Aerospike - Store *small quantity* of large values - aerospike

Let's say I am storing up to 5 byte arrays, each 50kB, per user.
Possible Implementations:
1) One byte array per record, indexed by secondary key.
Pros: Fast read/write.
Cons: High cardinality query (up to 5 results per query). Bad for horizontal scaling, if byte arrays are frequently accessed.
2) All byte arrays in single record in separate bins
Pros: Fast read
Neutral: Blocksize must be greater than 250kB
Cons: Slow write (one change means rewriting all byte arrays).
3) Store byte arrays in a LLIST LDT
Pros: Avoid the cons of solution (1) and (2)
Cons: LDTs are generally slow
4) Store each byte array in a separate record, keyed to a UUID. Store a UUID list in another record.
Pros: Writes to each byte array does not require rewriting all arrays. No low-cardinality concern of secondary indexes. Avoids use of LDT.
Cons: A client read is 2-stage: Get list of UUIDs from meta record, then multi-get for each UUID (very slow?)
5) Store each byte array as a separate record, using a pre-determined primary key scheme (e.g. userid_index, e.g. 123_0, 123_1, 123_2, 123_3, 123_4)
Pros: Avoid 2-stage read
Cons: Theoretical collision possibility with another user (e.g. user1_index1 and user2_index2 product same hash). I know this is (very, very) low-probability, but avoidance is still preferred (imagine one user being able to read the byte array of another user due to collision).
My Evaluation
For balanced read/write OR high read/low write situations, use #2 (One record, multiple bins). A rewrite is more costly, but avoids other cons (LDT penalty, 2-stage read).
For a high (re)write/low read situation, use #3 (LDT). This avoids having to rewrite all byte arrays when one of them is updated, due to the fact that records are copy-on-write.
Which implementation is preferable, given the current data pattern (small quantity, large objects)? Do you agree with my evaluation (above)?

Here is some input. (I want to disclose that I do work at Aerospike).
Do avoid #3. Do not use LDT as the feature is definitely not as mature as the rest of the platform, especially when it comes to performance / reliability during cluster rebalance (migrations) situations when nodes leave/join a cluster.
I would try to stick as much as possible with basic Key/Value transactions. That should always be the fastest and most scalable. As you pointed out, option #1 would not scale. Secondary indices also do have an overhead in memory and currently do not allow for fast start (enterprise edition only anyways).
You are also correct on #2 for high write loads, especially if you are going to always update 1 bin...
So, this leaves options #4 and #5. For option #5, the collision will not happen in practice. You can go over the math, it will simply not happen. If it does, you will get famous and can publish a paper :) (there may even be a price for having found a collision). Also, note thatyou have the option to store the key along the record which will provide you with a 'key check' on writes which should be very cheap (since records are read anyway before being written). Option #4 would work as well, it will just do an extra read (which should be super fast).
It all depends on where you want the bit extra complexity. So you can do some simple benchmarking between the 2 options if you have that luxury before deciding.


Redis bitmap split key division strategy

I'm grabbing and archiving A LOT of data from the Federal Elections Commission public data source API which has a unique record identifier called "sub_id" that is a 19 digit integer.
I'd like to think of a memory efficient way to catalog which line items I've already archived and immediately redis bitmaps come to mind.
Reading the documentation on redis bitmaps indicates a maximum storage length of 2^32 (4294967296).
A 19 digit integer could theoretically range anywhere from 0000000000000000001 - 9999999999999999999. Now I know that the datasource in question does not actually have 99 quintillion records, so they are clearly sparsely populated and not sequential. Of the data I currently have on file the maximum ID is 4123120171499720404 and a minimum value of 1010320180036112531. (I can tell the ids a date based because the 2017 and 2018 in the keys correspond to the dates of the records they refer to, but I can't sus out the rest of the pattern.)
If I wanted to store which line items I've already downloaded would I need 2328306436 different redis bitmaps? (9999999999999999999 / 4294967296 = 2328306436.54). I could probably work up a tiny algorithm determine given an 19 digit idea to divide by some constant to determine which split bitmap index to check.
There is no way this strategy seems tenable so I'm thinking I must be fundamentally misunderstanding some aspect of this. Am I?
A Bloom Filter such as RedisBloom will be an optimal solution (RedisBloom can even grow if you miscalculated your desired capacity).
After you BF.CREATE your filter, you pass to BF.ADD an 'item' to be inserted. This item can be as long as you want. The filter uses hash functions and modulus to fit it to the filter size. When you want to check if the item was already checked, call BF.EXISTS with the 'item'.
In short, what you describe here is a classic example for when a Bloom Filter is a great fit.
How many "items" are there? What is "A LOT"?
Anyway. A linear approach that uses a single bit to track each of the 10^19 potential items requires 1250 petabytes at least. This makes it impractical (atm) to store it in memory.
I would recommend that you teach yourself about probabilistic data structures in general, and after having grokked the tradeoffs look into using something from the RedisBloom toolbox.
If the ids ids are not sequential and very spread, keep tracking of which one you processed using a bitmap is not the best option since it would waste lot of memory.
However, it is hard to point the best solution without knowing the how many distinct sub_ids your data set has. If you are talking about a few 10s of millions, a simple set in Redis may be enough.

