Yii foreach error? - yii

I have calling a function. get table number (result=0) results and updated same table value 0 to 1. i am using update query.i have run this function to return error :: Missing argument 2 for CDbCommand::update().
public function newdisplaycontent()
$count = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->where('result=:result', array(':result'=>0))
foreach($count as $item){
//process each item here
->update("scrolltable SET result = 1")
->where('ID=:id', array(':id'=>$rs));
return $rs;
thanks for your feature help..

The correct syntax of update() would be like below:
->update("scrolltable",array("result" => "1"))
->where('ID=:id', array(':id'=>$rs));
As official document:
update() Creates and executes an UPDATE SQL statement. The method will properly escape the column names and bind the values to be updated.
public integer update(string $table, array $columns, mixed $conditions='', array $params=array ( ))


Customise zf2 join tables to single table to get arrays

Hi I have a working public function that joins 3 tables to get values for 2 arrays. Now the process only has one table (table2) which contains all the colvalues required for the arrays.
I have tried everything I know to customise this so only table2 is used to get the arrays, but I just get blank results.
Can anyone point to me an example of something similar which takes values from a single table to get 2 separate arrays. I inherited this so I do not know what the thinking behind it was.
thank you in advance.
public function get2ColArray($condition)
$sql =new Sql($this->adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$select->join('table2', "table1.colval2 = table2.colval3", array('colval4'), 'inner');
$select->join('table3', "tabl1.colval1= table3.colval1", array('colval5'), 'left');
foreach ($condition['in'] as $key=>$val) {
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$sql_result = $statement->execute();
if ($sql_result->count() > 0) {
$results = new ResultSet();
$data = $results->initialize($sql_result);
return $data;
Got it, its abit blunt but works, thanks ...

Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens PDO insert

function mysql_insert($data_array){
$sql = "insert into `". $this->table_name. '`';
$array_keys = array_keys($data_array);
$array_keys_comma = implode(",\n", preg_replace('/^(.*?)$/', "`$1`", $array_keys));
for($a=0,$b=count($data_array); $a<$b; $a++){ $question_marks .="?,"; }
$array_values = array_values($data_array);
$array_values_comma = implode(",", $array_values);
$sql.= " ($array_keys_comma) ";
$sql.= " values(". substr($question_marks, 0,-1) .")";
$prepare = $this->connDB->prepare($sql);
$insert = $prepare->execute(array($array_values_comma));
I want to creat like this universal functions, $data_array-comes from $_POST
This function will work for all form. But i dont know what is my wrong :S
I don't know what is my wrong
That's quite easy to know: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens.
I want to creat like this universal functions, $data_array-comes from $_POST
Here you go: Insert/update helper function using PDO
$array_values_comma is a scalar after you implode() the array. So you always pass an array of one element to your execute() function. You should pass $array_values.
Here's how I'd write this function:
function mysql_insert($data_array){
$columns = array_keys($data_array);
$column_list_delimited = implode(",",
array_map(function ($name) { return "`$name`"; }, $columns));
$question_marks = implode(",", array_fill(1, count($data_array), "?"));
$sql = "insert into `{$this->table_name}` ($column_list_delimited)
values ($question_marks)";
// always check for these functions returning FALSE, which indicates an error
// or alternatively set the PDO attribute to use exceptions
$prepare = $this->connDB->prepare($sql);
if ($prepare === false) {
trigger_error(print_r($this->connDB->errorInfo(),true), E_USER_ERROR);
$insert = $prepare->execute(array_values($data_array));
if ($insert === false) {
trigger_error(print_r($prepare->errorInfo(),true), E_USER_ERROR);
A further improvement would be to do some validation of $this->table_name and the keys of $data_array so you know they match an existing table and its columns.
See my answer to escaping column name with PDO for an example of validating column names.

Getting precise column in Query result with Code Igniter

I am looking for a way to return the value of a precise column in the first result of a query.
The query result contains always 1 row containing the following columns :
I am trying to only get the rank value in order to push it into a session variable.
I tried messing with :
$row-> $query->row();
But then I don't know how to get only the value of the rank column. Ideally, I would want to get that value, then return it to allow my controller to set it in the session variable ( doing it in the model would be easier but would break the MVC pattern, right ?)
How can I do this ?
Have the controller call a function in the model that return that value. Let's say the model has a function name get_rank()
public function get_rank($id)
// assumes your ID is an int
$id = (int)$id;
// avoid wasting a query
if ($id < 1) return FALSE;
// build query
$this->db->where('id', $id);
// maybe some sorting / limiting here if you need it
// get result
$rs = $this->db->get();
if ($rs->num_rows() > 0)
// just get the first row
$row = $rs->row();
return $row->rank;
return FALSE;

Call to a member function num_rows() on a non-object [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Call to a member function on a non-object [duplicate]
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I need to get the number of rows of a query (so I can paginate results).
As I'm learning codeigniter (and OO php) I wanted to try and chain a ->num_rows() to the query, but it doesn't work:
//this works:
$data['count'] = count($this->events->findEvents($data['date'], $data['keyword']));
//the following doesn't work and generates
// Fatal Error: Call to a member function num_rows() on a non-object
$data['count2'] = $this->events->findEvents($data['date'], $data['keyword'])->num_rows();
the model returns an array of objects, and I think this is the reason why I can't use a method on it.
function findEvents($date, $keyword, $limit = NULL, $offset = NULL)
$data = array();
$this->db->select('events.*, venues.*, events.venue AS venue_id');
$this->db->join('venues', 'events.venue = venues.id');
if ($date)
$this->db->where('date', $date);
if ($keyword)
$this->db->like('events.description', $keyword);
$this->db->or_like('venues.description', $keyword);
$this->db->or_like('band', $keyword);
$this->db->or_like('venues.venue', $keyword);
$this->db->or_like('genre', $keyword);
$this->db->order_by('date', 'DESC');
$this->db->order_by('events.priority', 'DESC');
$this->db->limit($limit, $offset); //for pagination purposes
$Q = $this->db->get('events');
if ($Q->num_rows() > 0)
foreach ($Q->result() as $row)
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
Is there anything that i can do to be able to use it? EG, instead of $data[] = $row; I should use another (OO) syntax?
You function findEvents is returning $data which you declared to be an array at the start. This is not an object and does not allow you to access functions using the member access syntax.
To count the number of values in an array see count
Also, from what I understand you not only want the query results returned as an array, but you want to be able to access methods on the result $Q = $this->db->get('events'); However this is not possible as this is a local variable and it is not being returned out. The function here has a result type of array and is not an object and thus has no access to anything, but the array. One solution to this is to return an associative array:
return array("results" => $data, "count" => $Q->num_rows());
Then use array syntax to access the count or the results. Another option is return a new object that has result and count fields and use accessor methods to get to those.

How to select rows where a column value is empty/null using Zend_Db?

I have an SQLite database, eventually will be a MySQL database and I'm using Zend Framework. I'm trying to fetch all the rows in a table where the 'date_accepted' column is empty/null/doesn't have a value. This is what I have so far:
public function fetchAllPending()
$select = $this->getDbTable()->select();
$select->where('date_accepted = ?', 'null');
return $this->fetchAll($select);
What am I doing wrong? How would you write this in plain SQL, and/or using Zend_Db_Select?
Two possible issues I see. What is the function getDbTable? If your class inherits from Zend_Db_Table that function shouldn't be necessary. Second maybe you should try IS NULL instead of = null with quoting null into the query.
public function fetchAllPending()
$select = $this->select()->where('date_accepted IS NULL');
return $this->fetchAll($select);