How to animate title in navbar? - jquery-animate

I have a title under a navbar. And when I scroll, the title supposed to animate into the navbar. I can't find anywhere to do that.

You can use JQuery for detecting the scrolling or to set waypoints, which will trigger a function when the user scroll to an element


How to show header when scroll up and hide header when scroll down on FlatList

Now I want to create, exactly like Facebook's app do, a bar displayed above my tabNavigator. This tabs hide on scroll down and show on scroll up.
And now I'm using FlatList, but the FlatList component has ListHeaderComponent option for rendering his header who also hide when scrolling down. (because it is on top, so need to scroll to beginning to see it, not user-friendly with my very long list item )
Please help me any idea.
Flat list provide you a header and footer of it self. You have to make it manually. I found one link which is related to collapsible navbar. this lnk has a demo. so you can check it out here
might this helpful !

Animating during momentum scroll in react-native?

I'm attempting to create a custom NavBar on a screen that renders a ScrollView. Inside the NavBar, there's a button, that when pressed, causes the NavBar to translate downwards, thereby giving the appearance that the NavBar is expanding (This is done using Animated.spring() with the useNativeDriver option). Everything is working great, except if the ScrollView is still scrolling at the time the button is tapped (ie: when "momentum" scroll is taking place). In this scenario, the onPress handler that kicks off the NavBar animation is invoked as expected, but calls to Animated.spring() do not cause any animation to take place. Is it possible to either have the NavBar "expansion" animation to occur during the scroll, or pause the scroll to allow animation to proceed?
Like it's explained in RN docs the animation type you using are stoped by gesture events like scrolling, better use Animated.event() with onScrollprops combined with an interpolation animation to animate you footer.

Curved scrollbar in ScrollView on Android Wear 2.0

Is it possible to have a curved scrollbar like on WearableRecyclerView on ScrollView? How is it done?
Here is a reference to get you started.
To create a curved layout for scrollable items in your wearable app:
Use WearableRecyclerView as your main container in the relevant XML layout.
Set the setEdgeItemsCenteringEnabled(boolean) method to true. This will align the first and last items on the list vertically
centered on the screen.
Use the WearableRecyclerView.setLayoutManager() method to set layout of the items on the screen.
If you explore the document, you will be able to get in touch with the code snippet for customization of the scrolling.
For Circular Scrolling Gesture:
By default, circular scrolling is disabled in the
WearableRecyclerView. If you want to enable a circular
scrolling gesture in your child view, use the WearableRecyclerView’s
setCircularScrollingGestureEnabled() method.

UIScrollView clickable but not scrollable

I have a ScrollView which behaves like a Slide Show. It automatically slides to the next image and in the end it goes back. But while this happens i don't want the user to slide in the scrollview him self. What i do want is to make each image that slides clickable so that the user can open a specific image for example for more details.
The default setting for the scrollview is userinteractionEnabled = FALSE. No user interaction allowed so the user cant scroll. But this also disables the click on image action. When i set it to true i can click on the image but i am also able to scroll again. So what's the best way for this?
I have considered adding a transparant UIView over the scrollview and make this clickable and check which item was shown in the scrollview. But is there another way for this?
userInteractionEnabled should be set to YES, however, you can set the scrollEnabled property to NO.
With scrolling disabled, you can still adjust the scroll position programmatically, but the user can not scroll. This should work just fine for you.

Fixed nav under a relative div

I have a relative div above a fixed one which acts like a navigation bar.
I want to be able to scroll past the relative div before the fixed div starts having to scroll here is my website.
as you can see from just scrolling on the site the sidebar doesn't work as intended.
Try using JavaScript to detect the scroll position of the window and then change the CSS to start scrolling like a fixed div.
Another tip, the the fixed div which contains your projects on the home page lays over your footer when you scroll to the bottom.
Use JavaScript to detect if the user is at the bottom of the page or not and then set the CSS of it to have a margin from the bottom of the page.
Hope I helped.