SAP HANA Calculate percentage in a script calculation view - hana

I was wondering if there was a way to achieve this kind of aggregation :
In practice: using (I think) CE_AGGREGATION how is possible to create a percentage formula like the one in "calculated column"?
I try a lot of combination (CE_PROJECTION,CE_AGGREGATION, CE_CALC...) but no ones of them works.
This because it seems that the script do a kind of sum(A/b*100), but I would like to obtain sum(a)/sum(b)*100. In graphical mode is instead very simple!
Someone has an idea about how to reproduce that?

Really, don't bother using the CE_-functions anymore.
Use SQL instead.
This is not only much easier but also SAP HANA has more options to rewrite and optimize the statements internally.
This should then lead to more options for better performance.
Anyhow, to do calculations like that, there is the CE_CALC function, that you can use within a CE_PROJECTION function.
Again: stop using CE_-functions. SQL is King!


Pure SQL queries in Rails view?

I am asked to display some sort of data in my Rails App view with pure SQL query without help of ActiveRecord. This is done for the Application owner to be able to implement some third-party reporting tool (Pentaho or something).
I am bad in SQL and I am not really sure if that is even possible to do something similar. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If you must drop down to pure SQL, you can make life more pleasant by using 'find by sql':
bundy = MyModel.find_by_sql("SELECT as id, my_articles.title as title from my_models, my_articles WHERE foo = 3 AND ... ...")
or similar. This will give you familiar objects which you can access using dot notation as you'd expect. The elements in the SELECT clause are available, as long as you use 'as' with compound parameters to give them a handle:
puts bundy.title
To find out what all the results are for a row, you can use 'attributes':
Also you can construct your queries using ActiveRecord, then call 'to_sql' to give you the raw SQL you're using.
sql = MyModel.joins(:my_article).where(id: [1,2,3,4,5]).to_sql
for example.
Then you could call:
Better, though, may be to just use ActiveRecord, then pass the result of 'to_sql' into whatever the reporting tool is that you need to use with it. Then your code maintains its portability and maintainability.

Is avoiding SQL statements in programs a good idea?

I recently came across a program which is developed using sql statements in a table with a code for each statement. rather than having specific sql statements in the program itself.
So, rather than having code like this:
string query = "SELECT id, name from [Users]";
They use code like this: (simplified)
string firstQuery = "SELECT queryText from [Queries] where queryCode = 'SELECT_ALL_USERS'";
string userQuery = cmd.ExecuteQuery(firstQuery);//pretend this directly returns the result of the first query
The logic behind this as far as I've heard is that it makes the program easier to maintain as the developer is free to change the "user sql" without having to actually change the program.
However, this struck me as maybe a little counterproductive. Would this kind of code be considered a good idea?
EDIT: I'm not looking for suggestions like "use an ORM". Assume that sql queries are the only option.
In my opinion, this approach is ridiculous. There is value (maintainability, modularity) in separating as much SQL from the middle tier as possible, but to accomplish this end, I would recommend using stored procedures.
No i really dont think its a good idea to proceed further with design.
As a test or learning activity is a differetn part, but going foward with such implementations is definately not advisable.
1. We get complete modularity. The Real Business Schema can change at any time, and we do not need to modify the Running application to get the results from Different schema (Considering result Format dont change).
1. With this implementation we are firing 2 SQLs to Database each time when we want to execute 1. I/O call including DB calls are always performnace hit, and with this implementation we are doubling the performance which is definately not advisable.

how to update field names automatically after updating SQL

I am changing the command text for a data set inside the .rdl ffile:
I would like to know how can I update the resulting fields that are returned by the select statement:
I know that these fields must be automatically generated, so I was wondering if it's possible to update them right after editing the SQL code inline??
Usually when someone wants to have a look at the data in command text they are wanting it for reference to an end user(from what I have seen). You may want to amend it but ultimately with reporting your first goal should be: "What am I doing this for?" If your goal is dynamic creation at runtime then I would avoid this and offer a few other suggestions:
Procertize it. Making a stored procedure if you have the know how in SQL Server is a convenient and fast way to get what you want and you can optimize it if you know what you are doing with your SQL FU to get good results. The downside would be if you work with multiple environments you have to deploy your code for the TSQL as well as the RDL file.
Use an expression to build the dataset at runtime. In cases where I have been told that the query itself was not properly optimized by other developers they have mentioned doing this. I myself do not always see the advantage of doing this versus just having your predicate construction work well with good indexing on the source engine. Regardless you can build your dataset at runtime. It would be similar to hitting 'fx' next to the text and then putting in something like this(assuming you have a variable named #Start):
="Select thing
from table
Where >= " & Parameters!Start.Value
Again I have not really seen if this is really that much faster than:
Select thing
from table
Where >= #Start
But it is there if you just want to build it dynamically.
You can try to build your expression dynamically from parameters being PART of the select statement. SSRS is all about the 'expressions' and what you can do with them. Once you jump in and learn how they apply to everything you can go nuts so to speak on using them. A general rule though is the more of them you use and rely on the slower your reports will become.
I hope some of this may help, I would ask first is something dynamic due to a need to be event driven or is performance related.

How to create a function in CFML within some SQL queries?

I would like to create a function in CFML taking 3 parameters (a number and two dates). The function will then perform a few cfquery queries on these data like SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT...Any idea on how to code this function ? I'm a cfml newbie so be nice
What you're asking for is very basic and reviewing the documentation of cffunction should be enough to get you started:
Adobe docs have a section on how to write UDFs(User Defined Functions). Probably best to start there:

T-SQL Old style joins *= and =*

We have about 150 old style queries and views that use the *= and =* type ANSI92? join.
Does anybody know of a tool / method or script that could help with the conversion or do we have to just slog through all 150 of them.
Select PapersSent,
from tblMeetingNotes a,
tblPapersOptions b,
tblContactLog c
where a.CREF=#CREF and
Isnull(PapersSent,0)*=Value AND
This probably isn't what you were hoping to hear, but this type of tool doesn't exist. There are situations where an old style JOIN won't cleanly convert to the SQL-92 style, causing the query to give different results, or even requiring the query to be re-written.
Even if there were a tool to automatically convert the joins, you would still need to test every query to make sure that it converted how you wanted it to, creating probably just as much work as it would have been to do it by hand.
Erland Sommarskog has a good step-by-step process on how you would quickly convert the old style joins to SQL-92:
Before you convert, I would definitely see about setting up some kind of testing framework so you can compare the results.
This will be easiest if all these are views, or if you can get the output into tables.
At that point you can use things like EXCEPT to ensure that all rows match.
In the past, I've code generated table comparisons using stored procs which take the tables/views and generate the comparisons. Even including numeric/percentage thresholds for amount differences where one set has had awkward rounding problems - like banker's rounding (Teradata) or IEEE floating point-based rounding (WebFocus).
You could script the database and use search and replace to change the bulk of them and manually inspect the more difficult cases. Be sure to test all the queries thoroughly in case the output has changed, as mfredrickson pointed out.
To help with the search, although not strictly necessary if you script the database, download Redgate's SQL Search (it's free) to help you find all the instances. Even if you don't use it for this task it's handy to have.