How to check if a date cell in Excel is empty? - vba

If feels like this should be really easy but I dont get it to work without retrieving the value of the cell again.
To start with, I have 2 date cells:
Dim agreedDate As Date
Dim completedDate As Date
THIS WORKS .. (but looks messy)
agreedDate = Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 7).Value
completedDate = Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 9).Value
If (IsEmpty(Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 7).Value) = True) Or (IsEmpty(Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 9).Value) = True) Then
[.. do stuff]
End If
agreedDate = Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 7).Value
completedDate = Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 9).Value
If (IsEmpty(agreedDate) = True) Or IsEmpty(completedDate) = True) Then
[.. do stuff]
End If
Is there a way to write the if statement in a clean and easy way?

Since only variables of type Variant can be Empty, you need a different test for Date types.
Check for zero:
If agreedDate = 0 Or completedDate = 0 Then
But a safer path would be to change the variables to type Variant and then do this test:
If IsDate(agreedDate) = False Or IsDate(completedDate) = False Then

The IsEmpty function determines indicated whether a variable has been initialized. If a cell is truly blank then it is considered uninitialized from the IsEmpty standpoint. However, declaring a variable in VBA gives it a default value. In this case the date type variables are essentially 0 or 30-Dec-1899 00:00:00 as demonstrated by the following short snippet.
Sub date_var_test()
Dim dt As Date
Debug.Print Format(dt, "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
If you want to 'tidy up' your code, you might also wish to allow the true boolean return of the IsEmpty function to resolve the boolean condition rather than comparing it to True.
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 7)) Or IsEmpty(Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 9)) Then
[.. do stuff]
End If
Given that False is (for all intents and purposes) zero then this will work for your date type variables.
If Not (agreedDate or completedDate) Then
[.. do stuff]
End If

As Excel Hero pointed out, a date variable cannot be empty. In fact, a date variable is a number, so you should be able to do something like this. Also, notice that the code below uses "Value2".
Sub test()
Dim d As Date
d = Range("A1").Value2
If d = 0 Then
MsgBox "ok"
MsgBox "not ok"
End If
End Sub


Writing number with 2 digits after the decimal separator automatically

I have a code that works, but I would like to simplify it, if possible.
This codes works when the value of a cell inside a range changes. It checks if the data inserted is a number, and then divides it automatically by one hundred, so I do not have to use the character that separate integers and decimals, and this makes a lot of diference when you have thousands of numbers to insert into sheet.
My code is:
Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set Intersecao = Intersect(Target, Range("ENTRANUMEROS"))
If (Not (Intersecao Is Nothing)) And (Not IsEmpty(Intersecao)) Then
On Error GoTo Fim
Dim Entrada As Double: Entrada = Intersecao.Value
Application.EnableEvents = False
If IsNumeric(Entrada) Then
Entrada = Entrada / 100
Intersecao.Value = Entrada
MsgBox ("Invalid data.")
Intersecao.Value = ""
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
In VBA you can use this:
Sub TestMe()
Application.FixedDecimal = True
Application.FixedDecimalPlaces = 2
End Sub
Use the Excel option Advanced > Automatically insert a decimal point > 2
to generally add a decimal point.
There is no way to have this only for a defined range besides using VBA to switch that option:
Public Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Set Intersecao = Intersect(Target, Range("ENTRANUMEROS"))
If (Not (Intersecao Is Nothing)) And (Not IsEmpty(Intersecao)) Then
Application.FixedDecimal = True
Application.FixedDecimalPlaces = 2
Application.FixedDecimal = False
End If
End Sub
Note that this example will not preserve the original state chosen by a user.
(Sorry for the german screenshot.)
Based on this comment of author:
I mean, insert from numeric keybord, say, 123456, and gets 1,234.56
automatically into the cell
You can devide by 100:
result = Format(Number/100, "#,##0.00")
Or, take last 2 digits as as decimals as substring:
result = MID(number, 1, LEN(number)-2)&"."& RIGHT(Number, 2)

