React Native Android Release APK - react-native

I'm trying to run a release APK.
I download the bundle just fine, I create the signed APK via Android Studio, and I install it via adb install.
When I run the app, in log cat I see:
Got JS Exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected keyword 'const' Const declarations are not supported in strict mode
Got JS Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require.
I thought RN was transpiled via babel. What gives?

I had a similar problem.
Solved it by upgrading node to 4.2

I just tried this now.
In 'use strict' mode you can specify const properties. There is no impact in the release APK build.


React Native Keychain - Cannot read property 'getSupportedBiometryType' of null

I have followed the installation steps, but when I start the application on android I get an error saying: "Cannot read property 'getSupportedBiometryType' of null, please check the last image.
Run yarn add react-native-keychain - Only for React Native <= 0.59: $ react-native link react-native-keychain and check to verify the package was added. See manual installation below if you have issues with the react-native link.
Run pod install in iOS/directory to install iOS dependencies.
If you want to support FaceID, add an NSFaceIDUsageDescription entry in your Info.plist.
Re-build your Android and iOS projects.`
On iOS Everything works fine and the getSupportedBiometryType returns a string or null depending if the biometrics authentication is enabled.
On android on another hand, I get a Render Error: Cannot Read property 'getSupportedBiometryType' of null.
I also did the react-native link react-native-keychain command to try to fix the issue, but I had no luck.
Note: I also did the Manual Android install as described in the library installation guide.
Note: Everything works fine on iOS.
"react-native": "0.64.2"
"react-native-keychain": "^8.1.0"
Keychain library import
.getSupportedBiometryType() function call
Error Message on Android Device

Unable to debug react native with iOS simulator using VSCode, bundling with babel async error

I'm getting the below error when connecting to the packager from the expo app:
bundling failed: node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js: /Volumes/Tub/Work/TOYL/REACT_NATIVE/rn-complete-guide/babel.config.js: Error while loading config - You appear to be using a native ECMAScript module configuration file, which is only supported when running Babel asynchronously.
I'm new to react development, and want to use VSCode directly for debugging, not Chrome.

react-native bundling failed Invalid call error when using 3rd party library

I wrote a React app which used a 3rd party library and had no issues. I am now trying to write the equivalent app in React-Native (as a learning exercise) and I am running into an error as soon as I try and call an API in the 3rd party library.
I am on a windows machine and have react versions
"react": "16.9.0",
"react-native": "0.61.5",
The error I am seeing in the window showing the metro builder has
error: bundling failed: src\scripts\my3rdPartyLib.js: src\scripts\my3rdPartyLib.js:Invalid call at line 121:
require([something], function (....
In my Android emulator I am seeing
The development server returned response error code : 500
Note: It also fails if i have the library coming from node-modules as apposed to copying it into my "scripts" folder.
What I have tried
As per a thread on SO i uninstalled babel-preset-react-native and then installed it.
npm un -D babel-preset-react-native
npm i -D babel-preset-react-native#2.1.0
Afterwards I realised as I am on version 61 it uses "metro-react-native-babel-preset", my babel.config.js contains the following
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
Does anyone have an idea how I can get the use of the 3rd party library working in my react-native app?
After Googling, it is my understanding that React Native uses the metro bundler which doesn't seem to support dynamic require().
React Native: require() with Dynamic String?
Further investigation into the library that i am trying to use, i see that it is expecting to either be run in the browser or a Node environment. For ReactNative this is not the case, therefore I believe I can not use this library in my application.

development server return response code: 500 react native debugger mode fails

The exact error I get when I start the app is bundling failed:
Error: Unable to resolve module react-is from
Module does not exist in the module map
The strange this about this error is that it only occurs when if I add
inside the AndroidManifest.xml file. This is needed due to the upgrade to SDK28. If I build the app without
I am able to start and run the app normally, but the metro bundler does NOT run and I can't access the debugger.
Should I add react-is to my package.json or do I just use npm and install it locally?
Turns out that by installing react-is. Fixes the problem.

Error 400 when build:android setting keystore manually

We have an app previously built on phonegap and now migrated to React Native/Expo. We are trying to build the android .apk using the keystore we had before and we get the following error:
I know that the problem is not with my .keystore, since through expo fetch:android:keystore I’ve got the keystore generated by EXPO and it gives me the same error!
Using expo build:android works fine, but I can’t deploy since the fingerprints doesn’t match with the app I have already published.
Any ideas?
There was an issue with expo-cli 2.7.1 and it's fixed on 2.7.2. So just needed to update my cli version!