I've got a 2D array of 100 labels in a 10x10 matrix (it's 2D because it represents some hardware out in the real world, if anyone cares). I want to loop through and check a conditional, and change the label background color if the conditional is false.
I've tried this ten different ways, but I keep getting an exception thrown because the temp variable I have created won't take an assignment to one of the label names.
'Table for correct switch module for corresponding actuator
Dim ActLabelLookup(,) As Label =
{{MTA91, MTA92, MTA93, MTA94, MTA95, MTA96, MTA97, MTA98, MTA99, MTA100},
{MTA81, MTA82, MTA83, MTA84, MTA85, MTA86, MTA87, MTA88, MTA89, MTA90},
{MTA71, MTA72, MTA73, MTA74, MTA75, MTA76, MTA77, MTA78, MTA79, MTA80},
{MTA61, MTA62, MTA63, MTA64, MTA65, MTA66, MTA67, MTA68, MTA69, MTA70},
{MTA51, MTA52, MTA53, MTA54, MTA55, MTA56, MTA57, MTA58, MTA59, MTA60},
{MTA41, MTA42, MTA43, MTA44, MTA45, MTA46, MTA47, MTA48, MTA49, MTA50},
{MTA31, MTA32, MTA33, MTA34, MTA35, MTA36, MTA37, MTA38, MTA39, MTA40},
{MTA21, MTA22, MTA23, MTA24, MTA25, MTA26, MTA27, MTA28, MTA29, MTA30},
{MTA11, MTA12, MTA13, MTA14, MTA15, MTA16, MTA17, MTA18, MTA19, MTA20},
{MTA1, MTA2, MTA3, MTA4, MTA5, MTA6, MTA7, MTA8, MTA9, MTA10}}
Private Sub UpdateActuatorStatus()
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim CurrAct As New Label
For X = 0 To (ActControl.MAX_X - 1)
For Y = 0 To (ActControl.MAX_Y - 1)
If TempFunctionalActuatorMatrix(X, Y) = False Then
CurrAct = ActLabelLookup(X, Y)
CurrAct.BackColor = Color.Firebrick
End If
End Sub
With this code, CurrAct is never getting set to anything. Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Your array isn't initialised (well, it is, but it is initialised with nothings as the labels are nothing as the form instance is created).
Try filling it before parsing (in Form Load or in UpdateActuatorStatus):
ActLabelLookup =
{{MTA91, MTA92, MTA93, MTA94, MTA95, MTA96, MTA97, MTA98, MTA99, MTA100},
{MTA81, MTA82, MTA83, MTA84, MTA85, MTA86, MTA87, MTA88, MTA89, MTA90},
{MTA71, MTA72, MTA73, MTA74, MTA75, MTA76, MTA77, MTA78, MTA79, MTA80},
{MTA61, MTA62, MTA63, MTA64, MTA65, MTA66, MTA67, MTA68, MTA69, MTA70},
{MTA51, MTA52, MTA53, MTA54, MTA55, MTA56, MTA57, MTA58, MTA59, MTA60},
{MTA41, MTA42, MTA43, MTA44, MTA45, MTA46, MTA47, MTA48, MTA49, MTA50},
{MTA31, MTA32, MTA33, MTA34, MTA35, MTA36, MTA37, MTA38, MTA39, MTA40},
{MTA21, MTA22, MTA23, MTA24, MTA25, MTA26, MTA27, MTA28, MTA29, MTA30},
{MTA11, MTA12, MTA13, MTA14, MTA15, MTA16, MTA17, MTA18, MTA19, MTA20},
{MTA1, MTA2, MTA3, MTA4, MTA5, MTA6, MTA7, MTA8, MTA9, MTA10}}
Change the member-level declaration of ActLabelLookup to just:
Dim ActLabelLookup(,) As Label
In the form's Load event handler add a line to initialize it:
ActLabelLookup(,) =
{{MTA91, MTA92, MTA93, MTA94, MTA95, MTA96, MTA97, MTA98, MTA99, MTA100},
{MTA81, MTA82, MTA83, MTA84, MTA85, MTA86, MTA87, MTA88, MTA89, MTA90},
{MTA71, MTA72, MTA73, MTA74, MTA75, MTA76, MTA77, MTA78, MTA79, MTA80},
{MTA61, MTA62, MTA63, MTA64, MTA65, MTA66, MTA67, MTA68, MTA69, MTA70},
{MTA51, MTA52, MTA53, MTA54, MTA55, MTA56, MTA57, MTA58, MTA59, MTA60},
{MTA41, MTA42, MTA43, MTA44, MTA45, MTA46, MTA47, MTA48, MTA49, MTA50},
{MTA31, MTA32, MTA33, MTA34, MTA35, MTA36, MTA37, MTA38, MTA39, MTA40},
{MTA21, MTA22, MTA23, MTA24, MTA25, MTA26, MTA27, MTA28, MTA29, MTA30},
{MTA11, MTA12, MTA13, MTA14, MTA15, MTA16, MTA17, MTA18, MTA19, MTA20},
{MTA1, MTA2, MTA3, MTA4, MTA5, MTA6, MTA7, MTA8, MTA9, MTA10}}
I'm using C++ to control LibreOffice/OpenOffice from another application, but I guess you can help me if you know the java-bridge as well. So basically I want to load a document (works), set the text of a cell (works) and set a table-cell to horizontal align right (which I got no idea how to do it):
