NSubstitute multiple return sequence - nsubstitute

I want to substitute object to return sequence of different objects.
For example:
var http = Substitute.For<IHttp>();
http.GetResponse(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(resourceString, resourceString2);
http.GetResponse(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(x => { throw new Exception(); });
will return resourceString then resourceString2 then exception.
Or something like this:
var http = Substitute.For<IHttp>();
http.GetResponse(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(resourceString, x => { throw new Exception(); }, resourceString2);
will return resourceString then exception then resourceString2.
How can I do that?

This is now a supported feature in NSubstitute with a very friendly interface.
It would be something like...
var http = Substitute.For<IHttp>();
x => resourceString,
x => resourceString2,
x => { throw new Exception(); }
Documentation can be found here

This answer is outdated — NSubstitute has direct support for this now. Please see #dangerdex's answer to this question for more information.
The multiple returns syntax in NSubstitute only supports values. To also throw exceptions you'll need to pass a function to Returns, and implement the required logic yourself (e.g. Returns(x => NextValue())).
There is a related example for Moq sequences on Haacked's blog using a queue. You can do a similar thing with NSubstitute (example code only, use at your own risk :)):
public interface IFoo { int Bar(); }
public void Example() {
var results = new Results<int>(1)
.Then(() => { throw new Exception("oops"); });
var sub = Substitute.For<IFoo>();
sub.Bar().Returns(x => results.Next());
Assert.AreEqual(1, sub.Bar());
Assert.AreEqual(2, sub.Bar());
Assert.AreEqual(3, sub.Bar());
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => sub.Bar());
public class Results<T> {
private readonly Queue<Func<T>> values = new Queue<Func<T>>();
public Results(T result) { values.Enqueue(() => result); }
public Results<T> Then(T value) { return Then(() => value); }
public Results<T> Then(Func<T> value) {
return this;
public T Next() { return values.Dequeue()(); }
Hope this helps.

Here's an example that does everything inline without an extra class. If you were doing this a lot I would probably go with the separate class option.
public void WhenSomethingHappens()
var something = Substitute.For<ISomething>();
int callCount = 0;
something.SomeCall().Returns(1, 2);
something.When(x => x.SomeCall()).Do(obj => { if (++callCount == 3) throw new Exception("Problem!"); });
Assert.AreEqual(1, something.SomeCall());
Assert.AreEqual(2, something.SomeCall());
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => something.SomeCall());
public interface ISomething
int SomeCall();

Another example with out parameter.
Moreover it is usueful for some scenarios when function is called periodically in separated thread. We can simulate/mock each call differently.
List<AnyClass> items = new List<AnyClass>();
mockIService.TryDoSth(out response).ReturnsForAnyArgs(p =>
p[0] = items;
return true;
p =>
p[0] = items;
return true;
}, p =>
throw new Exception("Problem!");
bool TryDoSth(out List result);


