powerpivot average of an aggregate - powerpivot

I may be missing an obvious solution but I am looking for a way to take the average of a summed value. For example I have profit at an item# level where each item is on a bill as well and I want average of the bills profit.
Item# | Bill# | Profit
1 1 100
2 1 200
1 2 100
2 2 200
If I just take the avg of profit I get 150 but I want the avg of the bill total which would be 300. Is it possible to do this? I was thinking something like Calculate(Average(Profit),Bill# = Bill#) but that is always true?
Thanks in advance!

It's not totally clear how you intend to use your measure but there are some powerful iterative functions in PowerPivot that do this kind of thing. This formula iterates over each bill# and averages the sum of the profit:
= AVERAGEX(VALUES(tbl[bill#]), SUM(tbl[profit]))
The first argument simply creates a 'column' of the unique bill#s and the second is the summing the profit per bill#.
assuming your table is called tbl


SQL Query Totals

I'm trying to write a query that calculates the average profit per employee for several projects.
I have a table that has employee names, what project they are working on, and how much profit they bring to their specific project each day.
My first query gives 3 fields - The project name, the sum of all the profits the employees bring to the project, and the number of employees in the project.
My second query I am trying to display 2 fields - the project name and the average profit per employee that each project makes
SELECT SAYSquery.ProjectName, SUM(SAYSquery.Profit) AS SumOfProfit, Count(SAYSquery.[EmpFirstName]) AS NumberOfEmps
WHERE profit > 0
GROUP BY SAYSquery.ProjectName;
SELECT SAYSqueryNIPE.[ProjectName], SAYSqueryNIPE.[SumOfProfit]/[NumberOfEmps] AS total
GROUP BY SAYSqueryNIPE.[ProjectName], SAYSqueryNIPE.[SumOfProfit]/[NumberOfEmps];
Unfortunately, my second query is giving me the same average profit for every project and I'm not sure why. Any help would be much appreciated.
Query 1 reads:
**Employee Name | Sell Rate | Renumeration | Profit (Sell-Renumeration) | Project Name**
Query 2 reads:
**PROJECT NAME | SumofProfit | NumberofEmployees**
Project X | $1500 | 3 employees
Query 3 reads:
Project X | $500 (Average profit per employee)
The problem is in your first query where you count the number of employees. As written in the question, you are returning a count of rows, not employees who worked on the project. You need to use count distinct. I'd also recommend not counting on EmpFirstName. If you have more than one employee with the same first name, the query won't give you correct results. It would be better to use a unique employee identifier instead of their first name.
SELECT SAYSquery.ProjectName, SUM(SAYSquery.Profit) AS SumOfProfit,
Count(distinct SAYSquery.[EmpFirstName]) AS NumberOfEmps
WHERE profit > 0
GROUP BY SAYSquery.ProjectName
You could wrap the whole thing up into a single query instead of two or three, as described in your question.
SELECT SAYSquery.ProjectName, SUM(SAYSquery.Profit)/Count(distinct SAYSquery.[EmpFirstName]) AS AvgProfitPerEmployee
WHERE profit > 0
GROUP BY SAYSquery.ProjectName

sum not calculating correct no. of units in SQL command

I have the following SQL script(of which the result is displayed under the script). The issue I am having is that I need to add up the quantity on the invoice. The quantity works fine when all the products on the invoice are different. When there is a product that appears twice on the invoice, the result is incorrect. Any help appreciated.
The DISTINCT keyword acts on all columns you select.
A new product introduces a difference which makes it no longer distinct. Hence the extra row(s).
Where you had:
Order Product Total
1 Toaster $10
2 Chair $20
And another item is added to order 1:
Order Product Total
1 Toaster $99
1 Balloon $99 -- Yes that's a $89 balloon!
2 Chair $20
The new row (balloon) is distinct and isn't reduced into the previous row (toaster).
To make is distinct again, don't select the product name:
Order Total
1 $99
2 $20
Uniqueness kicks in and everyone's happy!
If you can remove the column from the select list that's "different", you should get the results you need.