Date Validation not working correctly

I am trying to validate a date that is entered into a textbox on a user form. When I enter for example 23/7/15 the code works fine and gives me a value as the date entered is valid, when I enter 32/7/2015 I get a message that I program telling the user that they have entered a wrong date but if I enter 32/7/15 it sets the date in the code to some date in 1932 and as this is a valid date it does not throw the error. Below is the code that I am using. Is there anyway to validate 32/7/15?
Private Function errorCheckingDate(box1, message) As Boolean '<============= Returns a True or a False
If Not IsDate(box1) Then '<============================================= Checks to see if entered value is date or not
MsgBox message, vbExclamation, "Invalid Selection" '<=============== Displays a messgae box if not date
box1.SetFocus '<==================================================== Puts cursor back to the offending box
errorCheckingDate = True '<========================================= Sets function to True
End If
End Function
box1 is just the value of the textbox once it has been converted to a date. Below is the conversion
secondSelectedStr = Format(DateTextBox.value, "dd-mm-yy") '<===== Convert to correct format
Any help would be great.
In addition to the ordering issue, VBA will also try to adapt invalid date ranges to a proper date. For example, this has always been a neat technique to get the X day of the year:
d = DateSerial(2015, 1, X)
X can be really any number here (up to the limits of the data type, of course). If X is 500, it will produce the date 2016-5-14. So the mm/dd vs dd/mm vs yy/mm/dd issue plus the fact that VBA accepts numbers outside valid ranges are both troublesome.
Without range-checking each date component (where you have to consider leap years and whatnot), I think the best solution is to just have VBA create your date and then test it to ensure it's what you're expecting. For example:
' Get the date components (assuming d/m/yy)...
Dim a As Variant
a = Split(strDate, "/")
' Need 3 components...
If UBound(a) <> 2 Then MsgBox "Invalid date": Exit Sub
' Create the date. This will hardly ever fail.
' VBA will create some kind of date using whatever numbers you throw at it.
Dim d As Date
d = DateSerial(a(2), a(1), a(0))
' Make sure the date VBA created matches what we expected...
If Day(d) <> CInt(a(0)) Then MsgBox "Invalid day": Exit Sub
If Month(d) <> CInt(a(1)) Then MsgBox "Invalid month": Exit Sub
If Right$(Year(d), 2) <> a(2) Then MsgBox "Invalid year": Exit Sub
You could throw that into a subroutine (you may have noticed the Exit Sub statements) to validate the date that gets entered. The TextBox_Exit event would work well. That way, you could set Cancel = True to prevent the user from leaving the textbox with an invalid date.
Thanks for the answers guys but I need to accommodate for leap years and other things. As the isdate function works if the date is entered in the form 1/1/2015 I have just used the len() function to make sure that the date entered is of a certain length. Below is the code that I used. Thanks for you help once again. :)
Private Function errorCheckingDate(box1, message) As Boolean '<============= Returns a True or a False
If Not IsDate(box1) Or Len(box1) < 8 Or Len(box1) > 10 Then '<============================================= Checks to see if entered value is date or not
MsgBox message, vbExclamation, "Invalid Selection" '<=============== Displays a messgae box if not date
box1.SetFocus '<==================================================== Puts cursor back to the offending box
errorCheckingDate = True '<========================================= Sets function to True
End If
End Function
Maybe instead of using IsDate you could use your own custom function likened to it.
Function isValidDate(d as String) as Boolean
Dim parts as Variant
Dim months29 as variant
Dim months30 as variant
Dim months31 as variant
months29 = Array(2)
months30 = Array(4, 6, 9, 11)
months31 = Array(1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12)
parts = Split(d, "-")
if parts(2) mod 4 = 0 then
daysLeapYear = 28
daysLeapYear = 29
end if
if ((IsInArray(parts(0), months29) and parts(1) <= daysLeapYear) or _
(IsInArray(parts(0), months30) and parts(1) < 31) or _
(IsInArray(parts(0), months31) and parts(1) < 32)) and _
parts(2) < 16 then
isValidDate = True
isValidDate = False
end if
end function
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function
This should cover most cases. Not sure how detailed you feel you need to be. IsInArray courtesy of #JimmyPena.

