Issues with parametrization of JDBC request with jmeter - sql

I would like to use a predefined queries from csv file.
The problem is that some of the values into the queries must be randomly chosen and each query has different number of parameters.
So i have tried something like this:
"select * from table where column = "${variable1};"
Please note that variable1 is already defined and has proper value.
The problem is that jMeter executes the query without replacing the parameter with its value.
It is not an option to use "?" ( question mark) as it is explained into the basic tutorial.
Has anybody has an idea how to solve this issue, without writing custom code using PreSampler like Beanshell, etc.

It is possible to use JMeter variables in SELECT statements
The reasons for not getting it resolved can be
(Most likely) Variable is not set. Use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to double check its value.
You have syntax error in your SQL query
If you have a "complex" variable like variable - is a prefix and 1 is a random number which comes from i.e. __Random() or __threadNum() function you need to refer the variable a little bit differently, like:


how to separate the parameters in the sql query and push it in to array to avoid sql injection

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE year_month BETWEEN '2021-08' AND '2022-01';
update table2 set note_description = 'test #8:57am', patient_id = '5840', note_updated_by = '10000019', note_update_date = '2022-07-13 09:45:49' where note_id = '639'
now my backend queries can be attacked by sql injection so i want to avoid the sql injection
in the above queries I want to separate the parameters from queries and replace it with special characters so that I can avoid sql injection is there any package or anything to do it.
If you have received the SQL statement with the parameters already concatenated in, then this is the wrong place to fix your issue - there’s no way to safely parse the statement and separate out the parameters from the query.
You should find the place in the code where the parameters are concatenated into the Statement and leveraging Prepared Statements/Parameterized Queries to safely pass/bind the parameters.
If that’s not possible (for example because the code is structured to only pass along the statement) a less desirable alternative is to encode/enquote the parameters before concatenating them in, while ensuring they are all quoted in the statement. How you do that part will depend on the database / language being used.
I've seen one product that does this: pt-query-digest. It's a free tool that parses the MySQL query log, and produces reports of aggregate time spent running each query. To do this, it must establish a query "fingerprint" which allows it to group queries that are the same except for constant values. Like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = 123 has the same fingerprint as SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = 456.
This means it must parse the queries and replace each constant value, like a numeric or string literal, with a placeholder ?. In cases of IN() predicates, it replaces the list of values with ?+. Also it reduces whitespace and removes comments.
It's a non-trivial amount of code, about 100 lines of Perl:
In spite of this, the function is preceded by a comment that the developers acknowledge it is not perfect, and may miss some cases. Implementing a recursive-descent parser using regular expressions is not efficient or correct.
But this is probably not what you want to do anyway. You shouldn't be starting from a query with constant values and making them into a parameterized query. You should design parameterized queries yourself, as needed.
Not every constant value in an SQL query necessarily must be parameterized. Only the ones that aren't fixed values. That is, if you need to combine a variable from your client code into the SQL query string, and you can't guarantee that the variable is safe, then use a parameter. If a query has a constant value that is fixed (not interpolated from a variable), then it can remain in the query. If a query has a value that comes from a variable, but that variable is known to be safe, and never can be tainted by untrusted input, then it can remain in the query.
It's more reliable and economical for you to make these judgments. You know the code and the context much better than any automated system can.

grafana multi value query in timestream

i have some problems displaying my aws timestream data in grafana. I added as a global dashboard variable DevEUI with 3 different specific values. But when i am using the multivalue syntax ${DevEUI} in my query with more then one value i get everytime a error.
hope somebody can give me a hint.
Regards and thanks in advance
You are most probably having a list of values as the value of your multivalue Grafana variable, but you are still using the = operator in your query. Try ... and DevEUI IN ('${DevEUI}'). Or maybe without the single quotes or the parantheses... the exact syntax depends on your Grafana variable.
But, this is just an educated guess, since I cannot see neither your database schema nor the definition of this Grafana variable (both of which are important details in a question like yours, for future reference).
This is how I did it for a multivalued string value:
timestream_variable_name = ANY(VALUES ${grafana_variable_name:singlequote})
You might have to adjust the formatting Grafana applies to the concatenated variable value it generates, depending on your data type.
I know this is long after the original question but #alparius pointed me in the right direction so I wanted to update the fix for the problem Joe reported.
Use formatting to get the proper quotes/values when formatting your query. Something like this:
Select * from database where searchiterm IN (${Multi-Value_Variable:sqlstring})