How to implement a scalable, unordered collection in DynamoDB?

I am looking into implementing a scalable unordered collection of objects on top of Amazon DynamoDB. So far the following options have been considered:
Use DynamoDB document data types (map, list) and use document path to access stand-alone items. This has one obvious drawback for collection being limited to 400KB of data, meaning perhaps 1..10K objects depending on their size. Less obvious drawback is that cost of insertion of a new object into such collection is going to be huge: Amazon specifies that the write capacity will be deducted based on the total item size, not just newly added object -- therefore ~400 capacity units for inserting 1KB object when approaching the size limit. So considering this ruled out?
Using composite primary hash + range key, where primary hash remains the same for all objects in the collection, and range key is just something random or an atomic counter. Obvious drawback is that having identical hash key results in bad key distribution -- cardinality is low when there are collections with large number of objects. This means bad partitioning, and having a scale issue with all reads/writes on the same collection being stuck to one shard, becoming subject to 3000 reads / 1000 writes per second limitation of DynamoDB partition.
Using global secondary index with secondary hash + range key, where hash key remains the same for all objects belonging to the same collection, and range key is just something random or an atomic counter. Similar to above, partitioning becomes poor for the GSI, and it will become a bottleneck with too many identical hashes draining all the provisioned capacity to the index rapidly. I didn't find how the GSI is implemented exactly, thus not sure how badly it suffers from low cardinality.
Question is, whether I could live with (2) or (3) and suffer from non-ideal key distribution, or is there another way of implementing collection that was overlooked, or perhaps I should at all consider looking into another nosql database engine.
This is a "shooting from the hip" answer, what you end up doing may depend on how much and what type of reading and writing you do.
Two things the dynamo docs encourage you to avoid are hot keys and, in general, scans. You noted that in cases (2) and (3), you end up with a hot key. If you expect this to scale (large collections), the hot key will probably hurt more and more, especially if this is a write-intensive application.
The docs on Query and Scan operations ( say that, for a query, "you must specify the hash key attribute name and value as an equality condition." So if you want to avoid scans, this might still force your hand and put you back into that hot key situation.
Maybe one route would be to embrace doing a scan operation, but just have one table devoted to your collection. Then you could just have a fully random (well distributed) hash key and do a scan every time. This assumes you always want everything from the collection (you didn't say). This will still hurt if you scale up to a large collection, but if you always want the full set back, you'll have to deal with that pain regardless. If you just want a subset, you can add a limit parameter. This would help performance, but you will always get back the same subset (or you can use the last evaluated key and keep going). The docs also mention parallel scans.
If you are using AWS, elasticache/redis might be another route to try? The first pass might code up a lot faster/cleaner than situation (1) that you mentioned.

What is the conventional way to store objects in a sorted set in redis?

What is the most convenient/fast way to implement a sorted set in redis where the values are objects, not just strings.
Should I just store object id's in the sorted set and then query every one of them individually by its key or is there a way that I can store them directly in the sorted set, i.e. must the value be a string?
It depends on your needs, if you need to share this data with other zsets/structures and want to write the value only once for every change, you can put an id as the zset value and add a hash to store the object. However, it implies making additionnal queries when you read data from the zset (one zrange + n hgetall for n values in the zset), but writing and synchronising the value between many structures is cheap (only updating the hash corresponding to the value).
But if it is "self-contained", with no or few accesses outside the zset, you can serialize to a chosen format (JSON, MESSAGEPACK, KRYO...) your object and then store it as the value of your zset entry. This way, you will have better performance when you read from the zset (only 1 query with O(log(N)+M), it is actually pretty good, probably the best you can get), but maybe you will have to duplicate the value in other zsets / structures if you need to read / write this value outside, which also implies maintaining synchronisation by hand on the value.
Redis has good documentation on performance of each command, so check what queries you would write and calculate the total cost, so that you can make a good comparison of these two options.
Also, don't forget that redis comes with optimistic locking, so if you need pessimistic (because of contention for instance) you will have to do it by hand and/or using lua scripts. If you need a lot of sync, the first option seems better (less performance on read, but still good, less queries and complexity on writes), but if you have values that don't change a lot and memory space is not a problem, the second option will provide better performance on reads (you can duplicate the value in redis, synchronize the values periodically for instance).
Short answer: Yes, everything must be stored as a string
Longer answer: you can serialize your object into any text-based format of your choosing. Most people choose MsgPack or JSON because it is very compact and serializers are available in just about any language.