Excel VBA date formats

I've got a spreadsheet that contains a number of dates. These generally appear in either mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm.
The problem is that the dates aren't always put in correctly and I want to have checks to make sure they are dates in the code.
My original thought was to use IsDate to check or CDate but this didn't seem to work: it was still returning strings instead of dates.
I've since set up a small experiment which shows that these functions don't work the way I expect them to. Methodology is:
In a cell A1 I enter the formula =DATE(2013,10,28)
Cell B1 formula =A1*1 which should equal a number (41575)
Run this little script
Sub test()
MsgBox ("Start:" & TypeName(ActiveCell.Value) & " " & IsDate(ActiveCell.Value))
ActiveCell.Value = Format(ActiveCell.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")
MsgBox ("After format: " & TypeName(ActiveCell.Value) & " " & IsDate(ActiveCell.Value))
ActiveCell.Value = CDate(ActiveCell.Value)
MsgBox ("After Cdate: " & TypeName(ActiveCell.Value) & " " & IsDate(ActiveCell.Value))
End Sub
When the script starts the cell is a of type date and IsDate returns true. After it is run through Format it is of type string but IsDate still returns true. CDate will also convert the cell to a string. Cell B1 will also now return 0 (since its a string*1).
So I guess to summarize the questions:
Why are Format and CDate changing my cells to strings?
How can I ensure that a cell will return a date value and not just a string that looks like a date?
It's important to distinguish between the content of cells, their display format, the data type read from cells by VBA, and the data type written to cells from VBA and how Excel automatically interprets this. (See e.g. this previous answer.) The relationship between these can be a bit complicated, because Excel will do things like interpret values of one type (e.g. string) as being a certain other data type (e.g. date) and then automatically change the display format based on this. Your safest bet it do everything explicitly and not to rely on this automatic stuff.
I ran your experiment and I don't get the same results as you do. My cell A1 stays a Date the whole time, and B1 stays 41575. So I can't answer your question #1. Results probably depend on how your Excel version/settings choose to automatically detect/change a cell's number format based on its content.
Question #2, "How can I ensure that a cell will return a date value": well, not sure what you mean by "return" a date value, but if you want it to contain a numerical value that is displayed as a date, based on what you write to it from VBA, then you can either:
Write to the cell a string value that you hope Excel will automatically interpret as a date and format as such. Cross fingers. Obviously this is not very robust. Or,
Write a numerical value to the cell from VBA (obviously a Date type is the intended type, but an Integer, Long, Single, or Double could do as well) and explicitly set the cells' number format to your desired date format using the .NumberFormat property (or manually in Excel). This is much more robust.
If you want to check that existing cell contents can be displayed as a date, then here's a function that will help:
Function CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate(cell As Range) As Boolean
Dim d As Date
On Error Resume Next
d = CDate(cell.Value)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate = False
CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Example usage:
Dim cell As Range
Set cell = Range("A1")
If CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate(cell) Then
cell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"
cell.NumberFormat = "General"
End If
Format converts the values to strings. IsDate still returns true because it can parse that string and get a valid date.
If you don't want to change the cells to string, don't use Format. (IOW, don't convert them to strings in the first place.) Use the Cell.NumberFormat, and set it to the date format you want displayed.
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" ' Outputs 10/28/13
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" ' Outputs 28/10/2013
Thanks for the input. I'm obviously seeing some issues that aren't being replicated on others machines. Based on Jean's answer I have come up with less elegant solution that seems to work.
Since if I pass the cell a value directly from cdate, or just format it as a number it leaves the cell value as a string I've had to pass the date value into a numerical variable before passing that number back to the cell.
Function CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate(cell As Range) As Boolean
Dim d As Date
On Error Resume Next
d = CDate(cell.Value)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate = False
CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Example usage:
Dim cell As Range
dim cvalue as double
Set cell = Range("A1")
If CellContentCanBeInterpretedAsADate(cell) Then
cvalue = cdate(cell.value)
cell.value = cvalue
cell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"
cell.NumberFormat = "General"
End If
Use value(cellref) on the side to evaluate the cells. Strings will produce the "#Value" error, but dates resolve to a number (e.g. 43173).
To ensure that a cell will return a date value and not just a string that looks like a date, first you must set the NumberFormat property to a Date format, then put a real date into the cell's content.
Sub test_date_or_String()
Set c = ActiveCell
c.NumberFormat = "#"
c.Value = CDate("03/04/2014")
Debug.Print c.Value & " is a " & TypeName(c.Value) 'C is a String
c.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
Debug.Print c.Value & " is a " & TypeName(c.Value) 'C is still a String
c.Value = CDate("03/04/2014")
Debug.Print c.Value & " is a " & TypeName(c.Value) 'C is a date
End Sub

