Main menu placement in Intellij IDEA - intellij-idea

When I am using Intellj IDEA in Linux (with Gnome) I can't seem to find an option to move the main menu from the top of the screen inside the window that it belongs to; this is similar to the appearance that is present in the equivalent Windows version. Anyone has any idea on how to do that? Or is it not supported?
Seeing is everything so...
Ubuntu version:
Windows version:
Hopefully that will give you an idea of what I am trying to achieve.

What you are seeing is Global Menu Integration for Swing applications.
You can get normal menus be uninstalling it:
sudo apt-get --purge remove jayatana libjayatana libjayatanaag libjayatana-java libjayatanaag-java


Inellij Show intention actions stopped working in Flutter

After upgrade to MacOS Catalina (or maybe unrelated) show intent actions command stopped working in Flutter.
If I run some error - show intent action is working just fine.
If I just try to show intent actions for regular Widget - it isn't showing anything. In the past it was suggesting something like "Center Widget", "Add Widget", "Add Padding" and so on..
UPD: Updating to Android Studio 3.6 preview helped the problem (I didn't move any profiles). But still no idea what lead to the problem and how to fix on 3.5 stable.
Does visual studio code works fine with showing intent action?
Maybe you should run fluter doctor to find if there are any issues with the flutter installation.
Also you can find more details in the official wiki on Catalina Support:
Are IntelliJ plugins up to date? Especially flutter and dart? After reset all settings IntelliJ, reinstall plugins again its not flutter side problem, I think it’s IntelliJ problem
Try updating to Android Studio 3.6 (currently in RC1 Preview).
You might want to check the Keymap.
I found that in 3.6 with the default Keymap option-return worked but when I switched to Eclipse (macOs) Keymap, it stopped working again.
Search for "intention". When using the Eclipse (macOS) Keymap I found that the intentions command was not setup to use option-return so I added it and it works.
The solution is to download another Android Studio version (doesn't matter which) and install it. Helped two times.

Intelli-J won't start - Ubuntu

I cannot get Intelli-J Community Edition to start on Ubuntu 16.04LTS. I keep receiving the error:
Everything has changed
WARN: Python Community Edition not loaded: until build 181.SNAPSHOT < IC-182.4892.20
Everything has changed
And I do not know what that means. I have tried everything on the following thread: IntelliJ IDEA doesn't start on Ubuntu without any luck. After I did the following command, that was on the above thread:
wmname LG3D the Intelli-j window shows up, loads, and then disappears. In the top left hand corner, it says that it is running, but nothing happens when I click on either that or the icon on the launcher. No mention of it when I look at the processes running, either, even though it still appears in the corner. Can anyone help me with why this is happening? I can remember a time fairly recently when it wasn't -- I think it might be something related to an update?
I figured it out. I uninstalled the current version and deleted everything that I could find from the plugins directory and elsewhere pertaining to IntelliJ settings. (Ctrl + H to show hidden folders). Then I reinstalled Intellij with snaps, i.e. $sudo snap install intellij-idea-community --classic --edge for the community version (replace 'community' with 'ultimate' for the ultimate version). That seemed to do the trick. For more information see here:

gedit in LXDE: black bar

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with LXDE desktop environment.
When I use the normal Ubuntu desktop, everything is normal. When I'm using LXDE however, the bar with all opened files is black. You can see what I mean here:
I think I have found a solution that works. I changed the LXDE theme to Radiance using lxappearance. Gedit has no black bars now.
The problem seems to be related to the LXDE themes not being GTK 3 compatible. There is some advice which will work around the problem and relevant links to more details here:
Since this didn't have good answers here and I was having the same problem in XFCE. I asked a very similar question on AskUbuntu
The fix is as simple as choosing a different theme from the xfce4-appearance-settings dialog available from the main menu under "Settings" -> "Appearance". In LXDE the way to change themes is with the lxappearance command as codefx states in his answer.
The "Raleigh" and "Industrial" themes have this problem. Many others such as "Greybird", "Orion", and "Radiance" do not.
Here is the problem fixed running with the "Orion" theme:

How to take screen shot using Sikuli?

I need to use Sikuli for automation but I am unable to take screenshots. The problem is that when I click on "Take Screenshot" or "Create Region" the IDE gets hidden but selecting area option does not appear....
Make sure you are using Java 6 not 7. If you try to run both on the same computer, make sure to take a look in the system32 folder. Because Java 7 copies java.exe and javaw.exe there. You have to delete/rename them.
Better Solution: Uninstall Java 7 and install Java 6. ;)
Uninstall JDK, which ever version you have, I too faced the same problem, but after uninstalling JDK, it was working well

