(xs : Vect n elem) -> Vect (n * 2) elem - idris

The book Type Driven Development with Idris presents this exercise:
Define a possible method that fits the signature:
two : (xs : Vect n elem) -> Vect (n * 2) elem
I tried:
two : (xs : Vect n elem) -> Vect (n * 2) elem
two xs = xs ++ xs
But I got the following error:
*One> :r
Type checking ./One.idr
One.idr:9:5:When checking right hand side of two:
Type mismatch between
Vect (n + n) elem (Type of xs ++ xs)
Vect (mult n 2) elem (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
plus n n
mult n 2
Holes: Hw1.two
If I have a Vector of size N, and need a Vector of size N*2, then appending it to itself seems reasonable.
What am I doing wrong?

Short answer
Change the type signature to two : (xs : Vect n elem) -> Vect (n + n) elem.
If you really need it that way
Getting to Vect (n * 2) elem is a bit complicated. Here:
two' : Vect n elem -> Vect (n * 2) elem
two' {n} xs = rewrite multCommutative n 2 in rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral n in xs ++ xs
The reason you got that error message is that equality in typechecking is equality after reduction to normal form. n + n and mult n 2 are equal, but their normal forms aren't. (mult n 2 is what n * 2 reduces to after resolving the typeclass.)
You can see the definition of mult like so:
*kevinmeredith> :printdef mult
mult : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
mult 0 right = 0
mult (S left) right = plus right (mult left right)
It works by pattern matching on the first argument. Since the first argument in the type signature of two is n, mult can't be reduced at all. multCommutative will help us flip it around:
*kevinmeredith> :t multCommutative
multCommutative : (left : Nat) ->
(right : Nat) -> left * right = right * left
Our best tool to apply that equality is rewrite, like in my definition of two'. (run :t replace at the REPL if you want to see how to do it the hard way) In the rewrite foo in bar construction, foo is something of type a = b and bar has the type of the outer expression, but with all as replaced by bs. In my two' above, I first used it to change Vect (n * 2) to Vect (2 * n). This lets mult reduce. If we look at mult above, and apply it to 2 i.e. S (S Z) and n, you get plus n (mult (S Z) n, and then plus n (plus n (mult Z n)), and then plus n (plus n Z). You don't have to work out the reduction yourself, you can just apply the rewrite and put a hole on the end:
two' : Vect n elem -> Vect (n * 2) elem
two' {n} xs = rewrite multCommutative n 2 in ?aaa
Then ask Idris:
*kevinmeredith> :t aaa
elem : Type
n : Nat
xs : Vect n elem
_rewrite_rule : plus n (plus n 0) = mult n 2
aaa : Vect (plus n (plus n 0)) elem
plus n Z doesn't reduce because plus is defined by recursion on its first argument, just like mult. plusZeroRightNeutral gets you the equality you need:
*kevinmeredith> :t plusZeroRightNeutral
plusZeroRightNeutral : (left : Nat) -> left + 0 = left
I used the same technique with rewrite again.
:search will let you search the library for inhabitants of a given type. You'll often find someone has done the work of proving things for you.
*kevinmeredith> :s (n : Nat) -> n + 0 = n
= Prelude.Nat.multOneLeftNeutral : (right : Nat) ->
fromInteger 1 * right = right
= Prelude.Nat.plusZeroRightNeutral : (left : Nat) ->
left + fromInteger 0 = left
*kevinmeredith> :s (n, m : Nat) -> n * m = m * n
= Prelude.Nat.multCommutative : (left : Nat) ->
(right : Nat) -> left * right = right * left
(This answer is for Idris version


How to prove equality commutes in Idris?

