Animate repeat infinite TweenMax - gsap

I have this code which animate an object of opacity 1 to 0 .
But I want to know how I can do to make this action is repeated infinitely, each 1 second ?
Any ideas ?
var tl = new TimelineMax();
tl.add($parpados,0.1,{opacity:1})); // parpados aparecen
tl.add($parpados,0.1,{opacity:0})); // parpados desaparecen;

You could do something like this:
var el = document.getElementById("element");
var tl = new TimelineMax();, 1, {alpha:0, repeatDelay:1, repeat:-1, yoyo:true});
JSFiddle demo
1 second between the element displaying and fading out. repeat:-1 will repeat the animation indefinitely.
yoyo:true, this works with the repeat property, and makes the animation reverse, so it's smooth when the div next fades in

It also works without a timeline, {
y: 2 * Math.PI, x: 2 * Math.PI,
repeat: -1, duration: 5 , delay: 0


How to animate geometry using the primitiveRange property in SceneKit?

I am using Apple's SceneKit to render a tube which consists of 50 triangle strips as illustrated here:
I want to animate a "growing" tube by using the primitiveRange property.
let tube = createTube() // create's tube.geometry which has 50 elements
let tubeNode = SCNNode(geometry: tube.geometry)
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "geometry.elements[0].primitiveRange")
animation.fromValue = NSValue(range: NSRange(location: 0, length: 0))
animation.toValue = NSValue(range: NSRange(location: 0, length: tube.geometry.elements.count))
animation.duration = 5
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
tubeNode.geometry?.addAnimation(animation, forKey: "don't care")
Nothing is animating (I simply see the full tube above) and I am not getting any warnings on the console. If I change the key "geometry.elements.primitiveRange" to "foo" I do get the following warning on the console
ExtrudedTube[98737:24354579] [SceneKit] Error: _C3DModelPathResolverRegistryResolvePathWithClassName unknown path (
Perhaps this property is not animatable? I don't see documentation that says it is or isn't. Any idea how to create the "growing tube" animation using this mesh in SceneKit?
I was never able to pull off the animation using the "keypath" (I think there probably is a way to do it, but there is no documentation on the details). I can use SCNAction though it it works well:
if let numPrimitives = tubeNode.geometry?.elements[0].primitiveCount {
tubeNode.geometry?.elements[0].primitiveRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: 0)
let duration : Double = 5.0
let growTube = SCNAction.customAction(duration: duration, action: {node, elapsedTime in
let f = Double(elapsedTime)/duration
let n = Int(f*Double(numPrimitives))
node.geometry?.elements[0].primitiveRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: n)

Godot: advanced swiping mechanics

I have a VboxContainer as a child of a ScrollContainer and some text and buttons in it – a long list I can scoll through by finger-swiping on a touchscreen.
The code (based on
extends ScrollContainer
var swiping = false
var swipe_start
var swipe_mouse_start
var swipe_mouse_times = []
var swipe_mouse_positions = []
signal finger_is_swiping
func _ready():
mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE
func _input(ev):
if ev is InputEventMouseButton:
if ev.pressed:
swiping = true
swipe_start = Vector2(get_h_scroll(), get_v_scroll())
swipe_mouse_start = ev.position
swipe_mouse_times = [OS.get_ticks_msec()]
swipe_mouse_positions = [swipe_mouse_start]
var source = Vector2(get_h_scroll(), get_v_scroll())
var idx = swipe_mouse_times.size() - 1
var now = OS.get_ticks_msec()
var cutoff = now - 100
for i in range(swipe_mouse_times.size() - 1, -1, -1):
if swipe_mouse_times[i] >= cutoff: idx = i
else: break
var flick_start = swipe_mouse_positions[idx]
var flick_dur = min(0.3, (ev.position - flick_start).length() / 1000)
if flick_dur > 0.0:
var tween =
var delta = ev.position - flick_start
var target = source - delta * flick_dur * 8.0
#tween.interpolate_method(self, 'set_h_scroll', source.x, target.x, flick_dur, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_OUT)
tween.interpolate_method(self, 'set_v_scroll', source.y, target.y, flick_dur, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_OUT)
tween.interpolate_callback(tween, flick_dur, 'queue_free')
swiping = false
elif swiping and ev is InputEventMouseMotion:
var delta = ev.position - swipe_mouse_start
set_h_scroll(swipe_start.x - delta.x)
set_v_scroll(swipe_start.y - delta.y)
print ("finger is swiping")
It works quite nicely, but there are three hurdles I need help with:
While swiping, the print "finger is swiping" is being printed all the time, many times, and I therefore assume that the signal "finger_is_swiping" is being emitted as often as well. How can I have the signal being emitted only once per swipe? (Or is that a problem at all?)
How can I set a signal when my finger stops swiping (so when it's lifted from the touchscreen)?
I'd like the swipe-movement not to cause scrolling at all when touching a button in the list first. (My buttons work in a way so I can hold them down and make them not trigger by dragging the finger off... in such a case I'd like the list not to scroll despite the dragging.) I'd assume that I could have the button emit a signal which causes some "ignore swipe" or set the swipe speed to 0 maybe?
Yes, a simple swiping = false does this trick!

