Executing all assertions in the same Spock test, even if one of them fails - testing

I am trying to verify two different outputs in the context of a single Spock method that runs multiple test cases of the form when-then-where. For this reason I use two assertions at the then block, as can be seen in the following example:
import spock.lang.*
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
def "Authentication test with empty credentials"() {
def reportedErrorMessage, reportedErrorCode
(reportedErrorMessage, reportedErrorCode) = userAuthentication(name, password)
reportedErrorMessage == expectedErrorMessage
reportedErrorCode == expectedErrorCode
name | password || expectedErrorMessage | expectedErrorCode
' ' | null || 'Empty credentials!' | 10003
' ' | ' ' || 'Empty credentials!' | 10003
The code is an example where the design requirement is that if name and password are ' ' or null, then I should always expect exactly the same expectedErrorMessage = 'Empty credentials!' and expectedErrorCode = 10003. If for some reason (presumably because of bugs in the source code) I get expectedErrorMessage = Empty! (or anything else other than 'Empty credentials!') and expectedErrorCode = 10001 (or anything else other than 1003), this would not satisfy the above requirement.
The problem is that if both assertions fail in the same test, I get a failing message only for the first assertion (here for reportedErrorMessage). Is it possible to get informed for all failed assertions in the same test?
Here is a piece of code that demonstrates the same problem without other external code dependencies. I understand that in this particular case it is not a good practice to bundle two very different tests together, but I think it still demonstrates the problem.
import spock.lang.*
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
def "minimum of #a and #b is #c and maximum of #a and #b is #d"() {
Math.min(a, b) == c
Math.max(a, b) == d
a | b || c | d
3 | 7 || 3 | 7
5 | 4 || 5 | 4 // <--- both c and d fail here
9 | 9 || 9 | 9

Based on the latest comment by OP, it looks like a solution different from my previous answer would be helpful. I'm leaving the previous answer in-place, as I feel it still provides useful information related to the question (specifically separating positive and negative tests).
Given that you want to see all failures, and not just have it fail at the first assert that fails, I would suggest concatenating everything together into a boolean AND operation. Not using the && shortcut operator, because it will only run until the first check that does not satisfy the entire operation. I would suggest using the &, so that all checks are made, regardless of any previously failing checks.
Given the max and min example above, I would change the expect block to this:
Math.min(a, b) == c & Math.max(a, b) == d
When the failure occurs, it gives you the following information:
Math.min(a, b) == c & Math.max(a, b) == d
| | | | | | | | | | |
4 5 4 | 5 false 5 5 4 | 4
false false
This shows you every portion of the failing assert. By contrast, if you used the &&, it would only show you the first failure, which would look like this:
Math.min(a, b) == c && Math.max(a, b) == d
| | | | | |
4 5 4 | 5 false
This could obviously get messy pretty fast if you have more than two checks on a single line - but that is a tradeoff you can make between all failing information on one line, versus having to re-run the test after fixing each individual component.
Hope this helps!

I think there are two different things at play here.
Having a failing assert in your code will throw an error, which will cease execution of the code. This is why you can't have two failing assertions in a single test. Any line of code in an expect or then block in Spock has an implicit assert before it.
You are mixing positive and negative unit tests in the same test. I ran into this before myself, and I read/watched something about this and Spock (I believe from the creator, Peter Niederwieser), and learned that these should be separated into different tests. Unfortunately I couldn't find that reference. So basically, you'll need one test for failing use cases, and one test for passing/successful use cases.
Given that information, here is your second example code, with the tests separated out, with the failing scenario in the second test.
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
def "minimum of #a and #b is #c and maximum of #a and #b is #d - successes"() {
Math.min(a, b) == c
Math.max(a, b) == d
a | b || c | d
3 | 7 || 3 | 7
9 | 9 || 9 | 9
def "minimum of #a and #b is #c and maximum of #a and #b is #d - failures"() {
Math.min(a, b) != c
Math.max(a, b) != d
a | b || c | d
5 | 4 || 5 | 4
As far as your comment about the MongoDB test case - I'm not sure what the intent is there, but I'm guessing they are making several assertions that are all passing, rather than validating that something is failing.