Pass value from job to transformation in Pentaho

I have the following transformation in Pentaho PDI (note the question mark in the SQL statement):
The transformation is called from a job. What I need is to get the value from the user when the job is run and pass it to the transformation so the question mark is replaced.
My problem is that there are parameters, arguments and variables, and I don't know which one to use. How to make this work?
What karan means is that your sql should look like delete from REFERENCE_DATA where rtepdate = ${you_name_it}, and check the box Variable substitution. The you_name_it parameter must be declared in the transformation option (click anywhere in the spoon panel, Option/Parameters), with or without a default value.
When running the transformation, you are prompted with a panel where you can set the value of the parameters, including you_name_it.
Parameters pass from job to transformation transparently, so you can declare you_name_it as a parameter of the job. Then when the user run the job, it will be prompted to give values to a list of parameters, including you_name_it.
An other way to achieve the same result, is to use arguments. The question marks will be replaced by the fields specified in the Parameters list box, in the same order. Of course the field you use must be defined in a previous step. In your case, a Get variable step, which reads the variable defined in the calling job, and put them in a row.
Note that, there is a ready made Delete step to delete records from a database. Specify the table name (which can be a parameter: just Crtl+Space in the box), the table column and the condition. The condition will come from a previous step defined in a Get parameter like in the argument method.
You can use variables or arguments. If you are using variables then use
syntax in your query and if you want to use arguments then you have to use? In your query and mention the names of those arguments in "Field names to be used as arguments" section. Both will work. Let me know if you need further clarifications.

SQL Injection Query

I am writing a report on SQL injection attacks. I've found an example on Owasp as shown bellow.
Since this is an example and to me, it seems as a simple query getting a row with the specific ID, does it do anything else or my assumption is correct?
String query = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE custID='" +
request.getParameter("id") + "'";
// Since this is an online example i don't know what getParameter("id") method does.
to me it seems as a simple query getting a row with specific ID
Thats the magic of injection. The query should only get a row that fits a certain criteria that comes from a request (like a GET or POST from html for example).
So request.getParameter("id") provides a parameter submitted by the user (or a very bad guy).
Usually whoever wrote that peace of code expected something like this:
id = 12
which would result in
SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE custID='12'
Now image what happens if the user (a bad one in this case) sends this instead:
id = 0'; DROP TABLE accounts; --
This would execute as
SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE custID='0'; DROP TABLE accounts; --'
Make sure the intended query executes without error (0)
End the query before the intended point (';)
Inject your malicous code (DROP TABLE accounts;)
Make sure everything that is left of the original query is treated as a comment (--)
The problem in the OWASP example isn't the query itself, but the fact that parameters that come from 'outside' (request.getParameter("id")) are used to generate a query, without escaping any potential control characters.
This style of writing code basically allows any user to execute code on your SQL-Server.
The problem with this query is that the SQL is created dynamically. Request.getparameter is probably just a function which returns the id of the row for the specific web request.
But if the webpage allows filling this parameter through a text box or the function is called directly from JavaScript any value can be set in id.
This could contain any SQL statement, which with the correct authentication, could even contain 'DROP Database'
will get a the parameter "id" from the http-request, e.g. for: request.getParameter("id") will return "qwertz". SQL injection is possible in this case, since the value of this parameter wasn't checked at all and can contain anything

Possible to spy/mock Sql Server User Defined Functions?

Is it possible to mock/spy functions with T-SQL? I couldn't find anything mentioning it. I was thinking of creating my own implementation using the SpyProcedure as a guideline (if no implementation exists). Anyone had any success with this?
In SQL Server functions cannot have side-effects. That means, in your test you can replace the inner function with on that returns a fixed result, but there is no way to record the parameters that were past into the function.
There is one exception: If the function returns a string and the string does not have to follow a specific format, you could concatenate the passed-in parameters and then assert later on that the value coming back out contained all the correct values, but that is a very special case and not generally possible.
To fake a function, just drop or rename the original and create your own within the test. I would put this code into a helper function, as it probably will be called from more than one test.