I do:
// Load Document
Reference <XInterface> rDoc = myLoader->loadComponentFromURL(...);
// Get Table
Reference <XTextTablesSupplier> rTablesSuppl(rDocument, UNO_QUERY);
Any any = rTablesSuppl->getTextTables()->getByName("Table1");
Reference<XTextTable> rTable(any, UNO_QUERY);
// Set Text in cell
Reference<XCellRange> rRange (rTable, UNO_QUERY);
Reference<XCell> rCell = rRange->getCellByPosition(x, y);
Reference<XTextRange> rTextRange(rCell, UNO_QUERY);
// Align "MyNewText" right
Any idea how to continue?
Caveat... While I have experience with C++, I use Java for LO API programming, so the following may be a bit off. You'll probably have to tweak a bit to get things going.
In Java and using the cell name to get the cell, I right-justified text in a cell like this:
XCell xCell = xTextTable.getCellByName(cellname);
XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xCell);
XPropertySet xPropertySet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xText.getStart());
xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT);
In C++ and using the cell position to get the cell, I'm thinking that a rough translation would be:
Reference<XCell> rCell = rRange->getCellByPosition(x, y);
Reference<XText> rText(rCell, UNO_QUERY);
Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rText->getStart(), UNO_QUERY );
xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ParaAdjust") >>= com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT;
Given what you've already got, it looks like you might be able to just replace your ???? with something like this:
Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rTextRange, UNO_QUERY );
xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ParaAdjust") >>= com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT;
In Julia, I'd like to update a plot upon the change of value in a Gtk Slider. I understand that this has to do with the "change-value" signal in https://developer.gnome.org/gtk2/2.24/GtkRange.html#GtkRange-value-changed. However, as a beginner, I do not know how to implement the code
The “change-value” signal
user_function (GtkRange *range,
GtkScrollType scroll,
gdouble value,
gpointer user_data)
to achieve what I wanted to do. Could anyone kindly provide an example how to use the "change-value" signal?
I know how to set up a window for the slider
sl = slider(1:11)
win = Window("Testing") |> (bx = Box(:v))
push!(bx, sl)
I also know what kind of function I need to update the plot
function update(val)
int_val = int(val)
if Signal(sl) != int_val
x = range(0., 2*pi, step=0.01)
y = map(sin, x)
However, I don't know how or where I can trigger the "update" function to take actual action.
Thanks, liberforce for your advice!
Here is my minimal working example:
using Gtk
# Set up scale (slider) and window
sl = GtkScale(false, 0:10)
win = Gtk.Window("Gain Selection") |> (bx = Gtk.Box(:v))
push!(bx, sl)
# Connect with value-changed signal
id = signal_connect(sl, "value-changed") do widget
# Get scale value
sub = Gtk.GAccessor.adjustment(widget)
val = Gtk.get_gtk_property(sub,"value",Int64)
# Perform function related to the scale value.
println("Gain is changed to ", val)
push!(bx, sl)
signal connect: http://juliagraphics.github.io/Gtk.jl/latest/manual/signals.html
GtkScale: https://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/Gtk-3.0/classes/Scale.html
Extract scale value: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/how-to-get-the-current-value-of-a-gtk-scale-widget/15680
Julia Do-block: https://www.juliabloggers.com/julia-do-block-vs-python-with-statement/
Dependency : Win2D
I am trying to generate a Livetile image from background task.