Java EE/SQL: Is there a significant performance lag between primary key types?

Currently I am involved in learning some basics of the Java EE technology. I encountered a particular project and took a deeper look into the underlying database structure.
On server-side I investigated a Java function that creates a primary key with a length of 32 characters (based on concatenating the time, a random hash, and an additional cryptographic nonce).
I am interested in a estimation about the performance loss caused by using such a primary key. If there is no security reason to create such kind of unique IDs wouldn't it be much better to let the underlying database create new increasing primaries, starting at 0?
Wouldn't a SQL/JQL search be much faster when using numbers instead of strings?
Using numbers will probably be faster, but you should measure it with a test case if you need the performance ratio between both options.
I don't think number comparison vs string comparison will give a big performance advantage by itself. However:
larger fields typically means less data per table block, so you have to read more blocks from DB in case of a full scan (it will be slower)
accordingly, larger keys typically means less keys per index block, so you have to read more index blocks in case of index scans (it will be slower)
larger fields are, well, larger, so by definition they are less space-efficient.
Note that we are talking about data size and not data type: most likely a 8-byte integer will not be significantly more efficient than a 8-byte string.
Note also that using random IDs is usually more "clusterable" than sequence numbers, as sequences / autonumerics need to be administered centrally (although this can be mitigated using techniques such as the Hi-Lo algorithm. Most curent persistence frameworks support this technique).

Merge Sort in a data store?

I'm trying to make a "friend stream" for the project I'm working on. I have individual users streams saved in Redis ZSETS. Something like:
key : { stream_id : time }
user1-stream: { 1:9931112, 3:93291, 9:9181273, ...}
user2-stream: { 4:4239191, 2:92919, 7:3293021, ...}
user3-stream: { 8:3299213, 5:97313, 6:7919921, ...}
user4-friends: [1,2,3]
Right now, to make user4's friend stream, I would call:
ZUNIONSTORE user4-friend-stream, [user1-stream, user2-stream, user3-stream]
However, ZUNIONSTORE is slow when you try to merge ZSETS totaling more than 1-2000 elements.
I'd really love to have Redis do a merge sort on the ZSETS, and limit the results to a few hundred elements. Are there any off-the-shelf data stores that will do what I want? If not, is there any kind of framework for developing redis-like data stores?
I suppose I could just fork Redis and add the function I need, but I was hoping to avoid that.
People tend to think that a zset is just a skip list. This is wrong. It is a skip list (ordered data structure) plus a non ordered dictionary (implemented as a hash table). The semantic of a merge operation would have to be defined. For instance, how would you merge non disjoint zsets whose common items do not have the same score?
To implement a merge algorithm for ZUNIONSTORE, you would have to get the items ordered (easy with the skip lists), merge them while building the output (which happens to be a zset as well: skiplist plus dictionary).
Because the cardinality of the result cannot be guessed at the beginning of the algorithm, I don't think it is possible to build this skiplist + dictionary in linear time. It will be O(n log n) at best. So the merge is linear, but building the output is not: it defeats the benefit of using a merge algorithm.
Now, if you want to implement a ZUNION (i.e. directly returning the result, not building the result as a zset), and limit the result to a given number of items, a merge algorithm makes sense.
RDBMS supporting merge joins can typically do it (but this is usually not very efficient, due to the cost of random I/Os). I'm not aware of a NoSQL store supporting similar capabilities.
To implement it in Redis, you could try a Lua server-side script, but it may be complex, and I think it will be efficient only if the zsets are much larger than the limit provided in the zunion. In that case, the limit on the number of items will offset the overhead of running interpreted Lua code.
The last possibility is to implement it in C in the Redis source code, which is not that difficult. The drawback is the burden to maintain a patch for the Redis versions you use. Redis itself provides no framework to do that, and the idea of defining Redis plugins (isolated from Redis source code) is generally rejected by the author.