Trying to prove the following assertion:
equalityCommutesNat : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n = m -> m = n
I found plusCommutes in the libraries but nothing for equality.
The only inhabitant of = is Refl : (a = a), so if you pattern match, you'll get evidence that n is m.
Which means you can then use Refl, since Idris's pattern matching now knows they're the same:
equalityCommutesNat : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n = m -> m = n
equalityCommutesNat _ _ Refl = Refl
And you can play around with this in the REPL:
> equalityCommutesNat 1 1 Refl
Refl : 1 = 1

Check if Vector's Lengths are Equal

Given the following from Type-Driven Development with Idris:
import Data.Vect
data EqNat : (num1 : Nat) -> (num2 : Nat) -> Type where
Same : (num : Nat) -> EqNat num num
sameS : (eq : EqNat k j) -> EqNat (S k) (S j)
sameS (Same n) = Same (S n)
checkEqNat : (num1 : Nat) -> (num2 : Nat) -> Maybe (EqNat num1 num2)
checkEqNat Z Z = Just $ Same Z
checkEqNat Z (S k) = Nothing
checkEqNat (S k) Z = Nothing
checkEqNat (S k) (S j) = case checkEqNat k j of
Just eq => Just $ sameS eq
Nothing => Nothing
exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a)
exactLength {m} len input = case (checkEqNat m len) of
Just (Same m) => Just input
Nothing => Nothing
If I replace the last function's Just (Same m) with Just eq, the compiler complains:
*Lecture> :r
Type checking ./Lecture.idr
When checking right hand side of Main.case block in exactLength at Lecture.idr:18:34 with expected type
Maybe (Vect len a)
When checking argument x to constructor Prelude.Maybe.Just:
Type mismatch between
Vect m a (Type of input)
Vect len a (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Holes: Main.exactLength
How does Just (Same m), i.e. the working code, provide "evidence" that exactLength's len and m are equal?
What I find useful when working with Idris is adding holes when you're not sure about something rather than solving them. Like adding a hole into Just ... branch to see what's going on there:
exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a)
exactLength {m} len input = case (checkEqNat m len) of
Just (Same m) => ?hole
Nothing => Nothing
and then change (Same m) to eq and back while looking at the results of type checking. In the eq case it's like this:
- + Main.hole [P]
`-- a : Type
m : Nat
len : Nat
eq : EqNat m len
input : Vect m a
Main.hole : Maybe (Vect len a)
And in the (Same m) case it's like this:
- + Main.hole_1 [P]
`-- m : Nat
a : Type
input : Vect m a
Main.hole_1 : Maybe (Vect m a)
So eq is something of a type EqNat m len, no one knows whether it's inhabitant or not, while Same m (or Same len) is definitely inhabitant which proves that m and len are equal.
When you start with
exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a)
exactLength {m} len input with (_)
exactLength {m} len input | with_pat = ?_rhs
and gradually extend the missing links until you reached
exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a)
exactLength {m} len input with (checkEqNat m len)
exactLength {m = m} len input | Nothing = Nothing
exactLength {m = len} len input | (Just (Same len)) = Just input
you can see how idris can derive from the fact that checkEqNat m len returned a Just (Same ...) that it can then infer that {m = len}. AFAIK just writing Just eq is not a proof that eq is indeed inhabited.

Concatenation of two vectors - why are lengths not treated as commutative?

