Dynamically calling another variable name with another variable - vb.net

Currently I have the following lines of code:
Dim ta = frmControllerScreen.Controls.Find("txtResponseA", True)
If ta.Count > 0 Then
Dim txt As TextBox = ta.First
txtResponseA = txt.Text
End If
Dim tb = frmControllerScreen.Controls.Find("txtResponseB", True)
If tb.Count > 0 Then
Dim txt As TextBox = tb.First
txtResponseB = txt.Text
End If
Dim tc = frmControllerScreen.Controls.Find("txtResponseC", True)
If tc.Count > 0 Then
Dim txt As TextBox = ta.First
txtResponseC = txt.Text
End If
Dim td = frmControllerScreen.Controls.Find("txtResponseD", True)
If td.Count > 0 Then
Dim txt As TextBox = ta.First
txtResponseD = txt.Text
End If
So it's clear that I'm assigning a string to an A, B, C, D version of a variable. The goal is that I will be able to go ahead and call one of these values up and assign it to a textbox/label.
I'm trying to use the following code:
lblAutoChoice1.Text = ("txtResponse" & chrAvailableAnswers.Item(0).ToString.Trim)
But It's not exactly working. I attempted to use .ToString method on it but I'm only greeted with a System.ToString[] response during run time.
This would be easy to do in other languages, like PHP $Somevariable$correctAnswer for example to pull up $SomevariableA but I've yet to see an example of a variable variables in VB.
How do you create a variable variables (I believe is the proper name) in Visual Basic?

Taking a cue from Idle_Mind's answer listed here:
How to use a string like a variable in Visual Basic
lblAutoChoice1.Text = Me.GetType.GetField("txtResponse" & chrAvailableAnswers.Item(0).ToString, _
BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(Me).ToString
This directly calls for Imports System.Reflection on being used as the top line, above the declaration of the Class of the form.