How to compare each element in two different lists in Karate? [duplicate]

Is it possible to continue the execution of test step even if one of the assert/match fails?
Scenario: Testing
* def detail = {"a":{"data":[{"message":["push","dash"]},{"message":["data","Test"]}]}}
* match detail contains {"a":{"data":[{"message":["push","dash"]}]}}
* print detail
Here match will fail but execution stop at that point.
is there a way to do a soft assertion so that next step gets executed?
EDIT in 2021 - a PR introducing a continueOnStepFailure flag was contributed by Joel Pramos here and is available in Karate 1.0 onwards. You can find more details here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66733353/143475
If you use a Scenario Outline each "row" is executed even if one fails.
Scenario Outline: Testing
* def detail = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
* match detail contains <expected>
| expected |
| { a: 1 } |
| { b: 2 } |
| { c: 3 } |
Note that the concept of "soft assertions" is controversial and some consider it a bad practice:
a) https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/q/7823
b) https://martinfowler.com/articles/nonDeterminism.html
For those looking for a way to show all mis-matches between 2 JSON objects, see this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61349887/143475
And finally, since some people want to do "conditional" match logic in JS, see this answer also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50350442/143475

Karate - How to construct two tables, using lines from each to validate against the other [duplicate]

I want to use single row under examples in cucumber like below:
| data1 | data2|paymentOp|
| MySql | uk1 |??????????|
Where paymentOp is a number which I am getting from java method which has List as an argument. The method returns each of the numbers which I want to pass it under paymentOp.
There is an absolute way to iterate it by copy the row and paste it again in the table but I don't want that because the method has a dynamic result which may return 2 or 5 set of numbers.
Is it possible to achieve it using Karate?
How to proceed further. Any lead here would be much appreciated!
You can combine Examples: with dynamic behavior. Please read this example (especially the second one): https://github.com/intuit/karate/blob/master/karate-demo/src/test/java/demo/outline/examples.feature
Since you have difficulties reading the docs and examples (:P) here is a simple example. Take some time to understand it carefully.
* def data = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }
Scenario Outline:
* match data.<key> == <value>
| key | value |
| one | 1 |
| two | 2 |
| three | 3 |

Returning a value based on multiple conditions in excel

Consider the following data:
Item | Overall | Individual | newColumn
A | Fail | Pass | blank
A | Fail | Fail | blank
B | Fail | Pass | issue
B | Fail | Pass | issue
C | Pass | Pass | blank
I have the logic built out for the first 3 columns already. There are two levels of fails in this data:
overall, and
If any of the individual fail, the overall fails. Sometimes the overall can fail even though all the individuals are fine. This logic is already built out.
I am trying to find a formula for the newColumn. If all the individuals are a pass for a given item (example item B), but the overall is still a fail, the cell should return the text "issue". It is ok if it returns issue twice, not sure if you can non-dupe that part. I've tried various forms of countifs/and/ors and creating columns that count distinct values but I always find a scenario where it will break the logic.
Try this:
As required
If you add a new column with the formula:
Then this should work on the assumptions:
For each item if one of the overalls are false they are all false
The only two possible values are "Pass" and "Fail" for columns B & C
If you require the word blank instead of a blank cell then use:

How to filter after group by and aggregate in Spark dataframe?

