How to find the points that did not intersect with STIntersect using SQL Server - sql

I performed STInteract using two tables and the intersections of points onto a given polygon. I have converted all the tables to have geometries for all. I am having a problem writing the query for this. I am trying to look for the points that did not intersect.
These are my two table
PO_Database = contains the points
POLY_Database = Polygon of interest
This is my script:
FROM [dbo].[PO_Database] as PO
JOIN [dbo].[POLY_Database] as p ON hwy.GEOM.STIntersects(p.NEATCELL) = 1
I tried changing the value from 1 to 0 but I get repeating values of the geometry for when the query is run with 0. How do I write the query to give me the names of the points that did not intersect with the polygon. Also is there a way to do checks if the intersects where done right.

If you get repeating values, you probably have multiple rows in the POLY_Database table. If you want to find the points that do not intersect any of those polygons, try this query:
FROM [dbo].[PO_Database] as PO
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[POLY_Database] as p
WHERE hwy.GEOM.STIntersects(p.NEATCELL) = 1


PostGIS query to Select all Polygons from Polygon table having an intersecting geometry with one or more point in passed list of GeoCoordinates

I have a polygons table in Postgres (using PostGIS extension) named polygon having two fields (geom, id).
If I want to query the id of the polygon which intersects with the geometry of input geo-coordinate then I can do it with the below query.
SELECT id, geom
FROM polygon
WHERE ST_Intersects(polygon.%s, ST_GeometryFromText(POINT(latitude logitude), 4326));
But now I have a use case where I am getting a lot of geo-coordinates in request(~60k), now I am breaking this into lists of 1k Geo-coordinate each and querying the id of the polygon intersecting with each geo-coordinate.
I am struggling with how to write. a query for this, or if anyone has a better solution for this please suggest.
Keep in mind that the right order of coordinate pairs is lon, lat, so creating a point with lat, lon in your query will return wrong results. Your query also misses the single quotes ' around the WKT coordinate, e.g. 'POINT(1 2)'.
That all being said, you could simply paginate your result sets using ORDER BY, LIMIT and OFFSET, e.g.
Getting the first 1000 records
SELECT id, geom FROM polygon
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom, 'SRID=4326;POINT(1 2)')
By changing the OFFSET value you are able to retrieve the next pages.
LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 1000;
and so on ..
LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 2000;
EDIT: One way to apply this query using multiple input points is to use a CTE / subquery (see comments), e.g.
WITH j(g) AS (
('SRID=4326;POINT(1 1)'),
('SRID=4326;POINT(1 2)')
-- ... add as many geometries as you want
SELECT id, geom FROM polygon, j
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom, g::geometry)

How to count how many points intersect each polygon using SQL SERVER

Hi so I have database of Polygons and Points with geometry data. I want to see how many intersect per polygon just showing the count of polygons with points in them.
This my script of finding the intersected points and polygons:
[dbo].[POLYGON] as p,[PLACES6].[dbo].[Points] as h
WHERE P.NEATCELL.STIntersects(h.PointsGEOM) = 1
Now I want to find how many points are there in each intersected polygon using the count function.So for this script I wanna do a count of how many points are there in neatcell. How do I go about doing that?
The following query should get you the result you want:
COUNT(*) AS NumberOfIntersections
[dbo].[POLYGON] as p,
[PLACES6].[dbo].[Points] as h
P.NEATCELL.STIntersects(h.PointsGEOM) = 1

Need polygon intersect counts with buffered polygon neighbors FOR EACH polygon

I'm trying to find whether its possible in purely SQL to generate a table with the number of intersects each polygon in a layer has with its corresponding neighboring polygons(buffered) in a buffered version of the layer.
A rough and flawed version is the following:
For each value in list:
parcels.apn = value AND ST_INTERSECT(parcels.geom,parcelsbuffered.geom)
Here the geom is the polygon
I need as result like
intersectscount table
100 3
101 87
I could use python loop and modify the query string with a different value in the WHERE clause but I dont think this will have good performance - there are thousands of parcels(polygons)
SELECT parcels.apn, count(*) as intersectcounts
FROM parcels
JOIN parcelsbuffered
ON ST_INTERSECT(parcels.geom, parcelsbuffered.geom)
GROUP BY parcels.apn
You probably want include some validation to remove the parcel intersect with his own buffered version like
(count(*) - 1) as intersectcounts
WHERE parcerls.apn <> parcelsbuffered.apn

spatial data query

I have the following query which does a self join with a table and outputs all the points of intersections between lines.
insert into road_intersection
select nextval('road_intersection_id_seq'), a.road_id, b.road_id, st_intersection(a.road, b.road), st_centroid(st_intersection(a.road, b.road))
from polygon_road a, polygon_road b
where st_intersects(a.road, b.road) AND a.road_id!=b.road_id
BUT it outputs duplicate values for each point of intersection since it computes the point of intersection for each road. EG:
70 AND 71 are both id values of two distinct roads. As you can see the point of intersection has been computed twice for the same two roads.
Any suggestions how i can solve this issue and only one point of intersection would be computed?
Try something like:
select nextval('road_intersection_id_seq'),
st_intersection(a.road, b.road),
st_centroid(st_intersection(a.road, b.road))
from polygon_road a, polygon_road b
where st_intersects(a.road, b.road)
--AND a.road_id!=b.road_id --not needed any more
AND a.road_id < b.road_id
It will leave only one of the intersections (the one, where the first road has smaller id)

self join query issues with PostGIS

I have a table and I am doing a self join on it with geo-spacial functions fro PostgreSQL. Now I am expecting to build the point of intersections of each intersection except for those that has the attribute 'tunnel_road' having same values.
Therefore I have two rows conatining the value 'tunnel' which I don't want to build a point of intersection between them.
The query I am using is the following, though it is not working properly since it still is creating a point of intersection between the two lines.
insert into temp_intersect
select nextval('road_intersection_id_seq'), a.road_id, b.road_id, st_intersection(a.road, b.road), st_centroid(st_intersection(a.road, b.road))
from polygon_road a, polygon_road b
where st_intersects(a.road, b.road) AND a.road_id < b.road_id AND a.tunnel_road != b.tunnel_road
Any suggestions please?
the following is the table from which I am getting my data. As one can notice there is two rows containing the same value for the tunnel_road column where there is the id = 47 and 73