However, the generated PNG file only looks transparent, no single dot is painted at all.
So, I simplified the important code as below to test, yet no result was changed.
I imported Microsoft.Canvas.Graphics(+Effects,+Text),
Dim device As CanvasDevice = New CanvasDevice()
Dim width = 150, height = 150
Using renderTarget = New CanvasRenderTarget(device, width, height, 96)
Dim ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession()
'ds = DrawTile(ds, w, h)
Dim xf As CanvasTextFormat = New CanvasTextFormat()
xf.HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left
xf.VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Top
xf.FontSize = 12
ds.DrawText("hi~", 1, 1, Colors.Black, xf)
renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession.DrawText("hi~", 1, 1, Colors.Black, xf)
Await renderTarget.SaveAsync(Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "_tile_150x150.png"))
End Using
The file is created, but it's filled with neither Red or Blue. No text at all. It's transparent with only 150x150 pixel canvas.
Is there any problem with the code? or any other reason?
Thanks a lot!
The CanvasDrawingSession ("ds" in your sample) needs to be Closed / Disposed before you call SaveAsync.
You can use "Using ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession()" to do this for you - put the call to SaveAsync after "End Using".
From there you should use the same "ds" rather than call "CreateDrawingSession" multiple times.
I am struggling to understand why my instance variables not being saved. Whenever I make a change to CurrentSettings, it does not appear next time I call another function. Basically it does not save and reverts to 0s after each function.
classdef laserControl
%LASERCONTROL This module is designed to control the laser unit.
% It can set the filter position, open and close the shutter and turn
% on/off the laser.
%%%%%%%%%%PORT LISTINGS%%%%%%%%%%%
%The set filter command is on port0
%The set shutter is in port1
%Laser 1 on port2
%Laser 2 on port3
%The filter digits are on ports 8-15 (the are on the second box)
properties%(GetAccess = 'public', SetAccess = 'private')
laserPorts; %The #'s of the output ports
currentSettings; %Current high/low settings
%Opens the connection with the digital outputs
%Make sure to close the connection when finished
function Lobj = laserControl()
%Setup the laser
Lobj.laserPorts = [0:3 8:15];% 8:15
Lobj.currentSettings = zeros(1, length(Lobj.laserPorts));
%Make connection and reset values
Lobj.dio = digitalio('nidaq','Dev1');
addline(Lobj.dio, Lobj.laserPorts, 'out');
putvalue(Lobj.dio, Lobj.currentSettings);
%Closes the connection to the digital output
function obj = CloseConnection(obj)
putvalue(obj.dio, zeros(1, length(obj.currentSettings)));
clear obj.dio;
%Sets the position of the filter.
%positionValue - the integer amount for the position, cannot be
%larger than 150, as regulated by the box.
%The set filter command is on port0
%The filter digits are on ports 8-15 (the are on the second box)
function obj = SetFilterPosition(obj, positionValue)
if 0 <= positionValue && positionValue < 150
binaryDigit = de2bi(positionValue); %Convert it to binary form
%LaserOn OldSettings NewValue ExtraZeros
obj.currentSettings = [1 obj.currentSettings(1, 2:4) binaryDigit...
zeros(1, 8 - length(binaryDigit))];
putvalue(obj.dio, obj.currentSettings);
display('Error setting the filer: Value invalid');
Because your class does not inherit from handle, you've written a "value"-type class - in other words, when you make changes, you must capture the return value, like so:
myObj = SetFilterPosition( myObj, 7 );
For more on handle and value classes, see the doc
Whether I use XTextFormatter or not, I get the same error about the LayoutRectangle having to have a height of 0 or something like this.
new PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XTextFormatter(_gfx).DrawString(text
, new PdfSharp.Drawing.XFont(fontName, fontSize, (PdfSharp.Drawing.XFontStyle)fontStyle)
, new PdfSharp.Drawing.XSolidBrush(PdfSharp.Drawing.XColor.FromArgb(foreColour))
, new PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect(new PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint(xPos, yPos), new PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint(xLimit, yLimit))
, PdfSharp.Drawing.XStringFormats.Default);
fontStyle is of type System.Drawing.FontStyle
foreColour is of type System.Drawing.Color
I have already predefined _gfx from a PdfPage with Orientation = Landscape, Size = Letter
xPos and yPos are parameters of type double, the same with xLimit and yLimit.
