circular internal method call - objective-c

I have 2 internal methods in the .m file declared (not in the #interface) each calling the other.
What do I have to do, that the second method is known in the first method?

Try this:
Add to the .m file:
#interface MyClass()
#implementaton MyClass
[self somePrivateMethod1];
return self;
[self somePrivateMethod2];


swift extending objc , initializer

I have init() method on objc class.
A swift class subclasses the objc class and tries to call super.init()
it's an error because init() is not an designated initializer for MyObjcViewcontroller.
#interface MyObjcViewController: UIViewController {
- (id) init;
#implementation MyObjcViewController
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
#objc class MySwiftViewController: MyObjcViewController {
override init() {
super.init() // error
your trying to put objective-c and swift into the same line of code. if you want to do that, you should use a bridge so the files compile without interference between compilers. if this doesn't answer your question, please tell me.

Prevent class from being subclassed in Objective-c

How do I prevent a particular class from being subclassed?
I am not aware of such functionality (say final keyword for example) in the language. However Apple says it has done so for all classes in AddressBookUI.framework (in iOS)
For educational purposes, how can I achieve the same functionality, or how would they have done such thing?
From iOS7 Release Notes(Requires login) :
Here's one way: override allocWithZone: from within your "final" class (substituting MyFinalClassName for your actual class name) like this:
+ (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone
if (self != [MyFinalClassName class]) {
NSAssert(nil, #"Subclassing MyFinalClassName not allowed.");
return nil;
return [super allocWithZone:zone];
This will prevent a subclass that is not a member of MyFinalClassName from being alloc'ed (and therefore init'ed as well), since NSObject's allocWithZone: must be called eventually, and by refusing to call super from your "final" class, you will prevent this.
There's a simpler way to prevent subclassing in Xcode 6 as a result of Swift interop. To prevent Swift classes from being subclassed in Objective-C the objc_subclassing_restricted is added to all class definitions in the {ProjectName}-Swift.h file.
You can use this in your projects:
#if defined(__has_attribute) && __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted)
# define FOO_FINAL __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted))
# define FOO_FINAL
#interface Foo : NSObject
#interface Bar : Foo
The compiler will halt on the definition of Bar with Cannot subclass a class with objc_subclassing_restricted attribute
Here is possible solution:
#interface FinalClass : NSObject
#implementation FinalClass
- (id)init
if (self.class != [FinalClass class]) {
return nil;
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// instance initialization
return self;
#interface InvalidSubclass : FinalClass
#implementation InvalidSubclass
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
I'm not sure this is 100% guaranteed because it's runtime-checking anyway, but it should be enough to block and warn people that they should not subclass this. Subclass might skip superclass's init, but then the instance will not be usable because it's not fully initialised by superclass.
Something like the following will ensure that every time an "impossible subclass" calls +alloc, an object will be allocated that is an instance of FinalClass, and not the subclass. This is essentially what NSObject's +alloc method does, but here we specify an explicit class to create. This is how NSObject allocates instances (in Obj-C 2), but there is no guarantee this will always be the case, so you may want to add an appropriate -dealloc which calls object_dispose. This method also means you don't get a nil object back if you try to instantiate a subclass - you do get an instance of FinalClass.
#interface FinalClass: NSObject
+ (id)alloc; // Optional
// ...
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation FinalClass
+ (id)alloc {
if (![self isMemberOfClass:[FinalClass class]]) {
// Emit warning about invalid subclass being ignored.
self = class_createInstance([FinalClass class], 0);
if (self == nil) {
// Error handling
return self;
#interface InvalidSubclass : FinalClass
// Anything not in FinalClass will not work as +alloc will
// create a FinalClass instance.
Note: I'm not sure I'd use this myself - specifying that a class shouldn't be subclassed is more in the nature of a design-contract with the programmer rather than an enforced rule at compile- or runtime.

