How to transform an SQL statement with Group by and Order By into a LINQ statement in - sql

I have the following code working correctly, but was requested to combine it into one LINQ statement:
Dim AddlOrders = From ords In ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs.AsEnumerable() _
Select ords Where (ords.CUST_NO = cstno) And (ords.ORIG_STA_ID <> "SWWEB") _
Order By ords.ORIG_TKT_NO Descending, ords.TKT_DT Descending
Dim AddlOrds As New Collection(Of V_TKT_HIST_BV)
Dim o As New V_TKT_HIST_BV
If (cstno Is Nothing) OrElse (AddlOrders Is Nothing) OrElse (AddlOrders.Count = 0) Then
AddlOrdersLabel.Text = "You have 0 additional orders."
AddlOrdersGrid.Visible = False
For Each ord In AddlOrders
If prevord = String.Empty Then
prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO
totord = ord.TOT
o = ord
ElseIf prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO Then
totord += ord.TOT
o.TOT = totord
prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO
totord = ord.TOT
o = ord
End If
If o IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim Addord = From ords In AddlOrds Order By ords.TKT_DT Descending
AddlOrdersGrid.DataSource = Addord
I have tried the following statement, but Visual Studio changes "Into os" to "Into os()" and gives a message that Definition of method os is not accessible in this context:
Dim orders = From o1 In ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs
Where o1.CUST_NO = cstno
Group o1 By o1.TKT_DT, o1.ORIG_TKT_NO, o1.TOT
Into os() Select ORIG_ORD_NO, total = os.Sum(TOT),
tdate = os.Last(Function(v) v.TKT_DAT)
An example of the SQL would be like:
Does anyone have an idea why it would change os into a method?

This would be it in C#:
.Select(t=> new {
Converted to VB.NET:
Dim Addord = ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs _
.Where(Function(t) t.CUST_NO = cstno) _
.Where(Function(t) t.ORIG_STA_ID <> "SWWEB") _
.GroupBy(Function(t) t.ORIG_TKT_NO) _
.Select(Function(t) New With { _
Key .CUST_NO = cstno, _
Key .EMAIL_ADRS_1 = t.FirstOrDefault().EMAIL_ADRS_1, _
Key .TOT = t.SUM(Function(u) u.TOT), _
Key .ORIG_TKT_NO = t.Key, _
Key .TKT_DT = t.Min(Function(u) u.TKT_DT) _
}).OrderByDescending(Function(t) t.TKT_DT)
If (Addord.Any()) Then
AddlOrdersLabel.Text = "You have 0 additional orders."
AddlOrdersGrid.Visible = False


Linq with multiple where clauses not pulling back data

I am using VB.NET and Linq; I have two separate conditions that have to be satisfied. When I run them individually they work fine however when I combine them into a single statement with multiple where statements then I get 0 records returned.
If I run the first where clause without the 2nd I get 70 records
If I run the 2nd where clause without the first i get 5 records
When I run with both where clauses I get 0 records returned
Here is the code.
submissionDetails = (From r In model.NIBRS_ReportStatusByORI
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And Not r.ReportType = "ZERO REPORT" _
And r.OccurrenceDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.OccurrenceDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And r.ReportType.Equals("ZERO REPORT") _
And r.YearMonthDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.YearMonthDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Select New ReportStatusDetails() With {
.ChangeDate = r.Insertdate,
.IncidentId = r.IncidentID,
.IncidentIdentifier = r.IncidentIdentifier,
.OriginatingORI = r.OriginatingORI,
.ReportType = r.ReportType,
.StatusID = r.StatusID,
.SubmittedBy = r.Username,
.ReportDate = r.YearMonthDate,
.ReportDateString = r.YearMonth,
.OccurrenceDate = r.OccurrenceDate
Have you tried this:
submissionDetails = (From r In model.NIBRS_ReportStatusByORI
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And Not r.ReportType = "ZERO REPORT" _
And r.OccurrenceDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.OccurrenceDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Select New ReportStatusDetails() With {
.ChangeDate = r.Insertdate,
.IncidentId = r.IncidentID,
.IncidentIdentifier = r.IncidentIdentifier,
.OriginatingORI = r.OriginatingORI,
.ReportType = r.ReportType,
.StatusID = r.StatusID,
.SubmittedBy = r.Username,
.ReportDate = r.YearMonthDate,
.ReportDateString = r.YearMonth,
.OccurrenceDate = r.OccurrenceDate
}).Union(From r In model.NIBRS_ReportStatusByORI
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And r.ReportType.Equals("ZERO REPORT") _
And r.YearMonthDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.YearMonthDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Select New ReportStatusDetails() With {
.ChangeDate = r.Insertdate,
.IncidentId = r.IncidentID,
.IncidentIdentifier = r.IncidentIdentifier,
.OriginatingORI = r.OriginatingORI,
.ReportType = r.ReportType,
.StatusID = r.StatusID,
.SubmittedBy = r.Username,
.ReportDate = r.YearMonthDate,
.ReportDateString = r.YearMonth,
.OccurrenceDate = r.OccurrenceDate