I get the runtime error that the
LayoutRectangle must have a height of
zero (0)...
Per definition a rectangle is meant to have a height, otherwise call it a line! I don't get it!...
I tried with the XGraphics.DrawString() method directly, and I get the same error. It seems that I can't use the LayoutRectangle but have to manage that the text fit within the desired area manually.
var textFont = new PdfSharp.Drawing.XFont(fontName, fontSize, (PdfSharp.Drawing.XFontStyle)fontStyle);
while (xPos + _gfx.MeasureString(text, textFont).Width > xLimit)
textFont = new PdfSharp.Drawing.XFont(fontName, --fontSize, (PdfSharp.Drawing.XFontStyle)fontStyle);
while (yPos + _gfx.MeasureString(text, textFont).Height > yLimit && fontSize > 0)
textFont = new PdfSharp.Drawing.XFont(fontName, --fontSize, (PdfSharp.Drawing.XFontStyle)fontStyle);
, textFont
, new PdfSharp.Drawing.XSolidBrush(PdfSharp.Drawing.XColor.FromArgb(foreColour))
, new PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint(xPos, yPos));
Though the yPos variable value is the exact same value!
*yPos = Page.Height * .4093, either 40,93% of the page's height.*
Herewith an example of what I try to do:
"Hello World!" "Hello
And here is what I get:
"Hello World!"
"Hello World!"
And because of different printing area limits and size of the font and the different font style, I can't just write these into one simple sentence including the correct number of spaces.
Quoting error messages exactly helps others to help you.
The error message reads:
DrawString: With XLineAlignment.BaseLine the height of the layout rectangle must be 0.
The text will be aligned at a line, therefore height must be 0. Yes, that's a line.
Use a different alignment if you specify a rectangle.
The TextLayout sample shows how to format text.
The Graphics sample also shows how to layout text (single lines of text, no automatic line breaks; the technique shown in the TextLayout sample handles line breaks automatically using the XTextFormatter class).
While trying to figure out how text positioning works with PdfSharp, I noticed that the DrawString() method writes on top of the Y coordinate that we specify.
If I wish to write at (0, 100)(x, y), this points to the lower-left corner while I thought this was the top-left corner coordinates. As a result, the text string Y coordinate that I should have specified is 100 + string.Height * .6.
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument();
PdfPage pdfPage = new pdfPage();
pdfPage.Size = PageSize.Letter;
pdfPage.Orientation = Orientation.Landscape;
double posX = 0;
double posY = pdfPage.Height * .4093;
string helloString = "Hello"
string worldString = "World!"
XFont helloFont = new XFont("Helvetica", 25, XFontStyle.Regular);
XFont worldFont = new XFont("Helvetica", 270, XFontStyle.Bold);
using(var pdfGfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(pdfPage)) { // assuming the default Point UOM
XSize helloStringSize = pdfGfx.MeasureString(helloString, helloFont);
XSize worldStringSize = pdfGfx.MeasureString(worldString, worldFont);
, helloFont
, XBrushes.Black
, posX
, posY + helloStringSize.Height * .6
, XStringFormats.Default);
, worldFont
, XBrushes.Black
, pdfPage.Width * .3978
, posY + (worldStringSize.Height + helloStringSize.Height) * .6
, XStringFormats.Default);
You'll perhaps wonder why I only add 60% of the string size when I want to get my string written below my Y coordinate? That is because the full height of the font includes somekind of leap on top. So, the computing result will not be what is expected. On the other hand, you don't have to care about a leap if you need one. In my particular case, I don't require leap, so I must take it off the string's height.
If you feel like my explanation needs more accurate details, please feel free to either add them as comments or keep me informed so that I may include them.