I am making a call to https://api.box.com/oauth2/token to get a token for a user.
I get a 400 with the following error:
Cannot obtain token based on the enterprise configuration for your app
I don't see this error message defined anywhere. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
The issue here was that I was requesting a token for a non app user and my application was configured to allow access to app users only.
I'm using ASP.Net Core 6 to build a secured Web API.
dotnet new webapi --auth SingleOrg --aad-instance https://login.microsoftonline.com/ --client-id <CLIENT ID> --domain company.onmicrosoft.com --tenant-id <TENANT ID> --calls-graph true -o GraphTestService
I added a Scope in the Export API "EmployeeRecord.Read"
Added permission for Graph API (User.Read)
Added permission "EmployeeRecord.Read"
I'm using "InteractiveBrowserCredential".
Everything works fine up until the Web service tries to call Graph API. It throws MsalUIRequiredException.
Understandable, since I did not include any graph API permissions when I requested a token.
When I inspect the Bearer token that's returned, it has the "EmployeeRecord.Read" scope. Ok, that's fine. The Web API authorizes it; but the token doesn't have any permissions for Graph API.
When I add a graph API permission to the scopes, I get
AADSTS28000: Provided value for the input parameter scope is not valid because it contains more than one resource. Scope api://<APP URI ID>/EmployeeRecord.Read https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read offline_access openid profile is not valid.
If I only include the graph API permission, the Web API returns an Unauthorized error.
In addition to playing with the scopes, I tried adding my client application to the Web API app registration under the "Expose an API / Add A client Application". This made no difference. No difference in token or errors.
You are trying to add scopes for 2 different resource ,the scope parameter cannot be used to specify permissions for multiple resources similar issue .
we recommend you to use MSAL libarry , MSAL will store tokens for you and refresh whenever token is expired. Just call acquireTokenSilent to get an access token silently, and if you get an error, call acquireToken (see details on error handling here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-handling-exceptions#msal-for-ios-and-macos-errors)
for more info please check similar issue
I am following this guide (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/skype-sdk/ucwa/authenticationusingazuread) in order to access Skype for Business. Everything goes fine till the last part but let's do step by step. I am building my .net console application to do this but in order to explain you properly the problem I am having I will show you directly the http calls through Insomnia (software used to make http calls).
Step 1:
GET request towards https://webdir.online.lync.com/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root
I hit 200 and as answer I receive this:
Step 2:
I use the user link.
So I send an http request to https://webdir1e.online.lync.com/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root/oauth/user and I get a 401 Unauthorized (everything still correct).
In the header of the answer it points me to the Identity Provider to ask for authorization (authorization_uri)
Step 3: I use that link to authorize my app, which has its own client_Id (that I hide in the following screenshot).
This is how I compose the call:
If I send this http request I get redirected to the page where it asks my personal login and by inserting my credentials I succesfully login and hit 404, where in the answer I receive back my access token.
Step 5: I use the access token towards the same AutodiscoverService link of step 1. This is to register my application. I hit 200 and I receive back the link to access Skype for Business.
Finally (and this is where things go wrong) I send a POST request towards the applications link with the Bearer token, and I receive a 403 Forbidden. I think I am following correctly the guide but I can't figure out why I can access the resource at the last step.
The permissions are granted. I hide the name since it contains the name of my company. But it is the same of the domain of my login.
So the token you generated authorizes you to access resources at https://webdir1e.online.lync.com which you've done to fetch a new set of resources including the "application" resouce which is on a DIFFERENT host: https://webpooldb41e14.infra.lync.com.
You actually have to get another OAuth token now which authorizes you for the application resource and then you can POST to that to generate your session in UCWA.
As a side note... If you've defined your own single-tenant application in Azure that has been granted rights to SkypeForBusinessOnline then I think you should be targeting authorization and authentication endpoints of the form:
Also I should add, if you're trying to write a trusted secure client that users in your company will use I would suggest looking up the Resource Owner Password Credentials auth flow. It allows you to directly hit the token endpoint I mentioned above and exchange username/password credentials for an access token. Then you can manage auto-discovery and application creation easily under the hood without getting re-directed back and forth to Azure.