Using Linq for select row from DataTableA where id not in DataTableB

I have two dataTables ,and i want select all rows from DataTable1 where id is not in DataTable2.below what i have tried :
Sql = "select *,N°Reçu as NumRecu from V_Sit_J_Vente,V_Bien where V_Sit_J_Vente.Code_bien=V_Bien.Code_bien and date_situation <= '" + dt2 + "' and date_situation >= '" + dt1 + "'"
Dim GlobalDataVente As DataTable = utilitaire.getDataSet(Sql).Tables(0)
Sql = "select * from V_Reserv_Annule"
Dim GlobalDataAnnule As DataTable = utilitaire.getDataSet(Sql).Tables(0)
Dim query = (From order In GlobalDataVente.AsEnumerable() _
Where order!code_projet = tab.Rows(i).Item("code_projet")).ToList
Dim bannedCCList = From c In GlobalDataAnnule.AsEnumerable() _
Where c!type.Equals("Transfert acompte") = False And c!date_annule <= dt2
Dim exceptBanned = From c In query Group Join b In bannedCCList On c.Field(Of String)("N°Reçu") Equals b.Field(Of String)("num_reserv_remplace")
Into j() From x In j.DefaultIfEmpty() Where x Is Nothing Select c
What i want that "exceptBanned " containt all rows of "query" except row exist in "bannedCCList "
Thanks in advance
You can use Contains for this:
Dim query = (From order In GlobalDataVente.AsEnumerable() _
Where order!code_projet = tab.Rows(i).Item("code_projet")).ToList
Dim bannedCCList = From c In GlobalDataAnnule.AsEnumerable() _
Where c.type.Equals("Transfert acompte") = False And c.date_annule <= dt2
Select c.Field(Of String)("num_reserv_remplace")
Dim exceptBanned = From c In query
Where Not bannedCCList.Contains(c.Field(Of String)("N°Reçu"))
Select c
bannedCCList defines a query that produces the Id values you want to exclude; exceptBanned combines query with this list of Ids into a query that only runs once to return the final results. It works this way because bannedCCList is an IEnumerable. It isn't executed when it's defined, only when it's actually used.

VB.Net Linq with datatables - select from one table what does not exist in the other

I have two data on which I have applied the linq to select some lines :
csql = "select * from V_Vente where code_projet=" & ComProjet.GetColumnValue("code_projet") & " "
Dim tabVnt as Datatable = utilitaire.getDatatable(csql)
Dim query1 = tabVnt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(r) DirectCast(r("date"), Date) >= dtDu And DirectCast(r("date"), Date) <= dtAu)
Dim tabAnnule As DataTable = utilitaire.getDatatable("select * from V_Reserv_Annule")
Dim query2 = From cust In tabAnnule.AsEnumerable() Where (cust.type = "définitif" Or cust.type = "Transfert") And cust.date_annule <= dtAu
now what i want is to select rows from "query1" where "Num_R" not exist in "query2".
The column "Num_r" exist in both datatable "tabVnt" and "tabAnnule"
I've tried this code but he doesn't work,please help me to find the error :
dim rows = from t1 in query1 .AsEnumerable() join t2 in query2.AsEnumerable() on t1.Field(Of String)("Num_r") equals t2.Field(Of String)("Num_r") Into tg
From tcheck In tg.DefaultIfEmpty()
Where tcheck = null
Select t1()
If I have understood your code right, you can check if second table's Num_rs does not contain the table one Num_r:
Dim rows = t1.Where(x=> !t2.Select(y=> y.Num_r).Contains(x.Num_r));
I have find the solution for my issus ,and i'd like to share it here with you :
Dim csql = "select * from V_Vente where code_projet=" & ComProjet.GetColumnValue("code_projet") & " "
Dim tabVnt As DataTable = utilitaire.getDatatable(csql)
Dim query1 = tabVnt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(r) DirectCast(r("date"), Date) >= dt1 And DirectCast(r("date"), Date) <= dt2).ToList
Dim tabAnnule As DataTable = utilitaire.getDatatable("select * from V_Reserv_Annule")
bannedCCList = From c In tabAnnule.AsEnumerable() _
Where (c!type.Equals("définitif") = True Or c!type.Equals("Transfert") = True) And c!date_annule <= dt2
Select c.Field(Of String)("num_recu")
Dim exceptData = (From c In query1.AsEnumerable() _
Where Not bannedCCList.Contains(c.Field(Of String)("num_recu")) _
).ToList - using case select query in sql for jtable

