AVAudioPlayer - Sound Quality - xcode6

i made a djplayer for myself. everything works fine but the output-quality is very bad, if the rate of the avaudioplayer is not exactly 1.0 .
i already tried to change the sampleRate of my AVAudioSession. still the same.
the app is a skscene and i use the update method to set the avplayerrate on every frame, which i get from my jogwheel/turntable and/or from a fader.
this method works fine for me with the avaudioplayer except the quality.
so i tried to write the code for an avplayer, which gives me the quality i ned for this project but now when i touch the turntable or fader and change the rate, the sound completely disappears until the avplayer has processed the new rate.
can someone help me please?


UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront only works every other time

In my app I'm attempting to use the front camera by default in a UIImagePicker. I know, seems simple enough...
imagePicker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront;
Now, the first time I launch my picker everything works fine and the front camera is initialized, but when the picker is dismissed, and presented again the back camera is used. From there on out if I continuously open and close the picker the camera used will be: front, back, front, back, front, back...
I've stripped this code down to the bare basics of the picker attempting to isolate the problem and it persists. Has anyone run into this issue before? Any pointers or direction would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Problem solved! I was calling imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; in viewDidLoad instead of viewDidAppear!
The problem must be at how you try to initialize/present/dismiss your controller.
So, why this back and forth between cameras?
It seems that the underlying AVCaptureSession for some reason kept running after the dismiss of the controller. So the next time you presented it, it tried to add the input but it was bussy, so went to the next available (the rear camera), interrupted itself (thus freeing the previous one) and so on.

Sound does only work on Device but not in Simulator

I am playing some short sounds on my iPad like so: Play a short sound in iOS
I am using a caf file which I can successfully play from the Finder. Now I went through quite a bit of a hassle trying to achieve the playback of the sound and I am curious what might be the problems which I don't seem to understand:
Option 1: When I create the SystemSoundID and then play it right away I don't hear anything on the device and the simulator.
Option 2: When I create an instance variable for the SystemSoundID and initialize it in viewDidLoad I manage to play sound but only on the iPad, not the Simulator.
Option 3: Instead of using SystemSoundID I can also use AVAudioPlayer to playback a .wav file which then works on both the iPad and the Simulator but here I need to create the AVAudioPlayer in viewDidLoad otherwise I won't get any sound if I do everything in one go.
The best option currently seems to be Option 3 because it works on both the Simulator and the iPad, but because I need to pre-initialize the Player I would need an AVAudioPlayer instance for every different sound that I want to play, which does not seem to be very memory-wise...
Is there something that I am missing and is it possible to play sounds on both platforms using the AudioToolbox framework (Option 1 & Option 2)
I wrote a library to simplify all this. It wraps AVAudioPlayer, and works fine on both the device and simulator.
The code is fairly straightforward, although I do some semi-clever stuff to initialise the audio player. If you don't want to use the library you can just copy the code.
A word of warning though - the simulator throws some odd exceptions internally whenever you use AVAudioPlayer. They don't affect the app at all, but if you have enabled break-on-exceptions in Xcode then the app will drop into the debugger a few times during startup and you'll have to manually resume, which may freak you out if you're not expecting it.

AVQueuePlayer playing items simultaneously rather than in sequence

I am trying to put together a simple app to play a pre-roll video followed by some content video.
Currently, I'm trying to use the AVQueuePlayer class to get this done. Unfortunately, it seems to want to play the videos properly in sequence.
For example, the pre-roll plays by itself for a few seconds, then (prior to the pre-roll being complete) it starts to try and play the content video. For a few seconds, the player seems to be at war with itself and switches back and forth between the two videos (neither playing very well at all). Finally, when the pre-roll is finished, the content video then plays the rest of the way normally.
I've looked through the documentation for the AVQueuePlayer and I don't see anything obvious that I'm missing.
My code is pretty basic:
AVPlayerItem *preRollItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL: preRollUrl];
AVPlayerItem *contentItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL: contentUrl];
self.player = [AVQueuePlayer queuePlayerWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:preRollItem, contentItem, nil]];
[self.player play];
What is the trick to getting the videos to play in sequence.
Make sure you are actually testing on the device. From my experience the iOS5 simulator has big problems with AVQueuePlayer and does bizarre things.
I found the iOS4.3 simulator is doing a much better job when it comes to testing AVFoundation.

AVAudioPlayer and UIImagePickerController no more volume rocker

my problem is that I am using AVAudioPlayer to playback sound.
Everything fine till this point!
If I add a UIImagePickerController with sourceType UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera,
my volume rockers wont show up anymore.
Any idea?

MKMapView and setRegion:animated: not updating the map visuals

Greetings! I'm attempting to use MKMapView without any Apple code samples, though there are a few others out there of varying clarity. (I know, "Read the friendly manual." I've done that but it's not 100% clear, so please bear with me on this one.)
Here's the situation. I have a MKMapView object, wherein I have added a set of about ten MKPinAnnotation objects. So far, so good. Everything is alloced/released sanely and there doesn't appear to be any complaints from Instruments.
Upon initial display, I set up a MKCoordinateRegion object with the centerpoint at our first pin location, and a (arbitrary) span of 0.2 x 0.2. I then call:
[mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];
[mapView regionThatFits:region];
Wow! That worked well.
Meanwhile ... I also have a segmented control to allow for movement to each pin location. So as I tap through the list, the map animates to each new pin location with a new pair of calls to setRegion:animated: and regionThatFits: ... or at least that's the idea.
While the map does "travel" to the new pin location, the map itself doesn't update underneath. Instead, I see my pin on a gray/blank-map background ... until I nudge the map in any direction, however slightly. Then the map shows through! (If I'm only moving within a short distance of the previous pin location, I'll usually see whatever part of the map was already loaded.)
I suspect I'm doing something dumb here, but I haven't been able to figure out what, at least not from the MapKit docs. Perhaps I'm using the wrong calls? (Well, I do need to set the region at least once, yes? Moving that around doesn't seem to help though.) I have also tried using setCenterCoordinate:animated: - same problem.
I'm assuming nothing at this point (no pun intended). Just trying to find my way.
Clues welcome/appreciated!
UPDATE: Calling setRegion:animated: and regionThatFits: the first time, followed by setCenterCoordinate:animated: while traversing the list, has no effect. Interesting finding though: If I change animated to NO in both cases, the map updates!!! Only when it's set to YES. (Wha happen?! Is animated: broken? That can't be ... ???)
It turns out that the map update doesn't work when using the SIMULATOR. When I try setCenterCoordinate:animated: on the device, I do get the map update underneath.
Bottom line: I was trusting the simulator to match the device in terms of map updating behavior. Alas, I was mistaken! Lesson learned. "Don't let this happen to you." :)
You need to invoke the setRegion:animated: call in the Main thread context.
Just do something like:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateMyMap) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
-(void) updateMyMap {
[myMap setRegion:myRegion animated:YES];
and it should work in any case (animated or not), with the map updated underneath.
Hum strange. The map updates on my Mac even in the simulator. Maybe a network setting (proxy or whatever) that would prevent the map widget to download the tiles on the simulator ?
Even though this is an old topic I thought I'd ring in with my experience. It seems the map animation only fails on devices running iOS 3.1.x and the simulator running 3.1.x. My dev iPod touch with 3.1.3 fails to zoom if animation is on.