Linked in - multiple test accounts - testing

i need for my application to create and generate test linked in accounts for every time i run my tests. I have researched and found only this solution which won`t work for me : 2.3 Test Account
You may create up to five LinkedIn test accounts for purposes of testing your Application only. You must create the accounts manually and not via any automated means, such as scripts.
These test accounts must not interact with non-test accounts (for example, you can’t use test accounts to comment to posts on a Company Page and you can’t connect test accounts with non-test accounts, including your LinkedIn account), or override our API call limits. You must clearly identify the accounts as test accounts in the applicable account profile, and must identify these additional account profiles as “Developers” in your Application registration. You may not create any profile positions at real companies (besides your own) through the test accounts.
I will need more than 5 test accounts and also would like to skip the registration of my application into linked in with Real Data...
For facebook integration i managed to make this using
If someone have any suggestions or solutions please help :)

As per the terms of use you stated in your request, what you are asking for is not available via LinkedIn at the moment. You will need to change your testing strategy.


How to use same account for multiple companies (Just like a same account can be used for multiple workspaces on Slack)

I am working on a web application which is based on Google App Engine (GAE). The requirement of the application is that one user can be associated with multiple company accounts.
My application has two main types of accounts. One is that main Admin/Company account. Other is the employee account (i.e. the persons who work under a company). Now, what I want to do is that to allow an employee to work under more than one companies, but he does not have to make a separate account for each company. His single account can be associated with multiple companies.
I have explored different platforms which are already supporting this feature. The major ones which I found are Slack and Asana. And my problem can be perfectly mapped to what Slack is doing right now i.e. I create a single account on Slack and I can join multiple workspaces on Slack using this single account.
I want to achieve the same in my application too. I am curious that how Slack is supporting this feature right now? Does it send some ID with every request to the server which indicates that the activity which just has been done is associated with the workspace under this ID? Or there is some unique sort of token associated with every workspace (on Slack API level)?
I do have such a model in my app. A unique auth_token is associated with every company account. So, I am thinking that when an employee wants to do an activity for a specific company he will send this unique token with the request to the server so that server knows for which company the activity was performed.
Does anybody know what is the best way of achieving this?
There are two different concepts at work here:
Relation between account and company / workspace
The data structure for the Slack account is designed such that it can be linked to multiple Slack workspaces, e.g. in SQL you would have a many-2-many relation between the accounts and the workspaces table.
Staying logged in
The way Slack and others Single-Sign-On provides like Google SSO keep you logged in is by settings a browser cookie. That cookie would usually be some kind of crypto hash and the SSO provider will use it to identify to which account the current user belongs to or to request a login via OAuth if the cookie is missing / invalid.
This can also be achieved partly with server sessions (which also uses cookies). Using server sessions is easier to implement than implementing your own (secure) cookie solution, however the user will only stay logged in as long as the browser stays open. But that should be sufficient for most solutions.
Note that tokens for the Slack API work very differently. e.g. they have to be generated per workspace, user and app.

Creating a survey via the API with a Basic or Select account

Under "Scopes" the API documentation says "...the Create/Modify Surveys scope is available to Free (Basic) plans", but later contradicts that in the table showing "Platinum/Enterprise" as the minimum plan for the Create/Modify Surveys scope.
I am developing an application for a client that I believe has a Platinum account. However, I myself only have a Basic account and am reluctant to invest in a Platinum account for this small development project.
The client requires the creation a tool that generates surveys via the API, which seems pretty straightforward, except that I am unable to do so with my account. Is there some way my client can allow my account to access a development app on their account so I can test survey creation? Or could I do so myself with a Basic or Select account?
The Create/Modify Surveys scope will be moved down to the SELECT plan. Also, we will be providing developers time-limited full access to all the endpoints (except feature endpoints like benchmarks which requires the user to have bought the benchmark) when accessing their own account.
This should be available within a week or two. Check back at your app and the docs at soon to see when the changes have been released.
Let us know if you have any more questions!

