Using voice recognition with latest pebble sdk? - voice-recognition

In the latest pebble time there is a mic implemented. This can be used to answer on messages coming from the phone by voice which will be transcribed and send back to the sender as an answer.
Is there a possibility to use the voice command/voice recognition in own pebble apps as well? I have found no info about that.
Thank you!

You can use the dictation API in applications.


Twilio programmable video notifications

I developed a solution to allow my users to get in touch through video calls.
However, for iOS I can't manage to trigger notifications (CallKeep for example) to warn a user that someone is trying to contact him.
Would you have solutions to propose to me because I can't find anything conclusive.
Check out the Twilio Video quick start application has a CallKit example. Please take a look at that and see what you can learn.

Voice call connection routing React-Native

I am trying to build an application which works this way: I as a user want to start a call with another user. The way I want the connection be made is by random. So it will connect to one of the many clients out there by random. Also when other clients try to make a call, it should connect to another random client and so on. I want those phone calls be made via application(such as WhatsApp) not as a phone call.
Now, the question is; is Twilio a good approach for this purpose?
If yes can you tell me which of their feature would fit my app the best?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I can answer that Twilio would be a good approach for you to do this within your own application. I'd recommend using Twilio Video to build this as it allows cross platform communication via audio or video (in your case, you may not need the video, but this will give you the best audio quality).
As an example, my colleague Dominik built a video roulette application. It is the case that the interface was built in JavaScript for the web, but the idea would be the same for a native app. The code for the server side part of the application should give some insight into how to connect random pairings.
It's also possible to integrate Twilio Video with CallKit and Connection Services so that you can make outbound calls to other devices that ring like a real incoming call.

Twilio: test speaker/microphone

Using Twilio, how can I create a JS widget that can listen to the microphone and output its sound through the speakers, as a loopback?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I don't believe you need Twilio for that. You can just use the getUserMedia API to capture a user's microphone and then play it back with an HTML5 <audio> tag.
I'd like to recommend you don't do this though. Whilst building video chats and testing with myself, the feedback is horrible and no-one wants to experience it!

UWP Send Image to Whatsapp

Currently, I had tried to develop an app that can send an image to Whatsapp but I saw a lot of solution only share Text only.
As I known Windows Phone 8.1/Windows 8.1 are using Data Transfer Manager.
May I ask about is that any ways to share an image to Whatsapp in UWP or Better solution?
Thank You.
If you want to use share contract for sending message to WhatsApp, then I can recommend you this example:
How to share an image
What about API, I have found only this article:
WhatsApp cofounder: Sorry developers, no API for you

Apple Push Notification - Can read all incoming messages like Pebble App?

Pebble App can read all incoming messages. I want make app that read all messages in push notification center without jailbreak. Is it possible?
Maybe it's a bit too late, but actually it's possible and Apple didn't help Pebble. The trick is "Message Access Protocol" supported by iPhone 4+
This is the technology used by in-car system, pebble and, recently, Notifyr.
No , It is Not Possible.
You can not read all Notifications.