Phalcon keep a model persistant in all the controllers? - oop

my website application is mostly model around a User Model which has all the key data that needed for most of the times.
Once the user is logged into the website I would like to keep it as a persistent variable across all the controllers. How do i achieve this as i cannot use session to hold a class object of Type Model.
My application is based on phalcon. However any suggestions are welcome.

I suggest you to write a simple class for user authentication & other user data manipulation, i wrote this Component and using in my project :
use Phalcon\Mvc\User\Component;
class Auth extends Component {
public function login($credentials) {
if(!isset($credentials['email'],$credentials['password'])) {
return FALSE;
if($this->isAuthorized()) {
return true;
$user = Users::findFirstByEmail($credentials['email']);
if($user == false) {
//block user for seconds
return false;
if($this->security->checkHash($credentials['password'],$user->password) && $user->status == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function isAuthorized() {
return $this->session->has('auth');
public function logout() {
return true;
public function user($key = null) {
if(!$this->isAuthorized()) {
return null;
if(is_null($key)) {
return $this->session->get('auth');
} else {
$user = $this->session->get('auth');
return array_key_exists($key, $user) ? $user[$key] : null;
private function _saveSuccessLogin(Users $user){
$userLogin = new UserLogins();
$userLogin->user_id = $user->id;
$userLogin->ip = $this->request->getClientAddress();
$userLogin->user_agent = $this->request->getUserAgent();
$userLogin->dns = gethostbyaddr($userLogin->ip);
if(!$userLogin->save()) {
return false;
return true;
private function _setUserLoginSession(Users $user) {
if(!$user) {
return false;
'id' => $user->id,
'firstname' => $user->firstname,
'lastname' => $user->lastname,
'email' => $user->email,
'role_id' => $user->role_id
return true;
And in my services.php added into DI with this code :
$di->setShared('auth', function () {
return new Auth();
So when i want to get user info i use this :
Also you can add more functionality to this component & modify it.
I hope that's useful for You.

You can use memcached and save it as key => value:
userId => serialized User model


Property not found in \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|nul

Hello I use laravel 8 and backpack 4.1. I get an error: Property not found in \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|null, I have user_id in the table 'tenants'. Has somebody an idea, why the variable $ccu is null.
public static function getUser()
return Auth::guard('backpack')->user();
public function tenant(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Tenant::class);
vpublic function ccus(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Ccu::class);
public function users():hasMany
return $this->hasMany(User::class, 'user_id');
public function index()
if (backpack_user()->hasRole('admin')) {
$this->data['title'] = trans('backpack::base.dashboard');
$this->data['breadcrumbs'] = [
trans('backpack::crud.admin') => backpack_url('dashboard'),
trans('backpack::base.dashboard') => false,
return view('dashboard', $this->data);
} else {
$ccu = $user->tenant->ccus()->get();
$ccuDiagram = new CcuDiagram($ccu);
$dataForGauge = CcuDiagram::getData($ccu);
$service = Service::find(1);
return view('ccu', ["dataForGauge" => $dataForGauge, "service" => $service]);
public function tenant(): HasOne
return $this->hasOne(Tenant::Class);

How to login using sql password() function in laravel?

I want to login using the sql password() function in laravel. This is because the master database of employee table contains password in the format insert into tbl_name(' ') values (' ', password('abc'));
So I need to use this master table for login so can anyone suggest me as to how can this be possible?
public function login(Request $request) {
// dd($request->all());
'tgi' => $request->tgi,
'password' => $request->password
// $user = \DB::where('tgi', $request->tgi)->first();
$user = MasterLogin::where('tgi', $request->tgi)->first();
if($user->is_admin() == '1') {
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
elseif($user->is_admin() == '0'){
return redirect()->route('home');
elseif($user->is_admin() == '3'){
return redirect()->route('manager');
return redirect()->back();
public function validateCredentials(UserContract $user, array $credentials)
$plain = $credentials['password'];
return $this->hasher->check($plain, $user->getAuthPassword());
In validateCredentials i would like to know how can I pass the password here.
As of now I tried this as said:
public function login(Request $request) {
// dd($request->all());
'tgi' => $request->tgi,
'password' => sha1($request->password)
$user = User::select("SELECT * FROM emp_username_db WHERE tgi = $request->tgi AND password = sha1('$request->password')");
if (Hash::check(sha1($request->password), $user['password'])) {
// The passwords match...
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
return redirect()->back();
My code that I am working on
class LoginController extends Controller
public function login(Request $request) {
//$user = User::where('tgi', $request->tgi)->first();
$result = User::where('tgi',$request->tgi)->where('password',\DB::raw('password("$request->password")'))->exists();
if ($result) {
if($result->is_admin() == '1'){
// Authentication passed...
return redirect()->intended('dashboard');
}elseif($result->admin == '0'){
return redirect()->route('home');
elseif($result->admin == '3'){
return redirect()->route('manager');
return redirect()->back();
As SQL default password is hashed using SHA1 so we can compare user's password by using laravel raw query like this.
$result = User::where('tgi',$request->tgi)->where('password',\DB::raw('password("$request->password")'))->exists();
your code....
It's redirecting to dashboard but getting 302 found.