I'm playing around with Idris and I came across something which confuses me a little:
The following type checks:
conc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n+m) a
conc [] ys = ys
conc (x :: xs) ys = x :: (conc xs ys)
but this doesn't:
conc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m+n) a
conc [] ys = ys
conc (x :: xs) ys = x :: (conc xs ys)
with the following error:
When checking right hand side of conc with expected type
Vect (m + 0) a
Type mismatch between
Vect m a (Type of ys)
Vect (plus m 0) a (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
plus m 0
Equivalently xs++ys type checks but ys++xs doesn't even though they would both match the type definition of having length n+m.
This surprises me a little as addition is commutative. Is there anything I can do (perhaps with constraints?) to the function signature to get both xs++ys and ys++xs expressions type checking?
This is a common topic of confusion for beginners in Idris.
The problem in this case in second conc version:
conc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m+n) a
conc [] ys = ys
Idris cannot apply addition commutativity because Nat plus commutativity is a theorem from the compiler point of view. Here its type:
Idris> :t plusCommutative
plusCommutative : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> left + right = right + left
There're no general rules to tell you which theorem to choose and to apply. Of course, some heuristics can be made for some simple cases, like Nat commutativity. But this also can make difficult to understand some other cases.
The other thing you need to consider is definition of plus:
Idris> :printdef plus
plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus 0 right = right
plus (S left) right = S (plus left right)
Function plus defined in a such way that is does pattern matching on its first argument. Idris actually can perform this pattern matching in types. So in first version, where
conc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n+m) a
conc [] ys = ys
you have (0 + m) in type and Idris can replace plus 0 m with m and everything typechecks. plus m 0 would work if you define your + operator by pattern matching on second argument. For example, this compiles:
infixl 4 +.
(+.) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
n +. Z = n
n +. (S m) = S (n +. m)
conc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m +. n) a
conc [] ys = ys
conc (x :: xs) ys = x :: (conc xs ys)
But it's obvious that writing new operator for every case you need is horrible. So to make your second version compilable you should use rewrite ... in syntax in Idris. You need next theorems:
Idris> :t plusZeroRightNeutral
plusZeroRightNeutral : (left : Nat) -> left + 0 = left
Idris> :t plusSuccRightSucc
plusSuccRightSucc : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> S (left + right) = left + S right
Idris> :t sym
sym : (left = right) -> right = left
And here is version which compiles:
conc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
conc {m} [] ys = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral m in ys
conc {n=S k} {m} (x :: xs) ys = rewrite (sym $ plusSuccRightSucc m k) in x :: (conc xs ys)
I'm not explaining here how rewriting and theorem proving works here. This is a topic of another question if you don't understand something. But you can read about that in tutorial (or wait for The Book release :) .

In Idris, how to write a "vect generator" function that take a function of index in parameter

I'm trying to write in Idris a function that create a Vect by passing the size of the Vect and a function taking the index in parameter.
So far, I've this :
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
generate: (n:Nat) -> (Nat -> a) ->Vect n a
generate n f = generate' 0 n f where
generate': (idx:Nat) -> (n:Nat) -> (Nat -> a) -> Vect n a
generate' idx Z f = []
generate' idx (S k) f = (f idx) :: generate' (idx + 1) k f
But I would like to ensure that the function passed in parameter is only taking index lesser than the size of the Vect.
I tried that :
generate: (n:Nat) -> (Fin n -> a) ->Vect n a
generate n f = generate' 0 n f where
generate': (idx:Fin n) -> (n:Nat) -> (Fin n -> a) -> Vect n a
generate' idx Z f = []
generate' idx (S k) f = (f idx) :: generate' (idx + 1) k f
But it doesn't compile with the error
Can't convert
Fin n
Fin (S k)
My question is : is what I want to do possible and how ?
The key idea is that the first element of the vector is f 0, and for the tail, if you have k : Fin n, then FS k : Fin (S n) is a "shift" of the finite number that increments its value and its type at the same time.
Using this observation, we can rewrite generate as
generate : {n : Nat} -> (f : Fin n -> a) -> Vect n a
generate {n = Z} f = []
generate {n = S _} f = f 0 :: generate (f . FS)
Another possibility is to do what #dfeuer suggested and generate a vector of Fins, then map f over it:
fins : (n : Nat) -> Vect n (Fin n)
fins Z = []
fins (S n) = FZ :: map FS (fins n)
generate' : {n : Nat} -> (f : Fin n -> a) -> Vect n a
generate' f = map f $ fins _
Proving generate f = generate' f is left as en exercise to the reader.
Cactus's answer appears to be about the best way to get what you asked for, but if you want something that can be used at runtime, it will be quite inefficient. The essential reason for this is that to weaken a Fin n to a Fin n+m requires that you completely deconstruct it to change the type of its FZ, and then build it back up again. So there can be no sharing at all between the Fin values produced for each vector element. An alternative is to combine a Nat with a proof that it is below a given bound, which leads to the possibility of erasure:
data NFin : Nat -> Type where
MkNFin : (m : Nat) -> .(LT m n) -> NFin n
lteSuccLeft : LTE (S n) m -> LTE n m
lteSuccLeft {n = Z} prf = LTEZero
lteSuccLeft {n = (S k)} {m = Z} prf = absurd (succNotLTEzero prf)
lteSuccLeft {n = (S k)} {m = (S j)} (LTESucc prf) = LTESucc (lteSuccLeft prf)
countDown' : (m : Nat) -> .(m `LTE` n) -> Vect m (NFin n)
countDown' Z mLTEn = []
countDown' (S k) mLTEn = MkNFin k mLTEn :: countDown' k (lteSuccLeft mLTEn)
countDown : (n : Nat) -> Vect n (NFin n)
countDown n = countDown' n lteRefl
countUp : (n : Nat) -> Vect n (NFin n)
countUp n = reverse $ countDown n
generate : (n : Nat) -> (NFin n -> a) -> Vect n a
generate n f = map f (countUp n)
As in the Fin approach, the function you pass to generate does not need to work on all naturals; it only needs to handle ones less than n.
I used the NFin type to explicitly indicate that I want the LT m n proof to be erased in all cases. If I didn't want/need that, I could just use (m ** LT m n) instead.

