about BRO: how to intercept AMQP messages(RabbitMQ) in OpenStack - rabbitmq

I've been doing some experiment with BRO in OpenStack, and first of all, i need to intercept all the RabbitMQ messages with BRO, but i'm not really familiar with this tool and I've followed the step of the following git blog
and there is an error
the error
Do anyone know what's wrong with my step? Thank you very much!

Sorry for the delayed response, but that version of the plugin is quite old, and not maintained. An updated version for Zeek (formally known as Bro) 3.x is available at https://github.com/mixmodeai/bro_amqp_plugin. I'm working on updating to 4.x, but it is a background task.
Please post the full text of the command you used for configuration and make, as well as the output.


IntelliJ-How to solve this problem about Git is not installed : Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)

Thank you for come in to my ask :)
I have a problem when I first installed intelliJ and tried to set path to Git executable.
intelliJ setting screenshot
**I tried to solve this problem like this
remove git and retry to install git for homebrew
retry to install git from intelliJ "Download and install"
set another path like this "/usr/bin/git" (it has same result too)
but it didn't help so I search in google but there is no about
***"Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)"
This is my first question so maybe my writing is a little bit poor
I would appreciate it if you could take a good look :) Thank you
The Cannot invoke class error looks like some unhandled exception in the logic that runs git commands. There might be several reasons for that, one of which is actually a corrupted installation.
Please try doing a clean install by downloading dmg from the web site, and make sure to select the one corresponding your system Intel or Apple Silicon.
If this does not help, IDE logs might have more details on the exception, and an optimal way would be to report the error and share logs with IntelliJ Support

Errors when installing fbctf

I'm trying to install Facebook Capture the flag. I get the errors show in screenshot.
The Server is the recommended Ubuntu 14.4. Server 64bit.
Does anyone know how to fix them? Thanks!
It seems like some kind of locale issue. Maybe you can check here:
"Do you have your locale settings configured correctly? The vendor folder won't get created properly if you don't. I recommend following the instructions on this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue"
The install instructions have been updated and is working as expected now.

Is AMQP transport 3.6.2 compatible with Mule 3.7.*?

I've got some strange unexplained problems with a couple of apps after upgrading to Mule 3.7.0. I haven't conclusively proven that they fail because of anything to do with AMQP - the error messages are really nondescript and don't point the finger at any particular component, but AMQP is the only additional component I'm using, and although I see that it's been upgraded to 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT, that version doesn't seem to have been published anywhere yet.
Does anyone have experience running like this, either good, or bad?
The answer is yes, it's completely compatible.
As mentioned in my comment above, my problem was actually ApiKit which needed manually upgrading. Now my apps deploy and run correctly again on Mule 3.7.1

Honestly, where has Raven.server.exe gone?

The subject says it all - I updated my RavenDB in Nuget, and Raven.server.exe has done a runner... where is it??
Here it is:
Adam, try watching this YouTube video which explains what version to use and where.
VS projects should either be using the RavenDb.Client or RavenDb.Embedded .. and just download the RavenDb Server separately. (again, refer to that video for why/how/etc)

Intellij/Bugzilla Integration

Does IntelliJ-Idea have a plugin for interacting with bugzilla, like the mylyn plugin for eclipse (task management)?
If it does, what is the name of the plugin? If it does not, do you have any suggested solutions for using bugzilla with Intellij-Idea.
Tracklink might be what you are looking for. Check it out here.
AFAIR intellij idea 10's task management feature works with bugzilla out of the box. Please try to configure it according to the idea help guide. I use this integration with JIRA and it works really well. As for third-party plugins I dont like them much because of the support. These plugins might not work when you update from version to version (f.i. as Reformat++ does).
This is not in the official plugin repo, but https://github.com/nickhristov/bugzilla-intellij-task-provider/ does provide for bugzilla as an option in the Task Servers. This does work, but self signed certificates cause it to fail with an obscure message about "peer not authenticated". Following the instructions from here http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Connecting+to+SSL+services and manually adding the self signed key to the default java keystore made it work for me.