Setting up an Erlang development environment

I'm interested in looking at Erlang and want to follow the path of least resistance in getting up and running.
At present, I'm planning on installing Erlang R12B-3 and Erlide (Eclipse plugin). This is largely a Google-result-based decision. Initially this will be on a Windows XP system, though I am likely to reproduce the environment on Ubuntu shortly after.
Is there a significantly better choice? Even if it is tied to one platform.
Please share your experiences.
I highly recommend the Erlang mode shipped with the standard Erlang distribution. I've put together a "works out of the box" Emacs configuration which includes:
Syntax highlighting & context-sensitive indentation
Dynamic compilation with on-the-fly error highlighting
Integrated Erlang shell
And more....
You can browse my GitHub repo here:
I've only done a small bit of coding in Erlang but I found the most useful method was just to write the code in a text editor and have a terminal open ready to build my code as I need to (this was in Linux, but a similar idea would work in Windows, I'm sure).
Your question didn't mention it, but if you're looking for a good book on Erlang, try this one by O'Reilly.
You could also try NetBeans there's a very nice Erlang module available: ErlyBird
Install Erlang: sudo aptitude install erlang
Install a recent JDK: sudo aptitute install sun-java6-jdk
Download and install (the smallest) NetBeans edition (e.g. the PHP one):
download the erlang module ErlyBird:
manually install the modules via NetBeans
ErlyBird features:
syntax checking
syntax highlighting
pretty formatter
occurrences mark
brace matching
code folding
function navigator
go to declaration
project management
Erlang shell console
I'm using Erlang in a few production systems personally as well at the office. For client side testing, documentation and development I use a MacBook Pro as the OS/platform and TextMate with the Erlang bundle as an editor.
For sever side development and deployment we use RHEL 4.x/5.x in production and for editing I use VIM. Personally, I've got 4 machines (slices on running Debian using Erlang for a few websites and jobs.
I try to go with the smallest 'engineering environment possible', usually the one with the fewest dependencies from apt or yum.
To add to the Emacs suggestions, I would also recommend that you look at the advantages of distel when running the Emacs erlang-mode.
I've seen answers suggesting TextMate here, so I wanted to add another good Mac OSX tool:
ErlangXCode plugin to XCode.
I've been using this since I started with Erlang and really do like it.
The download link on his blog is broken, here's the real download:
You could also try a virtual server on demand service like this one from CohesiveFT
Select the components you want (e.g. erlangrb12 + yaws + MySQL + erlyweb) and it will build a vm image for you to download or to put onto ec2.
Rolling you own locally is quite straightforward too if you follow the instructions in the pragmatic programmers book Programming Erlang
Just a quick note:
The Erlang "compiling" process described in Ciaran's post (described for Ubuntu 6.10 btw) can be easily skipped using apt command in any Debian based distro:
apt-get install erlang
Do not forget to install these packages if you see it fit:
erlang-doc-html - Erlang HTML document pages
erlang-examples - Some application examples
erlang-manpages - Erlang MAN pages
erlang-mode - editing mode for Emacs
Good Luck!
I like Justin's suggestion, but I'll add to it: this solution is great for learning a language. If you don't rely on something like code-completion, then it forces you to learn the language better. (If you are working with something with a huge API, like Java or Cocoa, then you'll want the code completion, however!)
It's also language-agnostic, and in the case of an interpreted language, particularly one that has an interactive interpreter, you'll probably spend just as much time in the shell/interpreter typing in commands. Even in a large-ish python project, I still work in an editor and 4 or 5 terminal windows.
So, the trick is more about getting an editor which works for you. I'm not about to suggest one, as that's heading towards evangelism!
I just use Scite. Type something and press f5 to see the results.
Just wrote a guide on this on my blog, heres the abridged version:
Part 1: Download what needs to be downloaded.
Download and install the Erlang run-time.
Download and install TextPad.
Download a .syn file for Erlang and place it in the system folder of TextPad. For me, this folder was C:\Program Files\TextPad 5\system. I'm not quite sure who did this syn file (the site is in another language), but they did a good enough job.
Part 2: Set up syntax highlighting.
Open up TextPad. Ensure no files are opened. Go to the 'Configure' menu, and select 'Preferences'. In the preferences window, click 'Document Classes'. There should be a list of currently recognized languages. Click the 'New' button (it is right under the list of languages), and type 'Erlang'. Click apply.
Click the '+' button next to 'Document Classes'. This should expand the list, and Erlang should now be on it. Click Erlang. You should see a list of file extensions associated with Erlang, click 'New', and type '*.erl'.
Now click the '+' button next to 'Erlang' on the left. This should expand a list of several more menus. Click on 'Syntax'. Click the drop down menu and select erlang.syn. If erlang.syn is not there, then the .syn file was not properly placed.
Feel free to edit some other syntax options to customize TextPad to your liking.
Part 3: Compiling from TextPad.
Note: as of 12/05/08 there are severe problems with compiling in textpad. The Erlang shell somehow ignores new compilation when it is done in text pad. This is only useful for checking for errors, when you want to actually run the code, compile it in the Erlang Shell.
In the preferences menu again, click 'tools' on the left.
Click the 'Add' button and select 'Program...'. Navigate to the erl5.6.5\erts-5.6.5\bin\ folder and select erlc.exe. Select and single click the new entry in the list to rename it. Click 'Apply'.
Now click the '+' button next to Tools on the left. Select erlc, or whatever you have named the new tool (I named mine 'Compile Erlang'). The parameters field needs to read '$File', and the initial folder field should read '$FileDir'.
I have had good success with Erlide.
If you use Vim I recommend you Vimerl (
Syntax highlighting
Code indenting
Code folding
Code omni completion
Syntax checking with quickfix support
Code skeletons for the OTP behaviours
Uses configuration from Rebar
Pathogen compatible (
From what i've tried (and are still up to do), a good addition to an erlang dev. environment would be a virtual machine running ubuntu/yaws/erlang. Perhaps Erlyweb (erlang/yaws framework) would be nice checking out too.
Ciaran's posts (this would be the first of his "series") about his erlang install is nice, as he details the steps in setting up the server (and other stuff like xmpp with jabberlang).
Since you're switching to Ubuntu eventually anyways, I highly recommend using erlang-mode for emacs (which comes bundled with the Erlang distribution). It is officially what all the core developers use and what many other developers use because of the many features it offers you.
Installing the Erlang distribution itself should be simple :)