How can I arrange to pattern match on a dependent view?

I've written some simple types for viewing Vect values:
data SnocVect : Vect n a -> Type where
SnocNil : SnocVect []
Snoc : (xs : Vect n a) -> (x : a) -> SnocVect (xs ++ [x])
data Split : (m : Nat) -> Vect n a -> Type where
MkSplit : (xs : Vect j a) -> (ys : Vect k a) ->
Split j (xs ++ ys)
Now it seems to me entirely reasonable that if I have a Split separating the last element of a vector, I should be able to convert that into a SnocVect:
splitToSnocVect : .{xs : Vect (S n) a} -> Split n xs ->
SnocVect xs
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any way to implement this thing. In particular, I haven't found any way whatsoever to get it to let me pattern match on the Split n xs argument, without which I obviously can't get anywhere. I think the basic problem is that I have something of type
Split j (ps ++ [p])
and since ++ isn't injective, I need to work some sort of magic to convince the type checker that things make sense. But I don't understand this well enough to say for sure.
I finally got it! I imagine there must be a better way, but this works.
vectLengthConv : {auto a : Type} -> m = n ->
Vect m a = Vect n a
vectLengthConv prf = rewrite prf in Refl
splitToSnocVect' : .(n : Nat) -> .(xs : Vect m a) ->
.(m = n+1) -> Split n xs -> SnocVect xs
splitToSnocVect' n (ys ++ zs) prf (MkSplit {k} ys zs)
with (vectLengthConv (plusLeftCancel n k 1 prf))
splitToSnocVect' n (ys ++ []) prf
(MkSplit {k = Z} ys []) | Refl impossible
splitToSnocVect' n (ys ++ (z :: [])) prf
(MkSplit {k = (S Z)} ys (z :: [])) | lenconv =
Snoc ys z
splitToSnocVect' n (ys ++ zs) prf
(MkSplit {k = (S (S k))} ys zs) | Refl impossible
splitToSnocVect : .{n : Nat} -> .{xs : Vect (S n) a} ->
Split n xs -> SnocVect xs
splitToSnocVect {n} {xs} splt =
splitToSnocVect' n xs (plusCommutative 1 n) splt
David Christiansen suggests nixing vectLengthConv and instead using cong {f=\len=>Vect len a} (plusLeftCancel n k 1 prf) in the with clause. This helps a little.