Checking Data Types in a Range

I am trying to validate the data types of all cells in a user-selected range are the same, using a VBA function. I have the following code (simplified), which works for the most part:
Dim vTempRange As Variant
Dim vCell As Variant
vTempRange = DataRange.Value
For Each vCell In vTempRange
If Len(vCell) > 0 Then
'Use TypeName(vCell)
'Complete validation here
End If
Next vCell
Sometimes a user may select a column of percentages, sometimes a column of decimal values, and sometimes a time value (not associated with a date). VBA seems to see all three of these as a Double, which is technically not incorrect. The problem is, the format of the selection will be used as part of the final output, so 12:00:00 should display as such, and not 0.50, which is currently the case.
I looked into using something like this in conjunction:
Dim vCell As Variant
For Each vCell In DataRange
If Len(vCell) > 0 Then
'Use vCell.NumberFormat
'Complete validation here
End If
Next vCell
But the NumberFormat is not consistent. e.g., a user may have a percent listed as 0% vs. 0.000% or a time as h:m:s vs. hh:mm:ss, so I see it as being difficult to correctly capture this value.
Is there a way to accurately determine without user intervention when a time is selected vs. one of the other types? Determining a percent value versus a 0<x<1 decimal value would also be nice, but not required.
I have other options at my disposal, such as ignoring the formatting in the final output (really not desirable) or explicitly asking the user to identify the type (but this is neither as clean nor automatic as I would like).
Try this. Paste this in a module. You can then use it as a Worksheet formula.
I had this code in my database which was picked up from here and I modified it to suit your needs.
Public Function CellType(c)
Select Case True
Case IsEmpty(c): CellType = "Blank"
Case Application.IsText(c): CellType = "Text"
Case Application.IsLogical(c): CellType = "Logical"
Case Application.IsErr(c): CellType = "Error"
Case IsDate(c): CellType = "Date"
Case InStr(1, c.Text, ":") <> 0: CellType = "Time"
Case InStr(1, c.Text, "%") <> 0: CellType = "Percentage"
Case IsNumeric(c): CellType = "Value"
End Select
End Function
You can further modify it to add an IF clause inside Case IsNumeric(c): CellType = "Value" to check for decimals, Scientific notation etc using INSTR
Declare vCell as Range and then do your check:
That will accurately catch your dates.
YOu will likely need to add some if/then logic to capture "percents" since these are double-type values -- the "%" part is merely cell formatting, so you may be able to just check the Right(vCell.NumberFormat,1) = "%" .
VarType function
Returns an Integer indicating the subtype of a variable, or the type of an object's default property.
Ex1: using to write if.
Function DataType(x As Variant) As String
If VarType(x) = vbDate Then
DataType = "Date"
ElseIf VarType(x) = vbString Then
DataType = "String"
End If
End Function
Ex2: concatenate cells in range having value.
Function ConcatenateRange(cellRange As Range) As String
Dim cel As Range, temp As String
temp = ""
For Each cel In cellRange
'use VarType to check if the cell is empty.
'if the cell is not empty concatinate it.
If VarType(cel) <> vbEmpty Then
temp = temp & cel
End If
ConcatenateRange = temp
End Function