Createjs. Line follow element fiddle

I created this jsfiddle.
A line i connecting two elements, and I want the line to stay connected to both elements no matter where they go.
I've sort of succeeded, but with one pretty obvious error. It keeps drawing new lines instead of redrawing the existing line. Please help me on how to make it update the line position instead.
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", tick);
var arrDots = [];
var arrLines = [];
var circle1 = new createjs.Shape().set({
x: stage.canvas.width/2,
y: 50,
cursor: "pointer",
var circle2 = new createjs.Shape().set({
x: stage.canvas.width/2,
y: stage.canvas.height - 50,
cursor: "pointer",
var line = new createjs.Shape().set({
graphics: new createjs.Graphics().s("#00f").mt(arrDots[0].x,
arrDots[0].y).lt(arrDots[1].x, arrDots[1].y)
arrLines.push([arrDots[0], arrDots[1], line]);
createjs.Tween.get(circle1, {loop: true}).to({x:50},
3000).to({x:stage.canvas.width/2}, 3000);
function tick(event) {
function keepLineConnection() {
for(var i = 0; i < arrLines.length; i++) {
arrLines[i][2][i][0].x, arrLines[i][0].y).lt(arrLines[i][1].x, arrLines[i][1].y);
The reason it keeps drawing is because you keep adding commmands to the graphics. Basically, you are doing this:;
Since you are just adding new instrucitons, they will pile up over time,
and will eventually kill your processor.
An easy fix for that is to clear the graphics first before adding new ones:
A better approach is to use commands. Since EaselJS 0.7.0, all graphics commands are objects, and at any time you can update properties of those objects directly. For example, the MoveTo and LineTo commands both have an x and y property. Here is more info on Commands:
Here is a modified fiddle that stores of commands on the line, and then updates them on tick. I also made a few other updates, such as changing the timing mode to RAF, which is smoother than using interval-based timers at 60FPS.
// Store commands:
line.cmd1 =,0).command;
line.cmd2 =,0).command;
// Update commands:
var instr = arrLines[i],
line = instr[2];
line.cmd1.x = instr[0].x;
line.cmd1.y = instr[0].y;
line.cmd2.x = instr[1].x;
line.cmd2.y = instr[1].y;
Edit: Here is are some demos using that idea that I made a while back:

Background color change on dynamic page

I am building a webstore, where the quantity of displayed products is dinamically changing, by pressing "Show more" button. Background color should be changing multiple times while scrolling down and I found this article, which solves this problem, but it has fixed page height. Is it possible to change that?
You use a parameter to control the adaption rate and set this according to your needs if you don't know the page size on forehand (because a dynamic load for instance).
cStart = [250, 195, 56] // Gold
, cEnd = [179, 217, 112] // Lime
, cDiff = [cEnd[0] - cStart[0], cEnd[1] - cStart[1], cEnd[1] - cStart[0]];
$(document).scroll(function() {
var speed = 0.0005;
var p = $(this).scrollTop()* speed;
p = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, p)); // Clamp to [0, 1]
var cBg = [Math.round(cStart[0] + cDiff[0] * p), Math.round(cStart[1] + cDiff[1] * p), Math.round(cStart[2] + cDiff[2] * p)];
$("body").css('background-color', 'rgb(' + cBg.join(',') +')');

Fade-to certain opacity using dojo

I'm using dojo toolkit. (version 1.6)
I'm unable to stop the fading effect at certain opacity (say 0.5)
Here is the code I'm using
var fadeArgs = {node: "disabled_div", duration: 3000};"disabled_div", "opacity", "0");
But the above code is fading the element's opacity from 0 to 1.
My requirement is to stop fading effect at 0.5 opacity.
Please help me out
Thanks in advance!
you may try like this:
var w = dojo.animateProperty({
duration: 3000,
properties: {
opacity: 0
if(a.opacity <= .5)
OR"disabled_div", "opacity", "1");
var fadeArgs = {node: "disabled_div", duration: 3000,onAnimate:function(o){
if(o.opacity <= .5){
anim = dojo.fadeOut(fadeArgs);;
You could use fadeTo from the DojoX extensions