Split a string array problems vb.net

I am new to VB.NET and would like to split a string into an array.
I have a string like:
I want to split this into a array at ",".
I tried:
Dim variable() As String
Dim stext As String
stext = "mystringhere"
variable = Split(stext, ",")
My problem is the part of
is split too. I want this to get all together in variable(5). Is this posible?
thank you for help
What you need is a CSV parser in which you can set the field quote character. Unfortunately the TexFieldParser which comes with VB.NET doesn't have that facility. Fortunately, other ones do - here I have used the LumenWorksCsvReader, which is available as a NuGet package *.
Option Strict On
Option Infer On
Imports System.IO
Imports LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s = "613,710,200,127,127,'{\""js\"":{\""\"":\""16\"",\""43451\"":\""16\"",\""65815\"":\""16\"",\""43452\"":\""16\"",\""41147\"":\""16\"",\""43449\"":\""16\"",\""43467\"":\""16\"",\""1249\"":\""16\"",\""43462\"":\""16\"",\""43468\"":\""48\"",\""43438\"":\""64\"",\""43439\"":\""80\""}}','rca',95,2048000,3,1,'AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLL=','xx.xx.xx.xx',NULL"
Using sr As New StringReader(s)
Using csvReader = New CsvReader(sr, delimiter:=","c, quote:="'"c, escape:="\"c, hasHeaders:=False)
Dim nFields = csvReader.FieldCount
While csvReader.ReadNextRecord()
For i = 0 To nFields - 1
End While
End Using
End Using
End Sub
End Module
which outputs
Note that the double-quotes are doubled up in the literal string as that is the way to enter a single double-quote in VB.
If you really want the backslashes to remain, remove the escape:="\"c parameter.
If you are reading from a file then use the appropriate StreamReader instead of the StringReader.
Using the above, perhaps you have a Windows Forms program where you wanted to populate a RichTextBox with the data from, say, a text file named "C:\temp\CsvFile.txt" with the content
you could use the above to come up with
Imports System.IO
Imports LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv
Public Class Form1
Public Class Datum
Property A As Integer
Property B As Integer
Property C As Integer
Property D As Integer
Property E As Integer
Property JsonData As String
Property SocketType As String
Property F As Integer
Property G As Integer
Property H As Integer
Property I As Integer
Property Base64Data As String
Property IpAddy As String
Property J As String
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"{A}, {SocketType}, {IpAddy}, {B} ,{C}, {D}, {E}, {F}, {G}, {H}, {I}, {JsonData}, {Base64Data}, {J}"
End Function
End Class
Public Function GetData(filename As String) As List(Of Datum)
Dim data As New List(Of Datum)
Using sr As New StreamReader(filename)
Using csvReader = New CsvReader(sr, hasHeaders:=False, delimiter:=","c, quote:="'"c, escape:="\"c, comment:=Nothing, trimmingOptions:=ValueTrimmingOptions.UnquotedOnly)
Dim nFields = csvReader.FieldCount
If nFields <> 14 Then
Throw New MalformedCsvException("Did not find 14 fields in the file " & filename)
End If
While csvReader.ReadNextRecord()
Dim d As New Datum()
d.A = Integer.Parse(csvReader(0))
d.B = Integer.Parse(csvReader(1))
d.C = Integer.Parse(csvReader(2))
d.D = Integer.Parse(csvReader(3))
d.E = Integer.Parse(csvReader(4))
d.JsonData = csvReader(5)
d.SocketType = csvReader(6)
d.F = Integer.Parse(csvReader(7))
d.G = Integer.Parse(csvReader(8))
d.H = Integer.Parse(csvReader(9))
d.I = Integer.Parse(csvReader(10))
d.Base64Data = csvReader(11)
d.IpAddy = csvReader(12)
d.J = csvReader(13)
End While
End Using
End Using
Return data
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim srcFile = "C:\temp\CsvData.txt"
Dim dat = GetData(srcFile)
For Each d In dat
RichTextBox1.AppendText(d.ToString() & vbCrLf)
End Sub
End Class
It might be necessary to perform more checks on the data when trying to parse it. Note that I made a function for the .ToString() method of the Datum class and put the properties in a different order just to demonstrate its use.
* Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... Choose the "Browse" tab -> type in LumenWorksCsvReader -> select the one by Sébastien Lorion et al., -> tick your project name in the pane to the right -> click Install.
I am new to VB.NET and would like to split a string into an array.
variable = Split(stext,",")
Instead of
variable = Split(stext,",")
variable = stext.split(",")
If you want to get a bit more complicated on your split you would create an array of char data as such
dim data(3) as char
data(0) = ","c
data(1) = vbcrlf
data(2) = chr(34)
data(3) = vbtab
... and so on
variable = stext.split(data)

VB.Net | Is there a way to reference a dynamic amount of variables as arguments to function/sub?

I'm trying to pass a dynamic amount of variables to a Sub by using ByRef;
Essentially I'm trying to create a module that I can easily import into my projects and make handling the file saving/loading process automated.
The Sub/Function would take a number of variables as references and then loop through them changing each one's value.
I realize I'm missing a crucial point in how visual basic's syntax works but I haven't been able to figure out what I need to do.
The code I've written for this is:
Public Sub LoadSaveToVars(ByRef KeyNamesAndVars() As Object, ByVal FileLoc As String = "")
If isEven(KeyNamesAndVars.Length) Then
Dim Contents As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(FileLoc)
Dim isOnName As Boolean = True
Dim CurrentVal As String = ""
For i = 0 To KeyNamesAndVars.Length - 1
If isOnName Then
CurrentVal = GetStringValue(KeyNamesAndVars(i), Contents) 'Get the value of the key with the key name in the array
isOnName = False
KeyNamesAndVars(i) = CurrentVal 'Set the variable referenced in the array to the value
isOnName = True
End If
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The key names and variables supplied are not even.", "Error loading to variables!")
End If
End Sub
And here's how I try to use this function:
Dim TestVar1 As String = ""
Dim TestVar2 As String = ""
LoadSaveToVars({"key1", TestVar1, "key2", TestVar2})
To keep this question clean I did not include the other functions, but I did make a poor attempt at drawing what I want to happen: https://gyazo.com/eee34b8dff766401f73772bb0fef981a
In the end, I want TestVar1 to be equal to "val1" and TestVar2 to be equal to "val2" and to be able to extend this to a dynamic number of variables. Is this possible?

