epplus for generating excel using greater than and less than - epplus

I am using epplus for Excel. how can use greater than and less than
condition for showing debit and credit value with dr and cr.
if value is -123456 I want to show it like this: ₹1,23,456 DR
if value is 123456 I want to show it like this:₹1,23,456 CR
I'm using Style.Numberformat.Format = "₹ #,###.00" but it's showing results this way: -₹1,23,456. How can I make it to append cr and dr?

Do something like this:
Style.Numberformat.Format = "₹ #,###.00 \"CR\";₹ #,###.00 \"DR\""


Make an MS Access Report label visible based on data in the report's record source query

In MS Access, I have a report based on a query that presents a summary of a medical checkup. I would like labels for each test to be visible ONLY when those tests were performed. For example, if Glucose was performed on a patient, then the label "lblGlucose" should appear in the report, next to the result. The results currently are present in the report, the problem is when a test is not performed the label is always present. This gives the patient a feeling that the testing was not performed correctly.
To hide the labels I have tried the following approaches:
Private Sub Report_Load()
'1st approach: Lookup column [GLUCOSE] from query qrySummary if not null then set visible property of label lblGLUCOSE to True, else set property to False
IIF(IsNotNull(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary")),Me!lblGLUCOSE.Visible = True,Me!lblGLUCOSE.Visible = False)
'2nd approach: If value of field [GLUCOSE_RSLT] from table tblResults make textbox txtGlucose visible. FYI: Table tblResults is the table that holds all the results of all the test performed. The query qrySummary derives from this table.
Me!txtGlucose.Visible = Not IsNull([tblResults]![GLUCOSE_RSLT])
'3rd approach: Count column [GLUCOSE], from query qrySummary and if greater than 0 then label lblBHClbl visible
End Sub
I'm still coding the 3rd approach but I'm pretty much running out of ideas and getting nowhere. For first two approaches I get field or expression not found. I don't need for all approaches to work, just one, -in fact, I'm open to other ideas on how I can accomplish the above task.
Any help would be ENORMOUSLY appreciated! Thanks a million!
I'm sharing my DB structure for better understanding
The SQL statement for the summary report is:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo] Long;
SELECT TblClienteCorp.NombreEmpresa, TblClienteCorp.Direccion, tblChequeo.IDChequeo, tblChequeo.FechaMuestreo, tblChequeo.ChequeoPeriodico, qryCountGenero.*, tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.Genero, tblResultados.Aud_RSLT, tblResultados.Otos_RSLT, tblResultados.AV_RSLT, tblResultados.EKG_RSLT, tblResultados.FR_RSLT, tblResultados.TGP_RSLT, tblResultados.TGO_RSLT, tblResultados.CS_RSLT, tblResultados.ESP_RSLT, tblResultados.PB_RSLT, tblResultados.BHC_RSLT, tblResultados.Plaquetas_RSLT, tblResultados.EGO_RSLT, tblResultados.EGH_RSLT, tblResultados.VDRL_RSLT, tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT, tblResultados.Col_RSLT, tblResultados.EFEC_RSLT, tblResultados.PL_RSLT, tblResultados.Derm_RSLT, tblResultados.Isop_RSLT, tblResultados.BAAR_RSLT, tblResultados.ExFarin_RSLT, tblResultados.Lep_RSLT, tblResultados.Copro_RSLT, tblResultados.Osteo_RSLT, tblResultados.RX_RSLT, tblResultados.US_RSLT
FROM TblClienteCorp INNER JOIN ((tblChequeo INNER JOIN (tblEmpleadosClienteCorp INNER JOIN qryCountGenero ON tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDEmpleado = qryCountGenero.IDEmpleado) ON tblChequeo.IDChequeo = tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo) INNER JOIN tblResultados ON tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDEmpleado = tblResultados.IDEmpleados) ON TblClienteCorp.IDClienteCorp = tblChequeo.IDClienteCorp
WHERE (((tblChequeo.IDChequeo)=[Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo]));
Within the report that is one query per test, which is:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo] Long;
SELECT Count(tblResultados.IDEmpleados) AS CuentaDeIDEmpleados, tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT, tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo
FROM tblEmpleadosClienteCorp INNER JOIN tblResultados ON tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDEmpleado = tblResultados.IDEmpleados
GROUP BY tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT, tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo
HAVING (((tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT)="P") AND ((tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo)=[Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo]));
If qrySummary has multiple patient records, need WHERE CONDITION criteria:
Me.lblGlucose.Visible = Not IsNull(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary", "PatientID=" & Me!PatientID))
However, VBA is not necessary. Calculate in textbox (or in query and bind textbox to calculated field) and set control with transparent BorderStyle. Options:
show "None" text when no data:
=Nz(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary", "PatientID=" & Me!PatientID), "None").
instead of label, use a textbox with expression:
=IIf(IsNull(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary", "PatientID=" & Me!PatientID)), "", "Glucose")