If anyone knows how to use case in query for jtable, pls take a look my code.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then 'Created' when status = 1 then 'Scanning' when status = 2 then 'Scan Saved' end as status"
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY " & jtSorting & " ) AS RowNum, batch_id, batch_name, date_created, profile_id, total_page, " & batch_status & ", First_ScanID, file_id " & _
" FROM [ip_ent_site].[dbo].[tbl_batch] WHERE STATUS IN (0,1,2) ) AS RowConstrainedResult " & _
" WHERE RowNum >= #jtStartIndex AND RowNum < #jtEndIndex ORDER BY RowNum ; "
if i use like this, it is working:
Dim batch_status As String = "status"
but with case, not.
whats problem here?
another part of code:
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
students = (From item In dt.AsEnumerable() Select New Class1 With { _
.No = Convert.ToInt32(item(1)), _
.batch_id = Convert.ToInt64(item(2)), _
.batch_name = DirectCast(item(3), String), _
.date_created = item(4).ToString, _
.profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(item(5)), _
.total_page = Convert.ToInt32(item(6)), _
.status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)), _
.First_ScanID = Convert.ToInt32(item(8)), _
.file_id = CheckDBNullInteger(item(9)) _
End If
Use your declare statement like below.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then ''Created'' when status = 1 then ''Scanning'' when status = 2 then ''Scan Saved'' end as status"
may be the problem with #jtStartIndex AND #jtEndIndex.
Just found, change .status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)) to .status = item(7).ToString,
displaying in Jtable is quite different

LINQ-To-DataSet Anonymous types - Double converted to integer - why?

Below is my simplified class.
I have 2 methods that are getting some data from dataset through LINQ.
Then I have GetTotalSales() method that unions and sums all data.
Before final union statement I am checking data in
For Each r In O1
Dim t = r.TYWeekSales ' so far so good - t is decimal
and r.TYWeekSales is correct - it is decimal.
after union statement:
Dim union = O1.Union(O2)
Dim TotalSales2 = From u In union
Group u By _
Name = u.Name
Into Group _
Select TYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.TYWeekNetSale), _
LYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.LYWeekNetSale)
For Each r2 In TotalSales2
Dim t2 = r2.TYWeekNetSale ' no good - t2 is an integer
t2 is converted to integer. Why? How can this be fixed?
Here is my whole class:
Public Class Class1
Private _Orders1 As IEnumerable
Private _Orders2 As IEnumerable
Private _DSNetSales As DataSet
Public Property Orders1() As IEnumerable
Return _Orders1
End Get
Set(value As IEnumerable)
_Orders1 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Orders2() As IEnumerable
Return _Orders2
End Get
Set(value As IEnumerable)
_Orders2 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property DSNetSales() As DataSet
Return _DSNetSales
End Get
Set(value As DataSet)
_DSNetSales = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub GetSomething()
Dim TYWeekSales = DSNetSales.Tables("T1").AsEnumerable()
Dim TYWeekSalesData = From b In TYWeekSales
Group b By _
Name = b.Field(Of String)("loc")
Into Group _
Select Name,
TYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(b) b.Field(Of Decimal)("net")), _
LYWeekNetSale = CType(0.0, Decimal)
Dim LYWeekSales = DSNetSales.Tables("T2").AsEnumerable()
Dim LYWeekSalesData = From b In LYWeekSales
Group b By _
Name = b.Field(Of String)("loc")
Into Group _
Select Name,
TYWeekNetSale = CType(0.0, Decimal), _
LYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(b) b.Field(Of Decimal)("net"))
Dim union = TYWeekSalesData.Union(LYWeekSalesData)
Orders1 = From u In union
Group u By _
Name = u.Name
Into Group _
Select Name,
TYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.TYWeekNetSale), _
LYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.LYWeekNetSale)
End Sub
Private Sub GetSomethingElse()
Dim TYWeekSales = DSNetSales.Tables("T3").AsEnumerable()
Dim TYWeekSalesData = From b In TYWeekSales
Group b By _
Name = b.Field(Of String)("loc")
Into Group _
Select Name,
TYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(b) b.Field(Of Decimal)("net")), _
LYWeekNetSale = CType(0.0, Decimal)
Dim LYWeekSales = DSNetSales.Tables("T4").AsEnumerable()
Dim LYWeekSalesData = From b In LYWeekSales
Group b By _
Name = b.Field(Of String)("loc")
Into Group _
Select Name,
TYWeekNetSale = CType(0.0, Decimal), _
LYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(b) b.Field(Of Decimal)("net"))
Dim union = TYWeekSalesData.Union(LYWeekSalesData)
Orders2 = From u In union
Group u By _
Name = u.Name
Into Group _
Select Name,
TYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.TYWeekNetSale), _
LYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.LYWeekNetSale)
End Sub
Private Sub GetTotalSales()
Dim O1 = From b In Orders1
Dim O2 = From p In Orders2
For Each r In O1
Dim t = r.TYWeekSales ' so far so good - t is decimal
For Each r In O2
Dim t = r.TYWeekSales
Dim union = O1.Union(O2)
Dim TotalSales2 = From u In union
Group u By _
Name = u.Name
Into Group _
Select TYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.TYWeekNetSale), _
LYWeekNetSale = Group.Sum(Function(u) u.LYWeekNetSale)
For Each r2 In TotalSales2
Dim t2 = r2.TYWeekNetSale ' hmmm - t2 is an integer now
End Sub
End Class