vb.net - using case select query in sql for jtable - sql

If anyone knows how to use case in query for jtable, pls take a look my code.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then 'Created' when status = 1 then 'Scanning' when status = 2 then 'Scan Saved' end as status"
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY " & jtSorting & " ) AS RowNum, batch_id, batch_name, date_created, profile_id, total_page, " & batch_status & ", First_ScanID, file_id " & _
" FROM [ip_ent_site].[dbo].[tbl_batch] WHERE STATUS IN (0,1,2) ) AS RowConstrainedResult " & _
" WHERE RowNum >= #jtStartIndex AND RowNum < #jtEndIndex ORDER BY RowNum ; "
if i use like this, it is working:
Dim batch_status As String = "status"
but with case, not.
whats problem here?
another part of code:
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
students = (From item In dt.AsEnumerable() Select New Class1 With { _
.No = Convert.ToInt32(item(1)), _
.batch_id = Convert.ToInt64(item(2)), _
.batch_name = DirectCast(item(3), String), _
.date_created = item(4).ToString, _
.profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(item(5)), _
.total_page = Convert.ToInt32(item(6)), _
.status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)), _
.First_ScanID = Convert.ToInt32(item(8)), _
.file_id = CheckDBNullInteger(item(9)) _
End If

Use your declare statement like below.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then ''Created'' when status = 1 then ''Scanning'' when status = 2 then ''Scan Saved'' end as status"

may be the problem with #jtStartIndex AND #jtEndIndex.

Just found, change .status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)) to .status = item(7).ToString,
displaying in Jtable is quite different


How to build dropdown list with database?

I have try to build dropdown list that bind with database. I found out some errors that i dont really found. Please help, here below is my codes.
strSQL = "SELECT distinct table1.DeptName FROM Table1 " & _
"FULL JOIN Table2 on table1.DeptName = Table2.deptname" & _
"FULL JOIN Table3 on Table1.deptname = table3.DeptName " & _
"Where table1.deptname is not null order by table1.deptname "
Common.execReader(strSQL, params, dt, Common.txn)
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
DropDownListDept.DataSource = dt
DropDownListDept.DataTextField = "DeptName"
DropDownListDept.DataValueField = "DeptName"
DropDownListDept.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("Select Department Name", "0"))
End If
error found
Invalid column name 'DeptNameFULL'.
Your error is in your sql statement... The database is looking for a field called "DeptNameFULL" and of course there isn't.
strSQL = "SELECT distinct table1.DeptName FROM Table1 " & _
"FULL JOIN Table2 on table1.DeptName = Table2.deptname" & _
"FULL JOIN Table3 on Table1.deptname = table3.DeptName " & _
"Where table1.deptname is not null order by table1.deptname "
On the second line - you need a space after "Table2.deptname" - so it should be Table2.deptname " instead.

SQL Syntax error, expression of non-boolean type

This code is supposed to create a graph of revenue from money made through sales tickets at an event.
The code only executes up to da.Fill(ds) when it returns the error, which can be seen at the end of the code.
Does anybody know why
Private Sub frmRevenue_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = New DataTable
Dim sales As Integer = 0
Dim gridtable As New DataTable
For i = 1 To 12
sql = "SELECT Fee FROM tblTickets WHERE MONTH(DatePurchased) = " & i & " AND (YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ") AND (Status = 'SOLD' OR RESERVED" _
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
ds = New DataSet
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows
monthly(i) = monthly(i) + 1
contracts = sales + 1
total(i) = total(i) + dr.Item("Fee")
yearlytotal = yearlytotal + dr.Item("Fee")
For i = 1 To 12
Dim month As String
Select Case i
Case 1
month = "Jan"
Case 2
month = "Feb"
Case 3
month = "Mar"
Case 4
month = "Apr"
Case 5
month = "May"
Case 6
month = "Jun"
Case 7
month = "Jul"
Case 8
month = "Aug"
Case 9
month = "Sep"
Case 10
month = "Oct"
Case 11
month = "Nov"
Case 12
month = "Dec"
Case Else
month = "ERR"
End Select
gridtable.Rows.Add(month, FormatCurrency(total(i)), monthly(i))
ugTickets.DataSource = gridtable
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("Month").Width = 35
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("#").Width = 20
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowUpdate = DefaultableBoolean.False
txtAnnual.ReadOnly = True
txtAnnual.BackColor = Color.White
txtAnnualContracts.ReadOnly = True
txtAnnualContracts.BackColor = Color.White
chRevenue.Titles("chTitle").Text = "Predicted revenue for " & Today.Year & " - " & Year(Today.AddYears(1))
txtAnnual.Text = FormatCurrency(yearlytotal, 2)
txtAnnualContracts.Text = contracts
chRevenue.Series("Series1").Name = "Revenue"
For i = 1 To 12
chRevenue.BackColor = Color.Transparent
chRevenue.Legends("Revenue").BackColor = Color.Transparent
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").ChartArea = "ChartArea1"
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").Color = Color.SkyBlue
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").ToolTip = FormatCurrency("#VALY", 2)
End Try
End Sub
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.
The problem is with this bit of the SQL:
(YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ")
It should probably be
(YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ")
The OR in SQL (and in most other languages) needs to have two independently valid conditions on each side. The left hand side currently looks like this:
YEAR(DatePurchased) = 2016
...which is fine. But the right looks like this:
...which isn't a valid boolean.
When you get an error like this on the da.Fill() line (ie. the line that's actually running the SQL in the database), the easiest way to debug it is to print out the value of the "sql" variable.
Often, you can just look at the SQL it's generated and the problem will be obvious. Other times you have to copy it and run it directly against your database to see what the problem is.
Might be your SQL, try:
"SELECT Fee FROM tblTickets WHERE MONTH(DatePurchased) = '" & i &
"' AND (YEAR(DatePurchased) = '" & Today.Year &
"' OR '" & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & "') " &
"OR Status = 'AVAILABLE' " &

