Why do I have to declare a property specified by a protocol in the header, and not the class extension (implementation) - objective-c

So I have a protocol, which requires a property to be declared:
#protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>
#property MyView *myView;
and an object who conforms to it:
#interface MyViewController : NSViewController <MyProtocol>
However, if I declare the property (specified in the protocol) inside of the implementation file (the class extension):
#interface MyViewController()
#property MyView *myView;
I get this error:
Illegal redeclaration of property in class extension
'MyViewController' (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary
must be 'readonly')
There appear to be two main SO threads that address this:
attribute must be readwrite while its primary must be read only
Can't declare another window
The first answer doesn't explain anything
The second answer says that you can actually circumvent this error by declaring the property inside of the header; and alas
#interface MyViewController : NSViewController <MyProtocol>
#property MyView *myView;
#interface MyViewController()
This builds with no errors.
I also know that when you declare a #property inside of a protocol, it doesn't automatically get synthesized.
So if I wanted to keep the #property declaration inside of the implementation, I would have to #synthesize it. And this also works.
So my question is, why does declaring the #property inside of the header vs the implementation file matter if the #property was initially declared inside of a protocol?
Without the protocol, I thought the only difference was making the #property public or private. But clearly there are other things that happen/don't happen if you declare a #property in the header vs the implementation file

Don't declare there property anywhere in your class. It's already declared in the protocol.
Don't put #property MyView *myView; in either the MyViewController.m or MyViewController.h files.
To fix the warning about "auto property synthesis", you simply add:
#synthesize myView = _myView;
to the MyViewController implementation or add explicit getter and setter methods as needed.


"property has a previous declaration" error in class extension: bug or feature?

In Objective-C you can generally re-declare a readonly property as readwrite in a class extension like this:
#interface PubliclyImmutablePrivatelyMutableClass : NSObject
#property (readonly, nonatomic) SomeStateEnum someState;
// In "PubliclyImmutablePrivatelyMutableClass+Private.h"
// or "PubliclyImmutablePrivatelyMutableClass.m"
#interface PubliclyImmutablePrivatelyMutableClass()
#property (readwrite, nonatomic) SomeStateEnum someState;
// In "PubliclyImmutablePrivatelyMutableClass.m"
#implementation PubliclyImmutablePrivatelyMutableClass #end
If, however, I introduce a property in a class extension as readonly and try to re-declare it as readwrite in a second one, Xcode 10’s Clang gives me a compiler error:
#interface ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty : NSObject
// any public API
// In "ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty+Private.h"
#interface ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty()
#property (readonly, nonatomic) SomePrivateStateEnum somePrivateState;
// In "ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty.m"
#interface ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty()
#property (readwrite, nonatomic) SomePrivateStateEnum somePrivateState; // error: property has a previous declaration
#implementation ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty
// other API
Now I wonder:
Is the compiler error a bug/regression in Clang or a deliberate feature?
If it’s a bug, is there another workaround than manually implementing the setter?
I believe that this is correct behavior from the compiler.
In the second example you are using two class continuation categories with the same name () to declare the same property on two occasions. It is effectively the same as declaring the same property name twice in the same extension.
Note that this differs from the first example, in which the property is declared first in the header and then re-declared in a single class continuation category named ().
If I am right, then the answer is to mark the '+private' class extension with a name like (Private) instead of ():
#interface ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty(Private)
And also if you have any implementation for the private extension:
#implementation ClassWithPrivateImmutableInternallyMutableProperty(Private)
I hope that helps!

Declare properties in .h interface or in an extension in .m file?

In Objective-C, is it best practice to:
Declare objects such as buttons in the .h and then synthesize in the .m
#interface SomeViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIButton *someButton;
#implementation SomeViewController
#synthesize someButton = _someButton;
or declare them as ivars in the .m
#interface SomeViewController ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIButton *someButton;
I notice that in a lot of Apple code, specifically their Breadcrumbs sample code, many of their properties are declared in the interface. Is there a difference between the two? I also noticed that when properties are declared in the #interface, they are automatically synthesized with an underscore prefix, making the someButton = _someButton synthesis useless.
First, as of Xcode 4.4 there is no longer a need to #synthesize(unless you change both the setter and getter method), either when the #property is declared in the #interface or #implementation.
If the #property is only accessed from within the class then declare the #property in a class extension in the .m file. This provides encapsulation and make it easy to see that the #property is not used from another class.
If the #property is used by other classes, by design, then define it in the #interface in the .h file.

Difference in setting up a class?

