View names of controls in worksheet - vba

So I feel a little foolish asking this question. I have spent plenty of time searching and only found a crude work-around. I have given this due diligence before posting.
For controls placed within a worksheet I cannot pull up the properties or even view the name to reference in code. The work-around I came across is if you right-click on the control (listbox in this case) and choose assign macro. It will suggest a macro name with the control name (e.g. ListBox13_change). In the code I refer to this listbox as Sheet2.ListBox13, but getting an error message for missing object.
With ActiveX controls or controls within a userform I can view the properties. I don't know why I am having trouble with this case.
Any guidance is much appreciated.

You can get the real name of the form control from the Immediate Window in the VBE by executing this line:
Form controls are actually shapes in the object model.
The above assumes you have no other shapes on the worksheet.
Of course you can also see the name (and edit it) from the Name Box if the control is selected.
Once you have the name you can use it in code like so:
MsgBox Sheet2.Shapes("List Box 1").Top


Access VBA control reference issue?

I'm trying to loop through all the controls on an Access form but for some reason the controls object is not giving me the correct properties.
When I select and right click on "Control" (in 'As Control') it says "identifier under cursor is not recognized".
I'm thinking it's a reference issue but I can't figure what's missing or incorrect. I don't get any syntax error so Control is a valid object.
I tried decompiling, repair and compacting just to be sure.
The generic control object doesn't have too many useful properties or methods.
It covers also things like lines or subform containers or tab cards, which don't have much in common.
The specific controls like Textboxes have all the properties you are probably looking for.
You still can loop over all controls, and set the usual properties that most controls have, like .Visible or .Locked. Even if Intellisense doesn't provide them.
ctl.Locked = bLocked will work.
But you should handle (On Error Goto) or ignore (On Error Resume Next) runtime errors that will occur, if one control doesn't have the property you want to set.
Bonus question to everyone: why does the generic control object have the .Dropdown method that applies only to combo boxes? Very strange.

Text selected / right click event (Outlook 2007 VBA)

I'm looking for an event that's raised when a user selects text in the preview pane of an email. E.g. you're viewing an email in the preview pane and select some text. I didn't see anything in the object reference to this effect, but the namespace is so large, it seems like there's always some object somewhere that does exactly what I need, which I'm not aware of.
Overall, what I'd like to do is see if the selected text matches a pattern and if so, insert a sub-menu in the right click menu (the one that says Copy, Who Is, Synonyms, Translate..). Help with this would be appreciated too. I believe the CommandBar is "text", but I'm unsure how to go about accessing this via name.
The Outlook object model doesn't provide anything for that.

ActiveX controls changing to pictures (Excel/VBA)

My company creates workbooks for clients that contain ActiveX controls (in most cases we need the extra functionality as compared to Form Controls). When we create them, they work fine on our end, but when we zip them up and send them to our clients, they open the WB and the ActiveX controls are no longer ActiveX controls, if you right click it, it behaves like a picture.
I feel like this is due to the MS ActiveX debacle. I have had them run the Fix It and making sure all the MS Office components were closed, and had them reboot, but still nothing.
I am pulling out my hair, and have asked on other forums if anyone else has had this issue, and what they have done to fix it. Thanks in advance.
Could you please check in client system whether macros and active x controls are enabled in Trust center setting?
use above link if needed.
Try closing excel and deleting the .EXD files from your computer.
While saving the Excel document, save it as "Macro enabled workbook".xlsm
In my case, the worksheet prompts a non responsive error sometimes. When I reopen it, Excel repairs it and turns all active X check boxes (sometimes drop down list and command buttons) into images. It happened many times and I had to spend a lot of my time recreating them and liking to cells.
I experienced a similar problem when Excel repaired a file; this may be similar to what's happening with the Zipped file. FormControl Buttons don't appear to have the same problems but I see you want to keep the additional functionality of the ActiveX Control.
You may be able to make use of the code I created by inserting one Form Control button that runs the Sub RepairMissingButtons() that your clients can press to restore the images to CommandButtons. This currently fixes buttons for any selected sheets, so you'd want to first identify which sheets need to be selected (or add a form control button on each sheet that needs the repair done).
You'd need to modify the Sub CreateButton() to meet your needs (currently requires hard-coding the Caption, BackColor and any other ActiveX properties that may have been lost by the button being converted to an image):
Reverse Excel ActiveX command buttons erroneously converted to images after corrupted file repair
Having this problem, activex controls sometimes change to pictures.
Many places around the internet the answer is: Use form controls, well as far as I can tell form controls don't actually do anything useful.
Even Microsoft's support site says, recommend using form controls, how can that be the answer. being able to interact with VBA is as far as I can tell the only reason to use Microsoft applications instead of free ones.

Excel: Fixed Button Position

Needing some help attaching an Excel/VBA button on an Excel sheet. I need it to stay in the same position on the screen regardless of how I scroll or zoom. Preferably, I need this on the bottom left or right of the screen.
I have tried adding a button. Then, I right clicked on the button. Clicked on Format Controls -> Properties -> selected Don't Move or Size With Cells. Am I missing something that's making this not work?
I know this post is old, but here's to anyone it could be useful. The VisibleRange property of ActiveWindow can solve this problem. Use something like this:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("MY_BUTTON'S_NAME")
.Top = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Top + ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Height - 5
.Left = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Left + ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Width - .Width - 5
End With
End Sub
Here is the idea that I put across the comment earlier today :) Typically we can get a Floating User Form by setting the Modal property of the form to be 0 which is indeed a Modeless state.
Basic Points to consider:
Look & Feel of the form to make it look like a Button (Not show title bar/Not Resizable/
Hidden Close Button etc)
Setting the position of the Button
Which Event should trigger the form-button (WorkBook Open)
What would you do with Form Initialize Event
Whcih Events should keep it stick to the same position alive
Further Points to consider:
You might only want to keep this button vissible for the workbook you are working, and if you open another instance of a workbook, do you still want to keep the button
If you minimize the Excel Window instance, how do you plan to manage the state of the button and keep it visible
Post about keep displaying a form even the workbook is minimized.
One other great reference I happend to see, (little bit technical) but worth the shot - at least to get to know the certain properties/methods that you could make use: Extending VBA User Form Control.
The article include the following info, and please note the last line as well :)
They give you access to capabilities that are not available from VBA or from the objects (UserForms, Workbooks, etc.,) that make up a VBA Project. When you call an API, you are bypassing VBA and calling directly upon Windows. This means that you do not get the safety mechanisms such as type checking that VBA normally provides. If you pass an invalid value to an API or (a very common mistake) use a ByRef parameter instead of a ByVal parameter, you will most likely completely and immediately crash Excel and you will lose all your unsaved work. I recommend that until you are confident that your API calls are solid you save your work before calling an API function.
Add new Row on the beginning of your WorkSheet and set your button on it, then:
Freeze Top Row
Right click → properties → placement → change to 3.

How to Make Exception Handling on VBA Excel Form Combobox?

I have this userform that i'm developing for my report formatting task. My whole code is finished, there are only 2 problems that i need to work on.
Making my VBA application work on every excel file that user choose
Exception Handling for ComboBoxes on my form.
(Edit: I hope trying to get attention of people who are interested in this question to another topic is not against forum rules)
You guys can reach first problem's topic from here: (There is already one suggestion but i'm little bit confused. So it would be super for alternative suggestions)
And about my second problem, when i click empty place of combobox, i can type whatever i want, but i want to restrict it, so users can only choose values [1-5] that i put inside of combobox. How can I achieve this?
In answer to your secondary question, you need to change the ComboBox's Style property to frmStyleDropDownList