Migrating Transformations in Pentaho PDI - pentaho

We are using two servers, one as preprod and other as Production. When we are migrating jobs or Transformations from preprod to Prod it copies its connection properties as well and this affects our Production job execution.
Can someone let me know how to migrate transformations without coping it's connections to another server.

From the Tools->Options menu, there are two checkboxes that effect PDI's import behavior: "Replace existing objects on open/import" and "Ask before replacing objects".
Normally when migrating between environments, I set the first option to false. That way if a connection definition already exists, it is silently not replaced. The other way to go is to check both options on and answer 'No' when asked to replace an existing definition.
In this way, a transform/job that runs on pre-prod can simply be exported and imported into prod without changing anything, and it runs against prod in the new environment as long as the connections are named the same.
The only thing to watch out for is importing a new connection definition for the first time. There will be no warning that a new connection object is being created, and after import, it will still point to pre-prod. After each new connection import, you need to change the connection definition to point to the new environment. The good new is you only have to do that once.
I wish they had an option, or just an info dialog to show all new connection objects created as a result of the import; that way you would know exactly what you need to change. But alas -- earwax.

If by 'connection' you mean 'databases connection', JNDI allows you to give them a symbolic name independent of your environment : it is when you configure your environment (e.g. biserver or baserver) that you specify to which database (jdbc driver, IP and port,...) this symbolic name is related.
So your transformations don't contain any refrence to a server adress and you can deploy it "as is".
I use JNDI for my CDE dashboards in biserver too : to deploy a dashboard, I just export it from the dev environment and import it in the preprod environment without modifying anything.
There are a lot of resources on the web about JNDI. Check the Pentaho documentation too.


Adding auxiliary DB data during deployment

My app consists of two containers: the app itself and a database. I'm planning to wrap the app into a chart, thus paving a way for easy reproducible deployment.
Apart from setting/reading environment envs (which helm+kubernetes seems to handle really well), part of app's configuration is:
making sure the database is pre-filled with special auxiliary data (e.g. admin user exists, some user role names required to create new users are there, etc.).
I like the idea of having readable yaml files hold the entire configuration in a human readable format. However at a glance it doesn't seem that helm in any way would help with this (DB records) kind of configuration.
That being said, what is the best place to put code/configuration ensuring that DB contains certain auxiliary records? A config yaml file? An container init script, written in bash?
You are right, Kubernetes or Helm cannot help with preparing your pre-filled database records/schema.
You should probably have your application initialize those pre-filled data. If you don't want to put this logic into your application, you can ship an initialization script and configure an init container with Kubernetes.
Kubernetes makes sure every time your application container is restarted, the init container runs first. In the init container, you can execute a bash/python/... script that makes sure the records you want are there.

Reading different properties for different cluster/node

I have developed a hybrid worklight app and everything is set up. Now my case is that I have a load balance and two clusters. These two clusters have been synchronized with only one WAR file. Due to some reason, we have a server java file in the WAR for sharing some global variables with worklight adapters.
The problem now is that these 2 clusters are working independently (will be redirected by the load balance). The global variables in the JAVA file inside their WAR will not be shared. How can we maintain only one set of global variable in this case?
Or is there any method for the JAVA to read the current cluster detail(for example cluster id or IP address) so that I can write logic to point to different properties in worklight.properties
[PS: not good at English. I will clarify more if you guys don't understand me]
What you actually need here is not to use static variables to share this information.
I suggest using Redis or Memcached (or some other free solution) to share information across the cluster.
A simpler solution (but less efficient) can be using an SQL database to store/load those shared properties. You can actually create a "configuration" adapter (SQL adapter) which will be called by the other adapters to read/write the configuration properties.

