Possible to spy/mock Sql Server User Defined Functions? - sql

Is it possible to mock/spy functions with T-SQL? I couldn't find anything mentioning it. I was thinking of creating my own implementation using the SpyProcedure as a guideline (if no implementation exists). Anyone had any success with this?

In SQL Server functions cannot have side-effects. That means, in your test you can replace the inner function with on that returns a fixed result, but there is no way to record the parameters that were past into the function.
There is one exception: If the function returns a string and the string does not have to follow a specific format, you could concatenate the passed-in parameters and then assert later on that the value coming back out contained all the correct values, but that is a very special case and not generally possible.
To fake a function, just drop or rename the original and create your own within the test. I would put this code into a helper function, as it probably will be called from more than one test.


Issues with parametrization of JDBC request with jmeter

I would like to use a predefined queries from csv file.
The problem is that some of the values into the queries must be randomly chosen and each query has different number of parameters.
So i have tried something like this:
"select * from table where column = "${variable1};"
Please note that variable1 is already defined and has proper value.
The problem is that jMeter executes the query without replacing the parameter with its value.
It is not an option to use "?" ( question mark) as it is explained into the basic tutorial.
Has anybody has an idea how to solve this issue, without writing custom code using PreSampler like Beanshell, etc.
It is possible to use JMeter variables in SELECT statements
The reasons for not getting it resolved can be
(Most likely) Variable is not set. Use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to double check its value.
You have syntax error in your SQL query
If you have a "complex" variable like variable - is a prefix and 1 is a random number which comes from i.e. __Random() or __threadNum() function you need to refer the variable a little bit differently, like:

Should I use a function or a parameter in my report?

SSRS gives you the ability to use parameters:
Alternatively you can actually write your own function within the RDL file:
I am wondering in what situation would one use the capabilities of a function rather than a parameter, since you can implement logic in both>?
For example, MSDN has chosen to code this:
Public Function ChangeWord(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim strBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder(s)
If s.Contains("Bike") Then
strBuilder.Replace("Bike", "Bicycle")
Return strBuilder.ToString()
Else : Return s
End If
End Function
I can just as well create an IIF statement within a parameter and do the same.
I have been working with SSRS for years and never used a function(vba). I think it is better to use parameters. My suggestion is based on the following reasons....
SSRS is a tool designed to present data. Data manipulation is best handled on sql server.
Using parameters also allow you to do data manipulation closer to data source. Only bring data that is actually needed by the report. Bringing data to SSRS and then filtering out using functions will obviously involve unnecessary data processing.
Code maintenance is easier when you have all the code in one place. (stored procedures in sql server, functions in ssrs reports).
why redo the work that has already been taken care for you. The example of function you have shown, can easily be replaced by using the sql-server's built-in replace function (again sql-server will handle this much better and quicker than ssrs).
and the list goes on.... as they say keep it simple, try to make full use of the built-in functionality of sql server and ssrs and avoid writing unnecessary code.

Stored procedure using NVL() on input parameter - why?

Recently, I have come to analyze a procedure in which they have used below scenario.
I want to know what is the usefulness of this ?
A procedure (cwrkid, date)
select statement
WHERE CWRK.cwrkid = NVL(in_cwrk_id,CWRK.cwrkid)
and in_cwrk_id is passed null. SO obviously, CWRK.cwrkid = CWRK.cwrkid
will always match... What the point in using variables and passing null, and ultimately satisfying a truth condition.
Am I mising something or am I thinking a lot.. :P
This is useful if you want to make the procedure reusable in future development. For now the only usecase is to select all records, but if you ever need to get only one record with a given ID you can also use this procedure.
The point is that the caller can decide whether a filter on cwrkid should be applied. One call to that function may pass NULL for that parameter, to not apply any filter. Another call to that function may pass some value for that parameter, if that caller does want to apply a filter.
I say that no filter gets applied, but I am assuming that the column is not nullable. If the column is nullable, then nulls will be filtered out, regardless of what gets passed in as the parameter value.
Normally, code like this is used to have a default behaviour in case the parameter is NULL. In this case, the WHERE-condition normally restricts to records with the given cwrkid. However, if cwrkid is null, there is no restriction.
Without the NVL, the WHERE-condition would not match at all.
Why this was done in this case is impossible to know without knowing more about the procedure and its purpose.

Wrap SQL CONTAINS as an expression?

I have a question. I working on one site on Asp.Net, which uses some ORM. I need to use a couple of FullTextSearch functions, such as Contains. But when I try to generate it with that ORM, it generates such SQL code
[Extent1].[ID] AS [ID],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name]
FROM [dbo].[SomeTable] AS [Extent1]
WHERE (Contains([Extent1].[Name], N'qq')) = 1
SQL can't parse it, because Contains doesn't return bit value. And unfortunately I can't modify SQL query generation process, but I can modify statements in it.
My question is - is it possible to wrap call of CONTAINS function to something else? I tried to create another function, that will SELECT with contains, but it requires specific table\column objects, and I don't want to do one function for each table..
I can modify result type for that function in ORM. In previous sample result type is Bit. I can change it to int,nvarchar,etc. But as I understood there is no Boolean type in SQL, and I can't specify it.
Can't you put this in a stored procedure, and tell your ORM to call the stored procedure? Then you don't have to worry about the fact that your ORM only understands a subset of valid T-SQL.
I don't know that I believe the argument that requiring new stored procedures is a blocker. If you have to write a new CONTAINS expression in your ORM code, how much different is it to wrap that expression in a CREATE PROCEDURE statement in a different window? If you want to do this purely in ORM, then you're going to have to put pressure on the vendor to pick up the pace and start getting more complete coverage of the language they should fully support.

Best Way to Handle SQL Parameters?

I essentially have a database layer that is totally isolated from any business logic. This means that whenever I get ready to commit some business data to a database, I have to pass all of the business properties into the data method's parameter. For example:
Public Function Commit(foo as object) as Boolean
This works fine, but when I get into commits and updates that take dozens of parameters, it can be a lot of typing. Not to mention that two of my methods--update and create--take the same parameters since they essentially do the same thing. What I'm wondering is, what would be an optimal solution for passing these parameters so that I don't have to change the parameters in both methods every time something changes as well as reduce my typing :) I've thought of a few possible solutions. One would be to move all the sql parameters to the class level of the data class and then store them in some sort of array that I set in the business layer. Any help would be useful!
So essentially you want to pass in a List of Parameters?
Why not redo your Commit function and have it accept a List of Parameter objects?
If your on SQL 2008 you can use merge to replace insert / update juggling. Sometimes called upsert.
You could create a struct to hold the parameter values.
Thanks for the responses, but I think I've figured out a better way for what I'm doing. It's similar to using the upsert, but what I do is have one method called Commit that looks for the given primary key. If the record is found in the database, then I execute an update command. If not, I do an insert command. Since the parameters are the same, you don't have to worry about changing them any.
For your problem I guess Iterator design pattern is the best solution. Pass in an Interface implementation say ICommitableValues you can pass in a key pair enumeration value like this. Keys are the column names and values are the column commitable values. A property is even dedicated as to return the table name in which to insert these value and or store procedures etc.
To save typing you can use declarative programming syntax (Attributes) to declare the commitable properties and a main class in middleware can use reflection to extract the values of these commitable properties and prepare a ICommitableEnumeration implementation from it.