I have a spark dataframe df with schema as such:
[id:string, label:string, tags:string]
id | label | tag
1 | h | null
1 | w | x
1 | v | null
1 | v | x
2 | h | x
3 | h | x
3 | w | x
3 | v | null
3 | v | null
4 | h | null
4 | w | x
5 | w | x
(h,w,v are labels. x can be any non-empty values)
For each id, there is at most one label "h" or "w", but there might be multiple "v". I would like to select all the ids that satisfies following conditions:
Each id has:
1. one label "h" and its tag = null,
2. one label "w" and its tag != null,
3. at least one label "v" for each id.
I am thinking that I need to create three columns checking each above conditions. And then I need to do a group by "id".
val hCheck = (label: String, tag: String) => {if (label=="h" && tag==null) 1 else 0}
val udfHCheck = udf(hCheck)
val wCheck = (label: String, tag: String) => {if (label=="w" && tag!=null) 1 else 0}
val udfWCheck = udf(wCheck)
val vCheck = (label: String) => {if (label==null) 1 else 0}
val udfVCheck = udf(vCheck)
dfx = df.withColumn("hCheck", udfHCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("wCheck", udfWCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("vCheck", udfVCheck(col("label")))
Somehow I need to group three columns {"hCheck","wCheck","vCheck"} into vector of list [x,0,0],[0,x,0],[0,0,x]. And check if these vector contain all three {[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]}
I have not been able to solve this problem yet. And there might be a better approach than this one. Hope someone can give me suggestions. Thanks
To convert the three checks to vectors you can do:
Specifically you can do:
val df1 = df.withColumn("hCheck", udfHCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("wCheck", udfWCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("vCheck", udfVCheck(col("label")))
Next the groupby returns a grouped object on which you need to perform aggregations. Specifically to get all the vectors you should do something like:
Also you do not need udfs for the various checks. You can do it with column semantics. For example udfHCheck can be written as:
with($"label" == lit("h") && tag.isnull 1).otherwise(0)
BTW, you said you wanted a label 'v' for each but in vcheck you just check if the label is null.
Update: Alternative solution
Upon looking on this question again, I would do something like this:
val grouped = df.groupBy("id", "label").agg(count("$label").as("cnt"), first($"tag").as("tag"))
val filtered1 = grouped.filter($"label" === "v" || $"cnt" === 1)
val filtered2 = filtered.filter($"label" === "v" || ($"label" === "h" && $"tag".isNull) || ($"label" === "w" && $"tag".isNotNull))
val ids = filtered2.groupBy("id").count.filter($"count" === 3)
The idea is that first we groupby BOTH id and label so we have information on the combination. The information we collect is how many values (cnt) and the first element (doesn't matter which).
Now we do two filtering steps:
1. we need exactly one h and one w and any number of v so the first filter gets us these cases.
2. we make sure all the rules are met for each of the cases.
Now we have only combinations of id and label which match the rules so in order for the id to be legal we need to have exactly three instances of label. This leads to the second groupby which simply counts the number of labels which matched the rules. We need exactly three to be legal (i.e. matched all the rules).

SQL - postgres - shortest path in graph - recursion

I have a table which contains the edges from node x to node y in a graph.
n1 | n2
a | a
a | b
a | c
b | b
b | d
b | c
d | e
I would like to create a (materialized) view which denotes the shortest number of nodes/hops a path contains to reach from x to node y:
n1 | n2 | c
a | a | 0
a | b | 1
a | c | 1
a | d | 2
a | e | 3
b | b | 0
b | d | 1
b | c | 1
b | e | 2
d | e | 1
How should I model my tables and views to facilitate this? I guess I need some kind of recursion, but I believe that is pretty difficult to accomplish in SQL. I would like to avoid that, for example, the clients need to fire 10 queries if the path happens to contain 10 nodes/hops.
This works for me, but it's kinda ugly:
WITH RECURSIVE paths (n1, n2, distance) AS (
nodes.n1 <> nodes.n2
paths.distance + 1
JOIN nodes
paths.n2 = nodes.n1
nodes.n1 <> nodes.n2
1, 2
nodes.n1 = nodes.n2
Also, I am not sure how good it will perform against larger datasets. As suggested by Mark Mann, you may want to use a graph library instead, e.g. pygraph.
EDIT: here's a sample with pygraph
from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph
g = digraph()
g.add_edge(('a', 'a'))
g.add_edge(('a', 'b'))
g.add_edge(('a', 'c'))
g.add_edge(('b', 'b'))
g.add_edge(('b', 'd'))
g.add_edge(('b', 'c'))
g.add_edge(('d', 'e'))
for source in g.nodes():
tree, distances = shortest_path(g, source)
for target, distance in distances.iteritems():
if distance == 0 and not g.has_edge((source, target)):
print source, target, distance
Excluding the graph building time, this takes 0.3ms while the SQL version takes 0.5ms.
Expanding on Mark's answer, there are some very reasonable approaches to explore a graph in SQL as well. In fact, they'll be faster than the dedicated libraries in perl or python, in that DB indexes will spare you the need to explore the graph.
The most efficient of index (if the graph is not constantly changing) is a nested-tree variation called the GRIPP index. (The linked paper mentions other approaches.)
If your graph is constantly changing, you might want to adapt the nested intervals approach to graphs, in a similar manner that GRIPP extends nested sets, or to simply use floats instead of integers (don't forget to normalize them by casting to numeric and back to float if you do).
Rather than computing these values on the fly, why not create a real table with all interesting pairs along with the shortest path value. Then whenever data is inserted, deleted or updated in your data table, you can recalculate all of the shortest path information. (Perl's Graph module is particularly well-suited to this task, and Perl's DBI interface makes the code straightforward.)
By using an external process, you can also limit the number of recalculations. Using PostgreSQL triggers would cause recalculations to occur on every insert, update and delete, but if you knew you were going to be adding twenty pairs of points, you could wait until your inserts were completed before doing the calculations.