How to transform an SQL statement with Group by and Order By into a LINQ statement in vb.net

I have the following code working correctly, but was requested to combine it into one LINQ statement:
Dim AddlOrders = From ords In ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs.AsEnumerable() _
Select ords Where (ords.CUST_NO = cstno) And (ords.ORIG_STA_ID <> "SWWEB") _
Order By ords.ORIG_TKT_NO Descending, ords.TKT_DT Descending
Dim AddlOrds As New Collection(Of V_TKT_HIST_BV)
Dim o As New V_TKT_HIST_BV
If (cstno Is Nothing) OrElse (AddlOrders Is Nothing) OrElse (AddlOrders.Count = 0) Then
AddlOrdersLabel.Text = "You have 0 additional orders."
AddlOrdersGrid.Visible = False
For Each ord In AddlOrders
If prevord = String.Empty Then
prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO
totord = ord.TOT
o = ord
ElseIf prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO Then
totord += ord.TOT
o.TOT = totord
prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO
totord = ord.TOT
o = ord
End If
If o IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim Addord = From ords In AddlOrds Order By ords.TKT_DT Descending
AddlOrdersGrid.DataSource = Addord
I have tried the following statement, but Visual Studio changes "Into os" to "Into os()" and gives a message that Definition of method os is not accessible in this context:
Dim orders = From o1 In ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs
Where o1.CUST_NO = cstno
Group o1 By o1.TKT_DT, o1.ORIG_TKT_NO, o1.TOT
Into os() Select ORIG_ORD_NO, total = os.Sum(TOT),
tdate = os.Last(Function(v) v.TKT_DAT)
An example of the SQL would be like:
Does anyone have an idea why it would change os into a method?
This would be it in C#:
.Select(t=> new {
Converted to VB.NET:
Dim Addord = ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs _
.Where(Function(t) t.CUST_NO = cstno) _
.Where(Function(t) t.ORIG_STA_ID <> "SWWEB") _
.GroupBy(Function(t) t.ORIG_TKT_NO) _
.Select(Function(t) New With { _
Key .CUST_NO = cstno, _
Key .EMAIL_ADRS_1 = t.FirstOrDefault().EMAIL_ADRS_1, _
Key .TOT = t.SUM(Function(u) u.TOT), _
Key .ORIG_TKT_NO = t.Key, _
Key .TKT_DT = t.Min(Function(u) u.TKT_DT) _
}).OrderByDescending(Function(t) t.TKT_DT)
If (Addord.Any()) Then
AddlOrdersLabel.Text = "You have 0 additional orders."
AddlOrdersGrid.Visible = False

vb.net implict inner join syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