Find changes made in PGSQL table using SQL in Excel VBA

Is it possible to create an SQL query to compare a field within a single table to see if a change has been made and if possible list the before and after?
I have the following SQL query written in Excel 2010 VBA, which connects to an Oracle PostGreSQL database
Dim au As String
au = "SELECT id, priority, flag, code " _
& "FROM hist WHERE ( aud_dt >= '18/05/2020' AND aud_dt <='18/05/2020' ) " _
Set rs = conn.Execute(au)
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=rs, Destination:=Range("A1"))
End With
Where fields include:
"priority" is the field that I'd like to check for changes which will
be a single number between 0-9
"code" is the record that has been
assigned the priority and is a mixture of numbers and letters up to 7
"flag" shows a 1 as the active record, and 2 as an edited
"id" refers to the user account
I'd ideally like to end up with something like: id | priority | flag | priority_old | flag_old | code
Which should show the before and after changes to the priority. If the record shows priority=3 and flag=2 and code=Ab12, there must also be record with a 1 flag, as that is now the active record. If it has the same priority number for the code I'm not interested in it as that just means something else was changed instead as I have not listed all the column fields.
If the active record now shows priority=4, flag=1 and code=Ab12, that would be exactly the record I need to see.
Consider a self-join query (possibly you need to adjust date filter in WHERE depending on when items change):
SELECT h1.id, h1.priority, h1.flag,
h2.priority AS priority_old, h2.flag AS flag_old, h1.code
FROM hist h1
LEFT JOIN hist h2
ON h1.code = h2.code
AND h1.priority <> h2.priority
AND h1.flag = 1
AND h2.flag <> 1
WHERE (aud_dt >= '2020-05-18' AND aud_dt <='2020-05-18')

Multiple entries in crystal reportviewer after adding a SQL expression field

I am using Visual Studio 2017 and I installed the latest crystal reportviewer (22)
What I want is to click a button and create a report from the customer that is selected in the datagridview and the addresses that are shown in the second datagridview.
I managed to do all that but the problem is that a few fields contain numbers which need to be converted to text. An SQL query I would use to do this would be like:
SELECT c.customer_nr, c.status, s.rename FROM CUSTOMERS c INNER JOIN SETUP s on s.id = c.status WHERE s.afk = 'STA'
In my SETUP database I have the columns ID,AFK and RENAME so if the status would be 1 it would convert to text: "ACTIVE", if status = 2 it would convert to "INACTIVE" for example.
I could do something with a formula field like this:
IF ({c.status} = 1) THEN "ACTIVE" ELSE
IF ({c.status}) = 2 THEN "INACTIVE"
but that is not good because i could add another status or change the name in the database etc.
So then I tried with an SQL expression field and I put something like this:
There must be something wrong because I get the correct conversion but there is only one address in the database but I get 7 pages all with the same address. There should only be one address like I get when I remove the SQL expression field. Where does it go wrong?
* EDIT *
I found the problem. When I create a new database that contains only unique id's then it works. In my original database I have multiple times the id's 1,2,3,4,5 but with different abbreviations in column AFK. Somehow the query looks for the id value and every time it finds this id no matter the AFK value it generates an entry for the address value.
Maybe in the future I will find out how this exactly works for now I have a workaround.
Create a new table for example CrRepSta and add the following entries:
The new query:
And by the way the statement "CrRepSta"."AFK" = 'STA' is not really needed.

Filter and Merge Dataset in Vb.Net

I am working on VS 2010 - Vb.Net, Having a syntax clarification on Filter & Merge DataSet
My dataset - ds has 23 tables. In which, i need to filter one Table with certain criteria.
tempDs.Merge(ds.Tables("p_tree_categories").Select( "GROUP_CODE <> 'PA.43.948'"))
On writing Merge Syntax,
I am able to see only selected table : p_tree_categories in the tempDs. We need the remaining 22 tables along with the filtered record of p_tree_categories.
How can i achieve this ?
It sounds like you only want the filtered rows of table p_tree_categories. This being the case, I would:
Generate a copy of the p_tree_categories which only contains the rows you are interested in.
Remove the existing p_tree_categories from tempDs.
Merge the copy into tempDs as p_tree_categories.
These steps could be implemented something like this:
Dim originalTable As DataTable = tempDs.Tables("p_tree_categories")
Dim filterView As DataView = New DataView(originalTable)
filterView.RowFilter = "GROUP_CODE <> 'PA.43.948'"
Dim filteredTable As DataTable = filterView.ToTable
filteredTable.TableName = "p_tree_categories"
' Remove old, add the new.

How do I get a field of a datatable when I know column name and a row ID, without looping?

How do I get a field of a datatable when I know column name and a row ID, without looping?
For instance; I want the “Total Sold” value when Region = City and Product = Legos. This is something I have struggled with for a long time, probably because I think in SQL so looping through everything all the time doesn’t always seem like the correct way to go. BUT if I just need to learn to think like a VB developer and always loop to get something out of a list or table, please let me know.
I have a series of asserts comparing two datatables, one that has one row with a named column for each cell (from XML produced by SSRS), and another datatable that has one row for each unique value in a region (produced from a SQL query).
Table from SQL (mockup dataset):
Region Prod Total Sold
City Legos 68
State Legos 90
Nat. Legos 200
City ToyB 20
State ToyB 30
Nat. ToyB 40
City ToyC 450
State ToyC 600
Nat. ToyC 900
Table from XML (dataset returned from SSRS):
City_Legos State_Legos Nat_Legos City_ToyB State_ToyB Nat_ToyB City_ToyC State_ToyC
68 90 200 20 30 40 450 600
The part of the assert statement that gets data from the XML based datatable is easy, because there is only one row (index 0), and I can just name the column I want:
Dim xmlRow As DataRow = xmlDatatable.Rows(0)
Assert.AreEqual(“my SQL cell goes here”, xmlRow.Field(Of Integer)(“City_Legos”))
And I can do one assert for each of the specified columns. Many of the columns won’t be tested, and they have specific names, so I can’t simply loop through the columns. So what do I put in “my SQL cell goes here” to return the Total Sold for City and Legos? Obviously in SQL it would be easy: SELECT TOP 1 Total_Sold WHERE Region = City and Prod = Legos.
I am currently looping through the SQL datatable and testing each cell for my criteria, but that logic gets huge because I have to wrap each like in If…Then, like this:
For Each m As DataRow In mySqlTable.Rows
If m.Field(Of String)("Prod") = "Legos" Then
If m.Field(Of String)("Region") = "City" Then
Assert.AreEqual(m.Field(Of Integer)("TotalSold"), xmlRow.Field(Of Integer)(“City_Legos”))
End If
If m.Field(Of String)("Region") = "State" Then
Assert.AreEqual(m.Field(Of Integer)("TotalSold"), xmlRow.Field(Of Integer)(“State_Legos”))
End If
If m.Field(Of String)("Region") = "Nat" Then
Assert.AreEqual(m.Field(Of Integer)("TotalSold"), xmlRow.Field(Of Integer)(“Nat_Legos”))
End If
End If
I’m hoping I can do something like a select or LINQ or Function?
Something like this would be nice:
Dim result as Integer = mySqlTable.Select.First(“Region = City and Prod = Legos“)
Assert.AreEqual(mySqlTable.Select.First(“Region = City and Prod = Legos“), xmlRow.Field(Of Integer)(“City_Legos”))
This is a unit test, so I will always know the column and field names returned by SSRS.
Getting the cell by Column name and row identifier has always been something I’ve struggled with, so hopefully I can finally get this solved.
You could use the Datatable Compute method. Replace (“my SQL cell goes here” with
CInt(mySqlTable.Compute("SUM([Total Sold])", "[Region] = 'City' and [Prod] = 'Legos'"))
This is assuming that the rows are unique and no null values.