Xunit Unit Testing for Dot Net core application

I recently started learning Unit Testing and now have the requirement write unit tests using Xunit and Moq for dot net core application.
I can write some very basic but when it comes to write them for complex classes , I am kind of stuck.
Below is the class I will be writing tests for.
public class AgeCategoryRequestHandler : IInventoryRequestHandler<InventoryRequest, HandlerResult>
private readonly IRepositoryResolver _repositoryResolver;
Hotels.HBSI.Logging.ILogger logger;
public AgeCategoryRequestHandler(IRepositoryResolver repositoryResolver, Hotels.HBSI.Logging.ILogger iLogger)
_repositoryResolver = repositoryResolver;
logger = iLogger;
public async Task<HandlerResult> Run(InventoryRequest inventoryRequest)
var result = await ProcessRequest(inventoryRequest);
return CreateResponse(inventoryRequest, result);
private async Task<int> ProcessRequest(InventoryRequest inventoryRequest)
logger.Info("AgeCategory requesthandler processrequest start");
var repository = _repositoryResolver.ResolveEstabAgeCategory();
if (repository is not null)
return await repository.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories)
logger.Info("AgeCategory requesthandler processrequest complete");
return InernalError.reponotfound;
public HandlerResult CreateResponse(InventoryRequest inventoryRequest, int resultCount)
var requestCount = inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories.Count;
var handlerResult = new HandlerResult() { Id = RequestHandlerEnum.AgeCategrory.ToInt() };
if (requestCount > 0 && resultCount < requestCount)
handlerResult.IsSuccess = false;
handlerResult.ErrorCode = OTAErrorType.InvalidAgeCategory.ToInt();
else if (requestCount > 0 || requestCount == resultCount)
handlerResult.IsSuccess = true;
handlerResult.ErrorCode = 0;
return handlerResult;
Just to start , IRepositoryResolver and ILogger are in the constructor so I have created mock for these but unable to go beyond that as I am still in initial phase of learning.
Could someone explain me the steps/approach to accomplish this?.
Edit : What I have done so far is below ( can't figure out what are the things to be done and where to start or write )
Edit 2 : Did some more modifications to my test code , can someone comment if I am in right direction ? what else can I test ?
public class AgeCategoryRequestHandlerTest
private AgeCategoryRequestHandler _ageCategoryRequestHandler;
private readonly Mock<AgeCategoryRequestHandler> _ageCategory = new Mock<AgeCategoryRequestHandler>();
private readonly Mock<Hotels.HBSI.Logging.ILogger> _mockLogger = new Mock<Hotels.HBSI.Logging.ILogger>();
private readonly Mock<IRepositoryResolver> _mockRepositoryResolver = new Mock<IRepositoryResolver>();
public AgeCategoryRequestHandlerTest()
_ageCategoryRequestHandler = new AgeCategoryRequestHandler(_mockRepositoryResolver.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
public async void Testtt()
var fixture = new Fixture();
var inventory = fixture.Create<InventoryRequest>();
var hndlr = fixture.Create<HandlerResult>();
hndlr.ErrorCode = 0;
int resultCount = 3;
await _ageCategoryRequestHandler.Run(inventory);
HandlerResult response = _ageCategoryRequestHandler.CreateResponse(inventory, resultCount);
Assert.Equal(hndlr.ErrorCode, response.ErrorCode);
Tried running Chris B suggested code , was getting type conversion error EstabAgeCategories = new List<int>
Now I have used fixture for creating automatic objects and did some assert values. Below is the code sample
var fixture = new Fixture();
var inventoryRequest = fixture.Create<InventoryRequest>();
.Setup(x => x.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories))
.Setup(x => x.ResolveEstabAgeCategory())
// act
var result = await _ageCategoryRequestHandler.Run(inventoryRequest);
// assert
.Verify(x => x.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories), Times.Once);
Assert.True(result.Id == 6);
Assert.True(result.ErrorCode == 0);
From the unit test code you've posted, it looks like you are getting confused on what to test.
Look at your class and identify your "public" interface i.e. what methods can be called from other parts of your code. You should really only test public methods. Private methods are usually tested via public methods.
Looking at AgeCategoryRequestHandler, you have two public methods - Run and CreateResponse. I would question whether CreateResponse needs to be public but we'll leave it for now. For each of these methods, you want to be asserting that the returned value is what you expect given the input value.
private AgeCategoryRequestHandler _ageCategoryRequestHandler;
// Not needed
private readonly Mock<AgeCategoryRequestHandler> _ageCategory = new Mock<AgeCategoryRequestHandler>();
private readonly Mock<Hotels.HBSI.Logging.ILogger> _mockLogger = new Mock<Hotels.HBSI.Logging.ILogger>();
private readonly Mock<IRepositoryResolver> _mockRepositoryResolver = new Mock<IRepositoryResolver>();
public AgeCategoryRequestHandlerTest()
_ageCategoryRequestHandler = new AgeCategoryRequestHandler(_mockRepositoryResolver.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
The set up of the unit test is going the right way - you have created mocks for your dependencies but I see you have created a mock for the class you are trying to test - this is not needed and can be removed. You want to be testing the actual class itself which you are initializing in the constructor.
public async Task<HandlerResult> Run(InventoryRequest inventoryRequest)
var result = await ProcessRequest(inventoryRequest);
return CreateResponse(inventoryRequest, result);
private async Task<int> ProcessRequest(InventoryRequest inventoryRequest)
_logger.LogInformation("AgeCategory requesthandler processrequest start");
var repository = _repositoryResolver.ResolveEstabAgeCategory();
if (repository != null)
return await repository.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories).ConfigureAwait(false);
_logger.LogInformation("AgeCategory requesthandler processrequest complete");
return 0;
We can test the public Run method by looking at the method and seeing what it is going to do when executed. Firstly, it's going to call a private method ProcessRequest. Inside ProcessRequest, the IRepositoryResolver dependency is going to be used. This means we need to "set up" this dependency in our unit test to satisfy the if (repository != null) condition.
I assume the IRepositoryResolver returns another interface (?) - something like:
public interface IRepository
Task<int> InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(List<int> x);
So in your unit test, you need to create a mock for the repository being returned from IRepositoryResolver:
private readonly Mock<IRepository> _mockRepository = new Mock<IRepository>();
Then, you need to set up the mock IRepositoryResolver to return the mock repository above:
.Setup(x => x.ResolveEstabAgeCategory())
This is to satisfy the if (repository != null) condition.
.Setup(x => x.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories))
Next, you need to set up the InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail() method on the mock repository to return a value. This value is being returned by ProcessRequest() and then used to call CreateResponse(inventoryRequest, result) as the result parameter.
if (requestCount > 0 && resultCount < requestCount)
handlerResult.IsSuccess = false;
handlerResult.ErrorCode = (int)OTAErrorType.InvalidAgeCategory;
else if (requestCount > 0 || requestCount == resultCount)
handlerResult.IsSuccess = true;
handlerResult.ErrorCode = 0;
Now you can look at the CreateResponse method and by setting different values for inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories and setting up the mock _mockRepository.Setup(x => x.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories)).ReturnsAsync(6); to return different values, you can satisfy the different paths through the if statement.
CreateResponse is returning an instance of HandlerResult which in turn is being returned by Task<HandlerResult> Run. This is the returned object you want to make assertions on.
One of the unit test cases might look like this (I have not tested it myself):
public async Task GivenInventoryRequest_WhenRun_ThenHandlerResultReturned()
// arrange
var inventoryRequest = new InventoryRequest
EstabAgeCategories = new List<int>
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
.Setup(x => x.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories))
.Setup(x => x.ResolveEstabAgeCategory())
// act
var result = await _ageCategoryRequestHandler.Run(inventoryRequest);
// assert
.Verify(x => x.InsertUpdateEstabAgeCategoryDetail(inventoryRequest.EstabAgeCategories), Times.Once);
Assert.True(result.Id == 0);
Assert.True(result.ErrorCode == 0);

