swift extending objc , initializer - objective-c

I have init() method on objc class.
A swift class subclasses the objc class and tries to call super.init()
it's an error because init() is not an designated initializer for MyObjcViewcontroller.
#interface MyObjcViewController: UIViewController {
- (id) init;
#implementation MyObjcViewController
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
#objc class MySwiftViewController: MyObjcViewController {
override init() {
super.init() // error

your trying to put objective-c and swift into the same line of code. if you want to do that, you should use a bridge so the files compile without interference between compilers. if this doesn't answer your question, please tell me.


Swift protocol called in Objective-C not working and application crashes with error message "unrecognized selector"

I am trying to get the Swift protocol to work in Objective-C file, but the application crashes when the error as below.
+[OpenCamera onCameraClose]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x102ff8580
I am not sure as to what I am missing.
//Swift: UIViewController Code
#objc protocol CameraViewControllerDelegate {
func onCameraClose()
#objc class CameraViewController: UIViewController {
var delegate : CameraViewControllerDelegate? = nil
func closeCamera(sender: Any) {
// Objective-C : UIViewController Code
#interface OpenCamera : UIViewController <CameraViewControllerDelegate>
#import <MyProjectName/MyProjectName-Swift.h>
#implementation OpenCamera
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
CameraViewController *cameraViewController = [[CameraViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CameraView" bundle:nil];
cameraViewController.delegate = self; //Warning - Incompatible pointer types assigning to 'id<CameraViewControllerDelegate> _Nullable' from 'Class'
- (void)onCameraClose {
NSLog(#"Swift Protocol method executed from Objective-C");
The warning here did in fact predict the crash:
cameraViewController.delegate = self;
//Warning - Incompatible pointer types assigning to 'id<CameraViewControllerDelegate> _Nullable' from 'Class'
Clearly it thinks self is a class, not an instance. That's very odd.
My guess is that there is something wrong with your import arrangements, but you have not shown enough information to see what it is. I'll just show an arrangement that works.
Let's assume you have both Objective-C and Swift code in one target (i.e. that no frameworks are involved). Then in Swift, you say:
#objc protocol CameraViewControllerDelegate {
func onCameraClose()
class CameraViewController: UIViewController {
#objc var delegate : CameraViewControllerDelegate? = nil
func closeCamera(sender: Any) {
Note the use of #objc var to expose the delegate property. There is no need to expose the class to Objective-C, as it is already an NSObject derivative.
Okay, in Objective-C, here is your interface file:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface OpenCamera : UIViewController
Note that you do not import the generated header in a .h file, and you do not attempt to mention an imported protocol here.
On to the implementation file:
#import "OpenCamera.h"
#import "MyProject-Swift.h"
#interface OpenCamera () <CameraViewControllerDelegate>
#implementation OpenCamera
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
CameraViewController *cameraViewController = [[CameraViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CameraView" bundle:nil];
cameraViewController.delegate = self;
- (void)onCameraClose {
NSLog(#"Swift Protocol method executed from Objective-C");
We import the corresponding .h file and the generated header .h file here. We use an anonymous category to declare conformance to the protocol, and the rest is as you have it. You won't see any warnings.

Bridging Swift Initialisers to Objective C

I'm attempting to slowly migrate an Objective C app over to Swift and have started to create new classes -
public class MapsAPI : NSObject {
let delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate
public init(managerWithDelegate delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
Now in my Objective C .m file I've declared #import MyTarget-Swift.h and in my .h I've added #class MapsAPI which all seems fine however I'm not sure what the Objective C initialisation code should look like. I've tried -
MapsAPI *api = [[MapsAPI alloc] initWithManagerWithDelegate: self];
But that errors with -
No visible #interface for 'MapsAPI' declares the selector
I've tried looking at the definition of my MyTarget-Swift.h but all that shows is -
#interface MapsAPI : NSObject
- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
Is there something I'm doing wrong here?
You may choose to add #objcMembers to your class declaration:
public class #objcMembers MapsAPI : NSObject {
let delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate
public init(managerWithDelegate delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
Alternatively (or additionally... who am I to judge) you can mark your initializer as being exposed to Objective-C
public class MapsAPI : NSObject {
let delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate
#objc public init(managerWithDelegate delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
And if you want to, you can also explicitly define the Objective-C selector used:
public class MapsAPI : NSObject {
let delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate
public init(managerWithDelegate delegate: MapsAPIResponseDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate

Set Delegate in a mixed language project

I have an XCode6 mixed-language project, combining Swift and Objective C.
I created a Swift-based SingleView application, then added 2 Objective-C files, having contents as below:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#protocol SingletonDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)methodCalled;
#interface Singleton : NSObject
#property (weak, nonatomic) id <SingletonDelegate> singletonDelegate;
+ (id)sharedSingleton;
- (void)method;
#import "Singleton.h"
static Singleton *shared = nil;
#implementation Singleton
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
#pragma mark - Interface
+ (Singleton *)sharedSingleton {
static dispatch_once_t pred;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
shared = [[Singleton alloc] init];
return shared;
- (void)method {
[self.singletonDelegate methodCalled];
After setting up bridging header file as XCode suggested, I added #import "Singleton.h" into it.
In ViewController.swift, I tried to set singletonDelegate but always failed:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, SingletonDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
Singleton.sharedSingleton().singletonDelegate = self // FAILED HERE!!!
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
The error message is:
Cannot assign to the result of this expression
Could any one show me how to fix this? (I am new in integrating Objective-C into Swift project)
Thanks in advance,
Create a class variable. Then set its delegate.
let singleton: Singleton = Singleton.sharedSingleton()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
singleton.singletonDelegate = self
//Singleton.sharedSingleton().singletonDelegate = self // FAILED HERE!!!
fun methodCalled() {
//This method gets called from the Singleton class through the delegate

Prevent class from being subclassed in Objective-c

How do I prevent a particular class from being subclassed?
I am not aware of such functionality (say final keyword for example) in the language. However Apple says it has done so for all classes in AddressBookUI.framework (in iOS)
For educational purposes, how can I achieve the same functionality, or how would they have done such thing?
From iOS7 Release Notes(Requires login) :
Here's one way: override allocWithZone: from within your "final" class (substituting MyFinalClassName for your actual class name) like this:
+ (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone
if (self != [MyFinalClassName class]) {
NSAssert(nil, #"Subclassing MyFinalClassName not allowed.");
return nil;
return [super allocWithZone:zone];
This will prevent a subclass that is not a member of MyFinalClassName from being alloc'ed (and therefore init'ed as well), since NSObject's allocWithZone: must be called eventually, and by refusing to call super from your "final" class, you will prevent this.
There's a simpler way to prevent subclassing in Xcode 6 as a result of Swift interop. To prevent Swift classes from being subclassed in Objective-C the objc_subclassing_restricted is added to all class definitions in the {ProjectName}-Swift.h file.
You can use this in your projects:
#if defined(__has_attribute) && __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted)
# define FOO_FINAL __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted))
# define FOO_FINAL
#interface Foo : NSObject
#interface Bar : Foo
The compiler will halt on the definition of Bar with Cannot subclass a class with objc_subclassing_restricted attribute
Here is possible solution:
#interface FinalClass : NSObject
#implementation FinalClass
- (id)init
if (self.class != [FinalClass class]) {
return nil;
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// instance initialization
return self;
#interface InvalidSubclass : FinalClass
#implementation InvalidSubclass
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
I'm not sure this is 100% guaranteed because it's runtime-checking anyway, but it should be enough to block and warn people that they should not subclass this. Subclass might skip superclass's init, but then the instance will not be usable because it's not fully initialised by superclass.
Something like the following will ensure that every time an "impossible subclass" calls +alloc, an object will be allocated that is an instance of FinalClass, and not the subclass. This is essentially what NSObject's +alloc method does, but here we specify an explicit class to create. This is how NSObject allocates instances (in Obj-C 2), but there is no guarantee this will always be the case, so you may want to add an appropriate -dealloc which calls object_dispose. This method also means you don't get a nil object back if you try to instantiate a subclass - you do get an instance of FinalClass.
#interface FinalClass: NSObject
+ (id)alloc; // Optional
// ...
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation FinalClass
+ (id)alloc {
if (![self isMemberOfClass:[FinalClass class]]) {
// Emit warning about invalid subclass being ignored.
self = class_createInstance([FinalClass class], 0);
if (self == nil) {
// Error handling
return self;
#interface InvalidSubclass : FinalClass
// Anything not in FinalClass will not work as +alloc will
// create a FinalClass instance.
Note: I'm not sure I'd use this myself - specifying that a class shouldn't be subclassed is more in the nature of a design-contract with the programmer rather than an enforced rule at compile- or runtime.

circular internal method call

I have 2 internal methods in the .m file declared (not in the #interface) each calling the other.
What do I have to do, that the second method is known in the first method?
Try this:
Add to the .m file:
#interface MyClass()
#implementaton MyClass
[self somePrivateMethod1];
return self;
[self somePrivateMethod2];