Moving from hard-coded to SOLID principles in PHP

I am actually reading theory about clean code and SOLID principles. I know understand well that we should program to an interface and not to an implementation.
So, I actually try to apply those principles to a little part of my code. I would like to have your advice or point of view so I can know if I am going in the good direction. I'll show you my previous code and my actual so you can visualize the evolution.
To start, i had a method in my controller to check some requirements for every step of an order process (4 steps that the user have to follow in the right order => 1 then 2 then 3 and then 4)
This is my old code :
private function isAuthorizedStep($stepNumber)
$isStepAccessAuthorized = TRUE;
switch($stepNumber) {
case self::ORDER_STEP_TWO: // ORDER_STEP_TWO = 2
if (!($_SESSION['actualOrderStep'] >= ORDER_STEP_ONE)) {
$isStepAccessAuthorized = FALSE;
case self::ORDER_STEP_THREE:
if (!($_SESSION['actualOrderStep'] >= ORDER_STEP_TWO)) {
$isStepAccessAuthorized = FALSE;
return $isStepAccessAuthorized;
public function orderStepTwo()
if ($this->isAuthorizedStep(self::ORDER_STEP_TWO) {
... // do some stuff
// after all the verifications:
$_SESSION['actualOrderStep'] = ORDER_STEP_TWO
Trying to fit to SOLID principles, I splited my code following this logic:
Extracting hard-coded logic from controllers to put it in classes (reusability)
Using Dependency Injection and abstraction
interface RuleInterface {
public function matches($int);
class StepAccessControl
protected $rules;
public function __construct(array $rules)
foreach($rules as $key => $rule) {
$this->addRule($key, $rule);
public isAccessGranted($actualOrderStep)
$isAccessGranted = TRUE;
foreach($this->rules as $rule) {
if (!$rule->matches($actualOrderStep) {
$isAccessGranted = FALSE;
return $isAccessGranted;
public function addRule($key, RuleInterface $rule)
$this->rules[$key] = $rule;
class OrderStepTwoRule implements RuleInterface
public function matches($actualStep)
$matches = TRUE;
if (!($actualStep >= 1)) {
$isStepAccessAuthorized = FALSE;
return $matches;
class StepAccessControlFactory
public function build($stepNumber)
if ($stepNumber == 1) {
} elseif ($stepNumber == 2) {
$orderStepTwoRule = new OrderStepTwoRule();
return new StepAcessControl($orderStepTwoRule);
and then in the controller :
public function stepTwoAction()
$stepAccessControlFactory = new StepAccessControlFactory();
$stepTwoAccessControl = $stepAccessControlFactory(2);
if (!$stepTwoAccessControl->isAccesGranted($_SESSION['actualOrderStep'])) {
return FALSE;
I would like to know if I get the spirit and if I am on the good way :)