Run-time error "13": in my VBA excel code

I'm writing a script that will count a numbers of days between few separate dates. I have a data in cell like:
1-In Progress#02-ASSIGNED TO TEAM#22/01/2013 14:54:23,4-On
Hold#02-ASSIGNED TO TEAM#18/01/2013 16:02:03,1-In Progress#02-ASSIGNED
TO TEAM#18/01/2013 16:02:03
That's the info about my transaction status. I want to count the numbers of days that this transaction was in "4-On Hold". So in this example it will be between 18/01/2013 and 22/01/2013.
I wrote something like this(sorry for ma native language words in text)
Sub Aktywnywiersz()
Dim wiersz, i, licz As Integer
Dim tekstwsadowy As String
Dim koniectekstu As String
Dim pozostalytekst As String
Dim dataztekstu As Date
Dim status4jest As Boolean
Dim status4byl As Boolean
Dim datarozpoczecia4 As Date
Dim datazakonczenia4 As Date
Dim dniw4 As Long
wiersz = 2 'I start my scrypt from second row of excel
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(wiersz, "A")) 'this should work until there is any text in a row
status4jest = False 'is status 4-On Hold is now in a Loop
status4byl = False 'is status 4-On Hold was in las loop
dniw4 = 0 ' numbers od days in 4-On Hold status
tekstwsadowy = Cells(wiersz, "H").Value2 'grabing text
tekstwsadowy = dodanieprzecinka(tekstwsadowy) 'in some examples I had to add a coma at the end of text
For i = 1 To Len(tekstwsadowy)
If Right(Left(tekstwsadowy, i), 1) = "," Then licz = licz + 1 'count the number of comas in text that separates the changes in status
For j = 1 To licz
koniectekstu = funkcjaliczeniadni(tekstwsadowy) 'take last record after coma
Cells(wiersz, "k") = koniectekstu
dataztekstu = funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu) 'take the date from this record
Cells(wiersz, "m") = dataztekstu
status4jest = funkcjaokreslenia4(koniectekstu) 'check if there is 4-On Hold in record
Cells(wiersz, "n") = status4jest
If (status4byl = False And staus4jest = True) Then
datarozpoczecia4 = dataztekstu
status4byl = True
ElseIf (status4byl = True And staus4jest = False) Then
datazakonczenia4 = dataztekstu
status4byl = False 'if elseif funkcion to check information about 4-On Hold
dniw4 = funkcjaobliczeniadniw4(dniw4, datazakonczenia4, datarozpoczecia4) 'count days in 4-On Hold
'Else not needed...
End If
tekstwsadowy = resztatekstu(tekstwsadowy, koniectekstu) 'remove last record from main text
Cells(wiersz, "L") = dniw4 ' show number of days in 4-On Hold status
wiersz = wiersz + 1
End Sub
Function funkcjaliczeniadni(tekstwsadowy As String)
Dim a, dl As Integer
dl = Len(tekstwsadowy)
a = 0
On Error GoTo errhandler:
Do Until a > dl
a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(",", tekstwsadowy, a + 1)
funkcjaliczeniadni = tekstwsadowy
Exit Function
funkcjaliczeniadni = Right(tekstwsadowy, dl - a)
End Function
Function dodanieprzecinka(tekstwsadowy As String)
If Right(tekstwsadowy, 1) = "," Then
dodanieprzecinka = Left(tekstwsadowy, Len(tekstwsadowy) - 1)
dodanieprzecinka = tekstwsadowy
End If
End Function
Function resztatekstu(tekstwsadowy, koniectekstu As String)
resztatekstu = Left(tekstwsadowy, Len(tekstwsadowy) - Len(koniectekstu))
End Function
Function funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu As String)
funkcjadataztekstu = Right(koniectekstu, 19)
funkcjadataztekstu = Left(funkcjadataztekstu, 10)
End Function
Function funkcjaobliczeniadniw4(dniw4 As Long, datazakonczenia4 As Date, datarozpoczecia4 As Date)
Dim liczbadni As Integer
liczbadni = DateDiff(d, datarozpoczecia4, datazakonczenia4)
funkcjaobliczaniadniw4 = dniw4 + liczbadni
End Function
Function funkcjaokreslenia4(koniectekstu As String)
Dim pierwszyznak As String
pierwszyznak = "4"
If pierszyznak Like Left(koniectekstu, 1) Then
funkcjaokreslenia4 = True
funkcjaokreslenia4 = False
End If
End Function
And for now I get
Run-time error "13"
dataztekstu = funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu) 'take the date from this record
I would be very grateful for any help.
You are getting that error because of Type Mismatch. dataztekstu is declared as a date and most probably the expression which is being returned by the function funkcjadataztekstu is not a date. You will have to step through it to find what value you are getting in return.
Here is a simple example to replicate that problem
This will give you that error
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim dt As String
Dim D As Date
dt = "Blah Blah"
D = getdate(dt)
Debug.Print D
End Sub
Function getdate(dd As String)
getdate = dd
End Function
This won't
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim dt As String
Dim D As Date
dt = "12/12/2014"
D = getdate(dt)
Debug.Print D
End Sub
Function getdate(dd As String)
getdate = dd
End Function
If you change your function to this
Function funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu As String)
Dim temp As String
temp = Right(koniectekstu, 19)
temp = Left(temp, 10)
MsgBox temp '<~~ This will tell you if you are getting a valid date in return
funkcjadataztekstu = temp
End Function
Then you can see what that function is returning.
I tried running your code, but it is a little difficult to understand just what it is that you want to do. Part of it is the code in your language, but the code is also hard to read beacuse of the lack of indentation etc. :)
Also, I do not understand how the data in the worksheet looks. I did get it running by guessing, though, and when I did I got the same error you are describing on the second run of the For loop - that was because the koniectekstu string was empty. Not sure if this is your problem, so my solution is a very general.
In order to solve this type of problem:
Use Option Explicit at the top of your code module. This will make you have to declare all variables used in the module, and you will remove many of the problems you have before you run the code. Eg you are declaring a variable status4jest but using a different variable called staus4jest and Excel will not complain unless you use Option Explicit.
Declare return types for your functions.
Format your code so it will be easier to read. Use space before and after statements. Comment everything! You have done some, but make sure a beginner can understand. I will edit you code as an example of indentation.
Debug! Step through your code using F8 and make sure all variables contain what you think they do. You will most likely solve your problem by debugging the code this way.
Ask for help here on specific problems you run into or how to solve specific problems, do not send all the code and ask why it is not working. If you break down your problems into parts and ask separately, you will learn VBA yourself a lot faster.
A specific tip regarding your code: look up the Split function. It can take a string and make an array based on a delimiter - Example: Split(tekstwsadowy, ",") will give you an array of strings, with the text between the commas.
Did I mention Option Explicit? ;)
Anyway, I hope this helps, even if I did not solve the exact error you are getting.