBScript to open a not-visible spreadsheet and the VBScript ran continuously in the background monitoring the condition and worked fine, but my client really wants a GUI and for it to be in the program itself.
Any thoughts?
Use the Application.OnTime method to schedule code that will run in one minute.
Your code will look something like this (Untested):
Sub CreateNewSchedule()
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=DateAdd("n", 1, Now), Procedure:="macro_name", Schedule:=True
End Sub
Sub macro_name()
If Value > 10 Then
End If
End Sub
You might want to store the time of the next schedule in a global variable so that the Workbook_BeforeClose event can cancel the next schedule. Otherwise Excel will re-open the workbook.
Public nextScheduledTime As Date
Sub CreateNewSchedule()
nextScheduledTime = DateAdd("n", 1, Now)
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=nextScheduledTime , Procedure:="macro_name", Schedule:=True
End Sub
Sub macro_name()
If Value > 10 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=nextScheduledTime, Procedure:="macro_name", Schedule:=False
End Sub
You can then continue to use Excel between the scheduled times.
I think you need to specifically process the application event stack with a DoEvents call. This allows user interactions with the spreadsheet to occur, where normally the macro would take precedence. You code would look something like:
Do While True
If Value > 10 Then
End If
Sleep 60*CLng(1000)
You could also construct a GUI with HTA if you wanted to remain with VBScript.

Macro to start at a particular time

I have found sources that say to use
Application.OnTime TimeValue("18:00:00"), "MyMacro"
But I can't seem to get it to work. This is what I have entered
Sub TimeStamp()
' TimeStamp Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T
Application.OnTime TimeValue("13:25:00"), "TimeStamp"
' Following refreshes the data
Then the rest of the code followed by End Sub
For whatever unknown reason, when I start the Macro, it does not wait until that given time. What syntax rules am I breaking here?
The macro is triggered when the macro is triggered. OnTime schedules it to be run automatically, but why should that prevent you from running it manually? Think of it like a virus scan. Many people have their computers configured to do automatic scans at certain set times, but are perfectly able to run nonscheduled scans at any time. If you want to make sure that your macro doesn't have any effect before a certain time, use an if - then statement involving Now (if it is too early exit sub) -- although it makes more sense to not run it at all when you don't want to.
Another method that I've used for years successfully is by just creating a small vb script that is scheduled to call the macro. My other answer to a very similar question show this example script
Dim xlApp
Dim xlWkb
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
Set xlWkb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("PATH TO YOUR FILE")
xlApp.Visible = True
xlWkb.RunAutoMacros 1 'enables macros to be run on open
xlApp.Workbooks("YOUR WORKBOOK NAME").Save 'Save the workbook
xlApp.Quit 'quits excel
Schedule this through Tasks Scheduler. My other answer can be found here
This is what I ended up with thanks to the help of several of you. I used:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Wait "6:45:00"
Call TimeStamp
End Sub
and placed this in "ThisWorkbook". This made it so that when I open up my workbook, the macro is automatically started but it waits until 3:03 pm to perform the rest of the task.
Next, I needed it to refresh every 15 minutes so I used Chip's solution suggested by User: Findwindow. The code goes as follows
Public RunWhen As Double
Public Const cRunIntervalSeconds = 900 ' 15 minutes
Public Const cRunWhat = "TimeStamp" ' the name of the procedure to run
Sub StartTimer()
If Time < TimeSerial(13, 15, 0) Then
RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, cRunIntervalSeconds)
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=RunWhen, Procedure:=cRunWhat, _
End If
End Sub
at the end of the TimeStamp macro, I put Call StartTimer so that every time the macro is ran, the timer will schedule a new run time for 15 minutes from the current time. The If Time < TimeSerial(13, 15, 0) Then allows for the macro to stop running at 1:15pm, the time that I wanted it to stop.

Allow user to kill process during wait in VBA

I have written a program to print multiple .pdfs with varying file extensions off of an Excel spreadsheet list.
The problem is that it takes anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute for the printer to receive the pdf after the line: Application.SendKeys "^p~", False is called.
To get by this I used Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:01:03")) to wait for a minute (plus 3 seconds just to be safe) before closing the file.
To me there seems like there should be a better way than just causing the program to wait, so I looked around a little and found a question about this lovely gem known as Application.OnTime.
I tried a sample of one of the answers:
Sub test2()
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value + 1
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:5"), "test2"
End Sub
However when I tried to stop the above code it kept going on an infinite loop and I was unable to stop it until I killed excel using the windows task manager.
I would like to be able to add in a little message box or something of the sort so that the user can click in between the wait time.
So that while the program is waiting for a minute, the user can either manually click and start the program on the next pdf, or click another button to exit if they need to stop printing early. Something like this:
Sub pdfPrinter()
'Insert all the other code here
Application.SendKeys "^p~", False
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:02"), "pdfPrinter"
continue= MsgBox("Click Retry to print again, or cancel to stop printer.", vbRetryCancel)
If continue = vbRetry Then
Call pdfPrinter
ElseIf continue = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Application.OnTime(unlike Application.Wait) is Asynchronous
so code after
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:02"), "pdfPrinter"
Runs Immediately.
If you want to print another PDF you need to call Application.OnTime with a different schedule of the 1st one.
Now, canceling Application.OnTime, when it is already started is a different story:
To do that you need to store that time that the respective function is scheduled to run and then Cancel it using the following code:
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:50"), "test", schedule:=False