I may not have worded the question right, but I am not sure if what I am asking makes 100% so here goes:-)
In Xcode you can set a #class (name of class) above the #interface in the header file.
Is this the same as changing the the UIViewController in the name of the class? See code below:
So is this the same -
#class CoreDataClass;
#interface FlipsideViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>
//This file declares the UITableView
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITableView *mainTableView;
#property (nonatomic, retain) CoreDataClass *cdc;
As this:
#interface FlipsideViewController : CoreDataClass <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>
//This file declares the UITableView
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITableView *mainTableView;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
If this is not the same, how is it different and what are advantages to the different implementation?
The Difference is only really asked if they are similar:-)
#class is not used to create a class, but to forward declare another one. See this question for a good explanation.
They are not the same at all. The first case is a 'forward declaration' - you are telling the compiler that the class CoreDataClass exists, so that you can refer to it in your header file without actually importing the files that define it.
The second case, you are declaring that FlipsideViewController is a subclass of CoreDataClass, and inherits all its methods and instance variables.
They're not even related. The difference is that the superclass ("parent" class) of your view controller will be different (and this can lead to nice unrecognized selector errors...). Forward-declaring a class using the #class keyword is just a convenient way of referring to a class when one doesn't want to import a whole framework header hierarch just in order to refer to one class. I. e., if you don't need to know anyting about a class except that it exists, you can use this keyword. Be careful, however, if you maks heavy use of the class - in those cases, the class forward-declaration is not considered a good solution.
In first case when you use #class it's inform XCode that you will be using CoreDataClass somewhere and you will #import header for example in .m file, in second case you're inherit from CoreDataClass (you will get access to all public and protected properties)

Syntax for resolving incompatible property type on inherited delegate

Some code I inherited has an annoying warning. It declares a protocol and then uses that to specify the delegate
#protocol MyTextFieldDelegate;
#interface MyTextField: UITextField
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<MyTextFieldDelegate> delegate;
#protocol MyTextFieldDelegate <UITextFieldDelegate>
- (void)myTextFieldSomethingHappened:(MyTextField *)textField;
Classes which use myTextField implement the MyTextFieldDelegate and are called it with this code:
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(myTextFieldSomethingHappened:)])
[delegate myTextFieldSomethingHappened:self];
This works, but creates the (legitimate) warning: warning: property type 'id' is incompatible with type 'id' inherited from 'UITextField'
Here are the solutions I've come up with:
Remove the property. This works but I get the warning '-myTextFieldSomethingHappened:' not found in protocol(s)
Drop the protocol entirely. No warnings, but you also lose the semantic warnings if you forget to implement the protocol in the delegate.
Is there a way to define the delegate property such that the compiler is happy?
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<UITextFieldDelegate,MyTextFieldDelegate> delegate;
UITextField has also got property named delegate, but it has another type. Just rename your delegate property to something else.
Found the answer in UITableView.h.
The UIScrollView has property name delegate, and the UITableView has the same name property.
#protocol UITableViewDelegate<NSObject, UIScrollViewDelegate>
// Your code
The original problem is that there is no information about MyTextFieldDelegate's inheritance during declaration of delegate property. It's caused by forward declaration of protocol (#protocol MyTextFieldDelegate;).
I've faced the same problem but with protocol declaration in the other .h file. In my case solution was just to #import appropriate header.
In your case you just need to swap the order of declaration:
#class MyTextField;
#protocol MyTextFieldDelegate <UITextFieldDelegate>
- (void)myTextFieldSomethingHappened:(MyTextField *)textField;
#interface MyTextField : UITextField
#property (nonatomic, assign) id <MyTextFieldDelegate> delegate;

Does simply conforming to an Objective-C protocol do anything?

CocoaPlant defines a protocol CPCoreDataTraits, analogous to UITexInputTraits like so:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
#protocol CPCoreDataTraits <NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate>
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSFetchedResultsController *fetchedResultsController;
If I only want to synthesize the managedObjectContext property for one of my view controllers,
#implementation MyViewController
#synthesize managedObjectContext;
i.e., I don't want to synthesize the fetchedResultsController property or implement any of the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods, should I still conform to the CPCoreDataTraits protocol, like so?
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <CPCoreDataTraits>
I.e., as long as I don't synthesize the fetchedResultsController property or implement any of the NSFetechedResultsControllerDelegate methods, then will the end result be exactly as if I had just declared the managedObjectContext property normally, like so?
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
As you can see in the protocol declaration, the implementation by your class of the two properties is optional because these two properties have been declared under the #optional statement.
This means that any other class that will use any object conforming to this protocol, must check the effective implementation of an optional method or property before using it.
In the example, any class that wants to access the fetchedResultsController property has to check for the existence of the getter and/or setter methods, e.g. using the:
[myController respondsToSelector:#selector(fetchedResultsController)];
[myController respondsToSelector:#selector(setFetchedResultsController:)];
If the calling method doesn't do this preliminary check and your protocol implementation doesn't support any of these methods (because optional) then the app will raise an exception.
So your approach is correct, the only difference in the two examples is that if you don't use the notation than any call to conformsToProtocol: on your object will return NO.