About Casting in a Class property in VB.Net

Is it possible to cast a sting in a class property?
what i want to do is that from 'My' class i can fetch the Form's Text properties. but for every form i have to provide the form name statically. I want to do it dyanamically. What i tried is here
Dim frmName As New Object
frmName = Name.ToString()
Dim frmProperty As String
frmProperty = "My.Forms." & frmName & ".Text"
frmNameLabelControl.Text = frmProperty
but at the Front-End it displays 'My.Forms.Form1.Text'
I think that all you need is the following code. But you need to create the equivalent of frmNameLabelControl in the same order in every form. For example to be the last label you created in every form
Dim FormsCount As Integer = My.Application.OpenForms.Count
Dim frmProperty As String
Dim lblContrIndex As Integer = 0 ' Number of label creation in descending order
For i As Integer = 0 To FormsCount - 1
frmProperty = My.Application.OpenForms.Item(i).Text
My.Application.OpenForms.Item(i).Controls.OfType(Of Label).ElementAt(lblContrIndex).Text = frmProperty

Syntax in using the checked item in CheckListBox

I am trying to create an if statement using a checklistbox. How can I make an if statement with my checked value in check list box? I tried using the code below just like in combobox:
If CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems = "AHRM" Then
But I got an error:
value of type cannot be converted to string.
CheckedListBox.CheckedItems returns a collection of all checked items. Not a single string.
You could check it's Count property and then take the first if you expect only one:
Dim checked As String = Nothing
Dim checkedItems = CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems
If checkedItems.Count <> 0 Then checked = checkedItems(0).ToString()
If checked = "AHRM" Then ....
If you expect multiple you could use following little LINQ query and Contains or String.Join(if you want to concat them):
Dim checkedItems = From obj In CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Cast(Of Object)()
Select checkedItemAsString = obj.ToString()
Dim containsAHRM As Boolean = checkedItems.Contains("AHRM")
Dim allChecked = String.Join(",", checkedItems)
Dim values As [String] = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To CheckBoxList1.Items.Count - 1
If CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Selected Then
values = CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Value
If values = "AHRM" Then
// your code
end if
End If

Access a form's control by name

not sure whether the title of this post is accurate.
I'm trying to access windows form controls and their properties by "composing" their name within a loop, but I can't seem to find the related documentation. Using VB.net. Basically, say I have the following:
Dim myDt As New DataTable
Dim row As DataRow = myDt.NewRow()
row.Item("col01") = Me.label01.Text
row.Item("col02") = Me.label02.Text
row.Item("colN") = Me.labelN.Text
I'd like to write a for loop instead of N separate instructions.
While it's simple enough to express the left-hand side of the assignments, I'm stumped when it comes to the right-hand side:
For i As Integer = 1 to N
row.Item(String.format("col{0:00}", i)) = ???
' ??? <- write "label" & i (zero-padded, like col) and use that string to access Me's control that has such name
As an extra, I'd like to be able to pass the final ".Text" property as a string as well, for in some cases I need the value of the "Text" property, in other cases the value of the "Value" property; generally speaking, the property I'm interested in might be a function of i.
You could use the ControlsCollection.Find method with the searchAllChildren option set to true
For i As Integer = 1 to N
Dim ctrl = Me.Controls.Find(string.Format("label{0:00}", i), True)
if ctrl IsNot Nothing AndAlso ctrl.Length > 0 Then
row.Item(String.format("col{0:00}", i)) = ctrl(0).Text
End If
An example on how to approach the problem using reflection to set a property that you identify using a string
Dim myLabel As Label = new Label()
Dim prop as PropertyInfo = myLabel.GetType().GetProperty("Text")
prop.SetValue(myLabel, "A Label.Text set with Reflection classes", Nothing)
Dim newText = prop.GetValue(myLabel)