Exposing BLOC streams via fields, methods, or getter

I am using the BLOC pattern for my latest Flutter app and I started out using something like this for my output streams:
class MyBloc {
// Outputs
final Stream<List<Todo>> todos;
factory MyBloc(TodosInteractor interactor) {
final todosController = BehaviorSubject<List<Todo>>()
return MyBloc._(todosController);
but slowly I found myself doing something more like this, using a method (or getter) after awhile:
class MyBloc {
final TodosInteractor _interactor;
// Outputs
Stream<List<Todo>> todos(){
return _interactor.todos;
MyBloc(this._interactor) { }
For people who want to see... getter for todos in TodosInteractor:
Stream<List<Todo>> get todos {
return repository
.map((entities) => entities.map(Todo.fromEntity).toList());
When I look at the differing code, I see that the first example uses a field versus a method to expose the stream but I couldn't figure out why I would choose one over the other. It seems to me that creating another controller just to push through the stream is a little much... Is there a benefit to this other than being immutable in my todos stream definition? Or am I just splitting hairs?
Well maybe this will not be a best answer but it is a good practice expose your output stream using get methods. Below a example of a bloc class that i have written to a project using RxDart.
class CityListWidgetBloc {
final _cityInput = PublishSubject<List<Cidade>>();
final _searchInput = new PublishSubject<String>();
final _selectedItemsInput = new PublishSubject<List<Cidade>>();
// exposing stream using get methods
Observable<List<Cidade>> get allCities => _cityInput.stream;
Observable<List<Cidade>> get selectedItems => _selectedItemsInput.stream;
List<Cidade> _searchList = new List();
List<Cidade> _selectedItems = new List();
List<Cidade> _mainDataList;
CityListWidgetBloc() {
//init search stream
_searchInput.stream.listen((searchPattern) {
if (searchPattern.isEmpty) {
_onData(_mainDataList); // resend local data list
} else {
_mainDataList.forEach((city) {
if (city.nome.toLowerCase().contains(searchPattern.toLowerCase())) {
//getting data from firebase
getCity( {#required String key}) {
FirebaseStateCityHelper.getCitiesFrom(key, _onData);
//_lastKey = key;
searchFor(String pattern) {
void _onData(List<Cidade> list) {
_mainDataList = list;
list.sort((a, b) => (a.nome.compareTo(b.nome)));
bool isSelected(Cidade item) {
return _selectedItems.contains(item);
void selectItem(Cidade item) {
void selectItems(List<Cidade> items){
_selectedItems.addAll( items);
_selectedItemsInput.sink.add( _selectedItems );
void removeItem(Cidade item) {
dispose() {

Phalcon keep a model persistant in all the controllers?

