Getting the E-mail id of user in Bigquery - google-oauth

I am using Bigquery Java API. For authorization with Bigquery service,I am using Google OAuth 2.0.My question is :- How to get an E-mail ID of user who has granted the access on consent screen?
I am not able to find anything related to it. Is it possible to get an E-mail ID of the User.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance :)

Just run
and this returns the current user's email
You can find this, and more functions in the manual:

In addition to Pentium10's suggestion, you can also get the user e-mail of the user who ran a particular job / query; it is in the user_email property of the job. You can see this by using bq by doing:
$ bq show --format=prettyjson -j project_id:job_id | grep user_email
Where project_id:job_id are the project and job id for the job you're looking for.
This only works to get the user e-mail if either you are a project administrator or you were the one who ran the job in the first place.

You should be able to get the user's email address as part of the OAuth flow. It looks like it's part of the JWT that you receive during this process:
If you're using a language-specific client library, there may be support in that client library for decoding the JWT.


Is getting another user's ID token possible?

I'm working on a web app where all users sign in using their Google account, using Google's OAuth2 API. I'm using ScribeJava to take care of the OAuth details.
I'm currently using the "sub" field of the user's ID token as their primary key in my database. When a new user logs in for the first time, their "sub" is stored for future logins.
I'm looking for a way for an administrator to add a user before they first log in - however, since I don't have the new user's "sub", I can't just add them to the database. Is there a way to use Google's API to look up another user's ID token (or at least the "sub" field) using their email address? Is there a better primary key that makes this easier?
Let me start by saying using the Sub id is probably a really good idea. However there is no way for you to get a users sub id from their email address. That information just isn't available until a user logs in as its part of the authentication Open Id connect claims.
Sorry but what you want to do isnt possible.

How can a webhook identify USER_IDs?

I'm developing a webhook, and I want it to be able to #mention specific users. The simple message format specifies using the format of <users/123456789012345> to #mention a specific users. Since this is not a bot, it is not processing an incoming message and cannot pull the from the sender field, as suggested in the note on the developer site linked above.
How can I get the USER_ID of a user on my domain?
I am in the same boat as you. Trying to use a Webhook to mention a user.
If you inspect the HTML on, using web/dev tools, you can actually see user ID under tag data-member-id="user/bot/123456789012345"
Using the above I tried to form a webhook that mentioned the user (in my case another bot).
Unfortunately it didn't work. Passing in the string <users/123456789012345> please test came through to chat as a string literal.
It's strange because the html links and markup DO get interpreted. As mentioned here. Edit: so does <users/all>.
I'm leaving this here since your question asks for how to elicit the ID. While it may not be pretty, or much automatable, it helped me get the user ID at least.
Edit 2: It works, just not to mention my other bot for some reason. But using this method I was able to mention a human user :)
I use this for find the USER_ID but if you have another way let me know
Right click on the user and select inspect
Search for data-member-id this is your USER_ID
A webhook will not be able to pull the USER_ID of a user. As a workaround for this, you can create a service account and a bot that has access to the room and use the REST API spaces.members.list() and spaces.members.get() method.
Note: The bot will need to be added to the room.
Okay, so in order to get the UserID without having to do all of the things that you're trying to do here you need to use the Admin SDK API in google app script. Basically what you'll want to do is use your google app script as an intermediary for what you're trying to do. So you'll post something to google app script via their web exec functions on a deployed app and then have that app communicate to the google chat API via something like this:
var googlewebhookurl = '';
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify({ text: "<users/000000000001> I see you!" })
UrlFetchApp.fetch(googlewebhookurl, options);
To start, you'll need to add the Admin SDK API to the services in your google app script services area. So click the plus next to "Services" and then select the Admin SDK API and click add to add it to the services, it winds up showing up in the list as "AdminDirectory" once it has been added to the services.
This is an image showing what it looks like once you've added it to the services.
Here is a link to the documentation for the Admin SDK API getting user information:
You should be able to copy and paste that example function to get the information you're looking for regarding the user. I'm pasting the example code below in case something happens to this link:
* Get a user by their email address and logs all of their data as a JSON string.
function getUser() {
var userEmail = '';
var user = AdminDirectory.Users.get(userEmail);
Logger.log('User data:\n %s', JSON.stringify(user, null, 2));
In order to get the user id, take the user variable that comes back and access and voila! You have the ID you're looking for. From there just plaster it into a text message in google chat and you should be in business. I haven't gotten it to work with cards at all yet. I'm not seeing any documentation saying that it's supported in cards at all. For more information regarding chat messages and cards take a look at these:

Telegram check if user is admin

I am using the telegram bot api to make a bot. I have some commands that can only be sent from admins. Like kick and ban commands. How do I check if the sender is an admin or not? I am using the python-telegram-bot api. I do not want everyone to be able to ban members.
You can use getChatMember method. See following instance:
I have found after searching a bit. The admin status is stored under Telegram.ChatMember.status. It is documented here. It is used by bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, user_id). And then getting status in it.
The other answers are correct, but require an additional call to the API. An efficient solution is to cache the list of admins.
A good solution for this is described here, copied below:
Cached Telegram group administrator check
If you want to limit certain bot functions to group administrators, you have to test if a user is an administrator in the group in question. This however requires an extra API request, which is why it can make sense to cache this information for a certain time, especially if your bot is very busy.
This snippet requires this timeout-based cache decorator. (gist mirror)
Save the decorator to a new file named and add this line to your imports:
from mwt import MWT
Then, add the following decorated function to your script. You can change the timeout as required.
def get_admin_ids(bot, chat_id):
"""Returns a list of admin IDs for a given chat. Results are cached for 1 hour."""
return [ for admin in bot.get_chat_administrators(chat_id)]
You can then use the function like this:
if in get_admin_ids(bot, update.message.chat_id):
# admin only
Note: Private chats and groups with all_members_are_administrator flag, are not covered by this snippet. Make sure you handle them.

Run a script on User login to Salesforce

is there a way to run code (like S-CONTROL or APEX), or maybe popup a browser window (with my code) when the user logs in to Salesforce?
I am trying to capture the IP of the user for future validation, thank you.
But, the platform autmatically logs all login activity. You can find this under:
Setup>Manage Users> Login History
As pointed out by Gavin Watkinson, you can also access this through the API, or directly from Apex using SOQL.:
SELECT ApiType,ApiVersion,Application,Browser,ClientVersion,Id,LoginTime,LoginType,LoginUrl,Platform,SourceIp,Status,UserId
FROM LoginHistory

How do i send twitter direct messages on behalf of logged in user?

I have a twitter app with access level "Read, write, and direct messages"
I am using omniauth-twitter gem along with devise for letting users sign up and log into my site through twitter. All is fine till now.
It would be nice if the user is able to send direct messages to the his/her followers.
To fetch the list of followers I am using twitter gem. Now how do I let the user send the message he wants?
I have tried almost anything but all returns This application is not allowed to access or delete your direct messages error. This has been killing me for the past week
When I do Twitter.verify_credentials there is no error raised and a User object is returned. But when I call Twitter.direct_messages the above errors is raised. Am i missing something obvious here?
Thanks in advance.
Update: When I tried Twitter.direct_message_create() it worked like a charm! Would like to know as to why Twitter.direct_messages didn't work.
Check to make sure that DM permissions are actually authorized. If not revoke and reauthorize. Make sure the OAuth tokens the account has granted to the app actually include DM access. Sometimes an app will not have DM acces, OAuth tokens will get authorized then DM access gets added to the app settings and the OAuth token for the account doesn't have DM access authorized.
To answer your update question:
Update: When I tried Twitter.direct_message_create() it worked like a
charm. Would like to know as to why Twitter.direct_messages didn't
Is used to retrieve existing DMs, whereas:
Twitter.direct_message_create(user, text)
is used to send a DM.
See here:
As an update to #auxbuss's answer, the method has been renamed to:
The documentation has also moved: