Ebean Query logging with Play 2.2.3 - playframework-2.2

AM using play 2.2.3 and ebean with It.
I am struggling to get ebean to log the sql query statement.
Can someone please help?

After play 2.0 the package for ebean has changed. Kindly add following line for play 2.2.3
<logger name="org.avaje.ebean.SQL" level="TRACE"/>
to your application.conf.
for PlayFramework 2.0 and before a
<logger name="com.jolbox.bonecp" level="TRACE"/>
would do. Hope this helps


about BRO: how to intercept AMQP messages(RabbitMQ) in OpenStack

I've been doing some experiment with BRO in OpenStack, and first of all, i need to intercept all the RabbitMQ messages with BRO, but i'm not really familiar with this tool and I've followed the step of the following git blog
and there is an error
the error
Do anyone know what's wrong with my step? Thank you very much!
Sorry for the delayed response, but that version of the plugin is quite old, and not maintained. An updated version for Zeek (formally known as Bro) 3.x is available at https://github.com/mixmodeai/bro_amqp_plugin. I'm working on updating to 4.x, but it is a background task.
Please post the full text of the command you used for configuration and make, as well as the output.

CXF Bundles: Whats the difference?

I'm using maven, but I dont understand the difference between following dependencies:
Option 2 seems newer, but can I use it?
At the moment I use "http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.cxf/cxf-bundle/2.7.14", but I want to upgrade to V. 3.x.x
I haven't found any informations about the cxf-bundle/3.0.0-milestone2 yet, but perhaps someone knows, whre to find more informations about this one.
The big monolithic bundle was removed in 3.0. Use the individual bundles that you need for your application.

How to log insert, update, delete sqls with ebean ORM in play 2.1

Does anyone know to log insert, update, delete sqls with ebean ORM in play 2.1. I don't want to log any select sqls.
I know turn on it in application.conf
But that will include all the select sqls. I know the current ebean verison 2.7.7 has an API.
It looks like do what I expect. But it seems the ebean lib used in play 2.1 doesn't include this API. I checked the version of ebean in play 2.1. It shows version 3.x. I feel confused... Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Although I don't know how to update the Play2 Ebean version, you can check ebean current version on their github project: https://github.com/ebean-orm/avaje-ebeanorm

Trac 1.0.1 + AccountManagerPlugin + SQLAuthStorePlugin How To Use

I would like to use SQL plugin in AccountManagerPlugin for Trac 1.0.1, but I could not figure out how to set to use that: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/SQLAuthStorePlugin
I updated documentation on the plugin wiki. If you still have problems installing/using the plugin, please describe in the question what exactly you tried and what happened. Also, check the code, it is really simple.

Honestly, where has Raven.server.exe gone?

The subject says it all - I updated my RavenDB in Nuget, and Raven.server.exe has done a runner... where is it??
Here it is:
Adam, try watching this YouTube video which explains what version to use and where.
VS projects should either be using the RavenDb.Client or RavenDb.Embedded .. and just download the RavenDb Server separately. (again, refer to that video for why/how/etc)