This is the code where I am getting exception message. However this code worked perfect in sql server 2005 but generating error in access.
This code working fine in sql server project but in access its generating exception as I mentioned..
Public Function CalculateFeeReciept(ByVal monthid As Integer) As DataTable
Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("Select * from mstFeeHead", sqlcon)
Dim dtmstFeeHead As New DataTable 'dtmstFeeHead contains all the fee heads id's
Dim adp1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd1)
Dim selectedmonth As Integer
Dim feeheadid As Integer
Dim arr(25) As Integer 'arr contains Fee head id's that should be paid in the selected month
If monthid = 13 Then
monthid = 1
ElseIf monthid = 14 Then
monthid = 2
ElseIf monthid = 15 Then
monthid = 3
End If
selectedmonth = monthid + 3
Dim m As Integer = 0
For j As Integer = 0 To dtmstFeeHead.Rows.Count - 1
feeheadid = Convert.ToInt32(dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(0))
If dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(selectedmonth) Then
arr(m) = feeheadid
m = m + 1
End If
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount " & _
"FROM " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead " & _
"mstFeeHead " & _
"ON " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID " & _
"mstFeePlan " & _
"ON " & _
"mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID " & _
"WHERE " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID = #StudentID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.SessionID = #SessionID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.ClassID = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dt2 As New DataTable 'dt2 contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the student and that should be paid in that particular month
' dt2 contains the filtrate of dt and arr
dt2 = dt.Clone()
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
Dim dtrow As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If arr(i) = dt.Rows(j)(0) Then
dtrow(0) = arr(i)
dtrow(1) = dt.Rows(j)(1)
dtrow(2) = dt.Rows(j)(2)
End If
cmd2 = New OleDbCommand("Select Sum(TotalFees) as TotalFees, Sum(LateFees) as TotalLateFees, Sum(OldBalance) as TotalOldBalance, Sum(Discount) as TotalDiscount, Sum(Scholarship) as TotalScholarship, Sum(Concession) as TotalConcession, Sum(AmountReceived) as TotalAmountReceived from txnFeePayment where SessionID=#SessionID and StudentID=#studentid and MonthID=#monthid Group by StudentId,MonthID", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#studentid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = cmbSession.SelectedValue
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#monthid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = monthid
Dim dtStudentReciept As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
adp = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dtrow1 As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If (dtStudentReciept.Rows.Count > 0) Then
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Late Fees"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(1))
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Discount"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(3)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Scholarship"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(4)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Concession"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(5)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Amount Received"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(6)) * -1
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
End If
dgvDisplay.DataSource = dt2
For i As Integer = 0 To dgvDisplay.Columns.Count - 1
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(i).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvDisplay.Columns(2).Width = 65
dgvDisplay.Columns(1).Width = 132
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
'txtTotalFees.Text = dt2.Rows(dt2.Rows.Count - 1)(0)
Return dt2
End Function
There are a couple of things wrong with your query.
You havent left any spaces once a line in code is finished and whole query may look like they are separate lines but it is a one long string without any spaces.
I have added spaces in the following piece of code at the end of each line.
("SELECT [txnStudentFeeHead].[FeeHeadID],[mstFeeHead].[FeeHeadName]," & _
"[mstFeePlan].[Amount] " & _
"FROM " & _
"[txnStudentFeeHead] " & _
"[mstFeeHead] " & _
You have put your variables in sqaure brackets [] , which means SQL Server will treat them as SQL Server Object(table name, Column Name) names and not as Variables. Remove the Square brackets.
"WHERE " & _
"([txnStudentFeeHead].[StudentID] = #StudentID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[SessionID] = #SessionID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[ClassID] = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
Solved it myself by long time of effort and headache
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount, txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID, mstFeePlan.ClassID, mstFeePlan.SessionID FROM (txnStudentFeeHead INNER JOIN mstFeeHead ON txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID) INNER JOIN mstFeePlan ON mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID WHERE (((txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID)=#StudentID) AND ((mstFeePlan.ClassID)=#ClassID) AND ((mstFeePlan.SessionID)=#SessionID))", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)