Cakephp 3 and Authentication

Is there an easy way like in Cakephp 3 to work with roles
APP Controller
public function isAuthorized($user)
// Admin can access every action
if (isset($user['role']) && $user['role'] === 'admin') {
return true;
// Default deny
return false;
POSTS Contoller
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// All registered users can add posts
if ($this->action === 'edit') {
return true;
return parent::isAuthorized($user);
I know from that
Is doing it, but how can I add the user/admin ?
I have used ACL authentication in very simple way with isAuthorised() method. I hope it would be help you.
you can make have to define property
var $accessControllList = array();
Define private method
private function _checkAccessControll() {
if ($this->Auth->user('id')) {
if (!isset($this->accessControllList) || empty($this->accessControllList)) {
return true;
$action_name = $this->request->params['action'];
$user_role = $this->Auth->user('role');
if (isset($this->accessControllList['allowed']) && !empty($this->accessControllList['allowed']) && in_array($action_name, $this->accessControllList['allowed'])) {
return true;
} else if (isset($this->accessControllList['role_base'][$user_role]) && !empty($this->accessControllList['role_base'][$user_role]) && in_array($action_name, $this->accessControllList['role_base'][$user_role])) {
return true;
throw new \Cake\Network\Exception\ForbiddenException(__('You not have access for this page'));
return true;
in isAuthorized() add below line.
In any controller, you need to mapping your ACL with roles. For you PostsController.php file something as below
* List of all accessible Action from URL
* #var array
var $accessControllList = array(
'allowed' => array('view','index'), // allowed for any role.
'role_base' => array(
'administrator' => array('delete', 'approve'), //specially allowed for administrator only
'publisher' => array('view','create','index','replyComment'), // specially allowed for publisher only
'reader' => array('postComment','replyComment') // specially allowed for reader

NSubstitute multiple return sequence

I want to substitute object to return sequence of different objects.
For example:
var http = Substitute.For<IHttp>();
http.GetResponse(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(resourceString, resourceString2);
http.GetResponse(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(x => { throw new Exception(); });
will return resourceString then resourceString2 then exception.
Or something like this:
var http = Substitute.For<IHttp>();
http.GetResponse(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(resourceString, x => { throw new Exception(); }, resourceString2);
will return resourceString then exception then resourceString2.
How can I do that?
This is now a supported feature in NSubstitute with a very friendly interface.
It would be something like...
var http = Substitute.For<IHttp>();
x => resourceString,
x => resourceString2,
x => { throw new Exception(); }
Documentation can be found here
This answer is outdated — NSubstitute has direct support for this now. Please see #dangerdex's answer to this question for more information.
The multiple returns syntax in NSubstitute only supports values. To also throw exceptions you'll need to pass a function to Returns, and implement the required logic yourself (e.g. Returns(x => NextValue())).
There is a related example for Moq sequences on Haacked's blog using a queue. You can do a similar thing with NSubstitute (example code only, use at your own risk :)):
public interface IFoo { int Bar(); }
public void Example() {
var results = new Results<int>(1)
.Then(() => { throw new Exception("oops"); });
var sub = Substitute.For<IFoo>();
sub.Bar().Returns(x => results.Next());
Assert.AreEqual(1, sub.Bar());
Assert.AreEqual(2, sub.Bar());
Assert.AreEqual(3, sub.Bar());
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => sub.Bar());
public class Results<T> {
private readonly Queue<Func<T>> values = new Queue<Func<T>>();
public Results(T result) { values.Enqueue(() => result); }
public Results<T> Then(T value) { return Then(() => value); }
public Results<T> Then(Func<T> value) {
return this;
public T Next() { return values.Dequeue()(); }
Hope this helps.
Here's an example that does everything inline without an extra class. If you were doing this a lot I would probably go with the separate class option.
public void WhenSomethingHappens()
var something = Substitute.For<ISomething>();
int callCount = 0;
something.SomeCall().Returns(1, 2);
something.When(x => x.SomeCall()).Do(obj => { if (++callCount == 3) throw new Exception("Problem!"); });
Assert.AreEqual(1, something.SomeCall());
Assert.AreEqual(2, something.SomeCall());
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => something.SomeCall());
public interface ISomething
int SomeCall();
Another example with out parameter.
Moreover it is usueful for some scenarios when function is called periodically in separated thread. We can simulate/mock each call differently.
List<AnyClass> items = new List<AnyClass>();
mockIService.TryDoSth(out response).ReturnsForAnyArgs(p =>
p[0] = items;
return true;
p =>
p[0] = items;
return true;
}, p =>
throw new Exception("Problem!");
bool TryDoSth(out List result);