What is the difference between next-buff-tab & next-window-tab in SlickEdit - slickedit

[update July 2016] This no longer applies, next-window-tab does not
exist in newwer versions such as SlickEdit 2014 v19.0.1.1.
Slick edit has two related commands, next-buff-tab & next-window-tab. (These can be executed by pressing Esc and entering at the command line, or by binding keys to them in options.) Is there a difference between them, and if so, what is it?

What version of slicked are you using?
next-window-tab isn't available for me in 2014 slick edit and I don't see that in the later documentation I was able to find. The closest match is next-window, which actually behaves like "Previous Tab" like command. The next-buf-tab circulates on the active group tabs. If you have multiple groups in multiple windows, the next-buf-tab, will not circulate through those other groups.
All that said, next-window seems to behave in way that I don't expect it to.


Getting ideavimrc shortcuts to work in visual mode with multiple lines selected

I'm editing my .ideavimrc to emulate spacemacs-like key bindings in IdeaVim. This is working well for the most part, but when I try to apply this to a multi-line selection it just applies the action to the last line.
Minimal example:
let mapleader = " "
nmap <leader>cl :action CommentByLineComment<CR>
vmap <leader>cl :<Backspace><Backspace><Backspace><Backspace><Backspace>action CommentByLineComment<CR>
When I comment one line in insert mode it works great, but when I select several lines it just applies the comment to the last line. I assume it's losing the selection along the way, is there any way to get this to work?
That action isn't implemented by ideaVim, and is (I assume) unlikely to be implemented since IntelliJ already has this functionality.
Open "Preferences", select "Keymap" and search for "Comment with Line Comment", and set the hotkey to whatever you want. Admittedly, you'll have to use another keybind than <leader>cl, but this does work with multiple lines selected in visual mode.
If you require a vim solution, you'll have to vote for it on youtrack, as the commenter suggested.

Sqldeveloper adds spaces between schema and object

The latest version of Sqldeveloper (18.3) seems to break autoformatting.
sample query
select * from hr.whatever;
in 18.2, the query would format to
select *
from hr.whatever;
now, sqldeveloper 18.3 (using the same settings) is formatting this to
select *
from hr . whatever ;
the spaces between schema and object are annoying - and I found no way of switching this off.
I tried to copy the default "custom formatting" from 18.2 to 18.3, however this does not help.
My formatting options:
Hope someone is able to point me to the proper formatting option to disable this.
This is a bug.
Happens when you upgrade to 18.3 AND if you -
If a customer has ever visited the Custom Format Page, and hit OK (not
Cancel) when leaving it (even though he never touch the Arbori code),
then the new Arbori program would be saved (with all the
Consequences being what you see.
To get the formatter working as expected again, hit this button.
This bug has been fixed for version 18.4, due later this year.

Scripts connected to an Image in EggPlant

I have LoginButton.png that is being used across the whole suite in different scripts. I want to edit the name or move it to a new folder, without breaking all the scripts. So is there a way to list all the scripts that are using this image or to refactor the name/path across the whole suite?
Find option (Edit>Find) it's the closest to what I want, but it only looks at the open script, not the whole suite, and replaces anything with similar naming convention eg: Find "LoginButton" and replace with "NewButton", if you have "LoginButton", "LoginButton1", "LoginButton2" after the replace you will end up with "NewButton", "NewButton1", "NewButton2", and i just want to change "LoginButton" not "LoginButton1" and "LoginButton2".
Unfortunately, you've found the closest solution. One of Eggplant's major drawbacks is that you're locked into a single, (rather feature-less) IDE. If you're having issues matching other words with your search query, you can try including spaces, i.e. " LoginButton ", on the outside of the word.

Formatting output so that Intellij Idea shows diffs for two texts

I would like to be able to print in the logs a message for which intellij idea would present a nice way of comparing two objects (strings). This happens automatically for the error message logged by a failed junit assert:
assertEquals("some\nString", "another\nString");
org.junit.ComparisonFailure: <Click to see difference>
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:123)
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:145)
at com.something.DummyTest.testDummy(DummyTest.java:89)
The <Click to see difference> entry is actually displayed as a link in the output window of the Intellij Idea. When you click on the link, a compare window opens which shows the two values (just like you would compare two files).
Simply throwing an exception is not acceptable because I would like to log multiple objects to compare. I already tried logging a text, but I wasn't able to convince idea to compare the two texts.
IntelliJ IDEA is using the hardcoded regular expression. If the text matches the pattern, it will suggest to click to view the difference.
The pattern is:
expected:<bla-blah> but was:<blah-blah-blah>
Output should match the format of assertEquals or assertThat.
The exact patterns are somewhat scattered around the code in IDEA, but some are e.g. here.
I had the same Problem and found the solution in https://github.com/joel-costigliola/assertj-core/issues/1364#issuecomment-440800958
You should throw an org.junit.ComparisonFailure. Then IntelliJ will display the <Click to see difference>

Drupal Views - Custom / Modded SQL

I am having an issue with the "Profile Checkboxes" module which stores custom profile fields comma separated.
The issue is if I create a view to filter by a value. The SQL result ends up being something like this:
...AND (profile_values_profile_interests.value in ('Business and Investment'))...
Which will not return any data since the value is stored like this:
"Business and Investment, Case Law, Labor Law, Tax Law"
I just need to adjust the SQL so that it is making sure the field contains the selected value
Is there anything I can do to adjust this?
For a 'quick hack' solution, you could try implementing hook_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) in a custom module, check $view->name (and eventually also $view->current_display) to ensure you are dealing with the right view/display, and then manipulate $query as needed.
EDIT: Looks like the underlying problem has been addressed by the module maintainer in the meantime - see John's answer ...
I'm the creator and maintainer of Profile Checkboxes and thought you might be interested to know that the new version of the module now stores the values as serialized and includes Views support. The feature is available in the current release version.
Check out the Views modify query module.