Can I change the same filter in multiple reports quickly? - tfs-reports

We have about 10 tfs reports around work items that filter on "Iteration Path" multiple times. Every sprint we have to make 25-30 edits to the reports to get them to query the new sprint. Sometimes we miss changing one or two.
AND [Iteration Path] = [Product\R2016\December 2015 - R16 - Dev]
Is there a quicker and more consistent way to accomplish this?
Can you define a constant for the reports to use or something similar?

There is no way to modify multiple reports at a time. You have to filter "Iteration Path" field or modify the "Iteration Path" parameter manually.


TFS2015 - List how many times tags were used in TFS 2015 On-Premise work items

​I am trying to write an SQL query to list all tags along with the number of how many times they were used in Work Items in TFS2015.
I cannot find the connection between tbl_WorkItemCoreLatest, tbl_PropertyDefinition and tbl_TagDefinition that would point me to tags used on work items.
I tried to go with the solution from here, but with no success. The query results seems not to match what I see directly in VSTS (eg. searching for a particular tag returns me work items from which some don't have that particular tag, almost as if TFS would store previous states of work items...?)
If there's a way to do that with REST API, that will work as well.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You can use TFS REST API below to get all work items with System.Tags field, then calculate how many times they were used:
Another simple way is creating a work item query with Tags column and open this query in Excel to filter the Tags column.

SSRS Report won't compile if 20+ values selected in multi-valule parameter

I am working on an SQL report that uses a multi-value parameter that contains a total of 41 users. The report works fine if I select 1 or up to 19 total users, but breaks if 20 or more are selected from the list.
By break I mean it attempts to execute for 40+ minutes before I kill it). When running for 1 or for 19 users the report takes 1:10 to run.
I am using two datasets.
One - my main query in which the parameter is used.
Two - The second query to acquire the list of users for the SSRS parameter.
I use this method frequently with no issues for things like locations, insurances, etc.
The parameter is called in a WHERE statement like so: AND EventUserID IN (#user)
If I comment that line out and use: AND EventUserID IN ('KTR','GORCN',......) with the full list of usernames that were acquired with the same query that is being used in the second dataset it works fine and will return the full report.
I have tested it with different groups of users to make sure that one of the users weren't breaking it, but that didn't matter. I also should mention that the query for the second dataset is one I used from another report that uses it the same exact way. That report will run fine will all users selected (parameter properties are set the same).
I am working with MS SQL Server and MS Visual Studio. More details can be provided if necessary.
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
This looks like an issue I came across a while back. You essentially have a limited number of parameters you can pass back to SSRS.
Here's some similar issues:
You can increase this from the web.config file though
Basically you want to add a section in your web.config file inside the <appsettings/> section:
add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="9999"
That 9999 value should represent the number of parameters that you believe will be used.
If using SharePoint integration Mode: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\\web.config
If using SSRS native Mode: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer.

How do can I return a summation of the results of MB51 instead of the row-by-row transactions?

I am using SAP for Windows (SAP NetWeaver; 730 Final Release, Version 7300.3.15.1085) and I need to find a faster way to do part of my routine. I use the form MB51 along with some criteria to find all transactions I need. Then, I select the Quantity in UnE column and hit the sigma (Add Up Values) symbol at the top. This gives me the sum total of all rows at the bottom.
The goal is to simplify this process. I want to be able to add in the material, the plant, the reference, and the document header texts and just return the sum of all rows. I literally only need the final sum and nothing else. Does anyone know of a form in SAP that can help me do this? Or does anyone know of a way to customize MB51 so that I achieve my desired output?
In addition to a Dirk's proposal to use SAP Query, you can consider creating SAP transaction variant and running it in a background mode.
This allows executing a transaction with the specified parameters (including summation) periodically and sending results to email.
It looks like you lack development permissions on the system, so this can be simplest way for acquiring a MB51 sum. Besides permissions, your task also requires knowledge of MB51 tables and their relations.
Just create a layout variant and create a variant for the selection screen with the layout variant. You can also hide unused fields with the selection variant.

Why does SSRS taking too long to execute in design and more while building it?

I have two data-sets in my SSRS tool, first table contain 12,000 records and second one 26,000 records. And 40 columns in each table.
While building a report each time I go preview - it takes forever to display.
Is any way to do something to avoid that, so I can at least not spent so much time to build this report?
Thank you in advance.
Add a dummy parameter to limit your dataset. Or just change your select to select top 100 while building the report
#vercelli's answer is a good one. In addition you can change your cache options in the designer (for all resultsets including patramters) so that the queries are not rerun each time.
This is really useful plus - a couple of tips for you:
1. I don't recommend caching until you are happy with the your dataset results.
2. If you are using the cache and you want to do a quick refresh then the data is stored in a ".data" file in the same location as a your .rdl. You can delete this to query the database again if required.

Cross-project time-record filtering using Active Collab 5 API

For Active Collab team watching this tag.
I am working on a project that uses new Active Collab 5 API, I am having performance issue trying to run reports.
Example I try to build reports on date-range, and currently to achieve that I need to first run a call to get all projects.
Followed by a loop with this call:
API::get('/projects/'.$id.'/time-records/filtered-by-date?' . http_build_query(['from' => $from, 'to' => $to]))
However we have a large number of projects, in addition to high number of active projects we also need to filter Archived projects as well to get correct reports for billing.
Now I work with around 1500 projects in AC.
So I need to make 1500 API calls which takes a huge performance hit. Is there a way that you can possibly build something that would work along these lines.
with a possible passed parameter that will say (all, active, complited) project state.
Please let me know what you can do or if I have missed something in your documentation that already does this.
What you need here is not a request that goes through all projects one by one, but a request that it tailored for cross-project reporting. Active Collab 5 has just the right API endpoint for that - /reports/run.
As an example, you can use this command to query time records and expenses from all active projects that were tracked today:
curl -H "X-Angie-AuthApiToken: YOUR-API-TOKEN" ""
Notice the route (/reports/run) and query arguments:
type - specify type of the report, in this case time and expense tracking report,
project_filter - specify project filter. Apart from active, other useful values of this filter are completed (for completed projects), selected_1,2,3,4 (selected projects with a list of project ID-s), client_1,2,3,4 (projects for clients with the given ID-s), category_1,2,3,4 (projects in categories with the given ID-s),
tracked_on_filter - filter by the date when records were tracked. To target a particular date use selected_date_YYYY-MM-DD and to target a date range use selected_range_YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD.
tracked_by_filter - filter by who tracked the time. It can have various values, like anybody, logged_user, selected_1,2,3.
To list only time records, set type_filter to time (or to expenses if you want only expenses to be listed).