Creating Jenkins account timeout - apache

i just managed to get Jenkins running on my Ubuntu instance in AWS.
the dashboard works and its looks good, my only problem is that when i try to enable security, i chose Jenkins own users database, i am asked to create a user, i insert the user name, password, full name and email then when i hit sign up i get an ERR_TIMED_OUT
I reinstalled jenkins on twice and i am still facing the same problem.
Does anyone have suggestions on why its giving me a timeout error?
is there a way to add users from my terminal?


Cannot login after installation like service AranangoDB Windows7

I looked at the config files everything is fine, made environment variables PATH's, started and restarted the service put in the right password, searched for someone with similar problems(not found).
Every time i go to the default location via browser I get the login screen but when i put in 'root' and the password I get an error message 'Login Failed'.
When I set athenticate=false in the conf file i can access the web manager.
Anybody know how to solve this or at least what might be wrong?
During the installation, the ArangoDB Installer will ask you the password for the administrator user.
Use root as user name with your password to gain access to the database.
Open a CMD-Window in your ArangoDB installation directory.
To re-gain access to the database, stop the ArangoDB database service using
sc stop ArangoDB
after the database was stopped, invoke
which will ask you for a new password.
After that, start the service again using:
sc start ArangoDB

xrdp_mm_process_login_response: login failed

HI I was trying to login remotely in the computer hosted by amazon services. It's ubuntu 64 bit machine.
In the beginning I was able to login into the computer with both client , remote desktop connection (RDP) keeping the default port (-1) and for the command line I am using putty session to access the computer. But after we made some changes and create new images of computer state. But When I try to login again it gives me the error xrdp_mm_process_login_response: login failed.
So I was wondering is that related with the port number ? or some image creation issue.
I will look forward to hear from you.
I have run into the same issue. The solution to me is just to create new user for xrdp. While user "ubuntu" worked on original instance. After launching a new instance using a snapshot of the original instance, "ubuntu" login didn't work anymore. Then, after creating a new user, I could login with the new user onto xrdp.

How do I fix the error:1069 - The service did not start due to logon failure?

I have written my own windows service which interacts with a SQL database and updates it. The service was running fine and seems to be functioning correctly, however of late it seems to go down at random times and cannot restart due to the error designated in the question. I have tried various searches to fix this, but unfortunately I have come up with nothing. The aim is to eventually having this service running on my companies server, but I can't adjust any server settings, I am but a user on the server, so I have restrictions to some settings.
Any quick fixes, would be helpful!
Open the Services Manager. ( Win + R, then type services.msc )
Then right click on the SQL Server process and click Properties
Then go to Log On, and select This account:
Then click Browse, and add your username in the box. (Notice it should contain the domain, in my case is AD\myusername), then Check Names and accept.
Finally type your password in the other two fields, and that's it, you should have permission to start your process now.
One issue for us was the format of the account user name, we initially used
and got the 1069-logon error, then ultimately I tried validating the user name in the properties | logon tab of the Service (in Control Panel / Service Manager), using the "Browse" and "Search" for the user name and it turned it suggested and validated ok with the reverse format
This also worked and resolved the 1069 error, and let us script the startup using sc.exe.
Error 1069 is vague and can have different causes. I am sharing my experience here.
I encountered this error when trying to get a service to run under my account (I am trying to get my services to see the same LocalDB as interactive processes running on my account for development purposes). I use an MSA (Microsoft Account) with Windows’s PIN login normally, so I rarely enter my Windows password. To resolve the issue, I locked my screen, selected Password input instead of PIN input, and then entered my password. I assume this somehow reminded Windows what my password was and made my local account more legit.
Before doing this, you need to configure the user account in question to have the Logon as Service privilege. To do this, open the Group Policy Editor. Expand Computer / Windows Configuration / Security Configuration / Local Policies / User Permissions Assignment and then open Login as Service. From there, you can add your user in question.
also check for "Deny Logon service" policy.
user should not be added over there
We had this issue as well because the account was set so that the password expired. After we updated the account to not expire and set the password this error stopped.
The account could also be locked out. To unlock it, you only need to change that user's password (new and old password can be the same).
What also worked for me was re-entering the password in the services->LogOn window. Even when you think the account and password is correct, re-entering it will re-grant the account permission to log on as a service.

Openfire database settings issue in mac

I have Openfire 3.7.1 installed on my Mac and have XAMPP installed aswell. I am having trouble configuring OpenFire. In the server settings I have given san-imac.local.lan as the domain name. The selected Standard database connection and picked MySql Database Driver. This is the databse URL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test and given the username password of XAMPP phpmyadmin. But it says
A connection to the database could not be made. View the error message by opening the "/logs/error.log" log file, then go back to fix the problem.
First of all there is no such file in the /logs folder. What should I do to get this working and follow the procedures to get OpenFire up and running.
I need to build an app to connect to openfire for IM chatting like Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo using XMPP. If anybody could provide any guidance aswell, it will be very helpful.
Make Sure that your database is setup correctly including the name of your database, database username, and user's password. If you have this correctly configured then your opens ire should work just fine. Note that it will not accept if the database username has an empty password or not enough access rights to the database.
I hope that those hints will solve your problem.
check your password and username, I had the same error and it took me a while to figure out that I had my username wrong.
Resolved the issue.
log file is not getting created due to file write permission. To resolve this run OF server as follows
Run the file from terminal with sudo. This will start the OF with root access Now the error log file will be created.
My log file has error message as access denied to user #localhost. As I kept the user field blank in db connection page of openfire set up.
Keep the user field as root#localhost if u are using localhost.

How to configure Jenkins/Hudson to Use LDAP on Snow Leopard Server

We run jenkins on a mac mini server and need to have it use OpenDirectory. (I took this up again after getting Nexus to work with OD.)
I went into the Manage Jenkins tab, opened up the LDAP config panel and it attempts to connect, but I am getting an error that it can't connect. I am trying to just supply a username and password.
So the reason I couldn't connect was the Manager DN has to be the complete FQ name, e.g. uid=root,cn=users,dc=ontometrics,dc=com.
Once I got that working, I was getting LDAP Error 49: bad credentials. To solve this, I found a great LDAP browser that installed in a few minutes on the mini server: LDAP Manager. That helped me see the FQN for the root account.
One last thing: once I had the right account, it auth'ed, but then on saving the settings, I got an ERROR 500. Turned out, that was because I had a few spaces in the FQN, so do not do dc=ontometrics, dc=com. Then it worked and I logged in!
BTW, the mini server with 8 GBs of RAM runs Jenkins beautifully.