Get media from public accounts with instagram API

I'm working for a company that displays content on big screens located on public places like GYMs or waiting rooms.
One client asked app that shows Instagram content from celebrities accounts, so I created one using the Instagram API.
The problem is that the app is in sandbox mode and it gets blank data.
It seems I can only show media from sandbox users (not Beyonce), when I submitted for review it was rejected because it doesn't meet the requirements.
Is there a way to make it work?
During tests I used a valid access token I found on internet, but I don't think that is a valid solution.
You are correct, when app is in sandbox mode you are only able to see data on Instagram from sandbox users which you have set in advance. You won't get any public data on Instagram in this mode.
According to the API, your app doesn't have the criteria required to get approved.
From the Permissions Review page:
Valid Use Cases
We will approve submissions of apps that fall into these use cases:
To help individuals share their own content with 3rd party apps
To help brands and advertisers understand and manage their audience and
digital media rights
To help broadcasters and publishers discover content, get digital > rights to media, and share media with proper attribution
They also listed use cases of applications that won't get approval and it seems like your app matches one of them:
Here are some examples of scenarios that will not be approved:
One-off projects. If you are an agency building websites or other integrations, note that we don't grant permissions to clients created
for one-off projects. If you are interested in building a product,
platform, or widget that will be used as a service across multiple
projects, then you may submit a single client_id that you can use
across multiple projects
To get approved you should modify your application to correspond with criteria, perhaps build multiple projects?
You can also try to pull down the data from this URL:<username>/media/
For Beyonce account, use:
Lastly, the access token is unique per-app, so you can't be using a random one. Here is a tutorial on how to generate access token for your app.

How to test Google Plus API (Google Plus test account)?

I am pretty sure I missed something, but I couldn't find (ie. google) a possibility to create test accounts for Google Plus.
However, it is surely not allowed to create fake user account for tests, so, how do I test my G+ apps with more than one (my) account?
As you point out, your Google+ account should be created using your common name, but you are not limited to one profile. For manual testing you can create a second profile.
If you are doing automated testing, though, this is probably not an effective approach. Your tests will consume your quota so whenever possible mock the client library to test your code.

For Twitter , how to create test user accounts?

Facebook allows you to create test user accounts that can only be used for testing purpose.
Does Twitter provide similar functionality ? I don't want to get my application blacklisted for creating fake user accounts; do I have to use my real user account for testing my application ? What strategies are your using for testing application with Twitter ?
As far as I know, there is nothing in Twitter's rules against creating account (unlike Facebook, where with the exception of test accounts, you're not allowed to create multiple accounts for testing purposes). So, you can just register the account like you normally would.
You might want to take a look at this post for some other tips for test accounts (hiding your tweets, deleting the account when you're done testing, etc.).
I'm currently creating a Twitter application and here are some of the strategies I'm using.
I create my accounts in combination with Gmail addresses. If I create a gmail account as user , I secure the Twitter name #bob on Twitter. That way it's kind of hard to forget where to email a lost password. I don't go crazy, as I don't need 100's of test accounts but I do have up to three.
I log on to my test accounts using Chrome because it will automatically recall your password as soon as you type in your Twitter name on the home page. That way it is easy to switch between them, but note that I find it hard sometimes to know which account is actually active because I'm constantly looking at other profiles. This gets confusing if I don't constantly look at the logged in user icon indicator.
Never, ever re-tweet anything unless you absolutely have to for a test case or use hash-tags unless for a test case. Unbelievably even on a completely un-publicized account, I had a few surprise Twitter users in my DB a few seconds after I re-tweeted a link.
on Localhost, close all your other browser windows while your testing. Especially if your calling the API through AJAX. You never know which sites you have open whom also call the Twitter API through AJAX, and this can seriously screw with your tests and rate limits. Especially when your developing live.
I would not recommend protecting your tweets. It's too limiting for most use cases.
For my site, I need to place a link in the tweets. Twitter will not
allow live links to http://localhost so you have to plan around
this and have a live test server sooner then you may anticipate.
Twitter has one of the easiest registration processes I have seen. You can quite easily create several test accounts; this is the only method I have used.
Here is a blog post about it.