my website application is mostly model around a User Model which has all the key data that needed for most of the times.
Once the user is logged into the website I would like to keep it as a persistent variable across all the controllers. How do i achieve this as i cannot use session to hold a class object of Type Model.
My application is based on phalcon. However any suggestions are welcome.
I suggest you to write a simple class for user authentication & other user data manipulation, i wrote this Component and using in my project :
use Phalcon\Mvc\User\Component;
class Auth extends Component {
public function login($credentials) {
if(!isset($credentials['email'],$credentials['password'])) {
return FALSE;
if($this->isAuthorized()) {
return true;
$user = Users::findFirstByEmail($credentials['email']);
if($user == false) {
//block user for seconds
return false;
if($this->security->checkHash($credentials['password'],$user->password) && $user->status == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function isAuthorized() {
return $this->session->has('auth');
public function logout() {
return true;
public function user($key = null) {
if(!$this->isAuthorized()) {
return null;
if(is_null($key)) {
return $this->session->get('auth');
} else {
$user = $this->session->get('auth');
return array_key_exists($key, $user) ? $user[$key] : null;
private function _saveSuccessLogin(Users $user){
$userLogin = new UserLogins();
$userLogin->user_id = $user->id;
$userLogin->ip = $this->request->getClientAddress();
$userLogin->user_agent = $this->request->getUserAgent();
$userLogin->dns = gethostbyaddr($userLogin->ip);
if(!$userLogin->save()) {
return false;
return true;
private function _setUserLoginSession(Users $user) {
if(!$user) {
return false;
'id' => $user->id,
'firstname' => $user->firstname,
'lastname' => $user->lastname,
'email' => $user->email,
'role_id' => $user->role_id
return true;
And in my services.php added into DI with this code :
$di->setShared('auth', function () {
return new Auth();
So when i want to get user info i use this :
Also you can add more functionality to this component & modify it.
I hope that's useful for You.
You can use memcached and save it as key => value:
userId => serialized User model

FluentValidation calling method with two parameters

I have the following FluentValidation code which I need to change so that the validation calls the IsUniqueCode function and also passes the currentID parameter which is the id of the Language object been validated.
public class LanguageValidator : AbstractValidator<Language>
public LanguageValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Code).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Language code is required").Length(0, 100);
RuleFor(x => x.Code).Must(IsUniqueCode).WithMessage("Language code provided already exists");
private bool IsUniqueCode(string code, int currentID)
var _db = new MyDbContext();
var language = _db.Languages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Code == code);
if (language== null) return true;
return (language.LanguageId != currentID);
This is so that the second time I save the object it doesn't fail the validation that the Language code provided already exists.
The above code doesn't compile because of
RuleFor(x => x.Code)
.WithMessage("Language code provided already exists");

Rhino Mocks: How do I mock a method call within a method call?

I have a really simple class with two methods; One that will be called and the other that it will call. The idea is to call the OuterMockMethod method BUT mock the InnerMockMethod. Right now I can only seem to mock the OuterMockMethod method.
public class MockClass : IMockInterface
public virtual MockClass InnerMockMethod()
MockClass returnValue;
returnValue = new MockClass();
returnValue.SomeMessage = "Not mocked";
return returnValue;
public virtual MockClass OuterMockMethod()
MockClass mock;
mock = new MockClass();
return mock.MockedMethod();
Now this works, but it isn't the method I want to mock:
public void MockTest_Internal()
MockClass returnedClass;
MockClass mockProvider;
mockProvider = repository.StrictMock<MockClass>();
mockProvider.Expect(item => item.OuterMockMethod())
.Return(new MockClass { SomeMessage = "Mocked" });
returnedClass = mockProvider.OuterMockMethod();
Assert.IsTrue(returnedClass.SomeMessage == "Mocked");
As you can see, it calls the OuterMockMethod which it likes but I don't want that. I want to mock the InnerMockMethod so that when it's called by the OuterMockMethod it will return what I want it to.
public void MockTest_Internal()
MockClass returnedClass;
MockClass mockProvider;
mockProvider = repository.StrictMock<MockClass>();
mockProvider.Expect(item => item.InnerMockMethod())
.Return(new MockClass { SomeMessage = "Mocked" });
returnedClass = mockProvider.OuterMockMethod(); //Boom angry Rhino
Assert.IsTrue(returnedClass.SomeMessage == "Mocked");
In this case you need to put the mock on the returned object:
MockClass returnedMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<MockClass>();
returnedMock.Expect( rm => rm.InnerMockMethod() )
.Return( new MockClass { SomeMessage = "Mocked" } );
mockProvider.Expect( mp => mp.OuterMockMethod() ).Return (returnedMock );
returnedClass = mockProvider.OuterMockMethod();
Note that StrictMock has been deprecated. The preferred pattern is now AAA (Arrange, Act, Assert). You can find more info here.