IBM Urbancode Deploy - Supply values to parameters at runtime using properties

I have created a process in IBM UCD to deploy a .Net application.
My Scenario is that i should be able to provide different application name at run time each time i run the process. How can we do this using property in IBM UCD.
I have tried enabling "Prompt on use" option and also created component property and mapped it to the parameter say ${p:component/application.name} but doesn't seem to work. May be i missing out some sequence of steps.
It would be great if i get detailed steps to making this working.
I take it that you are on version 4.x (uDeploy)?
I would steer clear of the prompt on use approach, that feature was removed in 6.x. While there is a migration in place, its simpler to just avoid it.
Using a property on the component process itself is the way to go. So go to your process configuration, and go to the properties / configuration tab. Create a property there. You'll be prompted for a value whenever you run an application process that uses this component process.
If the property is named "iis.app.name" you would reference it with just ${p:iss.app.name}.
Don't use the property "application.name". That is an automatically created property that gets the name of the UCD Application that you are deploying. If you ever can't find out the right way to reference a property, look at your executed process (at component / application levels). The normal view that lists out all the steps that were run and how long they took is sitting on a tab called "Log". Right next to it is "Properties" tab. Click that and you'll see what properties were available to the process.
Also, you'll have better luck getting fast answers about UC Deploy using their own forum: https://developer.ibm.com/answers/?community=urbancode
Did you tried using process plugin for updating the property file ?
Application >> Process >> Select Process >> Process Editor -- From left panel you can Utility plugins , try with update property option.

Tools used to update dynamic properties without even restarting the application/server

In my project I am trying to do the setting where in I can update the dynamic properties in the server/application without even restarting it.
We face this problem that whenever we have to update or change some properties which are dynamic in nature, then every time we have to restart the server/application and this results in unavailability of the server for that time stamp.
I have already found one tool Archaius-ZooKeeper to set it.https://github.com/Netflix/archaius/
We are trying to do it for JBoss servers where we use war file to deploy on server.
Please suggest are there any other method or tool or technology that can be used to set it.
Thanks in advance.
You could consider jRebel, allows you to redeploy your app without any downtime, then you can use jRebel Remoting to redeploy from eclipse to a remote server
You may use Zookeeper. You have to create a Znode and add the properties in the Znode. All your servers/applications should read from this Znode and also put an watch on this Znode for data changes.
Alternately, you may use a database to store the properties along with their modification time. Whenever you change the value of a property, the corresponding modification time is changed. All your applications/servers keep pulling the delta at some intervals (may be 2 secs/ 5 secs etc.).
Or you may have the properties hosted on a web server, or on NFS, or on some distributed cache etc. All your applications/servers keep reading it at some intervals for detecting any changes.
You can use Spring Cloud Zookeeper. I shared a little example here.

Dynamically change connection string for UI tests

I'm using WebAii library for UI testing - I want to test whether my component displays the same records as there are in database therefore I need to switch my application's connection string to point to the test database just for the time of running tests. What is the best way to do it? How to dynamically change the connection string prior to running the app? Thanks
Are you storing the connection string in the Web.config file? If so, I would deploy a new Web.config just before starting the test and then use the command line to send an IISRESET.
FYI, these are the kinds of questions we answer all day long on our public forum dedicated to WebAii.
Telerik Technical Support
What kind of application is it? This is first probably an indication of not-well-factored code. Next, it is common to have a separate environment for testing code.
If you are, for example, deploying to ASP.NET with Visual Studio, you can use Web.config file transformations to set a different value when you deploy to e.g. test.contoso.com vs. www.contoso.com. The transformation syntax allows you to define a new connection string, or change an existing one from the base Web.config, when deploying a different configuration.
If you have a single environment, and control over it, you could probably write a couple of (Power)shell scripts to copy a web.config with "test" connection strings to your app root prior to the test. Then run a second script to reset the original web.config after the test is run.
If you have access to your deploy directory within the context you will be running your tests, you could even simply have a Web.test.config file included in your unit test project. In [AssemblyInitialize]:
File-copy _\\{your app server}{your app directory}\Web.config to \\{your app server}{your app directory}\Web.config.orig.
File-copy Web.test.config to \\{your app server}{your app directory}\Web.config.
Sleep for a few seconds?
Then do the reverse in [AssemblyCleanup].
Other strategies exist, too. You could build in an override to your application when in debug mode, that checks various things (special file, additional config, cookies, extra query string). Or you could have a Settings manager in your app that you can instrument in test setup when arranging your test (click through UI to change DB settings).
Very likely, however, you may get the best compounding rewards by factoring your code to reduce dependencies. Then you can write unit tests which stub/mock/fake the database. You can use code coverage tools to verify that you've tested specific scenarios, or to see that additional integration tests would be duplication of coverage at that point.