Multiple entries with the same reference in a table with SQL

In a unique table, I have multiple lines with the same reference information (ID). For the same day, customers had drink and the Appreciation is either 1 (yes) or 0 (no).
ID DAY Drink Appreciation
1 1 Coffee 1
1 1 Tea 0
1 1 Soda 1
2 1 Coffee 1
2 1 Tea 1
3 1 Coffee 0
3 1 Tea 0
3 1 Iced Tea 1
I first tried to see who appreciated a certain drink, which is obviously very simple
Select ID, max(appreciation)
from table
where (day=1 and drink='coffee' and appreciation=1)
or (day=1 and drink='tea' and appreciation=1)
Since I am not even interested in the drink, I used max to remove duplicates and keep only the lane with the highest appreciation.
But what I want to do now is to see who in fact appreciated every drink they had. Again, I am not interested in every lane in the end, but only the ID and the appreciation. How can I modify my where to have it done on every single ID? Adding the ID in the condition is also not and option. I tried switching or for and, but it doesn't return any value. How could I do this?
This should do the trick:
FROM table
WHERE DRINK IN ('coffee','tea') -- or whatever else filter you want.
group by ID
HAVING MIN(appreciation) > 0
What it does is:
It looks for the minimum appreciation and see to it that that is bigger than 0 for all lines in the group. And the group is the ID, as defined in the group by clause.
as you can see i'm using the having clause, because you can't have aggregate functions in the where section.
Of course you can join other tables into the query as you like. Just be carefull not to add some unwanted filter by joining, which might reduce your dataset in this query.

Grouping dimension members using mdx query on the fly with aggregation

I am new to MDX and I just want to ask if it is possible in MDX query to make aggregations and groupings on the fly.
Here is the scenario, I have a dimension called "Department". And it has department code values e.g.
I also had a measure called "Sales".
What I need to do here is to make a Calculated Member that will get the Maximum "Sales" grouped per department based on the its first two digits. For example, consider the following output when browsing the cube using the Department dimension and Sales Measure
Department | Sales
1234 | 100
1257 | 200
1346 | 100
1390 | 400
Then I need to make an MDX query to produce an output something like below,
Department | Sales
12xx | 200
13xx | 400
You will notice that Maximum Sales based on the two digits of each department concatenated with "xx" string were the expected output.
Well determining the maximum is not a problem. with <name> as max(<something>) but you should reconsider the approach with the on the fly grouping.
I'm sure, that it is achievable, although I cannot provide a solution, but it will perform poorly. (I'm assuming that the digits of the department are not implemented as measure)
If you need this grouping more often you should add an additional dimension, or better a hierarchy to the department dimension.

How to tally and store votes for a web site?

I am using SQL Server 2005.
I have a site that people can vote on awesome motorcycles. Each time a user votes, there is one for the first bike and one vote against the second bike. Two votes are stored in the database. The vote table looks like this:
VoteID VoteDate BikeID Vote
1 2012-01-12 123 1
2 2012-01-12 125 0
3 2012-01-12 126 0
4 2012-01-12 129 1
I want to tally the votes for each bike quite frequently, say each hour. My idea is to store the tally as a percentage of contest won versus lost on the bike table as an attribute of the bike. So, if a bike won 10 contests and lost 20 contest, they would have a score (tally) of 33. I would tally up daily, weekly, and monthly scores.
BikeID BikeName DailyTally WeeklyTally MonthlyTally
1 Big Dog 5 10 50
2 Big Cat 3 15 40
3 Small Dog 9 8 0
4 Fish Face 19 21 0
Right now, there are about 500 votes per day being cast. We anticipate 2500 - 5000 per day in the next month or so.
What is the best way to tally the data and what is the best way to store it? Should the tallies be on their own table? Should a trigger be used to run a new tally each time a bike is voted on? Should a stored procedure be run hourly to get all tallies?
Any ideas would be very helpful!
Store your VoteDate as a datetime value instead of just date.
For your tallies, you can just make that a view and calculate it on the fly. This should be very simple to do using GROUP BY and DATEPART functions. If you need exact code for how to do this, please open a new question.
For that low volume of rows it doesn't make any sense to store aggregations in a table when you can just calculate them whenever you want to see them and get accurate and immediate results that are up-to-date.
I agree with #JNK try a view or just a normal stored proc to calculate the outputs on the fly. If you find it becomes too slow as your data grows I would investigate other routes then (like caching the data in another table etc). Probably worth keeping it simple to start with; you can always resuse the logic from the SP/VIEW later if you do want to setup a scheduled task.
Edit :
Removed the index view as per #Damien_The_Unbeliever comments its not deterministic and i'm stupid :)