How to merge cells and remove blank spaces in my DataGrid using proper loop

My title is still broad so i'll explain here further.
This is my current output using my code:
But I want to make it look like this..
As you can see on the pictures, i want to remove the blank spaces. Because if I selected MORE data, let's say I selected 7 more days, it will go DIAGONALLY not horizontally.
I think I have a problem regarding my loops. Hope you can help me trace because I've been stuck here for a week debugging. (nevermind my long query, i just want to post all my code. I've also added comments for easier debugging.)
Here's my code:
Private Sub LoadDateAndUser()
Dim SqlStr As String = ""
Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(DataSource.ConnectionString)
Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand(SqlStr, sqlConn)
Dim sqlAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlComm)
Dim o_Dataset As New DataSet()
SqlStr = " SELECT convert(varchar(10), A.TransDate, 101) as TransDate,ADMMED.TransNum, ADMMED.AdministeredDate, D.Dosage [Dosage], ISNULL(C.GenericName, ' ') + ' (' + IsNull(B.ItemName,'') + ' ' + IsNull(B.ItemDesc,'') + ')' [Medication], ADMMED.UserID" & _
" FROM INVENTORY..tbInvStockCard as A" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN INVENTORY..tbInvMaster as B On A.ItemID = B.ItemID " & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Inventory.dbo.tbForGeneric as C On B.GenericID = C.GenericID" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Station..tbNurse_AdministeredMedicines ADMMED on a.idnum= ADMMED.idnum " & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN build_file.dbo.tbCoDosage as D on A.DosageID = D.DosageID" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Station.dbo.tbNurseCommunicationFile as E on A.IdNum = E.IDnum and E.ReferenceNum = A.RefNum" & _
" WHERE A.IdNum = '" & Session.Item("IDNum") & "' and ( A.RevenueID = 'PH' or A.RevenueID = 'PC' ) " & _
" AND A.LocationID = '20' and Not IsNull(ADMMED.AdministeredDate, '') = ''" & _
" AND A.RefNum = ADMMED.ReferenceNum and ADMMED.ItemID = A.itemid" & _
" AND (B.ItemClassificationID = '1' or B.ItemClassificationID = '10' or B.ItemClassificationID = '11' or B.ItemClassificationID = '16' or B.ItemClassificationID = '2' or B.ItemClassificationID = '9')" & _
" order by TransDate desc,ADMMED.AdministeredDate desc"
sqlComm.CommandText = SqlStr
sqlAdapter.Fill(o_Dataset, "Table")
Dim o_Row As DataRow
Dim o_AdmDates As New Collection()
Dim s_FormattedLastAdmDate As String = ""
Dim s_FormattedAdmDate As String = ""
Dim o_DerivedTable As New DataTable()
With o_DerivedTable
End With
'Select all unformatted administered dates from the query
Dim o_UnformattedAdmDates As DataRow() = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Select("", "AdministeredDate Desc")
'Extract distinct administered dates and change its format
For Each o_Row In o_UnformattedAdmDates
s_FormattedAdmDate = Format(CDate(o_Row.Item("AdministeredDate")), KC_Date_Format) 'eg. Jan 01 15
If s_FormattedLastAdmDate <> s_FormattedAdmDate Then
s_FormattedLastAdmDate = s_FormattedAdmDate
o_AdmDates.Add(s_FormattedLastAdmDate) 'add all formatted dates in o_AdmDates
End If
'Add formatted administred dates to derived table
Dim o_Item As String
For Each o_Item In o_AdmDates
'Loop through the administred date
Dim o_NewRow As DataRow
Dim o_NextRow As DataRow
Dim i_Ctr As Integer
Dim x_isNewRow As Boolean = True
Dim i_MaxRec As Integer
i_MaxRec = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
For i_Ctr = 0 To i_MaxRec
o_Row = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i_Ctr)
If i_Ctr <> i_MaxRec Then
o_NextRow = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i_Ctr + 1)
End If
If x_isNewRow Then
o_NewRow = o_DerivedTable.NewRow()
End If
o_NewRow("TransDate") = o_Row("TransDate")
o_NewRow("Medication") = o_Row("Medication")
o_NewRow("Dosage") = o_Row("Dosage")
o_NewRow("TransNum") = o_Row("TransNum")
'Fill approriate result date column based on query
For Each o_Item In o_AdmDates
s_FormattedAdmDate = Format(CDate(o_Row.Item("AdministeredDate")), KC_Date_Format)
Dim AdmTim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(o_Row("AdministeredDate"))
If s_FormattedAdmDate = o_Item Then
o_NewRow(s_FormattedAdmDate) = AdmTim.ToString("hh:mm tt") + " - " + o_Row("UserID")
End If
If i_Ctr < i_MaxRec _
And Not o_NextRow Is Nothing _
And o_Row("TransDate") = o_NextRow("TransDate") _
And o_Row("Medication") = o_NextRow("Medication") _
And o_Row("Dosage") = o_NextRow("Dosage") _
And o_Row("AdministeredDate") = o_NextRow("AdministeredDate") Then
x_isNewRow = False
x_isNewRow = True
End If
'Bind derived table
dgSheet.DataSource = o_DerivedTable
If o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
GroupGridView(dgSheet.Items, 0, 3)
End If
End Sub
I think you must review your programming logic:
After that huge ugly SqlStr : you will have a DataSet, with a Table with all rows mixed !?
Let's try a pseudo-code:
I think is better to create in that DataSet, 2 Tables:<br>
**first** table with: id, DateOrder, Medication, Dosage <br>
and **second** table with: idDate, FirstTable.id, AdministeredDate
after that you know how many ADMMED.AdministeredDate.Count are, because you must know how manny columns you need to add
create a 3-rd table from iteration of first table, nested with second by ID.
Set as Datasource for DataGridView the Third DataTable.
So you have 2 datasets, and generate this one .. one to many ..
.. I have no time now, if you don't get the ideea .. forget it !