Private methods in objective-c not private

I've created two classes with methods with same name. In one of them it is private, in another - public.
Then somewhere on code i write this:
-(void) doMagic:(id) object {
[(ClassA*)object doSmth];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// Insert code here to initialize your application
ClassB * objB = [[ClassB alloc] init];
[self doMagic:objB];
In console i see this:
2012-04-25 23:41:28.183 testmagic[558:403] classB - doSmth
Here's classes' sources:
#interface ClassA : NSObject
-(void) doSmth;
#implementation ClassA
-(void)doSmth {
NSLog(#"classA - doSmth");
#interface ClassB : NSObject
#interface ClassB ()
-(void) doSmth;
#implementation ClassB
- (void)doSmth {
NSLog(#"classB - doSmth");
I know, it's because of "message" nature of methods in Obj-C, and at runtime class possibly do not know which of it's methods are private or public, but here's the question:
How can i make really private method? I heard that with decompiling it's possible to see methods names, so someone can just use my private API. How can i prevent it?
The runtime cannot call what it never knows about. The approach I typically take is to use a static function:
#interface MONObject : NSObject
// ...
// 'private' methods and ivars are also visible here
#interface MONObject()
// ...
// typically here:
static void fn(MONObject * const self) {
NSLog(#"%#", [self description]);
#implementation MONObject
// ...
// sometimes here:
static void fn2(MONObject * const self) {
NSLog(#"%#", [self description]);
A workaround to your problem could be to use a proxy/façade class which internally aggregates an instance of your private class. E.g.:
// .h
#interface FoobarFacade: NSObject
- (void)publicMethod;
// .m
#interface FoobarFacade ()
Foobar* impl;
#interface Foobar: NSObject
- (void)secretMethod;
#implementation Foobar
- (void)secretMethod { NSLog(#"foobar secret method"); }
#implementation FoobarFacade
- (void)publicMethod {
NSLog(#"façade public method");
[impl secretMethod]; // calling into the secret method
Of course this isn't 100% safe either, the runtime puts no barriers as others already told.
Right now you can't have truly private methods. When you are declaring a method in a class extension in the .m file you are just hiding it from being exposed in the public header fle. What you are doing now is considered good design because you are hiding the method from the header file which means people would have to go to some length to find those hidden methods, but they can still find them.
Basically the rule I follow is to put as little as I can into the public header as possible and to put everything else into a class extension. This is all you can really do for now.
If you declare the method in the .h file is public. If you want private visibility you have to declare the method in your .m for example:
#interface ClassB (Private_Methods)
- (void)doSmth;
#implementation ClassB
//Rest of .m

is there an equivalent of method declaration/definition separation for Objective-C messages?

Let's say I have an objective-c .m file with the following methods defined:
- (void) doOneThing {
[self doAnotherThing];
- (void) doAnotherThing {
[self stillOtherThings];
if I compile this, xcode will throw me a warning that the class may not respond to -doAnotherThings, because doAnotherThing is defined below -doOneThing and the compiler doesn't know about -doAnotherThing yet when it's compiling -doOneThing. Of course, the code compiles properly and does in fact work, but I'd like to get rid of that warning message.
The trivial way to solve this problem would be to just define -doAnotherThing before -doOneThing, but sometimes I like to group related methods in the source code in ways that make it hard to re-order. If this were C, I could do something like:
void doAnotherThing();
void doOneThing() {
void doAnotherThing() {
...still other things...
separating the definition from the declaration. Is there a way to do something like this in objective-c, or otherwise solve my problem?
The typical way to deal with this is as follows:
//in DoThings.h
#interface DoThings : NSObject {
//instance variables go here
//public methods go here
- (void) doAPublicThing;
//properties go here
//in DoThings.m
#interface DoThings (Private)
- (void)doOneThing;
- (void)doAnotherThing;
- (void)stillOtherThings;
#implementation DoThings
- (void) doAPublicThing {
[self doOneThing];
- (void) doOneThing {
[self doAnotherThing];
- (void) doAnotherThing {
[self stillOtherThings];
You need to define these method declarations in your header file for the class:
#interface MyCustomClass : NSObject
- (void) doOneThing;
- (void) doAnotherThing;
Then everything will work as intended.

creating instances in objective c

Here is my code:
#implementation ECHOAppDelegate
#interface PtyView (PtyPrivate)
-(void) didRead: (NSNotification *)fileNoty;
#implementation PtyView
-(void)startTask {
//starts task
Now, how do I trigger "startTask" from ECHOAppDelegate.m? I need to create an instance? I'm a total beginner :D
Any example code would be awesome!
-(void)startTask; appears to be private implementation and in theory should not be called from external classes.
To answer your question, you can call it something like this:
PtyView *v = [[PtyView alloc] init];
[v startTask];
[v release];
Though you will get a warning saying, PtyView might not respond to startTask. Since it is not in public interface of class.
Update: Above code assumes that when startTask returns, you are done with this object. But something tells me that you might be using async callbacks. If that is the case then startTask might return immediately and you won't release it then and there. Normally in this case, you will be notified by PtyView about the completion of task. So you release it when the task is complete.
Making a method public is easy. You just declare it in the public interface (the header file of class):
//in PtyView.h
#interface PtyView
//in PtyView.m
#implementation PtyView
-(void)startTask {
//starts task
Notice that there is no category defined in the interface declaration.
self represent the current object.
You just need to call the method like that.
[self startTask];
How about subclassing ECHOAppDelegate? (Then make sure PtyView inherits from NSObject?)
// cf.
#interface ECHOAppDelegate : PtyView
#implementation ECHOAppDelegate
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
return self;
[self startTask];