I'm having an issues with the new API policy of Instagram
I already got my app approved and got basic permissions
IG API Permissions
When using the app on sandbox mode I can get API response only for my own user, however when I move to Live Mode and try using the API all I receive is error 400 code
For example
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthPermissionsException",
code: 400,
error_message: "This client has not been approved to access this resource."
Even using the same API with my own username still getting the same error
I was trying to search on it but all I can find is the same error happens to unauthorized users
Any idea ?
I have fixed the This client has not been approved to access this resource Issue by Authorizing the Instagram public_content scope by visiting the following URL and clicking Authorize.
I found the reason, I can't use that endpoint because I have only permission for basic. for more information https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/
I have an application that uses OAuth 2 to access Gmail. This is working fine for most users. For some users, however, my application fails at the point of trying to read the Gmail labels, with http error 403 (forbidden). Keep in mind that previous to this API call, I have accessed the user profile successfully. Here is the call that fails:
GET /gmail/v1/users/user.name#domain.com/labels?access_token=ya29.fwI_zL1rF3xOIQcHNzpBhmjVlJhRpofkh4a9mVvwhYRo6H09qX5RNKv76zKT7e6-sEZr
I am requesting the following scopes when getting the access token, and the user has logged in to Google and accepted the request for access (and I can see this when we look at his security dashboard):
Note that I just added the gmail.labels scope in at attempt to fix this.
Again, this code is working fine for most users - why do some users fail the label request?
Use the shorthand value me instead of user.name#domain.com and the user who the access token belongs to will be used automatically.
I'm trying to acquire a 2 legged oauth2 access token for google's storage api through a service account.
The relevant documentation is contained here:
I first tried attempted to acquire the token through their HTTP/REST api. I eventually gave up being unable to get past a 400 response with the following details:
{ "error" : "invalid_grant" }
I then turned to the recommended method: using the java Google api client library (I'm using scala).
val credentialBuilder = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
.setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File(new File(Configuration.GoogleAPI.ServiceAccount.pkcs12))
def updateToken = {
val credential = credentialBuilder.build()
// ... do stuff here with token
Running the above, I get a TokenResponseException, with a payload identical to the error I was getting directly accessing the REST api. 400 Bad Request, invalid_grant error.
Doing some research (on both stackoverflow and elsewhere), I find that the most common reasons for this error message are:
1) The local clock is not synced with Google's servers. I suspected this even back when I was using the REST api because I've encountered this issue for other services before. I'm fairly sure its not a clock issue however, because I have repeatedly synced my clocks with an external ntp server:
sudo ntpdate -s ntp.ubuntu.com
2) The other common cause for this error is setting the service account client ID incorrectly. Most people set it to their service account client id (ending with "apps.googleusercontent.com") instead of their service account client email. Its pretty clear that this isn't the problem, since I'm correctly pointing to the email (the docs instructed this, so I followed the directions), ending with "#developer.gserviceaccount.com".
I'm stuck. I've checked the user documentation, the javadocs, various forums. The error message isn't very helpful (probably designed that way, since it's a security endpoint).
What other possible causes for this error exist? What can I do to get my service account access token?
If you are using OAuth2.0 to access a google analytics account then there could be one more reason of getting invalid_grant. As per developer docs:
If the application attempts to use an invalidated refresh token, an
invalid_grant error response is returned. The limit for each unique
pair of OAuth 2.0 client and Google Analytics account is 25 refresh
tokens (note that this limit is subject to change). If the application
continues to request refresh tokens for the same Client/Account pair,
once the 26th token is issued, the 1st refresh token that was
previously issued will become invalid. The 27th requested refresh
token would invalidate the 2nd previously issued token and so on.